--- nl-NL: a_copy_of_all_mail_will_be_sent_to_the_following_addresses: "Een kopie van alle mail wordt verzonden naar de volgende adressen" abbreviation: Afkorting access_denied: "Toegang geweigerd" account: Account account_updated: "Account updated!" action: Actie actions: cancel: Annuleer create: Aanmaken destroy: Vernietig list: Lijst listing: Lijst new: Nieuw update: Update activerecord: attributes: address: address1: "Adres lijn 1" address2: "Adres lijn 2" city: Woonplaats firstname: Voornaam lastname: Achternaam phone: Telefoon zipcode: Postcode country: iso: ISO iso3: ISO3 iso_name: "ISO Naam" name: Naam numcode: "ISO Code" creditcard: cc_type: Type month: Maand number: Nummer verification_value: "Verificatie Waarde" year: Jaar inventory_unit: state: Status line_item: price: Prijs quantity: Aantal order: checkout_complete: "Bestelling afgerond" ip_address: "IP Adres" item_total: "Product Totaal" number: Nummer special_instructions: "Bijkomende opmerkingen" state: Provincie total: Totaal product: available_on: "Beschikbaar Op" description: Omschrijving master_price: "Prijs" name: Naam on_hand: "Op Voorraad" shipping_category: "Verzend-categorie" tax_category: "Tax Category" property: name: Naam presentation: Presentatie prototype: name: Naam role: name: Naam state: abbr: Afkorting name: Naam tax_category: description: Description name: Name tax_rate: amount: Rate taxon: name: Naam permalink: Permalink position: Positie taxonomy: name: Naam user: email: E-mail variant: depth: Diepte height: Hoogte price: Prijs sku: Sku weight: Gewicht width: Breedte zone: description: Omschrijving name: Naam models: address: one: Adres other: Adressen country: one: Land other: Landen creditcard: one: "Creditcard" other: "Creditcards" creditcard_payment: one: "Creditcard betaling" other: "Creditcard betalingen" creditcard_txn: one: "Creditcard verrichting" other: "Creditcard verrichtingen" inventory_unit: one: "Voorraad eenheid" other: "Voorraad eenheden" line_item: one: "Regel" other: "Regels" order: one: Bestelling other: Bestellingen payment: one: Betaling other: Betalingen product: one: Product other: Producten property: one: Eigenschap other: Eigenschappen prototype: one: Prototype other: Prototypen role: one: Rol other: Rollen shipping_category: one: "Verzend-categorie" other: "Verzend-categorieën" state: one: Status other: Statussen tax_category: one: "Tax Category" other: "Tax Categories" tax_rate: one: "Tax Rate" other: "Tax Rates" taxon: one: Taxon other: Taxons taxonomy: one: Taxonomie other: Taxonomieën user: one: Gebruiker other: Gebruikers variant: one: Variant other: Varianten zone: one: Zone other: Zones add: Toevoegen add_category: "Categorie Toevoegen" add_country: "Land Toevoegen" add_option_type: "Optie Type Toevoegen" add_option_types: "Optie Type" add_option_value: "Optie Waarde Toevoegen" add_product_properties: "Add Product Properties" add_state: "Status Toevoegen" add_to_cart: "Toevoegen aan Winkelwagen" add_zone: "Zone toevoegen" additional_item: Additional Item Cost address: Adres address_information: "Adresgegevens" adjustment: Aanpassing administration: Administratie all: "All" allow_backorders: "Nabestellingen toelaten" allow_ssl_to_be_used_when_in_developement_and_test_modes: "SSL gebruik toestaan in ontwikkel- en testomgevingen" allow_ssl_to_be_used_when_in_production_mode: "SSL gebruik toestaan in productie-omgeving" allowed_ssl_in_production_mode: "SSL will {{not}} be used in production" already_registered: Al geregistreerd? alternative_phone: Alternative Phone amount: Bedrag are_you_sure: "Weet u het zeker" are_you_sure_category: "Wilt u deze categorie echt verwijderen?" are_you_sure_delete: "Wilt u dit record echt verwijderen?" are_you_sure_delete_image: "Wilt u deze afbeelding echt verwijderen?" are_you_sure_option_type: "Wilt u dit optie type echt verwijderen?" are_you_sure_you_want_to_capture: "Wilt u dit echt