1&1's Ruby SDK **************** The 1&1 Ruby SDK is a Ruby gem used for interacting with the 1&1 platform over the REST API. This guide will show you how to programmatically use the 1&1 library to perform common management tasks also available through the 1&1 Control Panel. Concepts ======== The Ruby Client Library wraps the latest version of the 1&1 REST API. All API operations are performed over SSL and authenticated using your 1&1 API Token. The API can be accessed within an instance running in 1&1 or directly over the Internet from any application that can send an HTTPS request and receive an HTTPS response. Getting Started =============== Before you begin you will need to have signed-up for a 1&1 account. The credentials you setup during sign-up will be used to authenticate against the API. Installation ============ You can install the latest stable version using:: $ gem install 1and1 Done! Authentication ============== Start your application by calling the :rb:func:`OneAndOne.start` method with your API Token:: require 'oneandone' OneAndOne.start('') If you have yet to create your API Token, follow the instructions below: 1. From the 1&1 Control Panel, click Management > Users. 2. In the Users section, click Create. 3. Enter the desired user name. 4. In the Password field, enter the password and repeat it. 5. Enter the desired e-mail address. 6. Click Create. 7. Select the created user 8. In the details of the User, in the API section, click on "Disabled". 9. Click Yes. 10. Click Apply Changes. 11. In the API Key section, click Display User Information. The API Key will be displayed. .. note:: You can now perform requests using any of the module's class methods outlined in the Table of Contents below. Table of Contents ================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 servers images shared_storages firewalls load_balancers public_ips private_networks monitoring_center monitoring_policies logs users usages server_appliances dvds Resources ========= .. _API: https://cloudpanel-api.1and1.com/documentation/v1/# .. _Github: https://github.com/1and1/oneandone-cloudserver-sdk-ruby Official 1&1 REST API Documentation: API_ 1&1 Ruby SDK Repo: Github_ Create Server ======================= :: require 'oneandone' OneAndOne.start('') # Init module with API Key # Instantiate Server Object server = OneAndOne::Server.new() # Create HDD's hdd1 = { 'size' => 120, 'is_main' => true } hdds = [hdd1] # Perform Request response = server.create(name: 'Example Server', vcore: 1, cores_per_processor: 1, ram: 1, appliance_id: '', hdds: hdds) puts JSON.pretty_generate(response) Create Firewall Policy ======================= :: require 'oneandone' OneAndOne.start('') # Init module with API Key # Instantiate Firewall Object firewall = OneAndOne::Firewall.new() # Create Rules rule1 = { 'protocol' => 'TCP', 'port_from' => 80, 'port_to' => 80, 'source' => '' } rules = [rule1] # Perform Request response = firewall.create(name: 'Test Firewall', description: 'Example Desc', rules: rules) puts JSON.pretty_generate(response) Create Load Balancer ======================= :: require 'oneandone' OneAndOne.start('') # Init module with API Key # Instantiate Load Balancer Object load_balancer = OneAndOne::LoadBalancer.new() # Create Rules rule1 = { 'protocol' => 'TCP', 'port_balancer' => 80, 'port_server' => 80, 'source' => '' } rules = [rule1] # Perform Request response = load_balancer.create(name: 'Test LB', description: 'Example Desc', health_check_test: 'TCP', health_check_interval: 40, persistence: true, persistence_time: 1200, method: 'ROUND_ROBIN', rules: rules) puts JSON.pretty_generate(response) Create Monitoring Policy ========================= :: require 'oneandone' OneAndOne.start('') # Init module with API Key # Instantiate Monitoring Policy Object monitoring_policy = OneAndOne::MonitoringPolicy.new() # Create Threshold Limits thresholds = { 'cpu' => { 'warning' => { 'value' => 90, 'alert' => false }, 'critical' => { 'value' => 95, 'alert' => false } }, 'ram' => { 'warning' => { 'value' => 90, 'alert' => false }, 'critical' => { 'value' => 95, 'alert' => false } }, 'disk' => { 'warning' => { 'value' => 90, 'alert' => false }, 'critical' => { 'value' => 95, 'alert' => false } }, 'transfer' => { 'warning' => { 'value' => 1000, 'alert' => false }, 'critical' => { 'value' => 2000, 