module Effective class OrdersController < ApplicationController include EffectiveCartsHelper include Providers::Cheque if EffectiveOrders.cheque_enabled include Providers::Moneris if EffectiveOrders.moneris_enabled include Providers::Paypal if EffectiveOrders.paypal_enabled include Providers::Stripe if EffectiveOrders.stripe_enabled include Providers::StripeConnect if EffectiveOrders.stripe_connect_enabled include Providers::Ccbill if EffectiveOrders.ccbill_enabled include Providers::AppCheckout if EffectiveOrders.app_checkout_enabled include Providers::Pretend if EffectiveOrders.allow_pretend_purchase_in_development && !Rails.env.production? include Providers::Pretend if EffectiveOrders.allow_pretend_purchase_in_production && Rails.env.production? layout (EffectiveOrders.layout.kind_of?(Hash) ? EffectiveOrders.layout[:orders] : EffectiveOrders.layout) if defined?(Devise) before_filter :authenticate_user!, except: [:paypal_postback, :ccbill_postback] end before_filter :set_page_title, except: [:show] # This is the entry point for the "Checkout" buttons def new @order ||=, user: current_user) EffectiveOrders.authorized?(self, :new, @order) # We're only going to check for a subset of errors on this step, # with the idea that we don't want to create an Order object if the Order is totally invalid @order.valid? if @order.errors[:order_items].present? flash[:danger] = @order.errors[:order_items].first redirect_to(effective_orders.cart_path) return elsif @order.errors[:total].present? flash[:danger] = @order.errors[:total].first.gsub(EffectiveOrders.minimum_charge.to_i.to_s, view_context.price_to_currency(EffectiveOrders.minimum_charge.to_i)) redirect_to(effective_orders.cart_path) return end @order.errors.clear @order.billing_address.try(:errors).try(:clear) @order.shipping_address.try(:errors).try(:clear) render :checkout_step1 end def edit @order ||= Effective::Order.find(params[:id]) EffectiveOrders.authorized?(self, :edit, @order) render :checkout_step1 end def create @order ||=, user: current_user) save_order_and_redirect_to_step2 end # If there is an existing order, it will be posted to the /update action, instead of /create def update @order ||= Effective::Order.find(params[:id]) save_order_and_redirect_to_step2 end def save_order_and_redirect_to_step2 (redirect_to effective_orders.cart_path and return) if (@order.blank? || current_user.blank?) @order.attributes = order_params @order.user_id = if EffectiveOrders.require_shipping_address if @order.shipping_address_same_as_billing? && @order.billing_address.present? @order.shipping_address = @order.billing_address end end EffectiveOrders.authorized?(self, (@order.persisted? ? :update : :create), @order) Effective::Order.transaction do begin if @order.save_billing_address? && @order.user.respond_to?(:billing_address=) && @order.billing_address.present? @order.user.billing_address = @order.billing_address end if @order.save_shipping_address? && @order.user.respond_to?(:shipping_address=) && @order.shipping_address.present? @order.user.shipping_address = @order.shipping_address end! if == 0 && EffectiveOrders.allow_free_orders order_purchased(details: 'automatic purchase of free order', provider: 'free', card: 'none') else redirect_to(effective_orders.order_path(@order)) # This goes to checkout_step2 end return true rescue => e e.message[:danger] = "Unable to save order: #{@order.errors.full_messages.to_sentence}. Please try again." raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end # Fall back to checkout step 1 render :checkout_step1 end def show @order = Effective::Order.find(params[:id]) EffectiveOrders.authorized?(self, :show, @order) @page_title ||= ( if @order.purchased? 'Receipt' elsif @order.user != current_user @order.pending? ? "Pending Order ##{@order.to_param}" : "Order ##{@order.to_param}" else 'Checkout' end ) render(:checkout_step2) if @order.purchased? == false && @order.user == current_user end def index @orders = Effective::Order.purchased_by(current_user) EffectiveOrders.authorized?(self, :index, current_user)) render action: :my_purchases end # Basically an index page. # Purchases is an Order History page. List of purchased orders def my_purchases @orders = Effective::Order.purchased_by(current_user) EffectiveOrders.authorized?(self, :index, current_user)) end # Sales is a list of what products beign sold by me have been purchased def my_sales @order_items = Effective::OrderItem.sold_by(current_user) EffectiveOrders.authorized?(self, :index, current_user)) end # Thank you for Purchasing this Order. This is where a successfully purchased order ends up def purchased # Thank You! @order = if params[:id].present? Effective::Order.find(params[:id]) elsif current_user.present? Effective::Order.purchased_by(current_user).first end if @order.blank? redirect_to(effective_orders.my_purchases_path) and return end EffectiveOrders.authorized?(self, :show, @order) redirect_to(effective_orders.order_path(@order)) unless @order.purchased? end # An error has occurred, please try again def declined # An error occurred! @order = Effective::Order.find(params[:id]) EffectiveOrders.authorized?(self, :show, @order) redirect_to(effective_orders.order_path(@order)) unless @order.declined? end def resend_buyer_receipt @order = Effective::Order.find(params[:id]) EffectiveOrders.authorized?(self, :show, @order) if @order.send_order_receipt_to_buyer! flash[:success] = "Successfully sent receipt to #{}" else flash[:danger] = "Unable to send receipt." end redirect_to(request.referer.present? ? :back : effective_orders.order_path(@order)) end protected def order_purchased(details: 'none', provider:, card: 'none', redirect_url: nil, declined_redirect_url: nil) begin @order.purchase!(details: details, provider: provider, card: card) Effective::Cart.where(user_id: @order.user_id).try(:destroy_all) # current_cart won't work for provider post backs here if EffectiveOrders.mailer[:send_order_receipt_to_buyer] flash[:success] = "Payment successful! Please check your email for a receipt." else flash[:success] = "Payment successful!" end redirect_to (redirect_url.presence || effective_orders.order_purchased_path(':id')).gsub(':id', @order.to_param.to_s) rescue => e flash[:danger] = "An error occurred while processing your payment: #{e.message}. Please try again." redirect_to(declined_redirect_url.presence || effective_orders.cart_path).gsub(':id', @order.to_param.to_s) end end def order_declined(details: 'none', provider:, card: 'none', redirect_url: nil, message: nil) @order.decline!(details: details, provider: provider, card: card) rescue nil flash[:danger] = message.presence || 'Payment was unsuccessful. Your credit card was declined by the payment processor. Please try again.' redirect_to(redirect_url.presence || effective_orders.order_declined_path(@order)).gsub(':id', end private # StrongParameters def order_params begin params.require(:effective_order).permit(EffectiveOrders.permitted_params) rescue => e params[:effective_order] || {} end end def set_page_title @page_title ||= case params[:action] when 'index' ; 'Order History' when 'my_purchases' ; 'Order History' when 'my_sales' ; 'Sales History' when 'purchased' ; 'Thank You' when 'declined' ; 'Payment Declined' else 'Checkout' end end end end