in rekening brengen?" assign_taxon: "Taxon Toekennen" assign_taxons: "Taxons Toekennen" authorization_failure: "Autorisatie mislukt" authorized: "Autorisatie gelukt" available_on: "Beschikbaar op" available_taxons: "Beschikbare taxons" back: Terug back_to_store: "Verder Winkelen" backordering_is_allowed: "Backordering {{not}} allowed" bill_address: "Factuuradres" billing_address: "Factuuradres" calculator: Calculator calculator_settings_warning: "If you are changing the calculator type, you must save first before you can edit the calculator settings" cancel: annuleer canceled: Geannuleerd capture: "in rekening brengen" card_code: "Kaart Code" card_number: "Kaartnummer" card_type_is: Card type is cart: Winkelwagen categories: Categorieën category: Categorie change: Wijzig change_language: "Taalkeuze" charge_total: Charge Total charged: Afgeboekt checkout: Bestelling city: Stad code: Code combine: Combine comp_order: "Afgebroken order" comp_order_confirmation: "Er wordt geen afboeking verricht bij de klant. Are you sure you want to comp this order?" complete: complete complete_list: "Complete lijst" configuration: Configuratie configuration_options: "Configuratie Opties" configurations: Configuraties confirm: Bevestig confirm_delete: "Confirm Deletion" confirm_password: "Wachtwoord bevestiging" continue: "Ga Verder" continue_shopping: "Verder Winkelen" copy_all_mails_to: "Kopieer Alle Mails Naar" country: Land country_based: "Gebaseerd op land" coupon: Coupon coupon_code: Coupon Code coupons: Coupons coupons_description: Manage coupons create: Aanmaken create_a_new_account: "Maak een nieuwe account aan" create_user_account: Create User Account created_successfully: "Succesvol aangemaakt" credit_card: "Creditcard" credit_card_capture_complete: "Afboeking via creditcard voltooid" credit_card_payment: "Creditcard Betaling" credit_total: Credit Total creditcard: Creditcard current: Huidige customer: Klant date_range: "Datum Bereik" delete: Verwijder depth: Diepte description: Omschrijving destroy: Verwijder display: Weergeven edit: Wijzig editing_category: "Wijzig Categorie" editing_coupon: Editing Coupon editing_option_type: "Optie Type Wijzigen" editing_option_types: "Optie Types Wijzigen" editing_product: "Product Wijzigen" editing_property: "Eigenschap Wijzigen" editing_prototype: "Prototype Wijzigen" editing_shipping_category: "Wijzigen verzend-categorie" editing_shipping_method: "Wijzigen verzendwijze" editing_shipping_rate: Editing Shipping Rate editing_state: "Wijzigen Status" editing_tax_category: "Wijzigen BTW categorie" editing_tax_rate: "Editing Tax Rate" editing_user: "Gebruiker Wijzigen" editing_zone: "Zone Wijzigen" email: E-mail email_address: "E-mail Adres" email_server_settings_description: "E-mail server installen." empty_cart: "Winkelwagen leegmaken" enable_mail_delivery: "Mail aflevering aanzetten" enable_mail_queue: "Enable Mail Queue" enter_exactly_as_shown_on_card: Please enter exactly as shown on the card error: fout event: Gebeurtenis existing_customer: "Bestaande Klant" expiration: Verval expiration_month: "Vervalmaand" expiration_year: "Vervaljaar" extension: Extensie extensions: Extensies filename: Bestandsnaam final_confirmation: "Definitieve bevestiging" first_item: First Item Cost first_name: "Voornaam" flat_percent: Flat Percent flat_rate_amount: Amount flat_rate_per_item: "Flat Rate (per item)" flat_rate_per_order: "Flat Rate (per order)" flexible_rate: "Flexible Rate" forgot_password: "Forgot Password" full_name: "Full Name" gateway: Gateway gateway_configuration: "Gateway configuration" gateway_error: "Gateway Fout" gateway_setting_description: "Selecteer een betalings-gateway en stel deze in." general: "General" general_settings: "Algemene Instellingen" general_settings_description: "Algemene Spree Instellingen." google_analytics: "Google Analytics" google_analytics_active: "Actief" google_analytics_create: "Nieuw Google Analytics account aanmaken" google_analytics_id: "Analytics ID" google_analytics_new: "Nieuwe Google Analytics Account" google_analytics_setting_description: "Instellen Google Analytics ID" guest_user_account: Checkout as a Guest height: Hoogte hello_user: "Hallo Gebruiker" history: History home: "Home" icons_by: "Icons by" image: Afbeelding images: Afbeeldingen images_for: "Images for" in_progress: "Aan de gang" invalid_search: "Foute zoekcriteria." inventory: Voorraad inventory_adjustment: "Voorraad Aanpassing" inventory_setting_description: "Voorraad instellingen, Nabestellingen, Nul-Voorraad Weergave" inventory_settings: "Voorraad instellingen" issue_number: Issue Number item: Products item_description: "Product Omschrijving" item_total: "Product Totaal" last_name: "Achternaam" list: Lijst listing_categories: "Lijst Categorieën" listing_option_types: "Lijst Optie Types" listing_orders: "Lijst Bestellingen" listing_reports: "Lijst Rapporten" listing_tax_categories: "Lijst BTW categorieën" listing_users: "Lijst Gebruikers" loading: Loading locale_changed: "Regionale Instellingen Gewijzigd" log_in: "Inloggen" logged_in_as: "Ingelogd als" logged_in_succesfully: "Inloggen gelukt" logged_out: "U bent nu uitgelogd." login_as_existing: "Log in als bestaande klant" login_failed: "Inloggen mislukt." login_name: Loginnaam logout: Uitloggen maestro_or_solo_cards: Maestro/Solo cards mail_delivery_enabled: "Mail aflevering aangezet" mail_delivery_not_enabled: "Mail aflevering afgezet" mail_queue_enabled: "Mail queue is enabled" mail_queue_not_enabled: "Mail queue is not enabled (emails are delivered immediately)" mail_server_preferences: "Mail server Instellingen" mail_server_settings: "Mail server Instellingen" mark_shipped: "Markeer verzonden" master_price: "Prijs" max_items: Max Items meta_description: "Meta-beschrijving" meta_keywords: "Meta keywords" metadata: "Metadata" month: "Maand" my_account: "Mijn Profiel" my_orders: "Mijn Bestellingen" name: Naam new: Nieuw new_category: "Nieuwe categorie" new_coupon: New Coupon new_credit_card_payment: "Nieuwe creditcard betaling" new_customer: "Nieuwe Klant" new_image: "Nieuwe afbeelding" new_option_type: "Nieuw Optie Type" new_option_value: "Nieuwe Optie Waarde" new_product: "Nieuw Product" new_property: "Nieuwe Eigenschap" new_prototype: "Nieuw Prototype" new_shipment: "Nieuwe Verzending" new_shipping_category: "Nieuwe verzend-categorie" new_shipping_method: "Nieuwe verzendwijze" new_shipping_rate: New Shipping Rate new_state: "Nieuwe Status" new_tax_category: "Nieuwe BTW Categorie" new_tax_rate: "Nieuw BTW Tarief" new_taxon: "New Taxon" new_taxonomy: "Nieuwe Taxonomie" new_user: "Nieuwe Gebruiker" new_variant: "Nieuwe Variant" new_zone: "Nieuwe Zone" next: Volgende no: "No" no_items_in_cart: "Geen producten in Winkelwagen" no_match_found: "Geen gelijke gevonden" no_user_found: "No user was found with that email address" none: Geen none_available: "Niet op voorraad" not: not on_hand: "Op voorraad" operation: Operatie option_Values: "Waarden Opties" option_types: "Types Opties" option_values: "Waarden Opties" options: Opties or: of order: Bestelling order_confirmation_note: "Orderbevestiging" order_date: "Besteldatum" order_details: "Bestelling Details" order_email_resent: "Order Email Herverzending" order_not_in_system: That order number is not valid on this site. order_number: "Nummer Bestelling" order_operation_authorize: Autoriseren order_processed_successfully: "Uw bestelling is succesvol verwerkt" order_summary: Order Summary order_total: "Bestelling Totaal" order_total_message: "Het aan te rekenen totaalbedrag is" order_updated: "Bestelling gewijzigd" orders: Bestellingen out_of_stock: "Niet op Voorraad" overview: Overzicht page_only_viewable_when_logged_in: You attempted to visit a page which can only be viewed when you are logged in page_only_viewable_when_logged_out: You