# WARNING ABOUT GENERATED CODE # # This file is generated. See the contributing guide for more information: # https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md # # WARNING ABOUT GENERATED CODE require 'seahorse/client/plugins/content_length.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/credentials_configuration.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/logging.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/param_converter.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/param_validator.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/user_agent.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/helpful_socket_errors.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/retry_errors.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/global_configuration.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/regional_endpoint.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/response_paging.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/stub_responses.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/idempotency_token.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/jsonvalue_converter.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/client_metrics_plugin.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/client_metrics_send_plugin.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/signature_v4.rb' require 'aws-sdk-core/plugins/protocols/json_rpc.rb' Aws::Plugins::GlobalConfiguration.add_identifier(:comprehend) module Aws::Comprehend class Client < Seahorse::Client::Base include Aws::ClientStubs @identifier = :comprehend set_api(ClientApi::API) add_plugin(Seahorse::Client::Plugins::ContentLength) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::CredentialsConfiguration) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::Logging) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::ParamConverter) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::ParamValidator) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::UserAgent) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::HelpfulSocketErrors) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::RetryErrors) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::GlobalConfiguration) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::RegionalEndpoint) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::ResponsePaging) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::StubResponses) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::IdempotencyToken) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::JsonvalueConverter) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::ClientMetricsPlugin) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::ClientMetricsSendPlugin) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::SignatureV4) add_plugin(Aws::Plugins::Protocols::JsonRpc) # @overload initialize(options) # @param [Hash] options # @option options [required, Aws::CredentialProvider] :credentials # Your AWS credentials. This can be an instance of any one of the # following classes: # # * `Aws::Credentials` - Used for configuring static, non-refreshing # credentials. # # * `Aws::InstanceProfileCredentials` - Used for loading credentials # from an EC2 IMDS on an EC2 instance. # # * `Aws::SharedCredentials` - Used for loading credentials from a # shared file, such as `~/.aws/config`. # # * `Aws::AssumeRoleCredentials` - Used when you need to assume a role. # # When `:credentials` are not configured directly, the following # locations will be searched for credentials: # # * `Aws.config[:credentials]` # * The `:access_key_id`, `:secret_access_key`, and `:session_token` options. # * ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] # * `~/.aws/credentials` # * `~/.aws/config` # * EC2 IMDS instance profile - When used by default, the timeouts are # very aggressive. Construct and pass an instance of # `Aws::InstanceProfileCredentails` to enable retries and extended # timeouts. # # @option options [required, String] :region # The AWS region to connect to. The configured `:region` is # used to determine the service `:endpoint`. When not passed, # a default `:region` is search for in the following locations: # # * `Aws.config[:region]` # * `ENV['AWS_REGION']` # * `ENV['AMAZON_REGION']` # * `ENV['AWS_DEFAULT_REGION']` # * `~/.aws/credentials` # * `~/.aws/config` # # @option options [String] :access_key_id # # @option options [Boolean] :client_side_monitoring (false) # When `true`, client-side metrics will be collected for all API requests from # this client. # # @option options [String] :client_side_monitoring_client_id ("") # Allows you to provide an identifier for this client which will be attached to # all generated client side metrics. Defaults to an empty string. # # @option options [Integer] :client_side_monitoring_port (31000) # Required for publishing client metrics. The port that the client side monitoring # agent is running on, where client metrics will be published via UDP. # # @option options [Aws::ClientSideMonitoring::Publisher] :client_side_monitoring_publisher (Aws::ClientSideMonitoring::Publisher) # Allows you to provide a custom client-side monitoring publisher class. By default, # will use the Client Side Monitoring Agent Publisher. # # @option options [Boolean] :convert_params (true) # When `true`, an attempt is made to coerce request parameters into # the required types. # # @option options [String] :endpoint # The client endpoint is normally constructed from the `:region` # option. You should only configure an `:endpoint` when connecting # to test endpoints. This should be avalid HTTP(S) URI. # # @option options [Aws::Log::Formatter] :log_formatter (Aws::Log::Formatter.default) # The log formatter. # # @option options [Symbol] :log_level (:info) # The log level to send messages to the `:logger` at. # # @option options [Logger] :logger # The Logger instance to send log messages to. If this option # is not set, logging will be disabled. # # @option options [String] :profile ("default") # Used when loading credentials from the shared credentials file # at HOME/.aws/credentials. When not specified, 'default' is used. # # @option options [Float] :retry_base_delay (0.3) # The base delay in seconds used by the default backoff function. # # @option options [Symbol] :retry_jitter (:none) # A delay randomiser function used by the default backoff function. Some predefined functions can be referenced by name - :none, :equal, :full, otherwise a Proc that takes and returns a number. # # @see https://www.awsarchitectureblog.com/2015/03/backoff.html # # @option options [Integer] :retry_limit (3) # The maximum number of times to retry failed requests. Only # ~ 500 level server errors and certain ~ 400 level client errors # are retried. Generally, these are throttling errors, data # checksum errors, networking errors, timeout errors and auth # errors from expired credentials. # # @option options [Integer] :retry_max_delay (0) # The maximum number of seconds to delay between retries (0 for no limit) used by the default backoff function. # # @option options [String] :secret_access_key # # @option options [String] :session_token # # @option options [Boolean] :simple_json (false) # Disables request parameter conversion, validation, and formatting. # Also disable response data type conversions. This option is useful # when you want to ensure the highest level of performance by # avoiding overhead of walking request parameters and response data # structures. # # When `:simple_json` is enabled, the request parameters hash must # be formatted exactly as the DynamoDB API expects. # # @option options [Boolean] :stub_responses (false) # Causes the client to return stubbed responses. By default # fake responses are generated and returned. You can specify # the response data to return or errors to raise by calling # {ClientStubs#stub_responses}. See {ClientStubs} for more information. # # ** Please note ** When response stubbing is enabled, no HTTP # requests are made, and retries are disabled. # # @option options [Boolean] :validate_params (true) # When `true`, request parameters are validated before # sending the request. # def initialize(*args) super end # @!group API Operations # Determines the dominant language of the input text for a batch of # documents. For a list of languages that Amazon Comprehend can detect, # see [Amazon Comprehend Supported Languages][1]. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/comprehend/latest/dg/how-languages.html # # @option params [required, Array] :text_list # A list containing the text of the input documents. The list can # contain a maximum of 25 documents. Each document should contain at # least 20 characters and must contain fewer than 5,000 bytes of UTF-8 # encoded characters. # # @return [Types::BatchDetectDominantLanguageResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::BatchDetectDominantLanguageResponse#result_list #result_list} => Array<Types::BatchDetectDominantLanguageItemResult> # * {Types::BatchDetectDominantLanguageResponse#error_list #error_list} => Array<Types::BatchItemError> # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.batch_detect_dominant_language({ # text_list: ["String"], # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.result_list #=> Array # resp.result_list[0].index #=> Integer # resp.result_list[0].languages #=> Array # resp.result_list[0].languages[0].language_code #=> String # resp.result_list[0].languages[0].score #=> Float # resp.error_list #=> Array # resp.error_list[0].index #=> Integer # resp.error_list[0].error_code #=> String # resp.error_list[0].error_message #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/BatchDetectDominantLanguage AWS API Documentation # # @overload batch_detect_dominant_language(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def batch_detect_dominant_language(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:batch_detect_dominant_language, params) req.send_request(options) end # Inspects the text of a batch of documents for named entities and # returns information about them. For more information about named # entities, see how-entities # # @option params [required, Array] :text_list # A list containing the text of the input documents. The list can # contain a maximum of 25 documents. Each document must contain fewer # than 5,000 bytes of UTF-8 encoded characters. # # @option params [required, String] :language_code # The language of the input documents. You can specify English ("en") # or Spanish ("es"). All documents must be in the same language. # # @return [Types::BatchDetectEntitiesResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::BatchDetectEntitiesResponse#result_list #result_list} => Array<Types::BatchDetectEntitiesItemResult> # * {Types::BatchDetectEntitiesResponse#error_list #error_list} => Array<Types::BatchItemError> # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.batch_detect_entities({ # text_list: ["String"], # required # language_code: "en", # required, accepts en, es, fr, de, it, pt # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.result_list #=> Array # resp.result_list[0].index #=> Integer # resp.result_list[0].entities #=> Array # resp.result_list[0].entities[0].score #=> Float # resp.result_list[0].entities[0].type #=> String, one of "PERSON", "LOCATION", "ORGANIZATION", "COMMERCIAL_ITEM", "EVENT", "DATE", "QUANTITY", "TITLE", "OTHER" # resp.result_list[0].entities[0].text #=> String # resp.result_list[0].entities[0].begin_offset #=> Integer # resp.result_list[0].entities[0].end_offset #=> Integer # resp.error_list #=> Array # resp.error_list[0].index #=> Integer # resp.error_list[0].error_code #=> String # resp.error_list[0].error_message #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/BatchDetectEntities AWS API Documentation # # @overload batch_detect_entities(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def batch_detect_entities(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:batch_detect_entities, params) req.send_request(options) end # Detects the key noun phrases found in a batch of documents. # # @option params [required, Array] :text_list # A list containing the text of the input documents. The list can # contain a maximum of 25 documents. Each document must contain fewer # that 5,000 bytes of UTF-8 encoded characters. # # @option params [required, String] :language_code # The language of the input documents. You can specify English ("en") # or Spanish ("es"). All documents must be in the same language. # # @return [Types::BatchDetectKeyPhrasesResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::BatchDetectKeyPhrasesResponse#result_list #result_list} => Array<Types::BatchDetectKeyPhrasesItemResult> # * {Types::BatchDetectKeyPhrasesResponse#error_list #error_list} => Array<Types::BatchItemError> # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.batch_detect_key_phrases({ # text_list: ["String"], # required # language_code: "en", # required, accepts en, es, fr, de, it, pt # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.result_list #=> Array # resp.result_list[0].index #=> Integer # resp.result_list[0].key_phrases #=> Array # resp.result_list[0].key_phrases[0].score #=> Float # resp.result_list[0].key_phrases[0].text #=> String # resp.result_list[0].key_phrases[0].begin_offset #=> Integer # resp.result_list[0].key_phrases[0].end_offset #=> Integer # resp.error_list #=> Array # resp.error_list[0].index #=> Integer # resp.error_list[0].error_code #=> String # resp.error_list[0].error_message #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/BatchDetectKeyPhrases AWS API Documentation # # @overload batch_detect_key_phrases(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def batch_detect_key_phrases(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:batch_detect_key_phrases, params) req.send_request(options) end # Inspects a batch of documents and returns an inference of the # prevailing sentiment, `POSITIVE`, `NEUTRAL`, `MIXED`, or `NEGATIVE`, # in each one. # # @option params [required, Array] :text_list # A list containing the text of the input documents. The list can # contain a maximum of 25 documents. Each document must contain fewer # that 5,000 bytes of UTF-8 encoded characters. # # @option params [required, String] :language_code # The language of the input documents. You can specify English ("en") # or Spanish ("es"). All documents must be in the same language. # # @return [Types::BatchDetectSentimentResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::BatchDetectSentimentResponse#result_list #result_list} => Array<Types::BatchDetectSentimentItemResult> # * {Types::BatchDetectSentimentResponse#error_list #error_list} => Array<Types::BatchItemError> # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.batch_detect_sentiment({ # text_list: ["String"], # required # language_code: "en", # required, accepts en, es, fr, de, it, pt # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.result_list #=> Array # resp.result_list[0].index #=> Integer # resp.result_list[0].sentiment #=> String, one of "POSITIVE", "NEGATIVE", "NEUTRAL", "MIXED" # resp.result_list[0].sentiment_score.positive #=> Float # resp.result_list[0].sentiment_score.negative #=> Float # resp.result_list[0].sentiment_score.neutral #=> Float # resp.result_list[0].sentiment_score.mixed #=> Float # resp.error_list #=> Array # resp.error_list[0].index #=> Integer # resp.error_list[0].error_code #=> String # resp.error_list[0].error_message #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/BatchDetectSentiment AWS API Documentation # # @overload batch_detect_sentiment(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def batch_detect_sentiment(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:batch_detect_sentiment, params) req.send_request(options) end # Inspects the text of a batch of documents for the syntax and part of # speech of the words in the document and returns information about # them. For more information, see how-syntax. # # @option params [required, Array] :text_list # A list containing the text of the input documents. The list can # contain a maximum of 25 documents. Each document must contain fewer # that 5,000 bytes of UTF-8 encoded characters. # # @option params [required, String] :language_code # The language of the input documents. You can specify English ("en") # or Spanish ("es"). All documents must be in the same language. # # @return [Types::BatchDetectSyntaxResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::BatchDetectSyntaxResponse#result_list #result_list} => Array<Types::BatchDetectSyntaxItemResult> # * {Types::BatchDetectSyntaxResponse#error_list #error_list} => Array<Types::BatchItemError> # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.batch_detect_syntax({ # text_list: ["String"], # required # language_code: "en", # required, accepts en, es, fr, de, it, pt # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.result_list #=> Array # resp.result_list[0].index #=> Integer # resp.result_list[0].syntax_tokens #=> Array # resp.result_list[0].syntax_tokens[0].token_id #=> Integer # resp.result_list[0].syntax_tokens[0].text #=> String # resp.result_list[0].syntax_tokens[0].begin_offset #=> Integer # resp.result_list[0].syntax_tokens[0].end_offset #=> Integer # resp.result_list[0].syntax_tokens[0].part_of_speech.tag #=> String, one of "ADJ", "ADP", "ADV", "AUX", "CONJ", "DET", "INTJ", "NOUN", "NUM", "O", "PART", "PRON", "PROPN", "PUNCT", "SCONJ", "SYM", "VERB" # resp.result_list[0].syntax_tokens[0].part_of_speech.score #=> Float # resp.error_list #=> Array # resp.error_list[0].index #=> Integer # resp.error_list[0].error_code #=> String # resp.error_list[0].error_message #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/BatchDetectSyntax AWS API Documentation # # @overload batch_detect_syntax(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def batch_detect_syntax(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:batch_detect_syntax, params) req.send_request(options) end # Gets the properties associated with a dominant language detection job. # Use this operation to get the status of a detection job. # # @option params [required, String] :job_id # The identifier that Amazon Comprehend generated for the job. The # operation returns this identifier in its response. # # @return [Types::DescribeDominantLanguageDetectionJobResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DescribeDominantLanguageDetectionJobResponse#dominant_language_detection_job_properties #dominant_language_detection_job_properties} => Types::DominantLanguageDetectionJobProperties # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.describe_dominant_language_detection_job({ # job_id: "JobId", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties.job_id #=> String # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties.job_name #=> String # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties.job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties.message #=> String # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties.submit_time #=> Time # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties.end_time #=> Time # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties.input_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties.input_data_config.input_format #=> String, one of "ONE_DOC_PER_FILE", "ONE_DOC_PER_LINE" # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties.output_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties.data_access_role_arn #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/DescribeDominantLanguageDetectionJob AWS API Documentation # # @overload describe_dominant_language_detection_job(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def describe_dominant_language_detection_job(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:describe_dominant_language_detection_job, params) req.send_request(options) end # Gets the properties associated with an entities detection job. Use # this operation to get the status of a detection job. # # @option params [required, String] :job_id # The identifier that Amazon Comprehend generated for the job. The # operation returns this identifier in its response. # # @return [Types::DescribeEntitiesDetectionJobResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DescribeEntitiesDetectionJobResponse#entities_detection_job_properties #entities_detection_job_properties} => Types::EntitiesDetectionJobProperties # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.describe_entities_detection_job({ # job_id: "JobId", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.entities_detection_job_properties.job_id #=> String # resp.entities_detection_job_properties.job_name #=> String # resp.entities_detection_job_properties.job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # resp.entities_detection_job_properties.message #=> String # resp.entities_detection_job_properties.submit_time #=> Time # resp.entities_detection_job_properties.end_time #=> Time # resp.entities_detection_job_properties.input_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.entities_detection_job_properties.input_data_config.input_format #=> String, one of "ONE_DOC_PER_FILE", "ONE_DOC_PER_LINE" # resp.entities_detection_job_properties.output_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.entities_detection_job_properties.language_code #=> String, one of "en", "es", "fr", "de", "it", "pt" # resp.entities_detection_job_properties.data_access_role_arn #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/DescribeEntitiesDetectionJob AWS API Documentation # # @overload describe_entities_detection_job(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def describe_entities_detection_job(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:describe_entities_detection_job, params) req.send_request(options) end # Gets the properties associated with a key phrases detection job. Use # this operation to get the status of a detection job. # # @option params [required, String] :job_id # The identifier that Amazon Comprehend generated for the job. The # operation returns this identifier in its response. # # @return [Types::DescribeKeyPhrasesDetectionJobResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DescribeKeyPhrasesDetectionJobResponse#key_phrases_detection_job_properties #key_phrases_detection_job_properties} => Types::KeyPhrasesDetectionJobProperties # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.describe_key_phrases_detection_job({ # job_id: "JobId", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties.job_id #=> String # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties.job_name #=> String # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties.job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties.message #=> String # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties.submit_time #=> Time # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties.end_time #=> Time # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties.input_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties.input_data_config.input_format #=> String, one of "ONE_DOC_PER_FILE", "ONE_DOC_PER_LINE" # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties.output_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties.language_code #=> String, one of "en", "es", "fr", "de", "it", "pt" # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties.data_access_role_arn #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/DescribeKeyPhrasesDetectionJob AWS API Documentation # # @overload describe_key_phrases_detection_job(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def describe_key_phrases_detection_job(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:describe_key_phrases_detection_job, params) req.send_request(options) end # Gets the properties associated with a sentiment detection job. Use # this operation to get the status of a detection job. # # @option params [required, String] :job_id # The identifier that Amazon Comprehend generated for the job. The # operation returns this identifier in its response. # # @return [Types::DescribeSentimentDetectionJobResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DescribeSentimentDetectionJobResponse#sentiment_detection_job_properties #sentiment_detection_job_properties} => Types::SentimentDetectionJobProperties # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.describe_sentiment_detection_job({ # job_id: "JobId", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties.job_id #=> String # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties.job_name #=> String # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties.job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties.message #=> String # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties.submit_time #=> Time # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties.end_time #=> Time # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties.input_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties.input_data_config.input_format #=> String, one of "ONE_DOC_PER_FILE", "ONE_DOC_PER_LINE" # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties.output_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties.language_code #=> String, one of "en", "es", "fr", "de", "it", "pt" # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties.data_access_role_arn #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/DescribeSentimentDetectionJob AWS API Documentation # # @overload describe_sentiment_detection_job(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def describe_sentiment_detection_job(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:describe_sentiment_detection_job, params) req.send_request(options) end # Gets the properties associated with a topic detection job. Use this # operation to get the status of a detection job. # # @option params [required, String] :job_id # The identifier assigned by the user to the detection job. # # @return [Types::DescribeTopicsDetectionJobResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DescribeTopicsDetectionJobResponse#topics_detection_job_properties #topics_detection_job_properties} => Types::TopicsDetectionJobProperties # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.describe_topics_detection_job({ # job_id: "JobId", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.topics_detection_job_properties.job_id #=> String # resp.topics_detection_job_properties.job_name #=> String # resp.topics_detection_job_properties.job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # resp.topics_detection_job_properties.message #=> String # resp.topics_detection_job_properties.submit_time #=> Time # resp.topics_detection_job_properties.end_time #=> Time # resp.topics_detection_job_properties.input_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.topics_detection_job_properties.input_data_config.input_format #=> String, one of "ONE_DOC_PER_FILE", "ONE_DOC_PER_LINE" # resp.topics_detection_job_properties.output_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.topics_detection_job_properties.number_of_topics #=> Integer # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/DescribeTopicsDetectionJob AWS API Documentation # # @overload describe_topics_detection_job(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def describe_topics_detection_job(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:describe_topics_detection_job, params) req.send_request(options) end # Determines the dominant language of the input text. For a list of # languages that Amazon Comprehend can detect, see [Amazon Comprehend # Supported Languages][1]. # # # # [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/comprehend/latest/dg/how-languages.html # # @option params [required, String] :text # A UTF-8 text string. Each string should contain at least 20 characters # and must contain fewer that 5,000 bytes of UTF-8 encoded characters. # # @return [Types::DetectDominantLanguageResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DetectDominantLanguageResponse#languages #languages} => Array<Types::DominantLanguage> # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.detect_dominant_language({ # text: "String", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.languages #=> Array # resp.languages[0].language_code #=> String # resp.languages[0].score #=> Float # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/DetectDominantLanguage AWS API Documentation # # @overload detect_dominant_language(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def detect_dominant_language(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:detect_dominant_language, params) req.send_request(options) end # Inspects text for named entities, and returns information about them. # For more information, about named entities, see how-entities. # # @option params [required, String] :text # A UTF-8 text string. Each string must contain fewer that 5,000 bytes # of UTF-8 encoded characters. # # @option params [required, String] :language_code # The language of the input documents. You can specify English ("en") # or Spanish ("es"). All documents must be in the same language. # # @return [Types::DetectEntitiesResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DetectEntitiesResponse#entities #entities} => Array<Types::Entity> # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.detect_entities({ # text: "String", # required # language_code: "en", # required, accepts en, es, fr, de, it, pt # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.entities #=> Array # resp.entities[0].score #=> Float # resp.entities[0].type #=> String, one of "PERSON", "LOCATION", "ORGANIZATION", "COMMERCIAL_ITEM", "EVENT", "DATE", "QUANTITY", "TITLE", "OTHER" # resp.entities[0].text #=> String # resp.entities[0].begin_offset #=> Integer # resp.entities[0].end_offset #=> Integer # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/DetectEntities AWS API Documentation # # @overload detect_entities(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def detect_entities(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:detect_entities, params) req.send_request(options) end # Detects the key noun phrases found in the text. # # @option params [required, String] :text # A UTF-8 text string. Each string must contain fewer that 5,000 bytes # of UTF-8 encoded characters. # # @option params [required, String] :language_code # The language of the input documents. You can specify English ("en") # or Spanish ("es"). All documents must be in the same language. # # @return [Types::DetectKeyPhrasesResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DetectKeyPhrasesResponse#key_phrases #key_phrases} => Array<Types::KeyPhrase> # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.detect_key_phrases({ # text: "String", # required # language_code: "en", # required, accepts en, es, fr, de, it, pt # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.key_phrases #=> Array # resp.key_phrases[0].score #=> Float # resp.key_phrases[0].text #=> String # resp.key_phrases[0].begin_offset #=> Integer # resp.key_phrases[0].end_offset #=> Integer # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/DetectKeyPhrases AWS API Documentation # # @overload detect_key_phrases(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def detect_key_phrases(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:detect_key_phrases, params) req.send_request(options) end # Inspects text and returns an inference of the prevailing sentiment # (`POSITIVE`, `NEUTRAL`, `MIXED`, or `NEGATIVE`). # # @option params [required, String] :text # A UTF-8 text string. Each string must contain fewer that 5,000 bytes # of UTF-8 encoded characters. # # @option params [required, String] :language_code # The language of the input documents. You can specify English ("en") # or Spanish ("es"). All documents must be in the same language. # # @return [Types::DetectSentimentResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DetectSentimentResponse#sentiment #sentiment} => String # * {Types::DetectSentimentResponse#sentiment_score #sentiment_score} => Types::SentimentScore # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.detect_sentiment({ # text: "String", # required # language_code: "en", # required, accepts en, es, fr, de, it, pt # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.sentiment #=> String, one of "POSITIVE", "NEGATIVE", "NEUTRAL", "MIXED" # resp.sentiment_score.positive #=> Float # resp.sentiment_score.negative #=> Float # resp.sentiment_score.neutral #=> Float # resp.sentiment_score.mixed #=> Float # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/DetectSentiment AWS API Documentation # # @overload detect_sentiment(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def detect_sentiment(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:detect_sentiment, params) req.send_request(options) end # Inspects text for syntax and the part of speech of words in the # document. For more information, how-syntax. # # @option params [required, String] :text # A UTF-8 string. Each string must contain fewer that 5,000 bytes of UTF # encoded characters. # # @option params [required, String] :language_code # The language code of the input documents. You can specify English # ("en") or Spanish ("es"). # # @return [Types::DetectSyntaxResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::DetectSyntaxResponse#syntax_tokens #syntax_tokens} => Array<Types::SyntaxToken> # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.detect_syntax({ # text: "String", # required # language_code: "en", # required, accepts en, es, fr, de, it, pt # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.syntax_tokens #=> Array # resp.syntax_tokens[0].token_id #=> Integer # resp.syntax_tokens[0].text #=> String # resp.syntax_tokens[0].begin_offset #=> Integer # resp.syntax_tokens[0].end_offset #=> Integer # resp.syntax_tokens[0].part_of_speech.tag #=> String, one of "ADJ", "ADP", "ADV", "AUX", "CONJ", "DET", "INTJ", "NOUN", "NUM", "O", "PART", "PRON", "PROPN", "PUNCT", "SCONJ", "SYM", "VERB" # resp.syntax_tokens[0].part_of_speech.score #=> Float # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/DetectSyntax AWS API Documentation # # @overload detect_syntax(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def detect_syntax(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:detect_syntax, params) req.send_request(options) end # Gets a list of the dominant language detection jobs that you have # submitted. # # @option params [Types::DominantLanguageDetectionJobFilter] :filter # Filters that jobs that are returned. You can filter jobs on their # name, status, or the date and time that they were submitted. You can # only set one filter at a time. # # @option params [String] :next_token # Identifies the next page of results to return. # # @option params [Integer] :max_results # The maximum number of results to return in each page. The default is # 100. # # @return [Types::ListDominantLanguageDetectionJobsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::ListDominantLanguageDetectionJobsResponse#dominant_language_detection_job_properties_list #dominant_language_detection_job_properties_list} => Array<Types::DominantLanguageDetectionJobProperties> # * {Types::ListDominantLanguageDetectionJobsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.list_dominant_language_detection_jobs({ # filter: { # job_name: "JobName", # job_status: "SUBMITTED", # accepts SUBMITTED, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, FAILED, STOP_REQUESTED, STOPPED # submit_time_before: Time.now, # submit_time_after: Time.now, # }, # next_token: "String", # max_results: 1, # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties_list #=> Array # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties_list[0].job_id #=> String # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties_list[0].job_name #=> String # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties_list[0].job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties_list[0].message #=> String # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties_list[0].submit_time #=> Time # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties_list[0].end_time #=> Time # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties_list[0].input_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties_list[0].input_data_config.input_format #=> String, one of "ONE_DOC_PER_FILE", "ONE_DOC_PER_LINE" # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties_list[0].output_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.dominant_language_detection_job_properties_list[0].data_access_role_arn #=> String # resp.next_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/ListDominantLanguageDetectionJobs AWS API Documentation # # @overload list_dominant_language_detection_jobs(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def list_dominant_language_detection_jobs(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:list_dominant_language_detection_jobs, params) req.send_request(options) end # Gets a list of the entity detection jobs that you have submitted. # # @option params [Types::EntitiesDetectionJobFilter] :filter # Filters the jobs that are returned. You can filter jobs on their name, # status, or the date and time that they were submitted. You can only # set one filter at a time. # # @option params [String] :next_token # Identifies the next page of results to return. # # @option params [Integer] :max_results # The maximum number of results to return in each page. The default is # 100. # # @return [Types::ListEntitiesDetectionJobsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::ListEntitiesDetectionJobsResponse#entities_detection_job_properties_list #entities_detection_job_properties_list} => Array<Types::EntitiesDetectionJobProperties> # * {Types::ListEntitiesDetectionJobsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.list_entities_detection_jobs({ # filter: { # job_name: "JobName", # job_status: "SUBMITTED", # accepts SUBMITTED, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, FAILED, STOP_REQUESTED, STOPPED # submit_time_before: Time.now, # submit_time_after: Time.now, # }, # next_token: "String", # max_results: 1, # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.entities_detection_job_properties_list #=> Array # resp.entities_detection_job_properties_list[0].job_id #=> String # resp.entities_detection_job_properties_list[0].job_name #=> String # resp.entities_detection_job_properties_list[0].job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # resp.entities_detection_job_properties_list[0].message #=> String # resp.entities_detection_job_properties_list[0].submit_time #=> Time # resp.entities_detection_job_properties_list[0].end_time #=> Time # resp.entities_detection_job_properties_list[0].input_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.entities_detection_job_properties_list[0].input_data_config.input_format #=> String, one of "ONE_DOC_PER_FILE", "ONE_DOC_PER_LINE" # resp.entities_detection_job_properties_list[0].output_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.entities_detection_job_properties_list[0].language_code #=> String, one of "en", "es", "fr", "de", "it", "pt" # resp.entities_detection_job_properties_list[0].data_access_role_arn #=> String # resp.next_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/ListEntitiesDetectionJobs AWS API Documentation # # @overload list_entities_detection_jobs(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def list_entities_detection_jobs(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:list_entities_detection_jobs, params) req.send_request(options) end # Get a list of key phrase detection jobs that you have submitted. # # @option params [Types::KeyPhrasesDetectionJobFilter] :filter # Filters the jobs that are returned. You can filter jobs on their name, # status, or the date and time that they were submitted. You can only # set one filter at a time. # # @option params [String] :next_token # Identifies the next page of results to return. # # @option params [Integer] :max_results # The maximum number of results to return in each page. The default is # 100. # # @return [Types::ListKeyPhrasesDetectionJobsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::ListKeyPhrasesDetectionJobsResponse#key_phrases_detection_job_properties_list #key_phrases_detection_job_properties_list} => Array<Types::KeyPhrasesDetectionJobProperties> # * {Types::ListKeyPhrasesDetectionJobsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.list_key_phrases_detection_jobs({ # filter: { # job_name: "JobName", # job_status: "SUBMITTED", # accepts SUBMITTED, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, FAILED, STOP_REQUESTED, STOPPED # submit_time_before: Time.now, # submit_time_after: Time.now, # }, # next_token: "String", # max_results: 1, # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties_list #=> Array # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties_list[0].job_id #=> String # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties_list[0].job_name #=> String # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties_list[0].job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties_list[0].message #=> String # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties_list[0].submit_time #=> Time # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties_list[0].end_time #=> Time # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties_list[0].input_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties_list[0].input_data_config.input_format #=> String, one of "ONE_DOC_PER_FILE", "ONE_DOC_PER_LINE" # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties_list[0].output_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties_list[0].language_code #=> String, one of "en", "es", "fr", "de", "it", "pt" # resp.key_phrases_detection_job_properties_list[0].data_access_role_arn #=> String # resp.next_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/ListKeyPhrasesDetectionJobs AWS API Documentation # # @overload list_key_phrases_detection_jobs(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def list_key_phrases_detection_jobs(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:list_key_phrases_detection_jobs, params) req.send_request(options) end # Gets a list of sentiment detection jobs that you have submitted. # # @option params [Types::SentimentDetectionJobFilter] :filter # Filters the jobs that are returned. You can filter jobs on their name, # status, or the date and time that they were submitted. You can only # set one filter at a time. # # @option params [String] :next_token # Identifies the next page of results to return. # # @option params [Integer] :max_results # The maximum number of results to return in each page. The default is # 100. # # @return [Types::ListSentimentDetectionJobsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::ListSentimentDetectionJobsResponse#sentiment_detection_job_properties_list #sentiment_detection_job_properties_list} => Array<Types::SentimentDetectionJobProperties> # * {Types::ListSentimentDetectionJobsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.list_sentiment_detection_jobs({ # filter: { # job_name: "JobName", # job_status: "SUBMITTED", # accepts SUBMITTED, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, FAILED, STOP_REQUESTED, STOPPED # submit_time_before: Time.now, # submit_time_after: Time.now, # }, # next_token: "String", # max_results: 1, # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties_list #=> Array # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties_list[0].job_id #=> String # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties_list[0].job_name #=> String # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties_list[0].job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties_list[0].message #=> String # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties_list[0].submit_time #=> Time # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties_list[0].end_time #=> Time # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties_list[0].input_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties_list[0].input_data_config.input_format #=> String, one of "ONE_DOC_PER_FILE", "ONE_DOC_PER_LINE" # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties_list[0].output_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties_list[0].language_code #=> String, one of "en", "es", "fr", "de", "it", "pt" # resp.sentiment_detection_job_properties_list[0].data_access_role_arn #=> String # resp.next_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/ListSentimentDetectionJobs AWS API Documentation # # @overload list_sentiment_detection_jobs(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def list_sentiment_detection_jobs(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:list_sentiment_detection_jobs, params) req.send_request(options) end # Gets a list of the topic detection jobs that you have submitted. # # @option params [Types::TopicsDetectionJobFilter] :filter # Filters the jobs that are returned. Jobs can be filtered on their # name, status, or the date and time that they were submitted. You can # set only one filter at a time. # # @option params [String] :next_token # Identifies the next page of results to return. # # @option params [Integer] :max_results # The maximum number of results to return in each page. The default is # 100. # # @return [Types::ListTopicsDetectionJobsResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::ListTopicsDetectionJobsResponse#topics_detection_job_properties_list #topics_detection_job_properties_list} => Array<Types::TopicsDetectionJobProperties> # * {Types::ListTopicsDetectionJobsResponse#next_token #next_token} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.list_topics_detection_jobs({ # filter: { # job_name: "JobName", # job_status: "SUBMITTED", # accepts SUBMITTED, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, FAILED, STOP_REQUESTED, STOPPED # submit_time_before: Time.now, # submit_time_after: Time.now, # }, # next_token: "String", # max_results: 1, # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.topics_detection_job_properties_list #=> Array # resp.topics_detection_job_properties_list[0].job_id #=> String # resp.topics_detection_job_properties_list[0].job_name #=> String # resp.topics_detection_job_properties_list[0].job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # resp.topics_detection_job_properties_list[0].message #=> String # resp.topics_detection_job_properties_list[0].submit_time #=> Time # resp.topics_detection_job_properties_list[0].end_time #=> Time # resp.topics_detection_job_properties_list[0].input_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.topics_detection_job_properties_list[0].input_data_config.input_format #=> String, one of "ONE_DOC_PER_FILE", "ONE_DOC_PER_LINE" # resp.topics_detection_job_properties_list[0].output_data_config.s3_uri #=> String # resp.topics_detection_job_properties_list[0].number_of_topics #=> Integer # resp.next_token #=> String # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/ListTopicsDetectionJobs AWS API Documentation # # @overload list_topics_detection_jobs(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def list_topics_detection_jobs(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:list_topics_detection_jobs, params) req.send_request(options) end # Starts an asynchronous dominant language detection job for a # collection of documents. Use the operation to track the status of a # job. # # @option params [required, Types::InputDataConfig] :input_data_config # Specifies the format and location of the input data for the job. # # @option params [required, Types::OutputDataConfig] :output_data_config # Specifies where to send the output files. # # @option params [required, String] :data_access_role_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access # Management (IAM) role that grants Amazon Comprehend read access to # your input data. For more information, see # [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/comprehend/latest/dg/access-control-managing-permissions.html#auth-role-permissions][1]. # # # # [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/comprehend/latest/dg/access-control-managing-permissions.html#auth-role-permissions # # @option params [String] :job_name # An identifier for the job. # # @option params [String] :client_request_token # A unique identifier for the request. If you do not set the client # request token, Amazon Comprehend generates one. # # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally # not need to pass this option.** # # @return [Types::StartDominantLanguageDetectionJobResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::StartDominantLanguageDetectionJobResponse#job_id #job_id} => String # * {Types::StartDominantLanguageDetectionJobResponse#job_status #job_status} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.start_dominant_language_detection_job({ # input_data_config: { # required # s3_uri: "S3Uri", # required # input_format: "ONE_DOC_PER_FILE", # accepts ONE_DOC_PER_FILE, ONE_DOC_PER_LINE # }, # output_data_config: { # required # s3_uri: "S3Uri", # required # }, # data_access_role_arn: "IamRoleArn", # required # job_name: "JobName", # client_request_token: "ClientRequestTokenString", # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.job_id #=> String # resp.job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/StartDominantLanguageDetectionJob AWS API Documentation # # @overload start_dominant_language_detection_job(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def start_dominant_language_detection_job(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:start_dominant_language_detection_job, params) req.send_request(options) end # Starts an asynchronous entity detection job for a collection of # documents. Use the operation to track the status of a job. # # @option params [required, Types::InputDataConfig] :input_data_config # Specifies the format and location of the input data for the job. # # @option params [required, Types::OutputDataConfig] :output_data_config # Specifies where to send the output files. # # @option params [required, String] :data_access_role_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access # Management (IAM) role that grants Amazon Comprehend read access to # your input data. For more information, see # [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/comprehend/latest/dg/access-control-managing-permissions.html#auth-role-permissions][1]. # # # # [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/comprehend/latest/dg/access-control-managing-permissions.html#auth-role-permissions # # @option params [String] :job_name # The identifier of the job. # # @option params [required, String] :language_code # The language of the input documents. You can specify English ("en") # or Spanish ("es"). All documents must be in the same language. # # @option params [String] :client_request_token # A unique identifier for the request. If you don't set the client # request token, Amazon Comprehend generates one. # # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally # not need to pass this option.