// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.7.1

Copyright 2013 Marco Braak

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

(function() {
  var $, BorderDropHint, DragAndDropHandler, DragElement, ElementsRenderer, FolderElement, GhostDropHint, HitAreasGenerator, JqTreeWidget, KeyHandler, MouseWidget, Node, NodeElement, Position, SaveStateHandler, ScrollHandler, SelectNodeHandler, SimpleWidget, VisibleNodeIterator, html_escape, indexOf, json_escapable, json_meta, json_quote, json_str, _indexOf,
    __slice = [].slice,
    __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
    __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; };

  $ = this.jQuery;

  SimpleWidget = (function() {
    SimpleWidget.prototype.defaults = {};

    function SimpleWidget(el, options) {
      this.$el = $(el);
      this.options = $.extend({}, this.defaults, options);

    SimpleWidget.prototype.destroy = function() {
      return this._deinit();

    SimpleWidget.prototype._init = function() {
      return null;

    SimpleWidget.prototype._deinit = function() {
      return null;

    SimpleWidget.register = function(widget_class, widget_name) {
      var callFunction, createWidget, destroyWidget, getDataKey, getWidgetData;
      getDataKey = function() {
        return "simple_widget_" + widget_name;
      getWidgetData = function(el, data_key) {
        var widget;
        widget = $.data(el, data_key);
        if (widget && (widget instanceof SimpleWidget)) {
          return widget;
        } else {
          return null;
      createWidget = function($el, options) {
        var data_key, el, existing_widget, widget, _i, _len;
        data_key = getDataKey();
        for (_i = 0, _len = $el.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
          el = $el[_i];
          existing_widget = getWidgetData(el, data_key);
          if (!existing_widget) {
            widget = new widget_class(el, options);
            if (!$.data(el, data_key)) {
              $.data(el, data_key, widget);
        return $el;
      destroyWidget = function($el) {
        var data_key, el, widget, _i, _len, _results;
        data_key = getDataKey();
        _results = [];
        for (_i = 0, _len = $el.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
          el = $el[_i];
          widget = getWidgetData(el, data_key);
          if (widget) {
          _results.push($.removeData(el, data_key));
        return _results;
      callFunction = function($el, function_name, args) {
        var el, result, widget, widget_function, _i, _len;
        result = null;
        for (_i = 0, _len = $el.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
          el = $el[_i];
          widget = $.data(el, getDataKey());
          if (widget && (widget instanceof SimpleWidget)) {
            widget_function = widget[function_name];
            if (widget_function && (typeof widget_function === 'function')) {
              result = widget_function.apply(widget, args);
        return result;
      return $.fn[widget_name] = function() {
        var $el, args, argument1, function_name, options;
        argument1 = arguments[0], args = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
        $el = this;
        if (argument1 === void 0 || typeof argument1 === 'object') {
          options = argument1;
          return createWidget($el, options);
        } else if (typeof argument1 === 'string' && argument1[0] !== '_') {
          function_name = argument1;
          if (function_name === 'destroy') {
            return destroyWidget($el);
          } else {
            return callFunction($el, function_name, args);

    return SimpleWidget;


  this.SimpleWidget = SimpleWidget;

  This widget does the same a the mouse widget in jqueryui.

  MouseWidget = (function(_super) {
    __extends(MouseWidget, _super);

    function MouseWidget() {
      return MouseWidget.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

    MouseWidget.is_mouse_handled = false;

    MouseWidget.prototype._init = function() {
      this.$el.bind('mousedown.mousewidget', $.proxy(this._mouseDown, this));
      this.$el.bind('touchstart.mousewidget', $.proxy(this._touchStart, this));
      this.is_mouse_started = false;
      this.mouse_delay = 0;
      this._mouse_delay_timer = null;
      this._is_mouse_delay_met = true;
      return this.mouse_down_info = null;

    MouseWidget.prototype._deinit = function() {
      var $document;
      $document = $(document);
      return $document.unbind('mouseup.mousewidget');

    MouseWidget.prototype._mouseDown = function(e) {
      var result;
      if (e.which !== 1) {
      result = this._handleMouseDown(e, this._getPositionInfo(e));
      if (result) {
      return result;

    MouseWidget.prototype._handleMouseDown = function(e, position_info) {
      if (MouseWidget.is_mouse_handled) {
      if (this.is_mouse_started) {
      this.mouse_down_info = position_info;
      if (!this._mouseCapture(position_info)) {
      this.is_mouse_handled = true;
      return true;

    MouseWidget.prototype._handleStartMouse = function() {
      var $document;
      $document = $(document);
      $document.bind('mousemove.mousewidget', $.proxy(this._mouseMove, this));
      $document.bind('touchmove.mousewidget', $.proxy(this._touchMove, this));
      $document.bind('mouseup.mousewidget', $.proxy(this._mouseUp, this));
      $document.bind('touchend.mousewidget', $.proxy(this._touchEnd, this));
      if (this.mouse_delay) {
        return this._startMouseDelayTimer();

    MouseWidget.prototype._startMouseDelayTimer = function() {
      if (this._mouse_delay_timer) {
      this._mouse_delay_timer = setTimeout((function(_this) {
        return function() {
          return _this._is_mouse_delay_met = true;
      })(this), this.mouse_delay);
      return this._is_mouse_delay_met = false;

    MouseWidget.prototype._mouseMove = function(e) {
      return this._handleMouseMove(e, this._getPositionInfo(e));

    MouseWidget.prototype._handleMouseMove = function(e, position_info) {
      if (this.is_mouse_started) {
        return e.preventDefault();
      if (this.mouse_delay && !this._is_mouse_delay_met) {
        return true;
      this.is_mouse_started = this._mouseStart(this.mouse_down_info) !== false;
      if (this.is_mouse_started) {
      } else {
      return !this.is_mouse_started;

    MouseWidget.prototype._getPositionInfo = function(e) {
      return {
        page_x: e.pageX,
        page_y: e.pageY,
        target: e.target,
        original_event: e

    MouseWidget.prototype._mouseUp = function(e) {
      return this._handleMouseUp(this._getPositionInfo(e));

    MouseWidget.prototype._handleMouseUp = function(position_info) {
      var $document;
      $document = $(document);
      if (this.is_mouse_started) {
        this.is_mouse_started = false;

    MouseWidget.prototype._mouseCapture = function(position_info) {
      return true;

    MouseWidget.prototype._mouseStart = function(position_info) {
      return null;

    MouseWidget.prototype._mouseDrag = function(position_info) {
      return null;

    MouseWidget.prototype._mouseStop = function(position_info) {
      return null;

    MouseWidget.prototype.setMouseDelay = function(mouse_delay) {
      return this.mouse_delay = mouse_delay;

    MouseWidget.prototype._touchStart = function(e) {
      var touch;
      if (e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {
      touch = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0];
      return this._handleMouseDown(e, this._getPositionInfo(touch));

    MouseWidget.prototype._touchMove = function(e) {
      var touch;
      if (e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {
      touch = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0];
      return this._handleMouseMove(e, this._getPositionInfo(touch));

    MouseWidget.prototype._touchEnd = function(e) {
      var touch;
      if (e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {
      touch = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0];
      return this._handleMouseUp(this._getPositionInfo(touch));

    return MouseWidget;


  this.Tree = {};

  $ = this.jQuery;

  Position = {
    getName: function(position) {
      return Position.strings[position - 1];
    nameToIndex: function(name) {
      var i, _i, _ref;
      for (i = _i = 1, _ref = Position.strings.length; 1 <= _ref ? _i <= _ref : _i >= _ref; i = 1 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
        if (Position.strings[i - 1] === name) {
          return i;
      return 0;

  Position.BEFORE = 1;

  Position.AFTER = 2;

  Position.INSIDE = 3;

  Position.NONE = 4;

  Position.strings = ['before', 'after', 'inside', 'none'];

  this.Tree.Position = Position;

  Node = (function() {
    function Node(o, is_root, node_class) {
      if (is_root == null) {
        is_root = false;
      if (node_class == null) {
        node_class = Node;
      this.children = [];
      this.parent = null;
      if (is_root) {
        this.id_mapping = {};
        this.tree = this;
        this.node_class = node_class;