attempted to visit a page which can only be viewed when you are logged out paid: Betaald parent_category: "Bovenliggende categorie" password: Wachtwoord password_reset_instructions: "Password Reset Instructions" password_reset_instructions_are_mailed: "Instructions to reset your password have been emailed to you. Please check your email." password_reset_token_not_found: "We're sorry, but we could not locate your account. If you are having issues try copying and pasting the URL from your email into your browser or restarting the reset password process." password_updated: "Password successfully updated" path: Pad pay: Betalen payment: Betaling payment_gateway: "Betalings-Gateway" payment_information: "Informatie Betaling" payments: Betalingen phone: Telefoon place_order: Bestellen please_create_user: "Please create a user account" powered_by: "Powered by" presentation: Presentatie previous: vorige price: Prijs problem_authorizing_card: "Fout bij autorisatie betaling" problem_capturing_card: "Fout bij afboeken betaling" problems_processing_order: "Fout vastgesteld bij het verwerken van de bestelling" proceed_as_guest: "No Thanks, Proceed as Guest" process: Verwerking product: Product product_details: "Product Details" product_has_no_description: Product has not description product_properties: "Product Eigenschappen" products: Producten products_with_zero_inventory_display: "Products with a zero inventory will {{not}} be displayed" properties: Eigenschappen property: Eigenschap prototype: Prototype prototypes: Prototypes qty: Aantal rate: Tarief register: Register as a New User register_or_guest: Checkout as Guest or Register registration: Registration remember_me: "Onthouden" remove: Verwijderen reports: Rapporten required_for_solo_and_maestro: Required for Solo and Maestro cards. resend: "Opnieuw verzenden" reset_password: "Reset my password" response_code: "Antwoord Code" resume: "Hervatten" resumed: Hervat return: Terugzenden returned: Teruggezonden roles: Rollen sales_tax: "Sales Tax" sales_total: "Omzet" sales_total_for_all_orders: "Omzet voor alle bestellingen" sales_totals: "Omzet" sales_totals_description: "Omzet voor alle bestellingen" save_preferences: "Instellingen Opslaan" search: Zoek secure_connection_type: "Secure Connection Type" select: Selecteer select_from_prototype: "Selecteer vanuit Prototype" select_preferred_shipping_option: "Selecteer verzendvoorkeursoptie" send_copy_of_all_mails_to: "Zend kopie van alle mails naar" send_copy_of_orders_mails_to: "Zend kopie van bestelmails naar" send_mails_as: "Zend mail als" send_order_mails_as: "Zend bestelmaild als" server_error: "The server returned an error" settings: Settings ship: Verzenden ship_address: "Afleveringssadres" shipment: Verzending shipment_number: "Zending #" shipped: Verzonden shipping: Aflevering shipping_address: "Afleveringsadres" shipping_categories: "Verzend-categorieën" shipping_categories_description: "Beheer verzend-categorieën om duidelijk te maken op welke wijze producten verzonden kunnen worden" shipping_category: Shipping Category shipping_cost: Kosten shipping_error: "Fout bij aflevering" shipping_instructions: "Shipping Instructions" shipping_method: "Verzendwijze" shipping_methods: "Verzendwijzen" shipping_methods_description: "Beheer verzendwijzen" shipping_rates: "Shipping Rates" shipping_rates_description: "Manage shipping rates" shipping_total: "Verzending" shop_by_taxonomy: "Winkelen op {{taxonomy}}" shopping_cart: "Winkelwagen" show_deleted: "Toon verwijderde bestellingen" show_incomplete_orders: "Toon niet afgewerkte bestellingen" show_only_complete_orders: "Toon enkel afgewerkte bestellingen" show_out_of_stock_products: "Toon producten die niet voorradig zijn" show_price_inc_vat: "Show price including VAT" sign_up: "Registreer" site_name: "Site naam" site_url: "Site URL" sku: Sku smtp: SMTP smtp_authentication_type: "SMTP Autorisatie