'alert' => false } }, 'internal_ping' => { 'warning' => { 'value' => 50, 'alert' => false }, 'critical' => { 'value' => 100, 'alert' => false } } } # Create Ports port1 = { 'protocol' => 'TCP', 'port' => 80, 'alert_if' => 'NOT_RESPONDING', 'email_notification' => true } ports = [port1] # Create Processes process1 = { 'process' => 'test', 'alert_if' => 'NOT_RUNNING', 'email_notification' => true } processes = [process1] # Perform Request response = monitoring_policy.create(name: 'Test Monitoring Policy', email: 'test@example.com', agent: true, thresholds: thresholds, ports: ports, processes: processes) puts JSON.pretty_generate(response) Then, add a server or two: :: # Add Servers server1 = '' server2 = '' servers = [server1, server2] # Perform Request response = monitoring_policy.add_servers(servers: servers) puts JSON.pretty_generate(response) Update Server Cores, Memory, and Disk ===================================== 1&1 allows users to dynamically update cores, memory, and disk independently of each other. This removes the restriction of needing to upgrade to the next size up to receive an increase in memory. You can now simply increase the instances memory keeping your costs in-line with your resource needs. The following code illustrates how you can update cores and memory: :: require 'oneandone' OneAndOne.start('') # Init module with API Key # Instantiate Server Object server = OneAndOne::Server.new() # Perform Request response = server.modify_hardware(server_id: '', vcore: 2, ram: 6) puts JSON.pretty_generate(response) This is how you would update a server disk's size: :: require 'oneandone' OneAndOne.start('') # Init module with API Key # Instantiate Server Object server = OneAndOne::Server.new() # Perform Request response = server.modify_hdd(server_id: '', hdd_id: '', size: 140) puts JSON.pretty_generate(response) Example App ============ This simple app creates a load balancer, firewall policy, and server. It then creates a new IP for the server and adds the load balancer and firewall policy to that IP. Use the ``wait_for`` method to chain together multiple actions that take some time to deploy. :: require_relative '../lib/oneandone' OneAndOne.start('') # Init module with API key ### Create load balancer load_balancer = OneAndOne::LoadBalancer.new rule1 = { 'protocol' => 'TCP', 'port_balancer' => 80, 'port_server' => 80, 'source' => '' } rules = [rule1] lb1 = load_balancer.create(name: 'Example App LB', description: 'Example Desc', health_check_test: 'TCP', health_check_interval: 40, persistence: true, persistence_time: 1200, method: 'ROUND_ROBIN', rules: rules) # Wait for load balancer to deploy puts "Creating load balancer..." load_balancer.wait_for ### Create firewall policy firewall = OneAndOne::Firewall.new() rule1 = { 'protocol' => 'TCP', 'port_from' => 80, 'port_to' => 80, 'source' => '' } rules = [rule1] fp1 = firewall.create(name: 'Example App Firewall', description: 'Example Desc', rules: rules) # Wait for firewall policy to deploy puts "Creating firewall policy..." firewall.wait_for ### Create a server server = OneAndOne::Server.new() hdd1 = { 'size' => 120, 'is_main' => true } hdds = [hdd1] server1 = server.create(name: 'Example App Server', vcore: 1, cores_per_processor: 1, ram: 1, appliance_id: '', hdds: hdds) # Wait for server to deploy puts "Creating server..." server.wait_for ### Add a new IP to the server puts "Adding an IP to the server..." response = server.add_ip new_ip = response['ips'][1]['id'] ### Add the load balancer to the new IP response = server.add_load_balancer(ip_id: new_ip, load_balancer_id: load_balancer.id) # Wait for load balancer to be added puts "Adding load balancer to new server IP..." server.wait_for ### Add the firewall policy to the new IP response = server.add_firewall(ip_id: new_ip, firewall_id: firewall.id) # Wait for firewall policy to be added puts "Adding firewall policy to new server IP..." server.wait_for puts "Everything looks good!" ### Cleanup puts "Let's clean up the mess we just made." puts "Deleting server..." response = server.delete puts "Success!" puts "Deleting load balancer..." response = load_balancer.delete puts "Success!" puts "Deleting firewall policy..." response = firewall.delete puts "Success!" puts "All done!" Index ================== * :ref:`search` .. Create top-level module .. rb:module:: OneAndOne