    Node.prototype.setData = function(o) {
      var key, value, _results;
      if (typeof o !== 'object') {
        return this.name = o;
      } else {
        _results = [];
        for (key in o) {
          value = o[key];
          if (key === 'label') {
            _results.push(this.name = value);
          } else {
            _results.push(this[key] = value);
        return _results;

    Node.prototype.initFromData = function(data) {
      var addChildren, addNode;
      addNode = (function(_this) {
        return function(node_data) {
          if (node_data.children) {
            return addChildren(node_data.children);
      addChildren = (function(_this) {
        return function(children_data) {
          var child, node, _i, _len;
          for (_i = 0, _len = children_data.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
            child = children_data[_i];
            node = new _this.tree.node_class('');
          return null;
      return null;

    Create tree from data.
    Structure of data is:
            label: 'node1',
            children: [
                { label: 'child1' },
                { label: 'child2' }
            label: 'node2'

    Node.prototype.loadFromData = function(data) {
      var node, o, _i, _len;
      for (_i = 0, _len = data.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
        o = data[_i];
        node = new this.tree.node_class(o);
        if (typeof o === 'object' && o.children) {
      return null;

    Add child.
        new Node('child1')

    Node.prototype.addChild = function(node) {
      return node._setParent(this);

    Add child at position. Index starts at 0.
        new Node('abc'),

    Node.prototype.addChildAtPosition = function(node, index) {
      this.children.splice(index, 0, node);
      return node._setParent(this);

    Node.prototype._setParent = function(parent) {
      this.parent = parent;
      this.tree = parent.tree;
      return this.tree.addNodeToIndex(this);

    Remove child. This also removes the children of the node.

    Node.prototype.removeChild = function(node) {
      return this._removeChild(node);

    Node.prototype._removeChild = function(node) {
      this.children.splice(this.getChildIndex(node), 1);
      return this.tree.removeNodeFromIndex(node);

    Get child index.
    var index = getChildIndex(node);

    Node.prototype.getChildIndex = function(node) {
      return $.inArray(node, this.children);

    Does the tree have children?
    if (tree.hasChildren()) {

    Node.prototype.hasChildren = function() {
      return this.children.length !== 0;

    Node.prototype.isFolder = function() {
      return this.hasChildren() || this.load_on_demand;

    Iterate over all the nodes in the tree.
    Calls callback with (node, level).
    The callback must return true to continue the iteration on current node.
        function(node, level) {
           // stop iteration after level 2
           return (level <= 2);

    Node.prototype.iterate = function(callback) {
      var _iterate;
      _iterate = (function(_this) {
        return function(node, level) {
          var child, result, _i, _len, _ref;
          if (node.children) {
            _ref = node.children;
            for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
              child = _ref[_i];
              result = callback(child, level);
              if (_this.hasChildren() && result) {
                _iterate(child, level + 1);
            return null;
      _iterate(this, 0);
      return null;

    Move node relative to another node.
    Argument position: Position.BEFORE, Position.AFTER or Position.Inside
    // move node1 after node2
    tree.moveNode(node1, node2, Position.AFTER);

    Node.prototype.moveNode = function(moved_node, target_node, position) {
      if (moved_node.isParentOf(target_node)) {
      if (position === Position.AFTER) {
        return target_node.parent.addChildAtPosition(moved_node, target_node.parent.getChildIndex(target_node) + 1);
      } else if (position === Position.BEFORE) {
        return target_node.parent.addChildAtPosition(moved_node, target_node.parent.getChildIndex(target_node));
      } else if (position === Position.INSIDE) {
        return target_node.addChildAtPosition(moved_node, 0);

    Get the tree as data.

    Node.prototype.getData = function() {
      var getDataFromNodes;
      getDataFromNodes = (function(_this) {
        return function(nodes) {
          var data, k, node, tmp_node, v, _i, _len;
          data = [];
          for (_i = 0, _len = nodes.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
            node = nodes[_i];
            tmp_node = {};
            for (k in node) {
              v = node[k];
              if ((k !== 'parent' && k !== 'children' && k !== 'element' && k !== 'tree') && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(node, k)) {
                tmp_node[k] = v;
            if (node.hasChildren()) {
              tmp_node.children = getDataFromNodes(node.children);
          return data;
      return getDataFromNodes(this.children);

    Node.prototype.getNodeByName = function(name) {
      var result;
      result = null;
      this.iterate(function(node) {
        if (node.name === name) {
          result = node;
          return false;
        } else {
          return true;
      return result;

    Node.prototype.addAfter = function(node_info) {
      var child_index, node;
      if (!this.parent) {
        return null;
      } else {
        node = new this.tree.node_class(node_info);
        child_index = this.parent.getChildIndex(this);
        this.parent.addChildAtPosition(node, child_index + 1);
        return node;

    Node.prototype.addBefore = function(node_info) {
      var child_index, node;
      if (!this.parent) {
        return null;
      } else {
        node = new this.tree.node_class(node_info);
        child_index = this.parent.getChildIndex(this);
        this.parent.addChildAtPosition(node, child_index);
        return node;

    Node.prototype.addParent = function(node_info) {
      var child, new_parent, original_parent, _i, _len, _ref;
      if (!this.parent) {
        return null;
      } else {
        new_parent = new this.tree.node_class(node_info);
        original_parent = this.parent;
        _ref = original_parent.children;
        for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
          child = _ref[_i];
        original_parent.children = [];
        return new_parent;

    Node.prototype.remove = function() {
      if (this.parent) {
        return this.parent = null;

    Node.prototype.append = function(node_info) {
      var node;
      node = new this.tree.node_class(node_info);
      return node;

    Node.prototype.prepend = function(node_info) {
      var node;
      node = new this.tree.node_class(node_info);
      this.addChildAtPosition(node, 0);
      return node;

    Node.prototype.isParentOf = function(node) {
      var parent;
      parent = node.parent;
      while (parent) {
        if (parent === this) {
          return true;
        parent = parent.parent;
      return false;

    Node.prototype.getLevel = function() {
      var level, node;
      level = 0;
      node = this;
      while (node.parent) {
        level += 1;
        node = node.parent;
      return level;

    Node.prototype.getNodeById = function(node_id) {
      return this.id_mapping[node_id];

    Node.prototype.addNodeToIndex = function(node) {
      if (node.id != null) {
        return this.id_mapping[node.id] = node;

    Node.prototype.removeNodeFromIndex = function(node) {
      if (node.id != null) {
        return delete this.id_mapping[node.id];

    Node.prototype.removeChildren = function() {
      this.iterate((function(_this) {
        return function(child) {
          return true;
      return this.children = [];

    Node.prototype.getPreviousSibling = function() {
      var previous_index;
      if (!this.parent) {
        return null;
      } else {
        previous_index = this.parent.getChildIndex(this) - 1;
        if (previous_index >= 0) {
          return this.parent.children[previous_index];
        } else {
          return null;

    Node.prototype.getNextSibling = function() {
      var next_index;
      if (!this.parent) {
        return null;
      } else {
        next_index = this.parent.getChildIndex(this) + 1;
        if (next_index < this.parent.children.length) {
          return this.parent.children[next_index];
        } else {
          return null;

    return Node;


  this.Tree.Node = Node;

  ElementsRenderer = (function() {
    function ElementsRenderer(tree_widget) {
      this.tree_widget = tree_widget;
      this.opened_icon_text = this.getHtmlText(tree_widget.options.openedIcon);
      this.closed_icon_text = this.getHtmlText(tree_widget.options.closedIcon);

    ElementsRenderer.prototype.render = function(from_node) {
      if (from_node && from_node.parent) {
        return this.renderFromNode(from_node);
      } else {
        return this.renderFromRoot();

    ElementsRenderer.prototype.renderNode = function(node) {
      var $li, $parent_ul, parent_node_element, previous_node;
      parent_node_element = new NodeElement(node.parent, this.tree_widget);
      $parent_ul = parent_node_element.getUl();
      $li = this.createLi(node);
      this.attachNodeData(node, $li);
      previous_node = node.getPreviousSibling();
      if (previous_node) {
      } else {
      if (node.children) {
        return this.renderFromNode(node);

