class ProductionSitesPage < RecordProxyPage # record proxy pages deal with site models (site.model_name). Override the methods it uses # to interact with these models we can edit Sites (a non site model) def find_record(id) Site.find(id) end def all_records Site.all.reject {|site| == 'yodel'} end def construct_record end # get list of sites respond_to :get do with :json do prompt_login and return {success: false, reason: 'Login required'} unless logged_in? if params['id'] # authorisation return {success: false, reason: 'Site not found'} if record.nil? return {success: false, reason: 'Unauthorised'} unless current_user.sites.include?(record) # users are represented by name and email address; id is used to distinguish between users # client side when a user's name or email is changed (the id remains constant) site_users = users.where(sites: do |user| {id:, name:, email:} end {success: true, domains:, users: site_users, latest_revision: requested_site.latest_revision} else # if no site is requested, send back a list of sites available to the user {success: true, sites: current_user.sites.collect {|site| {id:, name:}}} end end end # create a site respond_to :post do with :json do prompt_login and return {success: false, reason: 'Login required'} unless logged_in? # create the site record new_site = new_site.root_directory = File.join(Yodel.config.sites_root, return {success: false, reason: 'Unable to create site'} unless # initialise the root directory as a git repository unless `#{Yodel.config.git_path} init #{new_site.root_directory}` =~ /^Initialized empty Git repository/ new_site.destroy return {success: false, reason: 'Unable to create git repository'} end # install the post receive hook to deploy the site on pushes, and # allow pushes to a non bare repository Dir.chdir(new_site.root_directory) do unless `#{Yodel.config.git_path} config 'receive.denyCurrentBranch' 'ignore'`.strip.empty? new_site.destroy return {success: false, reason: 'Unable to configure git repository'} end # FIXME: need error checking here post_receive_script = File.join(new_site.root_directory, '.git', 'hooks', 'post-receive'), 'w') do |file| file.write "#!/bin/bash cd .. env -i git reset --hard #{Yodel.config.deploy_command} deploy `basename $PWD` " end FileUtils.chmod(0755, post_receive_script) end # allow the current user to administer the new site current_user.sites << new_site unless new_site.destroy return {success: false, reason: 'Unable to update user'} end {success: true, id:} end end # update a site; currently only supports adding/removing users to a site respond_to :put do with :json do prompt_login and return {success: false, reason: 'Login required'} unless logged_in? # authorisation return {success: false, reason: 'Site not found'} if record.nil? return {success: false, reason: 'Unauthorised'} unless current_user.sites.include?(record) # find the user by id or email if params['user_id'] user = site.users.find(BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params['user_id'])) elsif params['user_email'] user = site.users.where(email: params['user_email']).first else return {success: false, reason: 'No user id or email address provided'} end return {success: false, reason: 'Unknown user'} if user.nil? # add or remove the user from the site case params['action'] when 'add' user.sites << record when 'remove' user.sites.delete(record) else return {success: false, reason: 'Unknown action'} end if {success: true} else {success: false, reason: 'Save failed'} end end end end