require "spec_helper" module Sucker describe Request do use_vcr_cassette "spec/sucker/request", :record => :new_episodes let(:worker) do :locale => :us, :key => "key", :secret => "secret") end describe "#<<" do it "merges a hash into the existing parameters" do worker << { "foo" => "bar" } worker.parameters["foo"].should eql "bar" end end describe "#version=" do it "sets the Amazon API version" do worker.version = "foo" worker.parameters["Version"].should eql "foo" end end describe "#associate_tag" do it "returns the associate tag for the current locale" do worker.instance_variable_set(:@associate_tags, { :us => 'foo-bar'}) worker.associate_tag.should eql 'foo-bar' end it "returns blank if no associate tag is set for the current locale" do worker.associate_tag.should be_blank end end describe "#associate_tag=" do it "sets the associate tag for the current locale" do worker.associate_tag = "foo-bar" associate_tags = worker.instance_variable_get(:@associate_tags) associate_tags.keys.size.should eql 1 associate_tags[:us].should eql 'foo-bar' worker.associate_tag.should eql 'foo-bar' end end describe "#associate_tags=" do it "sets associate tags for the locales" do tags = { :us => 'foo', :uk => 'bar', :de => 'baz', :ca => 'foo', :fr => 'bar', :jp => 'baz' } worker.associate_tags = tags worker.instance_variable_get(:@associate_tags).should eql tags end end describe "#curl_opts" do it "returns options for curl" do worker.curl_opts.should be_an_instance_of Hash end context "when given a block" do it "yields options for curl" do worker.curl_opts { |c| c.interface = "eth1" } worker.curl_opts[:interface].should eql "eth1" end end end describe "#get" do context "when no argument is passed" do it "returns a response" do worker.get.class.ancestors.should include Response end it "sets options on curl" do easy = mock easy.should_receive(:interface=).once.with("eth1") Curl::Easy.stub!(:perform).and_yield(easy) Response.should_receive(:new).once worker.curl_opts { |c| c.interface = 'eth1' } worker.get end end context "when one argument is passed" do context "when the argument is is `:all`" do it "queries all locales" do locales = worker.send(:locales) worker.should_receive(:get_multi).with(locales) worker.get(:all) end end context "when the argument is not `:all`" do it "sets current locale to to the argument" do worker.should_receive(:locale=).with(:uk) worker.get(:uk) end it "calls itself with no argument" do worker.class.send :alias_method, :get_original, :get worker.should_receive(:get).with(no_args()) worker.get_original(:uk) end end end context "when multiple arguments are passed" do it "queries multiple locales" do worker.should_receive(:get_multi).with([:us, :uk]) worker.get(:us, :uk) end end end describe "#key" do it "returns the Amazon AWS access key for the current locale" do worker.instance_variable_set(:@keys, { :us => 'foo' }) worker.key.should eql 'foo' end it "raises an argument error if key is missing" do worker.instance_variable_get(:@keys)[:us] = nil expect do worker.key raise_error 'AWS access key missing' end end describe "#key=" do it "sets a global Amazon AWS access key" do worker.key = "foo" keys = worker.instance_variable_get(:@keys) keys.size.should eql Request::HOSTS.size keys.values.uniq.should eql ["foo"] end end describe "#keys=" do it "sets distinct Amazon AWS access keys for the locales" do keys = { :us => 'foo', :uk => 'bar', :de => 'baz', :ca => 'foo', :fr => 'bar', :jp => 'baz' } worker.keys = keys worker.instance_variable_get(:@keys).should eql keys end end describe "#locale" do it "returns the current locale" do worker.locale.should eql :us end it "raises an argument error if locale is not set" do worker.instance_variable_set(:@locale, nil) expect do worker.locale raise_error 'Locale not set' end end describe "#locale=" do it "sets the current locale" do worker.locale= :uk worker.locale.should eql :uk end it "raises an argument error if locale is invalid" do expect do worker.locale= :br raise_error 'Invalid locale' end end # private describe "#build_query" do let(:query) do worker.send(:build_query) end it "canonicalizes query" do query.should match /Service=([^&]+)&Timestamp=([^&]+)&Version=([^&]+)/ end it "includes a timestamp" do query.should include 'Timestamp' end it "sorts query" do worker.parameters["A"] = "foo" query.should match /^A=foo/ end end describe "#build_signed_query" do let(:query) { worker.send(:build_signed_query) } it "includes the key for the current locale" do worker.key = 'foo' query.should include 'AWSAccessKeyId=foo' end it "includes the associate tag for the current locale" do worker.associate_tag = 'foo' query.should include 'AssociateTag=foo' end it "returns a signed query string" do query = worker.send :build_signed_query query.should include 'Signature=' end end describe "#escape" do it "URL-encodes a string" do worker.send(:escape, 'foo,bar').should eql "foo%2Cbar" end end describe "#get_multi" do it "returns an array of responses" do responses = worker.send(:get_multi, [:us, :uk]) responses.should be_an_instance_of Array responses.each { |resp| resp.should be_an_instance_of Response } end context "when given a block" do it "yields responses" do locales = worker.send(:locales) count = 0 worker.send(:get_multi, locales) do |resp| resp.should be_an_instance_of Response count += 1 end count.should eql locales.size end end end describe "#host" do it "returns a host" do worker.locale = "fr" worker.send(:host).should eql "" end end describe "#uri" do it "returns the URI with which to query Amazon" do worker.send(:uri).should be_an_instance_of URI::HTTP end end end end