    ElementsRenderer.prototype.renderFromRoot = function() {
      var $element;
      $element = this.tree_widget.element;
      return this.createDomElements($element[0], this.tree_widget.tree.children, true, true);

    ElementsRenderer.prototype.renderFromNode = function(from_node) {
      var node_element;
      node_element = this.tree_widget._getNodeElementForNode(from_node);
      return this.createDomElements(node_element.$element[0], from_node.children, false, false);

    ElementsRenderer.prototype.createDomElements = function(element, children, is_root_node, is_open) {
      var child, li, ul, _i, _len;
      ul = this.createUl(is_root_node);
      for (_i = 0, _len = children.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
        child = children[_i];
        li = this.createLi(child);
        this.attachNodeData(child, li);
        if (child.hasChildren()) {
          this.createDomElements(li, child.children, false, child.is_open);
      return null;

    ElementsRenderer.prototype.attachNodeData = function(node, li) {
      node.element = li;
      return $(li).data('node', node);

    ElementsRenderer.prototype.createUl = function(is_root_node) {
      var class_string, ul;
      if (is_root_node) {
        class_string = 'jqtree-tree';
      } else {
        class_string = '';
      ul = document.createElement('ul');
      ul.className = "jqtree_common " + class_string;
      return ul;

    ElementsRenderer.prototype.createLi = function(node) {
      var li;
      if (node.isFolder()) {
        li = this.createFolderLi(node);
      } else {
        li = this.createNodeLi(node);
      if (this.tree_widget.options.onCreateLi) {
        this.tree_widget.options.onCreateLi(node, $(li));
      return li;

    ElementsRenderer.prototype.createFolderLi = function(node) {
      var button_char, button_classes, button_link, div, escaped_name, folder_classes, li, title_span;
      button_classes = this.getButtonClasses(node);
      folder_classes = this.getFolderClasses(node);
      escaped_name = this.escapeIfNecessary(node.name);
      if (node.is_open) {
        button_char = this.opened_icon_text;
      } else {
        button_char = this.closed_icon_text;
      li = document.createElement('li');
      li.className = "jqtree_common " + folder_classes;
      div = document.createElement('div');
      div.className = "jqtree-element jqtree_common";
      button_link = document.createElement('a');
      button_link.className = "jqtree_common " + button_classes;
      title_span = document.createElement('span');
      title_span.className = "jqtree_common jqtree-title";
      title_span.innerHTML = escaped_name;
      return li;

    ElementsRenderer.prototype.createNodeLi = function(node) {
      var class_string, div, escaped_name, li, li_classes, title_span;
      li_classes = ['jqtree_common'];
      if (this.tree_widget.select_node_handler && this.tree_widget.select_node_handler.isNodeSelected(node)) {
      class_string = li_classes.join(' ');
      escaped_name = this.escapeIfNecessary(node.name);
      li = document.createElement('li');
      li.className = class_string;
      div = document.createElement('div');
      div.className = "jqtree-element jqtree_common";
      title_span = document.createElement('span');
      title_span.className = "jqtree-title jqtree_common";
      title_span.innerHTML = escaped_name;
      return li;

    ElementsRenderer.prototype.getButtonClasses = function(node) {
      var classes;
      classes = ['jqtree-toggler'];
      if (!node.is_open) {
      return classes.join(' ');

    ElementsRenderer.prototype.getFolderClasses = function(node) {
      var classes;
      classes = ['jqtree-folder'];
      if (!node.is_open) {
      if (this.tree_widget.select_node_handler && this.tree_widget.select_node_handler.isNodeSelected(node)) {
      return classes.join(' ');

    ElementsRenderer.prototype.escapeIfNecessary = function(value) {
      if (this.tree_widget.options.autoEscape) {
        return html_escape(value);
      } else {
        return value;

    ElementsRenderer.prototype.getHtmlText = function(entity_text) {
      return $(document.createElement('div')).html(entity_text).text();

    return ElementsRenderer;


  Copyright 2013 Marco Braak
  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.

  JqTreeWidget = (function(_super) {
    __extends(JqTreeWidget, _super);

    function JqTreeWidget() {
      return JqTreeWidget.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.defaults = {
      autoOpen: false,
      saveState: false,
      dragAndDrop: false,
      selectable: true,
      useContextMenu: true,
      onCanSelectNode: null,
      onSetStateFromStorage: null,
      onGetStateFromStorage: null,
      onCreateLi: null,
      onIsMoveHandle: null,
      onCanMove: null,
      onCanMoveTo: null,
      onLoadFailed: null,
      autoEscape: true,
      dataUrl: null,
      closedIcon: '&#x25ba;',
      openedIcon: '&#x25bc;',
      slide: true,
      nodeClass: Node,
      dataFilter: null,
      keyboardSupport: true,
      openFolderDelay: 500

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.toggle = function(node, slide) {
      if (slide == null) {
        slide = true;
      if (node.is_open) {
        return this.closeNode(node, slide);
      } else {
        return this.openNode(node, slide);

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.getTree = function() {
      return this.tree;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.selectNode = function(node) {
      return this._selectNode(node, false);

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._selectNode = function(node, must_toggle) {
      var canSelect, deselected_node, openParents, saveState;
      if (must_toggle == null) {
        must_toggle = false;
      if (!this.select_node_handler) {
      canSelect = (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          if (_this.options.onCanSelectNode) {
            return _this.options.selectable && _this.options.onCanSelectNode(node);
          } else {
            return _this.options.selectable;
      openParents = (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          var parent;
          parent = node.parent;
          if (parent && parent.parent && !parent.is_open) {
            return _this.openNode(parent, false);
      saveState = (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          if (_this.options.saveState) {
            return _this.save_state_handler.saveState();
      if (!node) {
      if (!canSelect()) {
      if (this.select_node_handler.isNodeSelected(node)) {
        if (must_toggle) {
          this._triggerEvent('tree.select', {
            node: null,
            previous_node: node
      } else {
        deselected_node = this.getSelectedNode();
        this._triggerEvent('tree.select', {
          node: node,
          deselected_node: deselected_node
      return saveState();

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.getSelectedNode = function() {
      return this.select_node_handler.getSelectedNode();

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.toJson = function() {
      return JSON.stringify(this.tree.getData());

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.loadData = function(data, parent_node) {
      return this._loadData(data, parent_node);

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.loadDataFromUrl = function(url, parent_node, on_finished) {
      if ($.type(url) !== 'string') {
        on_finished = parent_node;
        parent_node = url;
        url = null;
      return this._loadDataFromUrl(url, parent_node, on_finished);

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.reload = function() {
      return this.loadDataFromUrl();

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._loadDataFromUrl = function(url_info, parent_node, on_finished) {
      var $el, addLoadingClass, parseUrlInfo, removeLoadingClass;
      $el = null;
      addLoadingClass = (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          var folder_element;
          if (!parent_node) {
            $el = _this.element;
          } else {
            folder_element = new FolderElement(parent_node, _this);
            $el = folder_element.getLi();
          return $el.addClass('jqtree-loading');
      removeLoadingClass = (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          if ($el) {
            return $el.removeClass('jqtree-loading');
      parseUrlInfo = (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          if ($.type(url_info) === 'string') {
            url_info = {
              url: url_info
          if (!url_info.method) {
            return url_info.method = 'get';
      if (!url_info) {
        url_info = this._getDataUrlInfo(parent_node);
      return $.ajax({
        url: url_info.url,
        data: url_info.data,
        type: url_info.method.toUpperCase(),
        cache: false,
        dataType: 'json',
        success: (function(_this) {
          return function(response) {
            var data;
            if ($.isArray(response) || typeof response === 'object') {
              data = response;
            } else {
              data = $.parseJSON(response);
            if (_this.options.dataFilter) {
              data = _this.options.dataFilter(data);
            _this._loadData(data, parent_node);
            if (on_finished && $.isFunction(on_finished)) {
              return on_finished();
        error: (function(_this) {
          return function(response) {
            if (_this.options.onLoadFailed) {
              return _this.options.onLoadFailed(response);

