Feature: Sign up In order to get access to protected sections of the site A user Should be able to sign up Background: Given a plan exists with a name of "Free" Scenario: User sees signup terms When I go to the plans page Then I should see "Free" And I should see "Upgrade or Downgrade Anytime" And I there should be a link to the help site When I follow "Free" Then I should see "By clicking Sign up you agree to our Terms of Service" Scenario: User signs up with invalid data When I go to the sign up page for the "Free" plan Then I should see "Free" And I fill in "Email" with "invalidemail" And I fill in "Password" with "password" And I should not see "Billing Information" And I press "Sign up" Then the form should have inline error messages Scenario: User signs up with valid data When I go to the list of plans page And I follow "Free" And I fill in "Email" with "email@person.com" And I fill in "Password" with "password" And I press "Sign up" Then I should be on the new project page for the newest account by "email@person.com"