-- Current SHA: 525c39000dc71df53a3502491cb4daf0e1128f1d -- This is a generated file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Forward declarations to make everything happy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local Qless = { ns = 'ql:' } -- Queue forward delcaration local QlessQueue = { ns = Qless.ns .. 'q:' } QlessQueue.__index = QlessQueue -- Worker forward declaration local QlessWorker = { ns = Qless.ns .. 'w:' } QlessWorker.__index = QlessWorker -- Job forward declaration local QlessJob = { ns = Qless.ns .. 'j:' } QlessJob.__index = QlessJob -- RecurringJob forward declaration local QlessRecurringJob = {} QlessRecurringJob.__index = QlessRecurringJob -- Config forward declaration Qless.config = {} -- Extend a table. This comes up quite frequently function table.extend(self, other) for i, v in ipairs(other) do table.insert(self, v) end end -- This is essentially the same as redis' publish, but it prefixes the channel -- with the Qless namespace function Qless.publish(channel, message) redis.call('publish', Qless.ns .. channel, message) end -- Return a job object given its job id function Qless.job(jid) assert(jid, 'Job(): no jid provided') local job = {} setmetatable(job, QlessJob) job.jid = jid return job end -- Return a recurring job object function Qless.recurring(jid) assert(jid, 'Recurring(): no jid provided') local job = {} setmetatable(job, QlessRecurringJob) job.jid = jid return job end -- Failed([group, [start, [limit]]]) -- ------------------------------------ -- If no group is provided, this returns a JSON blob of the counts of the -- various groups of failures known. If a group is provided, it will report up -- to `limit` from `start` of the jobs affected by that issue. -- -- # If no group, then... -- { -- 'group1': 1, -- 'group2': 5, -- ... -- } -- -- # If a group is provided, then... -- { -- 'total': 20, -- 'jobs': [ -- { -- # All the normal keys for a job -- 'jid': ..., -- 'data': ... -- # The message for this particular instance -- 'message': ..., -- 'group': ..., -- }, ... -- ] -- } -- function Qless.failed(group, start, limit) start = assert(tonumber(start or 0), 'Failed(): Arg "start" is not a number: ' .. (start or 'nil')) limit = assert(tonumber(limit or 25), 'Failed(): Arg "limit" is not a number: ' .. (limit or 'nil')) if group then -- If a group was provided, then we should do paginated lookup return { total = redis.call('llen', 'ql:f:' .. group), jobs = redis.call('lrange', 'ql:f:' .. group, start, start + limit - 1) } else -- Otherwise, we should just list all the known failure groups we have local response = {} local groups = redis.call('smembers', 'ql:failures') for index, group in ipairs(groups) do response[group] = redis.call('llen', 'ql:f:' .. group) end return response end end -- Jobs(now, 'complete', [offset, [count]]) -- Jobs(now, ( -- 'stalled' | 'running' | 'scheduled' | 'depends', 'recurring' -- ), queue, [offset, [count]]) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Return all the job ids currently considered to be in the provided state -- in a particular queue. The response is a list of job ids: -- -- [ -- jid1, -- jid2, -- ... -- ] function Qless.jobs(now, state, ...) assert(state, 'Jobs(): Arg "state" missing') if state == 'complete' then local offset = assert(tonumber(arg[1] or 0), 'Jobs(): Arg "offset" not a number: ' .. tostring(arg[1])) local count = assert(tonumber(arg[2] or 25), 'Jobs(): Arg "count" not a number: ' .. tostring(arg[2])) return redis.call('zrevrange', 'ql:completed', offset, offset + count - 1) else local name = assert(arg[1], 'Jobs(): Arg "queue" missing') local offset = assert(tonumber(arg[2] or 0), 'Jobs(): Arg "offset" not a number: ' .. tostring(arg[2])) local count = assert(tonumber(arg[3] or 25), 'Jobs(): Arg "count" not a number: ' .. tostring(arg[3])) local queue = Qless.queue(name) if state == 'running' then return queue.locks.peek(now, offset, count) elseif state == 'stalled' then return queue.locks.expired(now, offset, count) elseif state == 'scheduled' then queue:check_scheduled(now, queue.scheduled.length()) return queue.scheduled.peek(now, offset, count) elseif state == 'depends' then return queue.depends.peek(now, offset, count) elseif state == 'recurring' then return queue.recurring.peek(math.huge, offset, count) else error('Jobs(): Unknown type "' .. state .. '"') end end end -- Track() -- Track(now, ('track' | 'untrack'), jid) -- ------------------------------------------ -- If no arguments are provided, it returns details of all currently-tracked -- jobs. If the first argument is 'track', then it will start tracking the job -- associated with that id, and 'untrack' stops tracking it. In this context, -- tracking is nothing more than saving the job to a list of jobs that are -- considered special. -- -- { -- 'jobs': [ -- { -- 'jid': ..., -- # All