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._loadData = function(data, parent_node) {
      var n, selected_nodes_under_parent, _i, _len;
      if (!data) {
      this._triggerEvent('tree.load_data', {
        tree_data: data
      if (!parent_node) {
      } else {
        selected_nodes_under_parent = this.select_node_handler.getSelectedNodesUnder(parent_node);
        for (_i = 0, _len = selected_nodes_under_parent.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
          n = selected_nodes_under_parent[_i];
        parent_node.load_on_demand = false;
      if (this.is_dragging) {
        return this.dnd_handler.refreshHitAreas();

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.getNodeById = function(node_id) {
      return this.tree.getNodeById(node_id);

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.getNodeByName = function(name) {
      return this.tree.getNodeByName(name);

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.openNode = function(node, slide) {
      if (slide == null) {
        slide = true;
      return this._openNode(node, slide);

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._openNode = function(node, slide, on_finished) {
      var doOpenNode, parent;
      if (slide == null) {
        slide = true;
      doOpenNode = (function(_this) {
        return function(_node, _slide, _on_finished) {
          var folder_element;
          folder_element = new FolderElement(_node, _this);
          return folder_element.open(_on_finished, _slide);
      if (node.isFolder()) {
        if (node.load_on_demand) {
          return this._loadFolderOnDemand(node, slide, on_finished);
        } else {
          parent = node.parent;
          while (parent && !parent.is_open) {
            if (parent.parent) {
              doOpenNode(parent, false, null);
            parent = parent.parent;
          doOpenNode(node, slide, on_finished);
          return this._saveState();

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._loadFolderOnDemand = function(node, slide, on_finished) {
      if (slide == null) {
        slide = true;
      return this._loadDataFromUrl(null, node, (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          return _this._openNode(node, slide, on_finished);

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.closeNode = function(node, slide) {
      if (slide == null) {
        slide = true;
      if (node.isFolder()) {
        new FolderElement(node, this).close(slide);
        return this._saveState();

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.isDragging = function() {
      return this.is_dragging;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.refreshHitAreas = function() {
      return this.dnd_handler.refreshHitAreas();

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.addNodeAfter = function(new_node_info, existing_node) {
      var new_node;
      new_node = existing_node.addAfter(new_node_info);
      return new_node;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.addNodeBefore = function(new_node_info, existing_node) {
      var new_node;
      new_node = existing_node.addBefore(new_node_info);
      return new_node;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.addParentNode = function(new_node_info, existing_node) {
      var new_node;
      new_node = existing_node.addParent(new_node_info);
      return new_node;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.removeNode = function(node) {
      var parent;
      parent = node.parent;
      if (parent) {
        this.select_node_handler.removeFromSelection(node, true);
        return this._refreshElements(parent.parent);

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.appendNode = function(new_node_info, parent_node) {
      var is_already_folder_node, node;
      if (!parent_node) {
        parent_node = this.tree;
      is_already_folder_node = parent_node.isFolder();
      node = parent_node.append(new_node_info);
      if (is_already_folder_node) {
      } else {
      return node;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.prependNode = function(new_node_info, parent_node) {
      var node;
      if (!parent_node) {
        parent_node = this.tree;
      node = parent_node.prepend(new_node_info);
      return node;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.updateNode = function(node, data) {
      var id_is_changed;
      id_is_changed = data.id && data.id !== node.id;
      if (id_is_changed) {
      if (id_is_changed) {
      return this._selectCurrentNode();

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.moveNode = function(node, target_node, position) {
      var position_index;
      position_index = Position.nameToIndex(position);
      this.tree.moveNode(node, target_node, position_index);
      return this._refreshElements();

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.getStateFromStorage = function() {
      return this.save_state_handler.getStateFromStorage();

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.addToSelection = function(node) {
      return this._getNodeElementForNode(node).select();

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.getSelectedNodes = function() {
      return this.select_node_handler.getSelectedNodes();

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.isNodeSelected = function(node) {
      return this.select_node_handler.isNodeSelected(node);

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.removeFromSelection = function(node) {
      return this._getNodeElementForNode(node).deselect();

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.scrollToNode = function(node) {
      var $element, top;
      $element = $(node.element);
      top = $element.offset().top - this.$el.offset().top;
      return this.scroll_handler.scrollTo(top);

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.getState = function() {
      return this.save_state_handler.getState();

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.setState = function(state) {
      return this._refreshElements();

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.setOption = function(option, value) {
      return this.options[option] = value;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._init = function() {
      this.element = this.$el;
      this.mouse_delay = 300;
      this.is_initialized = false;
      this.renderer = new ElementsRenderer(this);
      if (typeof SaveStateHandler !== "undefined" && SaveStateHandler !== null) {
        this.save_state_handler = new SaveStateHandler(this);
      } else {
        this.options.saveState = false;
      if (typeof SelectNodeHandler !== "undefined" && SelectNodeHandler !== null) {
        this.select_node_handler = new SelectNodeHandler(this);
      if (typeof DragAndDropHandler !== "undefined" && DragAndDropHandler !== null) {
        this.dnd_handler = new DragAndDropHandler(this);
      } else {
        this.options.dragAndDrop = false;
      if (typeof ScrollHandler !== "undefined" && ScrollHandler !== null) {
        this.scroll_handler = new ScrollHandler(this);
      if ((typeof KeyHandler !== "undefined" && KeyHandler !== null) && (typeof SelectNodeHandler !== "undefined" && SelectNodeHandler !== null)) {
        this.key_handler = new KeyHandler(this);
      this.element.click($.proxy(this._click, this));
      this.element.dblclick($.proxy(this._dblclick, this));
      if (this.options.useContextMenu) {
        return this.element.bind('contextmenu', $.proxy(this._contextmenu, this));

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._deinit = function() {
      this.tree = null;
      return JqTreeWidget.__super__._deinit.call(this);

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._initData = function() {
      if (this.options.data) {
        return this._loadData(this.options.data);
      } else {
        return this._loadDataFromUrl(this._getDataUrlInfo());

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._getDataUrlInfo = function(node) {
      var data_url, getUrlFromString;
      data_url = this.options.dataUrl || this.element.data('url');
      getUrlFromString = (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          var data, selected_node_id, url_info;
          url_info = {
            url: data_url
          if (node && node.id) {
            data = {
              node: node.id
            url_info['data'] = data;
          } else {
            selected_node_id = _this._getNodeIdToBeSelected();
            if (selected_node_id) {
              data = {
                selected_node: selected_node_id
              url_info['data'] = data;
          return url_info;
      if ($.isFunction(data_url)) {
        return data_url(node);
      } else if ($.type(data_url) === 'string') {
        return getUrlFromString();
      } else {
        return data_url;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._getNodeIdToBeSelected = function() {
      if (this.options.saveState) {
        return this.save_state_handler.getNodeIdToBeSelected();
      } else {
        return null;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._initTree = function(data) {
      this.tree = new this.options.nodeClass(null, true, this.options.nodeClass);
      if (this.select_node_handler) {
      if (!this.is_initialized) {
        this.is_initialized = true;
        return this._triggerEvent('tree.init');

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._openNodes = function() {
      var max_level;
      if (this.options.saveState) {
        if (this.save_state_handler.restoreState()) {
      if (this.options.autoOpen === false) {
      } else if (this.options.autoOpen === true) {
        max_level = -1;
      } else {
        max_level = parseInt(this.options.autoOpen);
      return this.tree.iterate(function(node, level) {
        if (node.hasChildren()) {
          node.is_open = true;
        return level !== max_level;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._refreshElements = function(from_node) {
      if (from_node == null) {
        from_node = null;
      return this._triggerEvent('tree.refresh');

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._click = function(e) {
      var click_target, event, node;
      click_target = this._getClickTarget(e.target);
      if (click_target) {
        if (click_target.type === 'button') {
          this.toggle(click_target.node, this.options.slide);
          return e.stopPropagation();
        } else if (click_target.type === 'label') {
          node = click_target.node;
          event = this._triggerEvent('tree.click', {
            node: node,
            click_event: e
          if (!event.isDefaultPrevented()) {
            return this._selectNode(node, true);

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._dblclick = function(e) {
      var click_target;
      click_target = this._getClickTarget(e.target);
      if (click_target && click_target.type === 'label') {
        return this._triggerEvent('tree.dblclick', {
          node: click_target.node,
          click_event: e

