include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper class String def sanitise sanitize(self, :tags=>%w(table tr td th p br b strong u em i span div pre code quote), :attributes=> %w(id) ) end def friendly_format(options={}) text = self text = text.gsub(/http:\/\/(?:www\.)?\/watch\?[\S]*v=([0-9a-zA-Z\_\-]{5,15})[^0-9a-zA-Z\_\-]/i, '!YOUTUBE!\1!') unless options[:strict_markdown] || options[:no_youtube] text = text.gsub(/http:\/\/\/(\S{5,15})/, '!YOUTUBE!\1!') unless options[:strict_markdown] || options[:no_youtube] text = text.gsub(/http:\/\/\/([0-9]{6,9})/, '!VIMEO!\1!') unless options[:strict_markdown] || options[:no_youtube] options[:filter_html] ||= false options[:filter_styles] ||= true options[:autolink] ||= true r = options.each do |k,v| if r.respond_to?(k.to_sym) r.send("#{k.to_s}=", v) end end d = r.to_html.gsub(/!YOUTUBE!([0-9a-zA-Z\_\-]{5,15})!/i, '

') unless options[:strict_markdown] || options[:no_youtube] d = d.gsub(/!VIMEO!([0-9]{6,9})!/i, '

') unless options[:strict_markdown] || options[:no_youtube] if options[:smilies] d.gsub!(/:smile:/, '') d.gsub!(/:wink:/, '') d.gsub!(/:wall:/, '') end return d end def is_number? (self =~ /^\-?[\d\.]+$/) != nil end def md5 Digest::MD5.hexdigest(self) end def transliterate # Based on permalink_fu by Rick Olsen # s = Iconv.iconv('ascii//ignore//translit', 'utf-8', str).to_s # Downcase string self.downcase! # Remove apostrophes so isn't changes to isnt self.gsub!(/'/, '') # Replace any non-letter or non-number character with a space self.gsub!(/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/, ' ') # Remove spaces from beginning and end of string self.strip! # Replace groups of spaces with single hyphen self.gsub!(/\ +/, '-') end def urlise self.downcase.gsub(/'/, '').gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/, ' ').strip.gsub(/\ +/,'-') end def is_blank? return true if self.strip.length==0 return false end def not_blank? return !is_blank? end def right_truncate(n, missing='...') return self if self.length<=n return missing + self[-n..-1] end # A regular expression to match small words that should not be # titleized. SMALL_WORDS_RE = /^(a|an|and|as|at|but|by|en|for|if|in|of|on|or|the|to|v\.?|via|vs\.?)$/ def titleize_if_appropriate # If a word does not contain a full-stop within itself and it doesn't # contain any capital letters apart from its first letter, titleize it. if !self[/\w\.\w/] && !self[/^.+[A-Z]/] # Capitalise the first *word* character (therefore avoiding problems # where the first character is some punctuation). self[/^\W*\w/] = self[/^\W*\w/].upcase end self end def title_case # Keep track when a colon has been used at the end of a word. colon_preceding = false # Split the string by any whitespace and then inspect each word # at a time. words = split(/\s+/).map do |word| title_cased_word = if colon_preceding # If there was a colon preceding this word then titleize # it even if it is a small word. colon_preceding = false word.titleize_if_appropriate elsif word.downcase[SMALL_WORDS_RE] # If this is a small word, make it lowercase. word.downcase else # In all other cases, titleize the word. word.titleize_if_appropriate end # If this word ends in a colon, set the flag so that the # following word can be titleized. colon_preceding = true if word[/:$/] title_cased_word end # Always capitalise the first and last words. words[0] = words[0].titleize_if_appropriate words[-1] = words[-1].titleize_if_appropriate words.join(" ") end end class Fixnum def is_number? return true end def is_blank? return false end def downcase! return self end def strip! return self end end class NilClass def is_number? return false end def is_blank? return true end def not_blank? return false end end