Type" smtp_domain: "SMTP Domein" smtp_mail_host: "SMTP Mail Host" smtp_password: "SMTP Wachtwoord" smtp_port: "SMTP Poort" smtp_send_all_emails_as_from_following_address: "Send all mails as from the following address." smtp_send_copy_of_orders_to_this_addresses: "Sends a copy of all order's mails to this address. For multiple addresses, separate with commas." smtp_send_copy_to_this_addresses: "Sends a copy of all outgoing mails to this address. For multiple addresses, separate with commas." smtp_send_order_mails_as_from_following_address: "Send orders mails as from the following address." smtp_username: "SMTP Gebruikersnaam" spree: date: Datum time: Tijd ssl_will_be_used_in_development_and_test_modes: "SSL will be used in development and test mode if necessary." ssl_will_be_used_in_production_mode: "SSL will be used in production mode" ssl_will_not_be_used_in_development_and_test_modes: "SSL will not be used in development and test mode if necessary." ssl_will_not_be_used_in_production_mode: "SSL will not be used in production mode" start: Start start_date: Valid from state: Status state_based: "Status Gebaseerd" state_setting_description: "Beheer de lijst van staten/provincies die geassocieerd zijn met elk land." states: Statussen status: Status stop: Stop store: Winkel street_address: "Adres lijn 1" street_address_2: "Adres lijn 2" subtotal: Subtotaal subtract: Verreken system: Systeem tax: BTW tax_categories: "BTW Categorieën" tax_categories_setting_description: "Instellen BTW categorieën om aan te duiden welke producten onderhevig zijn aan BTW." tax_category: "BTW Categorie" tax_rates: "Tax Rates" tax_rates_description: Tax rates setup and configuration. tax_settings: "Tax Settings" tax_settings_description: Basic tax settings. tax_total: "BTW Totaal" tax_type: "BTW Type" taxon: Taxon taxonomies: Taxonomieën taxonomies_setting_description: "Aanmaken en wijzigen taxonomieën" taxonomy_edit: "Edit taxonomy" taxonomy_tree_error: "The requested change has not been accepted and the tree has been returned to its previous state, please try again." taxonomy_tree_instruction: "* Right click a child in the tree to access the menu for adding, deleting or sorting a child." taxons: Taxons thank_you_for_your_order: "Hartelijk dank voor uw bestelling. U kan deze pagina afdrukken als bewijs van bestelling." this_file_language: "Nederlands (NL)" thumbnail: "Thumbnail" to_add_variants_you_must_first_define: "To add variants, you must first define" total: Totaal tracking: Tracking transaction: Transactie tree: Structuur try_again: "Probeer Opnieuw" type: Type unable_ship_method: "Kon geen verzendwijzen genereren door een serverfout." unable_to_authorize_credit_card: "Autorisatie van de creditcard mislukt" unable_to_capture_credit_card: "Afboeking via creditcard mislukt" unable_to_save_order: "Bestelling opslaan is mislukt" unrecognized_card_type: Unrecognized card type update: Updaten update_password: "Update mijn wachtwoord en log mij in" updated_successfully: "Update gelukt" updating: Updating usage_limit: Usage Limit use_as_shipping_address: "Gebruik als afleveringsadres" use_billing_address: "Gebruik als factuuradres" use_different_shipping_address: "Ander afleveringsadres gebruiken" user: Gebruiker user_account: "Account Gebruiker" user_details: "Details Gebruiker" users: Gebruikers value: Waarde variants: Varianten vat: "VAT" version: Versie website: Website weight: Gewicht welcome_to_sample_store: "Welkom in de voorbeeldwinkel" what_is_a_cvv: "Wat is een (CVV) creditcard Code?" what_is_this: "Wat is dit?" whats_this: "Wat is dit" width: Breedte year: "Year" yes: "Yes" you_have_been_logged_out: "U bent nu uitgelogd." your_cart_is_empty: "Uw winkelwagen is leeg" zip: Postcode zone: Zone zone_based: "Zone Gebaseerd" zone_setting_description: "Verzameling van landen, provincies of andere zones om in verschillende berekeningen te gebruiken." zones: Zones