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._getClickTarget = function(element) {
      var $button, $el, $target, node;
      $target = $(element);
      $button = $target.closest('.jqtree-toggler');
      if ($button.length) {
        node = this._getNode($button);
        if (node) {
          return {
            type: 'button',
            node: node
      } else {
        $el = $target.closest('.jqtree-element');
        if ($el.length) {
          node = this._getNode($el);
          if (node) {
            return {
              type: 'label',
              node: node
      return null;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._getNode = function($element) {
      var $li;
      $li = $element.closest('li');
      if ($li.length === 0) {
        return null;
      } else {
        return $li.data('node');

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._getNodeElementForNode = function(node) {
      if (node.isFolder()) {
        return new FolderElement(node, this);
      } else {
        return new NodeElement(node, this);

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._getNodeElement = function($element) {
      var node;
      node = this._getNode($element);
      if (node) {
        return this._getNodeElementForNode(node);
      } else {
        return null;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._contextmenu = function(e) {
      var $div, node;
      $div = $(e.target).closest('ul.jqtree-tree .jqtree-element');
      if ($div.length) {
        node = this._getNode($div);
        if (node) {
          this._triggerEvent('tree.contextmenu', {
            node: node,
            click_event: e
          return false;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._saveState = function() {
      if (this.options.saveState) {
        return this.save_state_handler.saveState();

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._mouseCapture = function(position_info) {
      if (this.options.dragAndDrop) {
        return this.dnd_handler.mouseCapture(position_info);
      } else {
        return false;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._mouseStart = function(position_info) {
      if (this.options.dragAndDrop) {
        return this.dnd_handler.mouseStart(position_info);
      } else {
        return false;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._mouseDrag = function(position_info) {
      var result;
      if (this.options.dragAndDrop) {
        result = this.dnd_handler.mouseDrag(position_info);
        if (this.scroll_handler) {
        return result;
      } else {
        return false;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._mouseStop = function(position_info) {
      if (this.options.dragAndDrop) {
        return this.dnd_handler.mouseStop(position_info);
      } else {
        return false;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._triggerEvent = function(event_name, values) {
      var event;
      event = $.Event(event_name);
      $.extend(event, values);
      return event;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype.testGenerateHitAreas = function(moving_node) {
      this.dnd_handler.current_item = this._getNodeElementForNode(moving_node);
      return this.dnd_handler.hit_areas;

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._selectCurrentNode = function() {
      var node, node_element;
      node = this.getSelectedNode();
      if (node) {
        node_element = this._getNodeElementForNode(node);
        if (node_element) {
          return node_element.select();

    JqTreeWidget.prototype._deselectCurrentNode = function() {
      var node;
      node = this.getSelectedNode();
      if (node) {
        return this.removeFromSelection(node);

    return JqTreeWidget;


  SimpleWidget.register(JqTreeWidget, 'tree');

  NodeElement = (function() {
    function NodeElement(node, tree_widget) {
      this.init(node, tree_widget);

    NodeElement.prototype.init = function(node, tree_widget) {
      this.node = node;
      this.tree_widget = tree_widget;
      return this.$element = $(node.element);

    NodeElement.prototype.getUl = function() {
      return this.$element.children('ul:first');

    NodeElement.prototype.getSpan = function() {
      return this.$element.children('.jqtree-element').find('span.jqtree-title');

    NodeElement.prototype.getLi = function() {
      return this.$element;

    NodeElement.prototype.addDropHint = function(position) {
      if (position === Position.INSIDE) {
        return new BorderDropHint(this.$element);
      } else {
        return new GhostDropHint(this.node, this.$element, position);

    NodeElement.prototype.select = function() {
      return this.getLi().addClass('jqtree-selected');

    NodeElement.prototype.deselect = function() {
      return this.getLi().removeClass('jqtree-selected');

    return NodeElement;


  FolderElement = (function(_super) {
    __extends(FolderElement, _super);

    function FolderElement() {
      return FolderElement.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

    FolderElement.prototype.open = function(on_finished, slide) {
      var $button, doOpen;
      if (slide == null) {
        slide = true;
      if (!this.node.is_open) {
        this.node.is_open = true;
        $button = this.getButton();
        doOpen = (function(_this) {
          return function() {
            if (on_finished) {
            return _this.tree_widget._triggerEvent('tree.open', {
              node: _this.node
        if (slide) {
          return this.getUl().slideDown('fast', doOpen);
        } else {
          return doOpen();

    FolderElement.prototype.close = function(slide) {
      var $button, doClose;
      if (slide == null) {
        slide = true;
      if (this.node.is_open) {
        this.node.is_open = false;
        $button = this.getButton();
        doClose = (function(_this) {
          return function() {
            return _this.tree_widget._triggerEvent('tree.close', {
              node: _this.node
        if (slide) {
          return this.getUl().slideUp('fast', doClose);
        } else {
          return doClose();

    FolderElement.prototype.getButton = function() {
      return this.$element.children('.jqtree-element').find('a.jqtree-toggler');

    FolderElement.prototype.addDropHint = function(position) {
      if (!this.node.is_open && position === Position.INSIDE) {
        return new BorderDropHint(this.$element);
      } else {
        return new GhostDropHint(this.node, this.$element, position);

    return FolderElement;


  html_escape = function(string) {
    return ('' + string).replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/'/g, '&#x27;').replace(/\//g, '&#x2F;');

  _indexOf = function(array, item) {
    var i, value, _i, _len;
    for (i = _i = 0, _len = array.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
      value = array[i];
      if (value === item) {
        return i;
    return -1;

  indexOf = function(array, item) {
    if (array.indexOf) {
      return array.indexOf(item);
    } else {
      return _indexOf(array, item);

  this.Tree.indexOf = indexOf;

  this.Tree._indexOf = _indexOf;

  if (!((this.JSON != null) && (this.JSON.stringify != null) && typeof this.JSON.stringify === 'function')) {
    json_escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g;
    json_meta = {
      '\b': '\\b',
      '\t': '\\t',
      '\n': '\\n',
      '\f': '\\f',
      '\r': '\\r',
      '"': '\\"',
      '\\': '\\\\'
    json_quote = function(string) {
      json_escapable.lastIndex = 0;
      if (json_escapable.test(string)) {
        return '"' + string.replace(json_escapable, function(a) {
          var c;
          c = json_meta[a];
          return (typeof c === 'string' ? c : '\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4));
        }) + '"';
      } else {
        return '"' + string + '"';
    json_str = function(key, holder) {
      var i, k, partial, v, value, _i, _len;
      value = holder[key];
      switch (typeof value) {
        case 'string':
          return json_quote(value);
        case 'number':
          if (isFinite(value)) {
            return String(value);
          } else {
            return 'null';
        case 'boolean':
        case 'null':
          return String(value);
        case 'object':
          if (!value) {
            return 'null';
          partial = [];
          if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object Array]') {
            for (i = _i = 0, _len = value.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
              v = value[i];
              partial[i] = json_str(i, value) || 'null';
            return (partial.length === 0 ? '[]' : '[' + partial.join(',') + ']');
          for (k in value) {
            if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(value, k)) {
              v = json_str(k, value);
              if (v) {
                partial.push(json_quote(k) + ':' + v);
          return (partial.length === 0 ? '{}' : '{' + partial.join(',') + '}');
    if (this.JSON == null) {
      this.JSON = {};
    this.JSON.stringify = function(value) {
      return json_str('', {
        '': value

  SaveStateHandler = (function() {
    function SaveStateHandler(tree_widget) {
      this.tree_widget = tree_widget;

    SaveStateHandler.prototype.saveState = function() {
      var state;
      state = JSON.stringify(this.getState());
      if (this.tree_widget.options.onSetStateFromStorage) {
        return this.tree_widget.options.onSetStateFromStorage(state);
      } else if (this.supportsLocalStorage()) {
        return localStorage.setItem(this.getCookieName(), state);
      } else if ($.cookie) {
        $.cookie.raw = true;
        return $.cookie(this.getCookieName(), state, {
          path: '/'

    SaveStateHandler.prototype.restoreState = function() {
      var state;
      state = this.getStateFromStorage();
      if (state) {
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;

