module PgSync class DataSource attr_reader :url def initialize(source, timeout: 3) @url = resolve_url(source) @timeout = timeout end def exists? @url && @url.size > 0 end def local? !host || %w(localhost end def host @host ||= conninfo[:host] end def port @port ||= conninfo[:port] end def dbname @dbname ||= conninfo[:dbname] end # gets visible tables def tables @tables ||= begin query = "SELECT table_schema, table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog') ORDER BY 1, 2" execute(query).map { |row| "#{row["table_schema"]}.#{row["table_name"]}" } end end def table_exists?(table) table_set.include?(table) end def columns(table) query = "SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = $1 AND table_name = $2" execute(query, table.split(".", 2)).map { |row| row["column_name"] } end def sequences(table, columns) execute("SELECT #{ { |f| "pg_get_serial_sequence(#{escape("#{quote_ident_full(table)}")}, #{escape(f)}) AS #{quote_ident(f)}" }.join(", ")}")[0].values.compact end def max_id(table, primary_key, sql_clause = nil) execute("SELECT MAX(#{quote_ident(primary_key)}) FROM #{quote_ident_full(table)}#{sql_clause}")[0]["max"].to_i end def min_id(table, primary_key, sql_clause = nil) execute("SELECT MIN(#{quote_ident(primary_key)}) FROM #{quote_ident_full(table)}#{sql_clause}")[0]["min"].to_i end def last_value(seq) execute("select last_value from #{seq}")[0]["last_value"] end def truncate(table) execute("TRUNCATE #{quote_ident_full(table)} CASCADE") end # def primary_key(table) query = <<-SQL SELECT pg_attribute.attname, format_type(pg_attribute.atttypid, pg_attribute.atttypmod) FROM pg_index, pg_class, pg_attribute, pg_namespace WHERE pg_class.oid = $2::regclass AND indrelid = pg_class.oid AND nspname = $1 AND pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_attribute.attnum = any(pg_index.indkey) AND indisprimary SQL row = execute(query, [table.split(".", 2)[0], quote_ident_full(table)])[0] row && row["attname"] end def conn @conn ||= begin begin ENV["PGCONNECT_TIMEOUT"] ||= @timeout.to_s if @url =~ /\Apostgres(ql)?:\/\// config = @url else config = {dbname: @url} end rescue PG::ConnectionBad => e raise PgSync::Error, e.message rescue URI::InvalidURIError raise PgSync::Error, "Invalid connection string" end end end def close if @conn @conn.close @conn = nil end end def dump_command(tables) tables = tables ? { |t| "-t #{Shellwords.escape(quote_ident_full(t))}" }.join(" ") : "" "pg_dump -Fc --verbose --schema-only --no-owner --no-acl #{tables} -d #{@url}" end def restore_command psql_version = `psql --version`.lines[0].chomp.split(" ")[-1].split(/[^\d.]/)[0] if_exists = >="9.4.0") "pg_restore --verbose --no-owner --no-acl --clean #{if_exists ? "--if-exists" : nil} -d #{@url}" end def fully_resolve_tables(tables) no_schema_tables = {} search_path_index = Hash[] self.tables.group_by { |t| t.split(".", 2)[-1] }.each do |group, t2| no_schema_tables[group] = t2.sort_by { |t| [search_path_index[t.split(".", 2)[0]] || 1000000, t] }[0] end Hash[ { |k, v| [no_schema_tables[k] || k, v] }] end def search_path @search_path ||= execute("SELECT current_schemas(true)")[0]["current_schemas"][1..-2].split(",") end private def table_set @table_set ||= end def conninfo @conninfo ||= conn.conninfo_hash end def quote_ident_full(ident) ident.split(".", 2).map { |v| quote_ident(v) }.join(".") end def execute(query, params = []) conn.exec_params(query, params).to_a end def quote_ident(value) PG::Connection.quote_ident(value) end def escape(value) if value.is_a?(String) "'#{quote_string(value)}'" else value end end # activerecord def quote_string(s) s.gsub(/\\/, '\&\&').gsub(/'/, "''") end def resolve_url(source) if source source = source.dup source.gsub!(/\$\([^)]+\)/) do |m| command = m[2..-2] result = `#{command}`.chomp unless $?.success? raise PgSync::Error, "Command exited with non-zero status:\n#{command}" end result end end source end end end