import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n'; import EmptyState from 'foremanReact/components/common/EmptyState'; import { foremanUrl, getManualURL } from 'foremanReact/common/helpers'; export const WelcomeEnv = ({ canCreate }) => { const action = canCreate && { title: __('Create Puppet Environment'), url: foremanUrl('environments/new'), }; const content = __(`If you are planning to use Foreman as an external node classifier you should provide information about one or more environments.
This information is commonly imported from a pre-existing Puppet configuration by the use of the Puppet classes and environment importer.`); return ( } documentation={{ url: getManualURL('4.2.1Environments') }} action={action} /> ); }; WelcomeEnv.propTypes = { canCreate: PropTypes.bool, }; WelcomeEnv.defaultProps = { canCreate: false, }; export default WelcomeEnv;