    SaveStateHandler.prototype.getStateFromStorage = function() {
      if (this.tree_widget.options.onGetStateFromStorage) {
        return this.tree_widget.options.onGetStateFromStorage();
      } else if (this.supportsLocalStorage()) {
        return localStorage.getItem(this.getCookieName());
      } else if ($.cookie) {
        $.cookie.raw = true;
        return $.cookie(this.getCookieName());
      } else {
        return null;

    SaveStateHandler.prototype.getState = function() {
      var open_nodes, selected_node, selected_node_id;
      open_nodes = [];
      this.tree_widget.tree.iterate((function(_this) {
        return function(node) {
          if (node.is_open && node.id && node.hasChildren()) {
          return true;
      selected_node = this.tree_widget.getSelectedNode();
      if (selected_node) {
        selected_node_id = selected_node.id;
      } else {
        selected_node_id = '';
      return {
        open_nodes: open_nodes,
        selected_node: selected_node_id

    SaveStateHandler.prototype.setState = function(state) {
      var open_nodes, selected_node, selected_node_id;
      if (state) {
        open_nodes = state.open_nodes;
        selected_node_id = state.selected_node;
        this.tree_widget.tree.iterate((function(_this) {
          return function(node) {
            node.is_open = node.id && node.hasChildren() && (indexOf(open_nodes, node.id) >= 0);
            return true;
        if (selected_node_id && this.tree_widget.select_node_handler) {
          selected_node = this.tree_widget.getNodeById(selected_node_id);
          if (selected_node) {
            return this.tree_widget.select_node_handler.addToSelection(selected_node);

    SaveStateHandler.prototype.getCookieName = function() {
      if (typeof this.tree_widget.options.saveState === 'string') {
        return this.tree_widget.options.saveState;
      } else {
        return 'tree';

    SaveStateHandler.prototype.supportsLocalStorage = function() {
      var testSupport;
      testSupport = function() {
        var error, key;
        if (typeof localStorage === "undefined" || localStorage === null) {
          return false;
        } else {
          try {
            key = '_storage_test';
            sessionStorage.setItem(key, true);
          } catch (_error) {
            error = _error;
            return false;
          return true;
      if (this._supportsLocalStorage == null) {
        this._supportsLocalStorage = testSupport();
      return this._supportsLocalStorage;

    SaveStateHandler.prototype.getNodeIdToBeSelected = function() {
      var state, state_json;
      state_json = this.getStateFromStorage();
      if (state_json) {
        state = $.parseJSON(state_json);
        return state.selected_node;
      } else {
        return null;

    return SaveStateHandler;


  SelectNodeHandler = (function() {
    function SelectNodeHandler(tree_widget) {
      this.tree_widget = tree_widget;

    SelectNodeHandler.prototype.getSelectedNode = function() {
      var selected_nodes;
      selected_nodes = this.getSelectedNodes();
      if (selected_nodes.length) {
        return selected_nodes[0];
      } else {
        return false;

    SelectNodeHandler.prototype.getSelectedNodes = function() {
      var id, node, selected_nodes;
      if (this.selected_single_node) {
        return [this.selected_single_node];
      } else {
        selected_nodes = [];
        for (id in this.selected_nodes) {
          node = this.tree_widget.getNodeById(id);
          if (node) {
        return selected_nodes;

    SelectNodeHandler.prototype.getSelectedNodesUnder = function(parent) {
      var id, node, selected_nodes;
      if (this.selected_single_node) {
        if (parent.isParentOf(selected_single_node)) {
          return this.selected_single_node;
        } else {
          return null;
      } else {
        selected_nodes = [];
        for (id in this.selected_nodes) {
          node = this.tree_widget.getNodeById(id);
          if (node && parent.isParentOf(node)) {
        return selected_nodes;

    SelectNodeHandler.prototype.isNodeSelected = function(node) {
      if (node.id) {
        return this.selected_nodes[node.id];
      } else if (this.selected_single_node) {
        return this.selected_single_node.element === node.element;
      } else {
        return false;

    SelectNodeHandler.prototype.clear = function() {
      this.selected_nodes = {};
      return this.selected_single_node = null;

    SelectNodeHandler.prototype.removeFromSelection = function(node, include_children) {
      if (include_children == null) {
        include_children = false;
      if (!node.id) {
        if (this.selected_single_node && node.element === this.selected_single_node.element) {
          return this.selected_single_node = null;
      } else {
        delete this.selected_nodes[node.id];
        if (include_children) {
          return node.iterate((function(_this) {
            return function(n) {
              delete _this.selected_nodes[node.id];
              return true;

    SelectNodeHandler.prototype.addToSelection = function(node) {
      if (node.id) {
        return this.selected_nodes[node.id] = true;
      } else {
        return this.selected_single_node = node;

    return SelectNodeHandler;


  DragAndDropHandler = (function() {
    function DragAndDropHandler(tree_widget) {
      this.tree_widget = tree_widget;
      this.hovered_area = null;
      this.$ghost = null;
      this.hit_areas = [];
      this.is_dragging = false;

    DragAndDropHandler.prototype.mouseCapture = function(position_info) {
      var $element, node_element;
      $element = $(position_info.target);
      if (this.tree_widget.options.onIsMoveHandle && !this.tree_widget.options.onIsMoveHandle($element)) {
        return null;
      node_element = this.tree_widget._getNodeElement($element);
      if (node_element && this.tree_widget.options.onCanMove) {
        if (!this.tree_widget.options.onCanMove(node_element.node)) {
          node_element = null;
      this.current_item = node_element;
      return this.current_item !== null;

    DragAndDropHandler.prototype.mouseStart = function(position_info) {
      var offset;
      offset = $(position_info.target).offset();
      this.drag_element = new DragElement(this.current_item.node, position_info.page_x - offset.left, position_info.page_y - offset.top, this.tree_widget.element);
      this.is_dragging = true;
      return true;

    DragAndDropHandler.prototype.mouseDrag = function(position_info) {
      var area, can_move_to;
      this.drag_element.move(position_info.page_x, position_info.page_y);
      area = this.findHoveredArea(position_info.page_x, position_info.page_y);
      can_move_to = this.canMoveToArea(area);
      if (can_move_to && area) {
        if (this.hovered_area !== area) {
          this.hovered_area = area;
          if (this.mustOpenFolderTimer(area)) {
      } else {
      return true;

    DragAndDropHandler.prototype.canMoveToArea = function(area) {
      var position_name;
      if (!area) {
        return false;
      } else if (this.tree_widget.options.onCanMoveTo) {
        position_name = Position.getName(area.position);
        return this.tree_widget.options.onCanMoveTo(this.current_item.node, area.node, position_name);
      } else {
        return true;

    DragAndDropHandler.prototype.mouseStop = function(position_info) {
      if (this.current_item) {
      this.is_dragging = false;
      return false;

    DragAndDropHandler.prototype.refreshHitAreas = function() {
      return this.generateHitAreas();

    DragAndDropHandler.prototype.removeHitAreas = function() {
      return this.hit_areas = [];

    DragAndDropHandler.prototype.clear = function() {
      return this.drag_element = null;

    DragAndDropHandler.prototype.removeDropHint = function() {
      if (this.previous_ghost) {
        return this.previous_ghost.remove();

    DragAndDropHandler.prototype.removeHover = function() {
      return this.hovered_area = null;

    DragAndDropHandler.prototype.generateHitAreas = function() {
      var hit_areas_generator;
      hit_areas_generator = new HitAreasGenerator(this.tree_widget.tree, this.current_item.node, this.getTreeDimensions().bottom);
      return this.hit_areas = hit_areas_generator.generate();

    DragAndDropHandler.prototype.findHoveredArea = function(x, y) {
      var area, dimensions, high, low, mid;
      dimensions = this.getTreeDimensions();
      if (x < dimensions.left || y < dimensions.top || x > dimensions.right || y > dimensions.bottom) {
        return null;
      low = 0;
      high = this.hit_areas.length;
      while (low < high) {
        mid = (low + high) >> 1;
        area = this.hit_areas[mid];
        if (y < area.top) {
          high = mid;
        } else if (y > area.bottom) {
          low = mid + 1;
        } else {
          return area;
      return null;