the other details you'd get from 'get' -- }, { -- ... -- } -- ], 'expired': [ -- # These are all the jids that are completed and whose data expired -- 'deadbeef', -- ..., -- ..., -- ] -- } -- function Qless.track(now, command, jid) if command ~= nil then assert(jid, 'Track(): Arg "jid" missing') -- Verify that job exists assert(Qless.job(jid):exists(), 'Track(): Job does not exist') if string.lower(command) == 'track' then Qless.publish('track', jid) return redis.call('zadd', 'ql:tracked', now, jid) elseif string.lower(command) == 'untrack' then Qless.publish('untrack', jid) return redis.call('zrem', 'ql:tracked', jid) else error('Track(): Unknown action "' .. command .. '"') end else local response = { jobs = {}, expired = {} } local jids = redis.call('zrange', 'ql:tracked', 0, -1) for index, jid in ipairs(jids) do local data = Qless.job(jid):data() if data then table.insert(response.jobs, data) else table.insert(response.expired, jid) end end return response end end -- tag(now, ('add' | 'remove'), jid, tag, [tag, ...]) -- tag(now, 'get', tag, [offset, [count]]) -- tag(now, 'top', [offset, [count]]) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Accepts a jid, 'add' or 'remove', and then a list of tags -- to either add or remove from the job. Alternatively, 'get', -- a tag to get jobs associated with that tag, and offset and -- count -- -- If 'add' or 'remove', the response is a list of the jobs -- current tags, or False if the job doesn't exist. If 'get', -- the response is of the form: -- -- { -- total: ..., -- jobs: [ -- jid, -- ... -- ] -- } -- -- If 'top' is supplied, it returns the most commonly-used tags -- in a paginated fashion. function Qless.tag(now, command, ...) assert(command, 'Tag(): Arg "command" must be "add", "remove", "get" or "top"') if command == 'add' then local jid = assert(arg[1], 'Tag(): Arg "jid" missing') local tags = redis.call('hget', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'tags') -- If the job has been canceled / deleted, then return false if tags then -- Decode the json blob, convert to dictionary tags = cjson.decode(tags) local _tags = {} for i,v in ipairs(tags) do _tags[v] = true end -- Otherwise, add the job to the sorted set with that tags for i=2,#arg do local tag = arg[i] if _tags[tag] == nil then _tags[tag] = true table.insert(tags, tag) end redis.call('zadd', 'ql:t:' .. tag, now, jid) redis.call('zincrby', 'ql:tags', 1, tag) end redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'tags', cjson.encode(tags)) return tags else error('Tag(): Job ' .. jid .. ' does not exist') end elseif command == 'remove' then local jid = assert(arg[1], 'Tag(): Arg "jid" missing') local tags = redis.call('hget', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'tags') -- If the job has been canceled / deleted, then return false if tags then -- Decode the json blob, convert to dictionary tags = cjson.decode(tags) local _tags = {} for i,v in ipairs(tags) do _tags[v] = true end -- Otherwise, add the job to the sorted set with that tags for i=2,#arg do local tag = arg[i] _tags[tag] = nil redis.call('zrem', 'ql:t:' .. tag, jid) redis.call('zincrby', 'ql:tags', -1, tag) end local results = {} for i,tag in ipairs(tags) do if _tags[tag] then table.insert(results, tag) end end redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'tags', cjson.encode(results)) return results else error('Tag(): Job ' .. jid .. ' does not exist') end elseif command == 'get' then local tag = assert(arg[1], 'Tag(): Arg "tag" missing') local offset = assert(tonumber(arg[2] or 0), 'Tag(): Arg "offset" not a number: ' .. tostring(arg[2])) local count = assert(tonumber(arg[3] or 25), 'Tag(): Arg "count" not a number: ' .. tostring(arg[3])) return { total = redis.call('zcard', 'ql:t:' .. tag), jobs = redis.call('zrange', 'ql:t:' .. tag, offset, offset + count - 1) } elseif command == 'top' then local offset = assert(tonumber(arg[1] or 0) , 'Tag(): Arg "offset" not a number: ' .. tostring(arg[1])) local count = assert(tonumber(arg[2] or 25), 'Tag(): Arg "count" not a number: ' .. tostring(arg[2])) return redis.call('zrevrangebyscore', 'ql:tags', '+inf', 2, 'limit', offset, count) else error('Tag(): First argument must be "add", "remove" or "get"') end end -- Cancel(...) -- -------------- -- Cancel a job from taking place. It will be deleted from the system, and any -- attempts to renew a heartbeat will fail, and any attempts to complete it -- will fail. If you try to get the data on the object, you will get nothing. function Qless.cancel(...) -- Dependents is a mapping of a job to its dependent jids local dependents = {} for _, jid in ipairs(arg) do dependents[jid] = redis.call( 'smembers', QlessJob.ns .. jid .. '-dependents') or {} end -- Now, we'll loop through every jid we intend to cancel, and we'll go -- make sure that this operation will be ok for