require 'helper' describe "Pry::DefaultCommands::Shell" do describe "save-file" do before do @tf =["pry", ".py"]) @path = @tf.path end after do @tf.close(true) end describe "-f" do it 'should save a file to a file' do f =["pry", ".py"]) path = f.path f.write ":cute_horse" redirect_pry_io("save-file -f #{path} #{@path}", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(@o) end == f.close(true) end end describe "-i" do it 'should save input expressions to a file (single expression)' do redirect_pry_io(":horse_nostrils", "save-file -i 1 #{@path}", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(@o) end == ":horse_nostrils\n" end it 'should save input expressions to a file (range)' do redirect_pry_io(":horse_nostrils", ":sucking_up_all_the_oxygen", "save-file -i 1..2 #{@path}", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(@o) end == ":horse_nostrils\n:sucking_up_all_the_oxygen\n" end end describe "-m" do before do @o = def :baby end def @o.bang :bang end end describe "single method" do it 'should save a method to a file' do redirect_pry_io("save-file #{@path} -m baby", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(@o) end == Pry::Method.from_obj(@o, :baby).source end it 'should save a method to a file truncated by --lines' do redirect_pry_io("save-file #{@path} -m baby --lines 2..4", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(@o) end # must add 1 as first line of method is 1 == Pry::Method.from_obj(@o, :baby).source.lines.to_a[1..5].join end end describe "multiple method" do it 'should save multiple methods to a file' do redirect_pry_io("save-file #{@path} -m baby -m bang", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(@o) end == Pry::Method.from_obj(@o, :baby).source + Pry::Method.from_obj(@o, :bang).source end it 'should save multiple methods to a file trucated by --lines' do redirect_pry_io("save-file #{@path} -m baby -m bang --lines 2..-2", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(@o) end # must add 1 as first line of method is 1 == (Pry::Method.from_obj(@o, :baby).source + Pry::Method.from_obj(@o, :bang).source).lines.to_a[1..-2].join end it 'should save multiple methods to a file trucated by --lines 1 (single parameter, not range)' do redirect_pry_io("save-file #{@path} -m baby -m bang --lines 1", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(@o) end # must add 1 as first line of method is 1 == (Pry::Method.from_obj(@o, :baby).source + Pry::Method.from_obj(@o, :bang).source).lines.to_a[0] end end end describe "overwrite by default (no --append)" do it 'should overwrite specified file with new input' do redirect_pry_io(":horse_nostrils", "save-file -i 1 #{@path}", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(@o) end redirect_pry_io(":sucking_up_all_the_oxygen", "save-file -i 1 #{@path}", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(@o) end == ":sucking_up_all_the_oxygen\n" end end describe "--append" do it 'should append to end of specified file' do redirect_pry_io(":horse_nostrils", "save-file -i 1 #{@path}", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(@o) end redirect_pry_io(":sucking_up_all_the_oxygen", "save-file -i 1 #{@path} -a", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(@o) end == ":horse_nostrils\n:sucking_up_all_the_oxygen\n" end end describe "-c" do it 'should save a command to a file' do redirect_pry_io("save-file #{@path} -k show-method", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(@o) end cmd ="show-method").block) == Pry::Code.from_method(cmd).to_s end end describe "combined options" do before do @o = def :baby end end it 'should save input cache and a method to a file (in that order)' do redirect_pry_io(":horse_nostrils", "save-file -i 1 -m baby #{@path}", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(@o) end == ":horse_nostrils\n" + Pry::Method.from_obj(@o, :baby).source end it 'should select a portion to save using --lines' do redirect_pry_io(":horse_nostrils", "save-file -i 1 -m baby #{@path} --lines 2..-2", "exit-all")) do Pry.start(@o) end == (":horse_nostrils\n" + Pry::Method.from_obj(@o, :baby).source).lines.to_a[1..-2].join end end end describe "cat" do before do @str_output = end describe "on receiving a file that does not exist" do it 'should display an error message' do mock_pry("cat supercalifragilicious66").should =~ /Cannot open/ end end describe "with --in" do it 'should display the last few expressions with indices' do output = mock_pry("10", "20", "cat --in") output.should =~ /^1:/ output.should =~ /^ 10/ output.should =~ /^2:/ output.should =~ /^ 20/ end end describe "with --in 1" do it 'should display the first expression with no index' do output = mock_pry("10", "20", "cat --in 1") output.should.not =~ /^\d+:/ output.should =~ /^10/ end end describe "with --in -1" do it 'should display the last expression with no index' do output = mock_pry("10", "20", "cat --in -1") output.should.not =~ /^\d+:/ output.should =~ /^20/ end end describe "with --in 1..2" do it 'should display the given range with indices, omitting nils' do output = mock_pry("10", "20", "cat --ex", ":hello", "cat --in 1..4") output.should =~ /^1:/ output.should.not =~ /^3:/ output.should =~ /^ :hello/ end end # this doesnt work so well on rbx due to differences in backtrace # so we currently skip rbx until we figure out a workaround describe "with --ex" do if !Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers.rbx? it 'cat --ex should correctly display code that generated exception even if raised in repl' do mock_pry("this raises error", "cat --ex").should =~ /\d+:(\s*) this raises error/ end it 'cat --ex should correctly display code that generated exception' do mock_pry("broken_method", "cat --ex").should =~ /this method is broken/ end end end describe "with --ex N" do it 'should cat first level of backtrace when --ex used with no argument ' do pry_instance = =>"cat --ex"), :output => @str_output) temp_file do |f| f << "bt number 1" f.flush pry_instance.last_exception = mock_exception("#{f.path}:1", "x", "x") pry_instance.rep(self) end @str_output.string.should =~ /bt number 1/ end it 'should cat first level of backtrace when --ex 0 used ' do pry_instance = =>"cat --ex 0"), :output => @str_output) temp_file do |f| f << "bt number 1" f.flush pry_instance.last_exception = mock_exception("#{f.path}:1", "x", "x") pry_instance.rep(self) end @str_output.string.should =~ /bt number 1/ end it 'should cat second level of backtrace when --ex 1 used ' do pry_instance = =>"cat --ex 1"), :output => @str_output) temp_file do |f| f << "bt number 2" f.flush pry_instance.last_exception = mock_exception("x", "#{f.path}:1", "x") pry_instance.rep(self) end @str_output.string.should =~ /bt number 2/ end it 'should cat third level of backtrace when --ex 2 used' do pry_instance = =>"cat --ex 2"), :output => @str_output) temp_file do |f| f << "bt number 3" f.flush pry_instance.last_exception = mock_exception("x", "x", "#{f.path}:1") pry_instance.rep(self) end @str_output.string.should =~ /bt number 3/ end it 'should show error when backtrace level out of bounds' do pry_instance = =>"cat --ex 3"), :output => @str_output) pry_instance.last_exception = mock_exception("x", "x", "x") pry_instance.rep(self) @str_output.string.should =~ /out of bounds/ end it 'each successive cat --ex should show the next level of backtrace, and going past the final level should return to the first' do temp_files = [] 3.times do |i| temp_files <<['pry', '*.rb']) temp_files.last << "bt number #{i}" temp_files.last.flush end pry_instance = =>"cat --ex\n" * 4), :output => @str_output) pry_instance.last_exception = mock_exception(* { |f| "#{f.path}:1" }) 3.times do |i| pry_instance.rep(self) @str_output.string.should =~ /bt number #{i}/ end @str_output.reopen pry_instance.rep(self) @str_output.string.should =~ /bt number 0/ temp_files.each do |file| file.close(true) end end end end end