** # # @return [Types::StartEntitiesDetectionJobResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::StartEntitiesDetectionJobResponse#job_id #job_id} => String # * {Types::StartEntitiesDetectionJobResponse#job_status #job_status} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.start_entities_detection_job({ # input_data_config: { # required # s3_uri: "S3Uri", # required # input_format: "ONE_DOC_PER_FILE", # accepts ONE_DOC_PER_FILE, ONE_DOC_PER_LINE # }, # output_data_config: { # required # s3_uri: "S3Uri", # required # }, # data_access_role_arn: "IamRoleArn", # required # job_name: "JobName", # language_code: "en", # required, accepts en, es, fr, de, it, pt # client_request_token: "ClientRequestTokenString", # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.job_id #=> String # resp.job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/StartEntitiesDetectionJob AWS API Documentation # # @overload start_entities_detection_job(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def start_entities_detection_job(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:start_entities_detection_job, params) req.send_request(options) end # Starts an asynchronous key phrase detection job for a collection of # documents. Use the operation to track the status of a job. # # @option params [required, Types::InputDataConfig] :input_data_config # Specifies the format and location of the input data for the job. # # @option params [required, Types::OutputDataConfig] :output_data_config # Specifies where to send the output files. # # @option params [required, String] :data_access_role_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access # Management (IAM) role that grants Amazon Comprehend read access to # your input data. For more information, see # [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/comprehend/latest/dg/access-control-managing-permissions.html#auth-role-permissions][1]. # # # # [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/comprehend/latest/dg/access-control-managing-permissions.html#auth-role-permissions # # @option params [String] :job_name # The identifier of the job. # # @option params [required, String] :language_code # The language of the input documents. You can specify English ("en") # or Spanish ("es"). All documents must be in the same language. # # @option params [String] :client_request_token # A unique identifier for the request. If you don't set the client # request token, Amazon Comprehend generates one. # # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally # not need to pass this option.** # # @return [Types::StartKeyPhrasesDetectionJobResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::StartKeyPhrasesDetectionJobResponse#job_id #job_id} => String # * {Types::StartKeyPhrasesDetectionJobResponse#job_status #job_status} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.start_key_phrases_detection_job({ # input_data_config: { # required # s3_uri: "S3Uri", # required # input_format: "ONE_DOC_PER_FILE", # accepts ONE_DOC_PER_FILE, ONE_DOC_PER_LINE # }, # output_data_config: { # required # s3_uri: "S3Uri", # required # }, # data_access_role_arn: "IamRoleArn", # required # job_name: "JobName", # language_code: "en", # required, accepts en, es, fr, de, it, pt # client_request_token: "ClientRequestTokenString", # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.job_id #=> String # resp.job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/StartKeyPhrasesDetectionJob AWS API Documentation # # @overload start_key_phrases_detection_job(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def start_key_phrases_detection_job(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:start_key_phrases_detection_job, params) req.send_request(options) end # Starts an asynchronous sentiment detection job for a collection of # documents. use the operation to track the status of a job. # # @option params [required, Types::InputDataConfig] :input_data_config # Specifies the format and location of the input data for the job. # # @option params [required, Types::OutputDataConfig] :output_data_config # Specifies where to send the output files. # # @option params [required, String] :data_access_role_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access # Management (IAM) role that grants Amazon Comprehend read access to # your input data. For more information, see # [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/comprehend/latest/dg/access-control-managing-permissions.html#auth-role-permissions][1]. # # # # [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/comprehend/latest/dg/access-control-managing-permissions.html#auth-role-permissions # # @option params [String] :job_name # The identifier of the job. # # @option params [required, String] :language_code # The language of the input documents. You can specify English ("en") # or Spanish ("es"). All documents must be in the same language. # # @option params [String] :client_request_token # A unique identifier for the request. If you don't set the client # request token, Amazon Comprehend generates one. # # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally # not need to pass this option.** # # @return [Types::StartSentimentDetectionJobResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::StartSentimentDetectionJobResponse#job_id #job_id} => String # * {Types::StartSentimentDetectionJobResponse#job_status #job_status} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.start_sentiment_detection_job({ # input_data_config: { # required # s3_uri: "S3Uri", # required # input_format: "ONE_DOC_PER_FILE", # accepts ONE_DOC_PER_FILE, ONE_DOC_PER_LINE # }, # output_data_config: { # required # s3_uri: "S3Uri", # required # }, # data_access_role_arn: "IamRoleArn", # required # job_name: "JobName", # language_code: "en", # required, accepts en, es, fr, de, it, pt # client_request_token: "ClientRequestTokenString", # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.job_id #=> String # resp.job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/StartSentimentDetectionJob AWS API Documentation # # @overload start_sentiment_detection_job(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def start_sentiment_detection_job(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:start_sentiment_detection_job, params) req.send_request(options) end # Starts an asynchronous topic detection job. Use the # `DescribeTopicDetectionJob` operation to track the status of a job. # # @option params [required, Types::InputDataConfig] :input_data_config # Specifies the format and location of the input data for the job. # # @option params [required, Types::OutputDataConfig] :output_data_config # Specifies where to send the output files. The output is a compressed # archive with two files, `topic-terms.csv` that lists the terms # associated with each topic, and `doc-topics.csv` that lists the # documents associated with each topic # # @option params [required, String] :data_access_role_arn # The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access # Management (IAM) role that grants Amazon Comprehend read access to # your input data. For more information, see # [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/comprehend/latest/dg/access-control-managing-permissions.html#auth-role-permissions][1]. # # # # [1]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/comprehend/latest/dg/access-control-managing-permissions.html#auth-role-permissions # # @option params [String] :job_name # The identifier of the job. # # @option params [Integer] :number_of_topics # The number of topics to detect. # # @option params [String] :client_request_token # A unique identifier for the request. If you do not set the client # request token, Amazon Comprehend generates one. # # **A suitable default value is auto-generated.