# frozen_string_literal: true require 'parallel' module RuboCop # This class handles the processing of files, which includes dealing with # formatters and letting cops inspect the files. class Runner # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength # An exception indicating that the inspection loop got stuck correcting # offenses back and forth. class InfiniteCorrectionLoop < StandardError attr_reader :offenses def initialize(path, offenses_by_iteration, loop_start: -1) @offenses = offenses_by_iteration.flatten.uniq root_cause = offenses_by_iteration[loop_start..] .map { |x| x.map(&:cop_name).uniq.join(', ') } .join(' -> ') message = 'Infinite loop detected' message += " in #{path}" if path message += " and caused by #{root_cause}" if root_cause message += "\n" hint = 'Hint: Please update to the latest RuboCop version if not already in use, ' \ "and report a bug if the issue still occurs on this version.\n" \ 'Please check the latest version at https://rubygems.org/gems/rubocop.' super(Rainbow(message).red + Rainbow(hint).yellow) end end class << self # @return [Array<#call>] def ruby_extractors @ruby_extractors ||= [default_ruby_extractor] end private # @return [#call] def default_ruby_extractor lambda do |processed_source| [ { offset: 0, processed_source: processed_source } ] end end end # @api private MAX_ITERATIONS = 200 # @api private REDUNDANT_COP_DISABLE_DIRECTIVE_RULES = %w[ Lint/RedundantCopDisableDirective RedundantCopDisableDirective Lint ].freeze attr_reader :errors, :warnings attr_writer :aborting def initialize(options, config_store) @options = options @config_store = config_store @errors = [] @warnings = [] @aborting = false end def run(paths) target_files = find_target_files(paths) if @options[:list_target_files] list_files(target_files) else warm_cache(target_files) if @options[:parallel] inspect_files(target_files) end rescue Interrupt self.aborting = true warn '' warn 'Exiting...' false end def aborting? @aborting end private # Warms up the RuboCop cache by forking a suitable number of RuboCop # instances that each inspects its allotted group of files. def warm_cache(target_files) saved_options = @options.dup if target_files.length <= 1 puts 'Skipping parallel inspection: only a single file needs inspection' if @options[:debug] return end puts 'Running parallel inspection' if @options[:debug] %i[autocorrect safe_autocorrect].each { |opt| @options[opt] = false } Parallel.each(target_files) { |target_file| file_offenses(target_file) } ensure @options = saved_options end def find_target_files(paths) target_finder = TargetFinder.new(@config_store, @options) mode = if @options[:only_recognized_file_types] :only_recognized_file_types else :all_file_types end target_files = target_finder.find(paths, mode) target_files.each(&:freeze).freeze end def inspect_files(files) inspected_files = [] formatter_set.started(files) each_inspected_file(files) { |file| inspected_files << file } ensure # OPTIMIZE: Calling `ResultCache.cleanup` takes time. This optimization # mainly targets editors that integrates RuboCop. When RuboCop is run # by an editor, it should be inspecting only one file. if files.size > 1 && cached_run? ResultCache.cleanup(@config_store, @options[:debug], @options[:cache_root]) end formatter_set.finished(inspected_files.freeze) formatter_set.close_output_files end def each_inspected_file(files) files.reduce(true) do |all_passed, file| offenses = process_file(file) yield file if offenses.any? { |o| considered_failure?(o) } break false if @options[:fail_fast] next false end all_passed end end def list_files(paths) paths.each { |path| puts PathUtil.relative_path(path) } end def process_file(file) file_started(file) offenses = file_offenses(file) rescue InfiniteCorrectionLoop => e offenses = e.offenses.compact.sort.freeze raise ensure file_finished(file, offenses || []) end def file_offenses(file) file_offense_cache(file) do source, offenses = do_inspection_loop(file) offenses = add_redundant_disables(file, offenses.compact.sort, source) offenses.sort.reject(&:disabled?).freeze end end def cached_result(file, team) ResultCache.new(file, team, @options, @config_store) end def file_offense_cache(file) config = @config_store.for_file(file) cache = cached_result(file, standby_team(config)) if cached_run? if cache&.valid? offenses = cache.load # If we're running --autocorrect and the cache says there are # offenses, we need to actually inspect the file. If the cache shows no # offenses, we're good. real_run_needed = @options[:autocorrect] && offenses.any? else real_run_needed = true end if real_run_needed offenses = yield save_in_cache(cache, offenses) end offenses end def add_redundant_disables(file, offenses, source) team_for_redundant_disables(file, offenses, source) do |team| new_offenses, redundant_updated = inspect_file(source, team) offenses += new_offenses if redundant_updated # Do one extra inspection loop if any redundant disables were # removed. This is done in order to find rubocop:enable directives that # have now become useless. _source, new_offenses = do_inspection_loop(file) offenses |= new_offenses end end offenses end def team_for_redundant_disables(file, offenses, source) return unless check_for_redundant_disables?