module ActiveRecord module Acts module Tagger def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def acts_as_tagger(opts={}) has_many :owned_taggings, opts.merge(:as => :tagger, :dependent => :destroy, :include => :tag, :class_name => "Tagging") has_many :owned_tags, :through => :owned_taggings, :source => :tag include ActiveRecord::Acts::Tagger::InstanceMethods extend ActiveRecord::Acts::Tagger::SingletonMethods end def is_tagger? false end end module InstanceMethods def self.included(base) end def tag(taggable, opts={}) opts.reverse_merge!(:force => true) return false unless taggable.respond_to?(:is_taggable?) && taggable.is_taggable? raise "You need to specify a tag context using :on" unless opts.has_key?(:on) raise "You need to specify some tags using :with" unless opts.has_key?(:with) raise "No context :#{opts[:on]} defined in #{taggable.class.to_s}" unless ( opts[:force] || taggable.tag_types.include?(opts[:on]) ) taggable.set_tag_list_on(opts[:on].to_s, opts[:with], self)! end def is_tagger? self.class.is_tagger? end # Return all tags tagged by tagger with count def tag_counts(options={}) joins = ["LEFT OUTER JOIN #{Tagging.table_name} ON #{Tag.table_name}.id = #{Tagging.table_name}.tag_id"] conditions = "#{Tagging.table_name}.tagger_type = '#{self.class}' AND #{Tagging.table_name}.tagger_id = #{}" group_by = "#{Tag.table_name}.id, #{Tag.table_name}.name HAVING COUNT(*) > 0" Tag.find(:all, { :select => ",, COUNT(*) AS count", :conditions => conditions, :joins => joins.join(" "), :group => group_by }.merge(options)) end end module SingletonMethods def is_tagger? true end end end end end