** You should normally # not need to pass this option.** # # @return [Types::StartTopicsDetectionJobResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::StartTopicsDetectionJobResponse#job_id #job_id} => String # * {Types::StartTopicsDetectionJobResponse#job_status #job_status} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.start_topics_detection_job({ # input_data_config: { # required # s3_uri: "S3Uri", # required # input_format: "ONE_DOC_PER_FILE", # accepts ONE_DOC_PER_FILE, ONE_DOC_PER_LINE # }, # output_data_config: { # required # s3_uri: "S3Uri", # required # }, # data_access_role_arn: "IamRoleArn", # required # job_name: "JobName", # number_of_topics: 1, # client_request_token: "ClientRequestTokenString", # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.job_id #=> String # resp.job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/StartTopicsDetectionJob AWS API Documentation # # @overload start_topics_detection_job(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def start_topics_detection_job(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:start_topics_detection_job, params) req.send_request(options) end # Stops a dominant language detection job in progress. # # If the job state is `IN_PROGRESS` the job is marked for termination # and put into the `STOP_REQUESTED` state. If the job completes before # it can be stopped, it is put into the `COMPLETED` state; otherwise the # job is stopped and put into the `STOPPED` state. # # If the job is in the `COMPLETED` or `FAILED` state when you call the # `StopDominantLanguageDetectionJob` operation, the operation returns a # 400 Internal Request Exception. # # When a job is stopped, any documents already processed are written to # the output location. # # @option params [required, String] :job_id # The identifier of the dominant language detection job to stop. # # @return [Types::StopDominantLanguageDetectionJobResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::StopDominantLanguageDetectionJobResponse#job_id #job_id} => String # * {Types::StopDominantLanguageDetectionJobResponse#job_status #job_status} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.stop_dominant_language_detection_job({ # job_id: "JobId", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.job_id #=> String # resp.job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/StopDominantLanguageDetectionJob AWS API Documentation # # @overload stop_dominant_language_detection_job(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def stop_dominant_language_detection_job(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:stop_dominant_language_detection_job, params) req.send_request(options) end # Stops an entities detection job in progress. # # If the job state is `IN_PROGRESS` the job is marked for termination # and put into the `STOP_REQUESTED` state. If the job completes before # it can be stopped, it is put into the `COMPLETED` state; otherwise the # job is stopped and put into the `STOPPED` state. # # If the job is in the `COMPLETED` or `FAILED` state when you call the # `StopDominantLanguageDetectionJob` operation, the operation returns a # 400 Internal Request Exception. # # When a job is stopped, any documents already processed are written to # the output location. # # @option params [required, String] :job_id # The identifier of the entities detection job to stop. # # @return [Types::StopEntitiesDetectionJobResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::StopEntitiesDetectionJobResponse#job_id #job_id} => String # * {Types::StopEntitiesDetectionJobResponse#job_status #job_status} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.stop_entities_detection_job({ # job_id: "JobId", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.job_id #=> String # resp.job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/StopEntitiesDetectionJob AWS API Documentation # # @overload stop_entities_detection_job(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def stop_entities_detection_job(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:stop_entities_detection_job, params) req.send_request(options) end # Stops a key phrases detection job in progress. # # If the job state is `IN_PROGRESS` the job is marked for termination # and put into the `STOP_REQUESTED` state. If the job completes before # it can be stopped, it is put into the `COMPLETED` state; otherwise the # job is stopped and put into the `STOPPED` state. # # If the job is in the `COMPLETED` or `FAILED` state when you call the # `StopDominantLanguageDetectionJob` operation, the operation returns a # 400 Internal Request Exception. # # When a job is stopped, any documents already processed are written to # the output location. # # @option params [required, String] :job_id # The identifier of the key phrases detection job to stop. # # @return [Types::StopKeyPhrasesDetectionJobResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::StopKeyPhrasesDetectionJobResponse#job_id #job_id} => String # * {Types::StopKeyPhrasesDetectionJobResponse#job_status #job_status} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.stop_key_phrases_detection_job({ # job_id: "JobId", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.job_id #=> String # resp.job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/StopKeyPhrasesDetectionJob AWS API Documentation # # @overload stop_key_phrases_detection_job(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def stop_key_phrases_detection_job(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:stop_key_phrases_detection_job, params) req.send_request(options) end # Stops a sentiment detection job in progress. # # If the job state is `IN_PROGRESS` the job is marked for termination # and put into the `STOP_REQUESTED` state. If the job completes before # it can be stopped, it is put into the `COMPLETED` state; otherwise the # job is be stopped and put into the `STOPPED` state. # # If the job is in the `COMPLETED` or `FAILED` state when you call the # `StopDominantLanguageDetectionJob` operation, the operation returns a # 400 Internal Request Exception. # # When a job is stopped, any documents already processed are written to # the output location. # # @option params [required, String] :job_id # The identifier of the sentiment detection job to stop. # # @return [Types::StopSentimentDetectionJobResponse] Returns a {Seahorse::Client::Response response} object which responds to the following methods: # # * {Types::StopSentimentDetectionJobResponse#job_id #job_id} => String # * {Types::StopSentimentDetectionJobResponse#job_status #job_status} => String # # @example Request syntax with placeholder values # # resp = client.stop_sentiment_detection_job({ # job_id: "JobId", # required # }) # # @example Response structure # # resp.job_id #=> String # resp.job_status #=> String, one of "SUBMITTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED", "FAILED", "STOP_REQUESTED", "STOPPED" # # @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/comprehend-2017-11-27/StopSentimentDetectionJob AWS API Documentation # # @overload stop_sentiment_detection_job(params = {}) # @param [Hash] params ({}) def stop_sentiment_detection_job(params = {}, options = {}) req = build_request(:stop_sentiment_detection_job, params) req.send_request(options) end # @!endgroup # @param params ({}) # @api private def build_request(operation_name, params = {}) handlers = @handlers.for(operation_name) context = Seahorse::Client::RequestContext.new( operation_name: operation_name, operation: config.api.operation(operation_name), client: self, params: params, config: config) context[:gem_name] = 'aws-sdk-comprehend' context[:gem_version] = '1.8.0' Seahorse::Client::Request.new(handlers, context) end # @api private # @deprecated def waiter_names [] end class << self # @api private attr_reader :identifier # @api private def errors_module Errors end end end end