module Metanorma module Standoc module Cleanup def dl1_table_cleanup(xmldoc) q = "//table/following-sibling::*[1][self::dl]" xmldoc.xpath(q).each do |s| s["key"] == "true" and s.previous_element << s.remove end end # move Key dl after table footer def dl2_table_cleanup(xmldoc) q = "//table/following-sibling::*[1][self::p]" xmldoc.xpath(q).each do |s| if s.text =~ /^\s*key[^a-z]*$/i && s&.next_element&.name == "dl" s.next_element["key"] = "true" s.previous_element << s.next_element.remove s.remove end end end def insert_thead(table) thead ="./thead") thead.nil? or return thead if tname ="./name") thead = tname.add_next_sibling("").first return thead end table.children.first.add_previous_sibling("").first end def header_rows_cleanup(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//table[@headerrows]").each do |s| thead = insert_thead(s) (thead.xpath("./tr").size...s["headerrows"].to_i).each do"./tbody/tr").parent = thead end thead.xpath(".//td").each { |n| = "th" } s.delete("headerrows") end end def table_cleanup(xmldoc) dl1_table_cleanup(xmldoc) dl2_table_cleanup(xmldoc) sources_table_cleanup(xmldoc) notes_table_cleanup(xmldoc) header_rows_cleanup(xmldoc) end def sources_table_cleanup(xmldoc) nomatches = false until nomatches nomatches = true xmldoc.xpath("//table/following-sibling::*[1]" \ "[self::termsource]").each do |n| n.previous_element << n.remove nomatches = false # will be renamed source from termsource later end end end # move notes into table def notes_table_cleanup(xmldoc) nomatches = false until nomatches nomatches = true xmldoc.xpath("//table/following-sibling::*[1]" \ "[self::note[not(@keep-separate = 'true')]]").each do |n| n.delete("keep-separate") n.previous_element << n.remove nomatches = false end end end end end end