RailsExceptionHandler.configure do |config| # config.environments = [:development, :test, :production] # Defaults to [:production] # config.fallback_layout = 'home' # Defaults to 'application' # config.after_initialize do # # This block will be called after the initialization is done. # # Usefull for interaction with authentication mechanisms, which should # # only happen when the exception handler is enabled. # end # config.filters = [ # No filters are enabled by default # :all_404s, # :no_referer_404s, # :anon_404s, # {:user_agent_regxp => /\b(ApptusBot|TurnitinBot|DotBot|SiteBot)\b/i}, # {:target_url_regxp => /\.php/i} # ] # !!! IMPORTANT !!! # You must remove public/500.html and public/404.html for these to have any effect config.responses = { :default => "
Internal server error
", :not_found => "Page not found
" } config.response_mapping = { # All errors are mapped to the :default response unless overridden here 'ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound' => :not_found, 'ActionController::RoutingError' => :not_found, 'AbstractController::ActionNotFound' => :not_found } config.storage_strategies = [:active_record] # Available options: [:active_record, :rails_log, :remote_url => {:target => 'http://example.com'}] config.store_request_info do |storage,request| storage[:target_url] = request.url storage[:referer_url] = request.referer storage[:params] = request.params.inspect storage[:user_agent] = request.user_agent end config.store_exception_info do |storage,exeception| storage[:class_name] = exception.class.to_s storage[:message] = exception.to_s storage[:trace] = exception.backtrace.join("\n") end config.store_environment_info do |storage,env| storage[:doc_root] = env['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] end config.store_global_info do |storage| storage[:app_name] = Rails.application.class.parent_name storage[:created_at] = Time.now end # config.store_user_info = {:method => :current_user, :field => :login} # Helper method for easier access to current_user end