version: '{build}' skip_tags: true clone_depth: 10 branches: only: - master except: - gh-pages os: Windows Server 2012 environment: MAKE: mingw32-make matrix: - ruby_version: "23-x64" - ruby_version: "24-x64" - ruby_version: "25-x64" install: - ps: | $Env:PATH = "C:\Ruby${Env:ruby_version}\bin;C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;${Env:PATH}" if ($Env:ruby_version -match "^23" ) { # RubyInstaller; download OpenSSL headers from OpenKnapsack Project $Env:openssl_dir = "C:\Ruby${Env:ruby_version}" appveyor DownloadFile 7z e openssl-1.0.2j-x64-windows.tar.lzma 7z x -y -oC:\Ruby${Env:ruby_version} openssl-1.0.2j-x64-windows.tar } else { # RubyInstaller2; openssl package seems to be installed already $Env:openssl_dir = "C:\msys64\mingw64" } - bundle config --local path vendor/bundle - bundle config build.openssl --with-openssl-dir=%openssl_dir% - ruby -v - bundle -v build_script: - bundle update - bundle install test_script: - bundle exec rake --trace cache: - vendor/bundle