# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright © 2012 ShepHertz Technologies Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- require 'connection/RESTConnection.rb' require 'App42ResponseBuilder.rb' require 'util/util.rb' require 'json' module App42 module Session # # # SessionResponseBuilder class converts the JSON response retrieved from the # server to the value object i.e Session # # class SessionResponseBuilder < App42ResponseBuilder # # Converts the response in JSON format to the value object i.e Session # # @param json # - response in JSON format # # @return Session object filled with json data # # def buildSessionResponse(json) sessionObj = Session.new attributeList = Array.new() sessionObj.attributeList = attributeList sessionObj.strResponse = json jsonObj = JSON.parse(json) jsonObjApp42 = jsonObj.fetch("app42") jsonObjResponse = jsonObjApp42.fetch("response") sessionObj.isResponseSuccess=(jsonObjResponse.fetch("success")) jsonObjSession = jsonObjResponse.fetch("session") buildObjectFromJSONTree(sessionObj,jsonObjSession) if jsonObjSession.has_key?("attributes") == false return sessionObj end jsonObjAttributes = jsonObjSession.fetch("attributes") if jsonObjAttributes.has_key?("attribute") == false return sessionObj end if jsonObjAttributes["attribute"].instance_of?(Hash) # Only One attribute is there jsonObjAttribute = jsonObjAttributes.fetch("attribute") attribute = App42::Session::Attribute.new(sessionObj) buildObjectFromJSONTree(attribute,jsonObjAttribute) else jsonObjAttributeArray = jsonObjAttributes.fetch("attribute") jsonObjAttributeArray.length.times do |i| # Get Individual Attribute Node and set it into Object jsonObjAttribute = jsonObjAttributeArray[i] attribute = App42::Session::Attribute.new(sessionObj) buildObjectFromJSONTree(attribute,jsonObjAttribute) end end return sessionObj end end end end