    DragAndDropHandler.prototype.mustOpenFolderTimer = function(area) {
      var node;
      node = area.node;
      return node.isFolder() && !node.is_open && area.position === Position.INSIDE;

    DragAndDropHandler.prototype.updateDropHint = function() {
      var node_element;
      if (!this.hovered_area) {
      node_element = this.tree_widget._getNodeElementForNode(this.hovered_area.node);
      return this.previous_ghost = node_element.addDropHint(this.hovered_area.position);

    DragAndDropHandler.prototype.startOpenFolderTimer = function(folder) {
      var openFolder;
      openFolder = (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          return _this.tree_widget._openNode(folder, _this.tree_widget.options.slide, function() {
            return _this.updateDropHint();
      return this.open_folder_timer = setTimeout(openFolder, this.tree_widget.options.openFolderDelay);

    DragAndDropHandler.prototype.stopOpenFolderTimer = function() {
      if (this.open_folder_timer) {
        return this.open_folder_timer = null;

    DragAndDropHandler.prototype.moveItem = function(position_info) {
      var doMove, event, moved_node, position, previous_parent, target_node;
      if (this.hovered_area && this.hovered_area.position !== Position.NONE && this.canMoveToArea(this.hovered_area)) {
        moved_node = this.current_item.node;
        target_node = this.hovered_area.node;
        position = this.hovered_area.position;
        previous_parent = moved_node.parent;
        if (position === Position.INSIDE) {
          this.hovered_area.node.is_open = true;
        doMove = (function(_this) {
          return function() {
            _this.tree_widget.tree.moveNode(moved_node, target_node, position);
            return _this.tree_widget._refreshElements();
        event = this.tree_widget._triggerEvent('tree.move', {
          move_info: {
            moved_node: moved_node,
            target_node: target_node,
            position: Position.getName(position),
            previous_parent: previous_parent,
            do_move: doMove,
            original_event: position_info.original_event
        if (!event.isDefaultPrevented()) {
          return doMove();

    DragAndDropHandler.prototype.getTreeDimensions = function() {
      var offset;
      offset = this.tree_widget.element.offset();
      return {
        left: offset.left,
        top: offset.top,
        right: offset.left + this.tree_widget.element.width(),
        bottom: offset.top + this.tree_widget.element.height() + 16

    return DragAndDropHandler;


  VisibleNodeIterator = (function() {
    function VisibleNodeIterator(tree) {
      this.tree = tree;

    VisibleNodeIterator.prototype.iterate = function() {
      var is_first_node, _iterateNode;
      is_first_node = true;
      _iterateNode = (function(_this) {
        return function(node, next_node) {
          var $element, child, children_length, i, must_iterate_inside, _i, _len, _ref;
          must_iterate_inside = (node.is_open || !node.element) && node.hasChildren();
          if (node.element) {
            $element = $(node.element);
            if (!$element.is(':visible')) {
            if (is_first_node) {
              _this.handleFirstNode(node, $element);
              is_first_node = false;
            if (!node.hasChildren()) {
              _this.handleNode(node, next_node, $element);
            } else if (node.is_open) {
              if (!_this.handleOpenFolder(node, $element)) {
                must_iterate_inside = false;
            } else {
              _this.handleClosedFolder(node, next_node, $element);
          if (must_iterate_inside) {
            children_length = node.children.length;
            _ref = node.children;
            for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
              child = _ref[i];
              if (i === (children_length - 1)) {
                _iterateNode(node.children[i], null);
              } else {
                _iterateNode(node.children[i], node.children[i + 1]);
            if (node.is_open) {
              return _this.handleAfterOpenFolder(node, next_node, $element);
      return _iterateNode(this.tree, null);

    VisibleNodeIterator.prototype.handleNode = function(node, next_node, $element) {};

    VisibleNodeIterator.prototype.handleOpenFolder = function(node, $element) {};

    VisibleNodeIterator.prototype.handleClosedFolder = function(node, next_node, $element) {};

    VisibleNodeIterator.prototype.handleAfterOpenFolder = function(node, next_node, $element) {};

    VisibleNodeIterator.prototype.handleFirstNode = function(node, $element) {};

    return VisibleNodeIterator;


  HitAreasGenerator = (function(_super) {
    __extends(HitAreasGenerator, _super);

    function HitAreasGenerator(tree, current_node, tree_bottom) {
      HitAreasGenerator.__super__.constructor.call(this, tree);
      this.current_node = current_node;
      this.tree_bottom = tree_bottom;

    HitAreasGenerator.prototype.generate = function() {
      this.positions = [];
      this.last_top = 0;
      return this.generateHitAreas(this.positions);

    HitAreasGenerator.prototype.getTop = function($element) {
      return $element.offset().top;

    HitAreasGenerator.prototype.addPosition = function(node, position, top) {
      var area;
      area = {
        top: top,
        node: node,
        position: position
      return this.last_top = top;

    HitAreasGenerator.prototype.handleNode = function(node, next_node, $element) {
      var top;
      top = this.getTop($element);
      if (node === this.current_node) {
        this.addPosition(node, Position.NONE, top);
      } else {
        this.addPosition(node, Position.INSIDE, top);
      if (next_node === this.current_node || node === this.current_node) {
        return this.addPosition(node, Position.NONE, top);
      } else {
        return this.addPosition(node, Position.AFTER, top);

    HitAreasGenerator.prototype.handleOpenFolder = function(node, $element) {
      if (node === this.current_node) {
        return false;
      if (node.children[0] !== this.current_node) {
        this.addPosition(node, Position.INSIDE, this.getTop($element));
      return true;

    HitAreasGenerator.prototype.handleClosedFolder = function(node, next_node, $element) {
      var top;
      top = this.getTop($element);
      if (node === this.current_node) {
        return this.addPosition(node, Position.NONE, top);
      } else {
        this.addPosition(node, Position.INSIDE, top);
        if (next_node !== this.current_node) {
          return this.addPosition(node, Position.AFTER, top);

    HitAreasGenerator.prototype.handleFirstNode = function(node, $element) {
      if (node !== this.current_node) {
        return this.addPosition(node, Position.BEFORE, this.getTop($(node.element)));

    HitAreasGenerator.prototype.handleAfterOpenFolder = function(node, next_node, $element) {
      if (node === this.current_node.node || next_node === this.current_node.node) {
        return this.addPosition(node, Position.NONE, this.last_top);
      } else {
        return this.addPosition(node, Position.AFTER, this.last_top);

    HitAreasGenerator.prototype.generateHitAreas = function(positions) {
      var group, hit_areas, position, previous_top, _i, _len;
      previous_top = -1;
      group = [];
      hit_areas = [];
      for (_i = 0, _len = positions.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
        position = positions[_i];
        if (position.top !== previous_top && group.length) {
          if (group.length) {
            this.generateHitAreasForGroup(hit_areas, group, previous_top, position.top);
          previous_top = position.top;
          group = [];
      this.generateHitAreasForGroup(hit_areas, group, previous_top, this.tree_bottom);
      return hit_areas;

    HitAreasGenerator.prototype.generateHitAreasForGroup = function(hit_areas, positions_in_group, top, bottom) {
      var area_height, area_top, i, position, position_count;
      position_count = Math.min(positions_in_group.length, 4);
      area_height = Math.round((bottom - top) / position_count);
      area_top = top;
      i = 0;
      while (i < position_count) {
        position = positions_in_group[i];
          top: area_top,
          bottom: area_top + area_height,
          node: position.node,
          position: position.position
        area_top += area_height;
        i += 1;
      return null;

    return HitAreasGenerator;


  DragElement = (function() {
    function DragElement(node, offset_x, offset_y, $tree) {
      this.offset_x = offset_x;
      this.offset_y = offset_y;
      this.$element = $("<span class=\"jqtree-title jqtree-dragging\">" + node.name + "</span>");
      this.$element.css("position", "absolute");

    DragElement.prototype.move = function(page_x, page_y) {
      return this.$element.offset({
        left: page_x - this.offset_x,
        top: page_y - this.offset_y

    DragElement.prototype.remove = function() {
      return this.$element.remove();

    return DragElement;


