############################################################################# # GLOBAL SETTINGS ############################################################################# log-directory "<%= settings['BUILD_DIR'] %>/log" ############################################################################# # REPOSITORIES ############################################################################# server "svn.kde.org" protocol "svn" host "anonsvn.kde.org" path "home/kde/trunk" end server "gitorious.org" protocol "git" host "gitorious.org" end server "qt.gitorious.org" protocol "git" host "qt.gitorious.org" end server "git.freedesktop.org" protocol "git" host "git.freedesktop.org" end repository "kde" server "svn.kde.org" end repository "kdeqt.gitorious.org" server "gitorious.org" path "+kde-developers/qt/kde-qt.git" end repository "poppler.freedesktop.org" server "git.freedesktop.org" path "git/poppler/poppler" end ############################################################################# # BUILD SYSTEMS ############################################################################# build-system cmake option CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug" option CMAKE_CXXFLAGS "-Wall -pipe -O0" option CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE "1" option LIB_SUFFIX "<%= settings['LIB_SUFFIX'] %>" end build-system custom end ############################################################################# # DEFAULTS ############################################################################# environment default var MAKEFLAGS set "<%= settings['MAKEFLAGS'] %>" var PATH set "<%= settings['PATH'] %>" var LD_LIBRARY_PATH set "<%= settings['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] %>" var CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH set "<%= settings['CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH'] %>" var PKG_CONFIG_PATH set "<%= settings['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'] %>" var KDEDIRS set "<%= settings['KDEDIRS'] %>" var XDG_DATA_DIRS set "<%= settings['XDG_DATA_DIRS'] %>" end ############################################################################# # Qt ############################################################################# environment qt < default var CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH prepend "<%= settings['QT_PREFIX'] %>" var KDEDIRS prepend "<%= settings['QT_PREFIX'] %>" var LD_LIBRARY_PATH prepend "<%= settings['QT_PREFIX'] %>/lib<%= settings['LIB_SUFFIX'] %>" var MANPATH prepend "<%= settings['QT_PREFIX'] %>/share/man" var PATH prepend "<%= settings['QT_PREFIX'] %>/bin" var PKG_CONFIG_PATH prepend "<%= settings['QT_PREFIX'] %>/lib<%= settings['LIB_SUFFIX'] %>/pkgconfig" var XDG_DATA_DIRS prepend "<%= settings['QT_PREFIX'] %>/share" var QTDIR set "<%= settings['QT_PREFIX'] %>" end module qt TEMPLATE install-prefix "<%= settings['QT_PREFIX'] %>" build-prefix "<%= settings['BUILD_DIR'] %>" use environment qt end # The configure options come from the README.kde-qt file from # . In case of trouble # check for changes there. # -developer-build -> Activate addition qt-internal debug stuff. # -nomake-examples -> Do not compile the examples # -nomake-demos -> Do not compile the demos # # Add the following options if you like. # -no-phonon # To not compile phonon. # -no-exception # is gone! You will lose QXmlPattern which means # # qtscriptgenerator, some plasma stuff and koffice will # # not compile. # -declarative # Build the declarative module. module "qt/qt" < qt build-system qt # option flags "-developer-build -qt-gif -debug -fast -no-separate-debug-info -system-libpng -system-libjpeg -system-zlib -dbus -webkit -plugin-sql-mysql -nomake examples -nomake demos -confirm-license -opensource -libdir <%= settings['QT_PREFIX'] %>/lib<%= settings['LIB_SUFFIX'] %>" option flags "-developer-build -debug -fast -no-separate-debug-info -nomake examples -nomake demos -confirm-license -opensource -libdir <%= settings['QT_PREFIX'] %>/lib<%= settings['LIB_SUFFIX'] %> -plugindir <%= settings['QT_PREFIX'] %>/lib<%= settings['LIB_SUFFIX'] %>/plugins" end use environment default use repository "kdeqt.gitorious.org" vcs git # Add the nokia qt repository as a external remote "qtsoftware" use server "qt.gitorious.org" end end # The remote branch we rebase against. remote-path "origin/4.6-stable-patched" end module "qt/qimageblitz" < qt use environment qt use build-system cmake use vcs git-svn use repository kde remote-path "kdesupport/qimageblitz" end module "qt/qca2" < qt use environment qt use build-system cmake use vcs git-svn use repository kde remote-path "kdesupport/qca" end module "qt/qtscriptgenerator" < qt repository "qt-labs" server "gitorious.org" path "qt-labs/qtscriptgenerator.git" end use vcs git build-system custom inplace end remote-path "4.6" end module "qt/poppler" < qt use environment qt use build-system cmake use repository "poppler.freedesktop.org" use vcs git remote-path "master" end