require 'active_record' module Incline::Extensions ## # Adds some extra functionality to database connections. module ConnectionAdapter ## # Searches the database to determine if an object with the specified name exists. def object_exists?(object_name) safe_name = "'#{object_name.gsub('\'','\'\'')}'" sql = case when 'ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter' # use sysobjects table. "SELECT COUNT(*) AS \"one\" FROM \"sysobjects\" WHERE \"name\"=#{safe_name}" when 'ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLite3Adapter' # use sqlite_master table. "SELECT COUNT(*) AS \"one\" FROM \"sqlite_master\" WHERE (\"type\"='table' OR \"type\"='view') AND (\"name\"=#{safe_name})" else # query the information_schema TABLES and ROUTINES views. "SELECT SUM(Z.\"one\") AS \"one\" FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) AS \"one\" FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME=#{safe_name} UNION SELECT COUNT(*) AS \"one\" FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_NAME=#{safe_name}) AS Z" end result = exec_query(sql).first result && result['one'] >= 1 end ## # Executes a stored procedure. # # For MS SQL Server, this will return the return value from the procedure. # For other providers, this is the same as +execute+. def exec_sp(stmt) case when 'ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter' rex = /^exec(?:ute)?\s+[\["]?(?[a-z][a-z0-9_]*)[\]"]?(?\s.*)?$/i match = rex.match(stmt) if match exec_query("DECLARE @SP__RET INTEGER; EXECUTE @SP__RET=[#{match['PROC']}]#{match['ARGS']}; SELECT @SP__RET AS [RET]").first['RET'] else execute stmt end else execute stmt end end end end ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter.include Incline::Extensions::ConnectionAdapter