module Mongoid module Association # This module defines the behaviour for setting up cascading deletes and # nullifies for relations, and how to delegate to the appropriate strategy. module Depending extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :dependents self.dependents = [] end # The valid dependent strategies. # # @since 7.0 STRATEGIES = [ :delete_all, :destroy, :nullify, :restrict_with_exception, :restrict_with_error ] # The error message when a strategy cannot delete objects because there are associated objects. # # @since 7.0 RESTRICT_ERROR_MSG = 'Cannot delete record because associated objects exist.'.freeze # Attempt to add the cascading information for the document to know how # to handle associated documents on a removal. # # @example Set up cascading information # Mongoid::Association::Depending.define_dependency!(association) # # @param [ Association ] association The association metadata. # # @return [ Class ] The class of the document. # # @since 2.0.0.rc.1 def self.define_dependency!(association) validate!(association) association.inverse_class.tap do |klass| if association.dependent && !klass.dependents.include?(association) klass.dependents.push(association) end end end def self.validate!(association) unless STRATEGIES.include?(association.dependent) raise, association.dependent, STRATEGIES) end end # Perform all cascading deletes, destroys, or nullifies. Will delegate to # the appropriate strategy to perform the operation. # # @example Execute cascades. # document.apply_delete_dependencies! # # @since 2.0.0.rc.1 def apply_delete_dependencies! dependents.each do |association| if association.try(:dependent) send("_dependent_#{association.dependent}!", association) end end end private def _dependent_delete_all!(association) if relation = send( if relation.respond_to?(:dependents) && relation.dependents.blank? relation.clear else ::Array.wrap(send( { |rel| rel.delete } end end end def _dependent_destroy!(association) if relation = send( if relation.is_a?(Enumerable) relation.entries relation.each { |doc| doc.destroy } else relation.destroy end end end def _dependent_nullify!(association) if relation = send( relation.nullify end end def _dependent_restrict_with_exception!(association) if (relation = send( && !relation.blank? raise, end end def _dependent_restrict_with_error!(association) if (relation = send( && !relation.blank? errors.add(, RESTRICT_ERROR_MSG) throw(:abort, false) end end end end end