require 'capistrano' require 'capistrano/version' module CapistranoUnicorn class CapistranoIntegration TASKS = [ 'unicorn:start', 'unicorn:stop', 'unicorn:restart', 'unicorn:reload', 'unicorn:shutdown', 'unicorn:add_worker', 'unicorn:remove_worker' ] def self.load_into(capistrano_config) capistrano_config.load do before(CapistranoIntegration::TASKS) do _cset(:app_env) { (fetch(:rails_env) rescue 'production') } _cset(:unicorn_pid) { "#{fetch(:current_path)}/tmp/pids/" } _cset(:unicorn_env) { fetch(:app_env) } _cset(:unicorn_bin) { "unicorn" } _cset(:unicorn_bundle) { fetch(:bundle_cmd) rescue 'bundle' } end # Check if a remote process exists using its pid file # def remote_process_exists?(pid_file) "[ -e #{pid_file} ] && kill -0 `cat #{pid_file}` > /dev/null 2>&1" end # Stale Unicorn process pid file # def old_unicorn_pid "#{unicorn_pid}.oldbin" end # Command to check if Unicorn is running # def unicorn_is_running? remote_process_exists?(unicorn_pid) end # Command to check if stale Unicorn is running # def old_unicorn_is_running? remote_process_exists?(old_unicorn_pid) end # Get unicorn master process PID (using the shell) # def get_unicorn_pid(pid_file=unicorn_pid) "`cat #{pid_file}`" end # Get unicorn master (old) process PID # def get_old_unicorn_pid get_unicorn_pid(old_unicorn_pid) end # Send a signal to a unicorn master processes # def unicorn_send_signal(signal, pid=get_unicorn_pid) "#{try_sudo} kill -s #{signal} #{pid}" end # Kill Unicorns in multiple ways O_O # def kill_unicorn(signal) script = <<-END if #{unicorn_is_running?}; then echo "Stopping Unicorn..."; #{unicorn_send_signal(signal)}; else echo "Unicorn is not running."; fi; END script end # Start the Unicorn server # def start_unicorn primary_config_path = "#{current_path}/config/unicorn.rb" secondary_config_path = "#{current_path}/config/unicorn/#{unicorn_env}.rb" script = <<-END if [ -e #{primary_config_path} ]; then UNICORN_CONFIG_PATH=#{primary_config_path}; else if [ -e #{secondary_config_path} ]; then UNICORN_CONFIG_PATH=#{secondary_config_path}; else echo "Config file for \"#{unicorn_env}\" environment was not found at either \"#{primary_config_path}\" or \"#{secondary_config_path}\""; exit 1; fi; fi; if [ -e #{unicorn_pid} ]; then if kill -0 `cat #{unicorn_pid}` > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Unicorn is already running!"; exit 0; fi; rm #{unicorn_pid}; fi; echo "Starting Unicorn..."; cd #{current_path} && BUNDLE_GEMFILE=#{current_path}/Gemfile #{unicorn_bundle} exec #{unicorn_bin} -c $UNICORN_CONFIG_PATH -E #{app_env} -D; END script end # # Unicorn cap tasks # namespace :unicorn do desc 'Start Unicorn master process' task :start, :roles => :app, :except => {:no_release => true} do run start_unicorn end desc 'Stop Unicorn' task :stop, :roles => :app, :except => {:no_release => true} do run kill_unicorn('QUIT') end desc 'Immediately shutdown Unicorn' task :shutdown, :roles => :app, :except => {:no_release => true} do run kill_unicorn('TERM') end desc 'Restart Unicorn' task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => {:no_release => true} do run <<-END if #{unicorn_is_running?}; then echo "Restarting Unicorn..."; #{unicorn_send_signal('USR2')}; else #{start_unicorn} fi; sleep 2; # in order to wait for the (old) pidfile to show up if #{old_unicorn_is_running?}; then #{unicorn_send_signal('QUIT', get_old_unicorn_pid)}; fi; END end desc 'Reload Unicorn' task :reload, :roles => :app, :except => {:no_release => true} do run <<-END if #{unicorn_is_running?}; then echo "Reloading Unicorn..."; #{unicorn_send_signal('HUP')}; else #{start_unicorn} fi; END end desc 'Add a new worker' task :add_worker, :roles => :app, :except => {:no_release => true} do run <<-END if #{unicorn_is_running?}; then echo "Adding a new Unicorn worker..."; #{unicorn_send_signal('TTIN')}; else echo "Unicorn is not running."; fi; END end desc 'Remove amount of workers' task :remove_worker, :roles => :app, :except => {:no_release => true} do run <<-END if #{unicorn_is_running?}; then echo "Removing a Unicorn worker..."; #{unicorn_send_signal('TTOU')}; else echo "Unicorn is not running."; fi; END end end end end end end if Capistrano::Configuration.instance CapistranoUnicorn::CapistranoIntegration.load_into(Capistrano::Configuration.instance) end