(source) config = @config_store.for_file(file) team = Cop::Team.mobilize([Cop::Lint::RedundantCopDisableDirective], config, @options) return if team.cops.empty? team.cops.first.offenses_to_check = offenses yield team end def check_for_redundant_disables?(source) return false if source.disabled_line_ranges.empty? || except_redundant_cop_disable_directive? !@options[:only] end def redundant_cop_disable_directive(file) config = @config_store.for_file(file) return unless config.for_cop(Cop::Lint::RedundantCopDisableDirective).fetch('Enabled') cop = Cop::Lint::RedundantCopDisableDirective.new(config, @options) yield cop if cop.relevant_file?(file) end def except_redundant_cop_disable_directive? @options[:except] && (@options[:except] & REDUNDANT_COP_DISABLE_DIRECTIVE_RULES).any? end def file_started(file) puts "Scanning #{file}" if @options[:debug] formatter_set.file_started(file, cli_options: @options, config_store: @config_store) end def file_finished(file, offenses) offenses = offenses_to_report(offenses) formatter_set.file_finished(file, offenses) end def cached_run? @cached_run ||= (@options[:cache] == 'true' || (@options[:cache] != 'false' && @config_store.for_pwd.for_all_cops['UseCache'])) && # When running --auto-gen-config, there's some processing done in the # cops related to calculating the Max parameters for Metrics cops. We # need to do that processing and cannot use caching. !@options[:auto_gen_config] && # We can't cache results from code which is piped in to stdin !@options[:stdin] end def save_in_cache(cache, offenses) return unless cache # Caching results when a cop has crashed would prevent the crash in the # next run, since the cop would not be called then. We want crashes to # show up the same in each run. return if errors.any? || warnings.any? cache.save(offenses) end def do_inspection_loop(file) processed_source = get_processed_source(file) # This variable is 2d array used to track corrected offenses after each # inspection iteration. This is used to output meaningful infinite loop # error message. offenses_by_iteration = [] # When running with --autocorrect, we need to inspect the file (which # includes writing a corrected version of it) until no more corrections # are made. This is because automatic corrections can introduce new # offenses. In the normal case the loop is only executed once. iterate_until_no_changes(processed_source, offenses_by_iteration) do # The offenses that couldn't be corrected will be found again so we # only keep the corrected ones in order to avoid duplicate reporting. !offenses_by_iteration.empty? && offenses_by_iteration.last.select!(&:corrected?) new_offenses, updated_source_file = inspect_file(processed_source) offenses_by_iteration.push(new_offenses) # We have to reprocess the source to pickup the changes. Since the # change could (theoretically) introduce parsing errors, we break the # loop if we find any. break unless updated_source_file processed_source = get_processed_source(file) end # Return summary of corrected offenses after all iterations offenses = offenses_by_iteration.flatten.uniq [processed_source, offenses] end def iterate_until_no_changes(source, offenses_by_iteration) # Keep track of the state of the source. If a cop modifies the source # and another cop undoes it producing identical source we have an # infinite loop. @processed_sources = [] # It is also possible for a cop to keep adding indefinitely to a file, # making it bigger and bigger. If the inspection loop runs for an # excessively high number of iterations, this is likely happening. iterations = 0 loop do check_for_infinite_loop(source, offenses_by_iteration) if (iterations += 1) > MAX_ITERATIONS raise InfiniteCorrectionLoop.new(source.path, offenses_by_iteration) end source = yield break unless source end end # Check whether a run created source identical to a previous run, which # means that we definitely have an infinite loop. def check_for_infinite_loop(processed_source, offenses_by_iteration) checksum = processed_source.checksum if (loop_start_index = @processed_sources.index(checksum)) raise InfiniteCorrectionLoop.new( processed_source.path, offenses_by_iteration, loop_start: loop_start_index ) end @processed_sources << checksum end def inspect_file(processed_source, team = mobilize_team(processed_source)) extracted_ruby_sources = extract_ruby_sources(processed_source) offenses = extracted_ruby_sources.flat_map do |extracted_ruby_source| report = team.investigate( extracted_ruby_source[:processed_source], offset: extracted_ruby_source[:offset], original: processed_source ) @errors.concat(team.errors) @warnings.concat(team.warnings) report.offenses end [offenses, team.updated_source_file?] end def extract_ruby_sources(processed_source) self.class.ruby_extractors.find do |ruby_extractor| result = ruby_extractor.call(processed_source) break result if result end end def mobilize_team(processed_source) config = @config_store.for_file(processed_source.path) Cop::Team.mobilize(mobilized_cop_classes(config), config, @options) end def mobilized_cop_classes(config) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize @mobilized_cop_classes ||= {}.compare_by_identity @mobilized_cop_classes[config] ||= begin cop_classes = Cop::Registry.all # `@options[:only]` and `@options[:except]` are not qualified until # needed so that the Registry can be fully loaded, including any # cops added by `require`s. qualify_option_cop_names OptionsValidator.new(@options).validate_cop_options if @options[:only] cop_classes.select! { |c| c.match?(@options[:only]) } else filter_cop_classes(cop_classes, config) end cop_classes.reject! { |c| c.match?(@options[:except]) } Cop::Registry.new(cop_classes, @options) end end def qualify_option_cop_names %i[only except].each do |option| next unless @options[option] @options[option].map! do |cop_name| Cop::Registry.qualified_cop_name(cop_name, "--#{option} option") end end end def filter_cop_classes(cop_classes, config) # use only cops that link to a style guide if requested return unless style_guide_cops_only?(config) cop_classes.select! { |cop| config.for_cop(cop)['StyleGuide'] } end def style_guide_cops_only?(config) @options[:only_guide_cops] || config.for_all_cops['StyleGuideCopsOnly'] end def formatter_set @formatter_set ||= begin set = Formatter::FormatterSet.new(@options) pairs = @options[:formatters] || [['progress']] pairs.each { |formatter_key, output_path| set.add_formatter(formatter_key, output_path) } set end end def considered_failure?(offense) return false if offense.disabled? # For :autocorrect level, any correctable offense is a failure, regardless of severity return true if @options[:fail_level] == :autocorrect && offense.correctable? !offense.corrected? && offense.severity >= minimum_severity_to_fail end def offenses_to_report(offenses) if @options[:display_only_fail_level_offenses] offenses.select { |o| considered_failure?(o) } elsif @options[:display_only_safe_correctable] offenses.select { |o| supports_safe_autocorrect?(o) } elsif @options[:display_only_correctable] offenses.select(&:correctable?) else offenses end end def supports_safe_autocorrect?(offense) cop_class = Cop::Registry.global.find_by_cop_name(offense.cop_name) default_cfg = default_config(offense.cop_name) offense.correctable? && cop_class&.support_autocorrect? && mark_as_safe_by_config?(default_cfg) end def mark_as_safe_by_config?(config) config.nil? || (config.fetch('Safe', true) && config.fetch('SafeAutoCorrect', true)) end def default_config(cop_name) RuboCop::ConfigLoader.default_configuration[cop_name] end def minimum_severity_to_fail @minimum_severity_to_fail ||= begin # Unless given explicitly as `fail_level`, `:info` severity offenses do not fail name = @options[:fail_level] || :refactor # autocorrect is a fake level - use the default RuboCop::Cop::Severity.new(name == :autocorrect ? :refactor : name) end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def get_processed_source(file) config = @config_store.for_file(file) ruby_version = config.target_ruby_version parser_engine = config.parser_engine processed_source = if @options[:stdin] ProcessedSource.new( @options[:stdin], ruby_version, file, parser_engine: parser_engine ) else begin ProcessedSource.from_file( file, ruby_version, parser_engine: parser_engine ) rescue Errno::ENOENT raise RuboCop::Error, "No such file or directory: #{file}" end end processed_source.config = config processed_source.registry = mobilized_cop_classes(config) processed_source end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # A Cop::Team instance is stateful and may change when inspecting. # The "standby" team for a given config is an initialized but # otherwise dormant team that can be used for config- and option- # level caching in ResultCache. def standby_team(config) @team_by_config ||= {}.compare_by_identity @team_by_config[config] ||= Cop::Team.mobilize(mobilized_cop_classes(config), config, @options) end end end