require 'bake/model/loader' module Bake class Config attr_reader :referencedConfigs def getFullProject(configs, configname) # note: configs is never empty if (configname == "") if configs[0].parent.default != "" configname = configs[0].parent.default else Bake.formatter.printError("No default config specified", configs[0].file_name) ExitHelper.exit(1) end end config = nil configs.each do |c| if == configname if config Bake.formatter.printError("Config '#{configname}' found more than once",config.file_name) ExitHelper.exit(1) end config = c end end if not config Bake.formatter.printError("Config '#{configname}' not found", configs[0].file_name) ExitHelper.exit(1) end if config.extends != "" parent,parentConfigName = getFullProject(configs, config.extends), parent).merge() end [config, configname] end def symlinkCheck(filename) dirOfProjMeta = File.dirname(filename) Dir.chdir(dirOfProjMeta) do if Dir.pwd != dirOfProjMeta and File.dirname(Dir.pwd) != File.dirname(dirOfProjMeta) isSym = false begin isSym = File.symlink?(dirOfProjMeta) rescue end if isSym Bake.formatter.printError("Symlinks only allowed with the same parent dir as the target: #{dirOfProjMeta} --> #{Dir.pwd}", filename) ExitHelper.exit(1) end end end end def loadProjMeta(filename) symlinkCheck(filename) @project_files << filename f = @loader.load(filename) config = nil if f.root_elements.length != 1 or not Metamodel::Project === f.root_elements[0] Bake.formatter.printError("Config file must have exactly one 'Project' element as root element", filename) ExitHelper.exit(1) end configs = f.root_elements[0].getConfig if configs.length == 0 Bake.formatter.printError("No config found", filename) ExitHelper.exit(1) end configs.each do |config| if config.respond_to?("toolchain") and config.toolchain config.toolchain.compiler.each do |c| if not c.internalDefines.nil? and c.internalDefines != "" Bake.formatter.printError("InternalDefines only allowed in DefaultToolchain", c.internalDefines) ExitHelper.exit(1) end end end config.includeDir.each do |inc| if not ["front", "back", ""].include?inc.inject Bake.formatter.printError("inject of IncludeDir must be 'front' or 'back'", inc) ExitHelper.exit(1) end if not ["front", "back", ""].include?inc.infix Bake.formatter.printError("infix of IncludeDir must be 'front' or 'back'", inc) ExitHelper.exit(1) end if (inc.infix != "" and inc.inject != "") Bake.formatter.printError("IncludeDir must have inject OR infix (deprecated)", inc) ExitHelper.exit(1) end end if config.respond_to?("includeDir") end configs end def validateDependencies(config) config.dependency.each do |dep| if"$" or dep.config.include?"$" Bake.formatter.printError("No variables allowed in Dependency definition", dep) ExitHelper.exit(1) end = if == "" end end def loadMeta(dep) dep_subbed =\\/,"/") if dep_subbed.include?":" or dep_subbed.include?"../" or dep_subbed.start_with?"/" or dep_subbed.end_with?"/" Bake.formatter.printError("#{} is invalid", dep) ExitHelper.exit(1) end dep_path, dismiss, dep_name = dep_subbed.rpartition("/") # file not loaded yet if not @loadedConfigs.include?dep_name pmeta_filenames = [] @potentialProjs.each do |pp| if pp.include?("/" + dep_subbed + "/Project.meta") or pp == (dep_subbed + "/Project.meta") pmeta_filenames << pp end end if pmeta_filenames.empty? Bake.formatter.printError("#{}/Project.meta not found", dep) ExitHelper.exit(1) end if pmeta_filenames.length > 1 Bake.formatter.printWarning("Project #{} exists more than once", dep) chosen = " (chosen)" pmeta_filenames.each do |f| Bake.formatter.printWarning(" #{File.dirname(f)}#{chosen}") chosen = "" end end @loadedConfigs[dep_name] = loadProjMeta(pmeta_filenames[0]) else folder = @loadedConfigs[dep_name][0].get_project_dir if not folder.include?dep_subbed Bake.formatter.printError("Cannot load #{}, because #{folder} already loaded", dep) ExitHelper.exit(1) end end # get config config, dep.config = getFullProject(@loadedConfigs[dep_name], dep.config) = dep_name # config not referenced yet if not @referencedConfigs.include?dep_name @referencedConfigs[dep_name] = [config] elsif @referencedConfigs[dep_name].index { |c| == dep.config } == nil @referencedConfigs[dep_name] << config else return end validateDependencies(config) @depsPending += config.dependency end def loadMainMeta() mainMeta = Bake.options.main_dir+"/Project.meta" if not File.exist?(mainMeta) Bake.formatter.printError("Error: #{mainMeta} not found") ExitHelper.exit(1) end @project_files = [] configs = loadProjMeta(mainMeta) @loadedConfigs = {} @loadedConfigs[Bake.options.main_project_name] = configs if (Bake.options.build_config == "" and configs[0].parent.default == "") ConfigNames.print(configs, nil, mainMeta) end config, Bake.options.build_config = getFullProject(configs,Bake.options.build_config) @referencedConfigs = {} @referencedConfigs[Bake.options.main_project_name] = [config] if config.defaultToolchain == nil Bake.formatter.printError("Main project configuration must contain DefaultToolchain", config) ExitHelper.exit(1) end validateDependencies(config) @depsPending = config.dependency end def checkRoots() @potentialProjs = [] Bake.options.roots.each do |r| if (r.length == 3 && r.include?(":/")) r = r + Bake.options.main_project_name # glob would not work otherwise on windows (ruby bug?) end r = r+"/**{,/*/**}/Project.meta" @potentialProjs.concat(Dir.glob(r)) end @potentialProjs = @potentialProjs.uniq.sort end def filterStep(step, globalFilterStr) # 1st prio: explicit single filter if step.filter != "" return true if Bake.options.exclude_filter.include?step.filter return false if Bake.options.include_filter.include?step.filter end # 2nd prio: explicit global filter if globalFilterStr != nil return true if Bake.options.exclude_filter.include?globalFilterStr return false if Bake.options.include_filter.include?globalFilterStr end # 3nd prio: default return true if step.default == "off" false end def filterSteps @referencedConfigs.each do |projName, configs| configs.each do |config| config.startupSteps.step = config.startupSteps.step.delete_if { |step| filterStep(step, "STARTUP") } if config.startupSteps config.preSteps.step = config.preSteps.step.delete_if { |step| filterStep(step, "PRE") } if config.preSteps config.postSteps.step = config.postSteps.step.delete_if { |step| filterStep(step, "POST") } if config.postSteps config.exitSteps.step = config.exitSteps.step.delete_if { |step| filterStep(step, "EXIT") } if config.exitSteps if Metamodel::CustomConfig === config and config.step config.step = nil if filterStep(config.step, nil) end end end end def load() @loader = cache = @referencedConfigs = cache.load_cache unless Bake.options.nocache # cache invalid or forced to reload if @referencedConfigs.nil? loadMainMeta checkRoots while dep = @depsPending.shift loadMeta(dep) end filterSteps cache.write_cache(@project_files, @referencedConfigs) end end end end