require "active_record" namespace :compass_ae do namespace :backup do PG_BACKUP_DIR = '/backup/postgres' SU_POSTGRES = true # set this to false on OS X and true on debian TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d_%Hh%Mm%Ss" # keep a single underscore or the purge_old task will break @purge_dumps_older_than = 2.weeks.ago desc 'backup all postgres databases' task :postgres => :environment do create_directory(PG_BACKUP_DIR) databases = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_values('SELECT datname FROM pg_database;') puts red("Backing up ALL postgres databases via pg_dump") databases.each do |db| unless db == "template0" puts "Dumping #{db} to #{PG_BACKUP_DIR}" cmd = "pg_dump #{db} > #{PG_BACKUP_DIR}/#{db}_#{}.pgsql" cmd = "sudo su postgres -c \"#{cmd}\"" if SU_POSTGRES execute_command(cmd) else puts "Skipping template0 database ..." end end puts "\nBackup Complete." end namespace :postgres do # age should be in days task :purge_old, [:age] => :environment do |t,args| age = (args.age.blank? ? @purge_dumps_older_than : args.age.to_i.days.ago) puts "Purging postgres dumps older than #{age}" puts green("Default is 2 weeks. You can pass in number of days if you want something different.") if args.age.blank? puts green("Example: rake compass_ae:backup:postgres:purge_old[7]") if args.age.blank? chdir(PG_BACKUP_DIR) # get list of files and loop thru them files = Dir.glob("*.pgsql") files.each do |f| puts "Examining dump #{f}" # split filename filename_split = f.split('_') # get timestamp timestamp = filename_split[-2] + ' ' + filename_split[-1] timestamp = timestamp.gsub('.pgsql', '') timestamp = timestamp.gsub('h', ':') timestamp = timestamp.gsub('m', ':') timestamp = timestamp.gsub('s', '') # convert timestamp to Time object timeobject = Time.parse(timestamp) # compare time object with purge_dumps_older_than and delete if too old if timeobject < age puts red("Purging dump #{f}: Older than #{age}") cmd = "rm -f #{f}" execute_command(cmd) end end end end def create_directory(foldername) FileUtils.mkdir_p(foldername) unless end def green(text); colorize(text, "\033[32m") end def red(text) colorize(text, "\033[31m") end def colorize(text, color_code) "#{color_code}#{text}\033[0m" end def execute_command(cmd) puts green(cmd) system cmd end end end