  GhostDropHint = (function() {
    function GhostDropHint(node, $element, position) {
      this.$element = $element;
      this.node = node;
      this.$ghost = $('<li class="jqtree_common jqtree-ghost"><span class="jqtree_common jqtree-circle"></span><span class="jqtree_common jqtree-line"></span></li>');
      if (position === Position.AFTER) {
      } else if (position === Position.BEFORE) {
      } else if (position === Position.INSIDE) {
        if (node.isFolder() && node.is_open) {
        } else {

    GhostDropHint.prototype.remove = function() {
      return this.$ghost.remove();

    GhostDropHint.prototype.moveAfter = function() {
      return this.$element.after(this.$ghost);

    GhostDropHint.prototype.moveBefore = function() {
      return this.$element.before(this.$ghost);

    GhostDropHint.prototype.moveInsideOpenFolder = function() {
      return $(this.node.children[0].element).before(this.$ghost);

    GhostDropHint.prototype.moveInside = function() {
      return this.$ghost.addClass('jqtree-inside');

    return GhostDropHint;


  BorderDropHint = (function() {
    function BorderDropHint($element) {
      var $div, width;
      $div = $element.children('.jqtree-element');
      width = $element.width() - 4;
      this.$hint = $('<span class="jqtree-border"></span>');
        width: width,
        height: $div.height() - 4

    BorderDropHint.prototype.remove = function() {
      return this.$hint.remove();

    return BorderDropHint;


  ScrollHandler = (function() {
    function ScrollHandler(tree_widget) {
      this.tree_widget = tree_widget;
      this.previous_top = -1;

    ScrollHandler.prototype._initScrollParent = function() {
      var $scroll_parent, getParentWithOverflow, setDocumentAsScrollParent;
      getParentWithOverflow = (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          var css_values, el, hasOverFlow, _i, _len, _ref;
          css_values = ['overflow', 'overflow-y'];
          hasOverFlow = function(el) {
            var css_value, _i, _len, _ref;
            for (_i = 0, _len = css_values.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
              css_value = css_values[_i];
              if ((_ref = $.css(el, css_value)) === 'auto' || _ref === 'scroll') {
                return true;
            return false;
          if (hasOverFlow(_this.tree_widget.$el[0])) {
            return _this.tree_widget.$el;
          _ref = _this.tree_widget.$el.parents();
          for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
            el = _ref[_i];
            if (hasOverFlow(el)) {
              return $(el);
          return null;
      setDocumentAsScrollParent = (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          _this.scroll_parent_top = 0;
          return _this.$scroll_parent = null;
      if (this.tree_widget.$el.css('position') === 'fixed') {
      $scroll_parent = getParentWithOverflow();
      if ($scroll_parent && $scroll_parent.length && $scroll_parent[0].tagName !== 'HTML') {
        this.$scroll_parent = $scroll_parent;
        return this.scroll_parent_top = this.$scroll_parent.offset().top;
      } else {
        return setDocumentAsScrollParent();

    ScrollHandler.prototype.checkScrolling = function() {
      var hovered_area;
      hovered_area = this.tree_widget.dnd_handler.hovered_area;
      if (hovered_area && hovered_area.top !== this.previous_top) {
        this.previous_top = hovered_area.top;
        if (this.$scroll_parent) {
          return this._handleScrollingWithScrollParent(hovered_area);
        } else {
          return this._handleScrollingWithDocument(hovered_area);

    ScrollHandler.prototype._handleScrollingWithScrollParent = function(area) {
      var distance_bottom;
      distance_bottom = this.scroll_parent_top + this.$scroll_parent[0].offsetHeight - area.bottom;
      if (distance_bottom < 20) {
        this.$scroll_parent[0].scrollTop += 20;
        return this.previous_top = -1;
      } else if ((area.top - this.scroll_parent_top) < 20) {
        this.$scroll_parent[0].scrollTop -= 20;
        return this.previous_top = -1;

    ScrollHandler.prototype._handleScrollingWithDocument = function(area) {
      var distance_top;
      distance_top = area.top - $(document).scrollTop();
      if (distance_top < 20) {
        return $(document).scrollTop($(document).scrollTop() - 20);
      } else if ($(window).height() - (area.bottom - $(document).scrollTop()) < 20) {
        return $(document).scrollTop($(document).scrollTop() + 20);

    ScrollHandler.prototype.scrollTo = function(top) {
      var tree_top;
      if (this.$scroll_parent) {
        return this.$scroll_parent[0].scrollTop = top;
      } else {
        tree_top = this.tree_widget.$el.offset().top;
        return $(document).scrollTop(top + tree_top);

    ScrollHandler.prototype.isScrolledIntoView = function(element) {
      var $element, element_bottom, element_top, view_bottom, view_top;
      $element = $(element);
      if (this.$scroll_parent) {
        view_top = 0;
        view_bottom = this.$scroll_parent.height();
        element_top = $element.offset().top - this.scroll_parent_top;
        element_bottom = element_top + $element.height();
      } else {
        view_top = $(window).scrollTop();
        view_bottom = view_top + $(window).height();
        element_top = $element.offset().top;
        element_bottom = element_top + $element.height();
      return (element_bottom <= view_bottom) && (element_top >= view_top);

    return ScrollHandler;


  KeyHandler = (function() {
    var DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP;

    LEFT = 37;

    UP = 38;

    RIGHT = 39;

    DOWN = 40;

    function KeyHandler(tree_widget) {
      this.tree_widget = tree_widget;
      if (tree_widget.options.keyboardSupport) {
        $(document).bind('keydown.jqtree', $.proxy(this.handleKeyDown, this));

    KeyHandler.prototype.deinit = function() {
      return $(document).unbind('keydown.jqtree');

    KeyHandler.prototype.handleKeyDown = function(e) {
      var current_node, key, moveDown, moveLeft, moveRight, moveUp, selectNode;
      if (!this.tree_widget.options.keyboardSupport) {
      if ($(document.activeElement).is('textarea,input')) {
        return true;
      current_node = this.tree_widget.getSelectedNode();
      selectNode = (function(_this) {
        return function(node) {
          if (node) {
            if (_this.tree_widget.scroll_handler && (!_this.tree_widget.scroll_handler.isScrolledIntoView($(node.element).find('.jqtree-element')))) {
            return false;
          } else {
            return true;
      moveDown = (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          return selectNode(_this.getNextNode(current_node));
      moveUp = (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          return selectNode(_this.getPreviousNode(current_node));
      moveRight = (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          if (current_node.isFolder() && !current_node.is_open) {
            return false;
          } else {
            return true;
      moveLeft = (function(_this) {
        return function() {
          if (current_node.isFolder() && current_node.is_open) {
            return false;
          } else {
            return true;
      if (!current_node) {
        return true;
      } else {
        key = e.which;
        switch (key) {
          case DOWN:
            return moveDown();
          case UP:
            return moveUp();
          case RIGHT:
            return moveRight();
          case LEFT:
            return moveLeft();

    KeyHandler.prototype.getNextNode = function(node, include_children) {
      var next_sibling;
      if (include_children == null) {
        include_children = true;
      if (include_children && node.hasChildren() && node.is_open) {
        return node.children[0];
      } else {
        if (!node.parent) {
          return null;
        } else {
          next_sibling = node.getNextSibling();
          if (next_sibling) {
            return next_sibling;
          } else {
            return this.getNextNode(node.parent, false);

    KeyHandler.prototype.getPreviousNode = function(node) {
      var previous_sibling;
      if (!node.parent) {
        return null;
      } else {
        previous_sibling = node.getPreviousSibling();
        if (previous_sibling) {
          if (!previous_sibling.hasChildren() || !previous_sibling.is_open) {
            return previous_sibling;
          } else {
            return this.getLastChild(previous_sibling);
        } else {
          if (node.parent.parent) {
            return node.parent;
          } else {
            return null;

    KeyHandler.prototype.getLastChild = function(node) {
      var last_child;
      if (!node.hasChildren()) {
        return null;
      } else {
        last_child = node.children[node.children.length - 1];
        if (!last_child.hasChildren() || !last_child.is_open) {
          return last_child;
        } else {
          return this.getLastChild(last_child);

    return KeyHandler;

