//Written in Nila Visit http://adhithyan15.github.io/nila (function() { var hello, msg, message, goal_reached, isprime, visitor_present, names; hello = "world"; msg = "Nila"; message = "Welcome to " + msg; goal_reached = 72; isprime = false; visitor_present = true; if (visitor_present) { console.log("Hello Visitor!"); } names = ["adhi", "alex", "john", "bill", "kelly"]; function printsquare(input_number) { //This is a very simple Nila function var add_number, isvalid; add_number = input_number + 10; isvalid = true; function square(number) { return number*number; } return console.log("Square of " + add_number + " is " + square(add_number)); } console.log(printsquare(5)); function test_message() { return console.log("Welcome to Nila!"); } function welcome_message() { return console.log("Welcome to Nila!"); } console.log(welcome_message); }).call(this);