module RubyCurses ## # This is a basic list cell renderer that will render the to_s value of anything. # Using alignment one can use for numbers too. # However, for booleans it will print true and false. If editing, you may want checkboxes class RfeRenderer < ListCellRenderer def initialize text="", config={}, &block super @orig_bgcolor = @bgcolor @orig_color = @color @orig_attr = @attr end ## ## # def repaint graphic, r=@row,c=@col, row_index=-1, value=@text, focussed=false, selected=false @bgcolor = @orig_bgcolor @color = @orig_color @row_attr = @orig_attr value = @parent.entries[row_index] if value[0,1]=="/" path = value.dup else path = @parent.cur_dir()+"/"+value end stat = File.stat(path) if path @row_attr = Ncurses::A_BOLD #@color = 'yellow' end value = format_string(value, path, stat) super end GIGA_SIZE = 1073741824.0 MEGA_SIZE = 1048576.0 KILO_SIZE = 1024.0 # Return the file size with a readable style. def readable_file_size(size, precision) case #when size == 1 : "1 B" when size < KILO_SIZE : "%d B" % size when size < MEGA_SIZE : "%.#{precision}f K" % (size / KILO_SIZE) when size < GIGA_SIZE : "%.#{precision}f M" % (size / MEGA_SIZE) else "%.#{precision}f G" % (size / GIGA_SIZE) end end def date_format t t.strftime "%Y/%m/%d" end def format_string fn, path,stat max_len = 30 f = fn.dup if path #"%-*s\t(dir)" % [max_len,f] #f = "/"+f # disallows search on keypress f = "/"+f end if f.size > max_len f = f[0..max_len-1] end "%-*s %10s %s" % [max_len,f, readable_file_size(stat.size,1), date_format(stat.mtime)] end # ADD HERE end end