i, jid in ipairs(arg) do for j, dep in ipairs(dependents[jid]) do if dependents[dep] == nil then error('Cancel(): ' .. jid .. ' is a dependency of ' .. dep .. ' but is not mentioned to be canceled') end end end -- If we've made it this far, then we are good to go. We can now just -- remove any trace of all these jobs, as they form a dependent clique for _, jid in ipairs(arg) do -- Find any stage it's associated with and remove its from that stage local state, queue, failure, worker = unpack(redis.call( 'hmget', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'state', 'queue', 'failure', 'worker')) if state ~= 'complete' then -- Send a message out on the appropriate channels local encoded = cjson.encode({ jid = jid, worker = worker, event = 'canceled', queue = queue }) Qless.publish('log', encoded) -- Remove this job from whatever worker has it, if any if worker and (worker ~= '') then redis.call('zrem', 'ql:w:' .. worker .. ':jobs', jid) -- If necessary, send a message to the appropriate worker, too Qless.publish('w:' .. worker, encoded) end -- Remove it from that queue if queue then local queue = Qless.queue(queue) queue.work.remove(jid) queue.locks.remove(jid) queue.scheduled.remove(jid) queue.depends.remove(jid) end -- We should probably go through all our dependencies and remove -- ourselves from the list of dependents for i, j in ipairs(redis.call( 'smembers', QlessJob.ns .. jid .. '-dependencies')) do redis.call('srem', QlessJob.ns .. j .. '-dependents', jid) end -- Delete any notion of dependencies it has redis.call('del', QlessJob.ns .. jid .. '-dependencies') -- If we're in the failed state, remove all of our data if state == 'failed' then failure = cjson.decode(failure) -- We need to make this remove it from the failed queues redis.call('lrem', 'ql:f:' .. failure.group, 0, jid) if redis.call('llen', 'ql:f:' .. failure.group) == 0 then redis.call('srem', 'ql:failures', failure.group) end -- Remove one count from the failed count of the particular -- queue local bin = failure.when - (failure.when % 86400) local failed = redis.call( 'hget', 'ql:s:stats:' .. bin .. ':' .. queue, 'failed') redis.call('hset', 'ql:s:stats:' .. bin .. ':' .. queue, 'failed', failed - 1) end -- Remove it as a job that's tagged with this particular tag local tags = cjson.decode( redis.call('hget', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'tags') or '{}') for i, tag in ipairs(tags) do redis.call('zrem', 'ql:t:' .. tag, jid) redis.call('zincrby', 'ql:tags', -1, tag) end -- If the job was being tracked, we should notify if redis.call('zscore', 'ql:tracked', jid) ~= false then Qless.publish('canceled', jid) end -- Just go ahead and delete our data redis.call('del', QlessJob.ns .. jid) redis.call('del', QlessJob.ns .. jid .. '-history') end end return arg end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Configuration interactions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This represents our default configuration settings Qless.config.defaults = { ['application'] = 'qless', ['heartbeat'] = 60, ['grace-period'] = 10, ['stats-history'] = 30, ['histogram-history'] = 7, ['jobs-history-count'] = 50000, ['jobs-history'] = 604800 } -- Get one or more of the keys Qless.config.get = function(key, default) if key then return redis.call('hget', 'ql:config', key) or Qless.config.defaults[key] or default else -- Inspired by redis-lua https://github.com/nrk/redis-lua/blob/version-2.0/src/redis.lua local reply = redis.call('hgetall', 'ql:config') for i = 1, #reply, 2 do Qless.config.defaults[reply[i]] = reply[i + 1] end return Qless.config.defaults end end -- Set a configuration variable Qless.config.set = function(option, value) assert(option, 'config.set(): Arg "option" missing') assert(value , 'config.set(): Arg "value" missing') -- Send out a log message Qless.publish('log', cjson.encode({ event = 'config_set', option = option, value = value })) redis.call('hset', 'ql:config', option, value) end -- Unset a configuration option Qless.config.unset = function(option) assert(option, 'config.unset(): Arg "option" missing') -- Send out a log message Qless.publish('log', cjson.encode({ event = 'config_unset', option = option })) redis.call('hdel', 'ql:config', option) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Job Class -- -- It returns an object that represents the job with the provided JID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This gets all the data associated with the job with the provided id. If the -- job is not found, it returns nil. If found, it returns an object with the -- appropriate properties function QlessJob:data(...) local job = redis.call( 'hmget', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'jid', 'klass', 'state', 'queue', 'worker', 'priority', 'expires', 'retries', 'remaining', 'data', 'tags', 'failure', 'spawned_from_jid') -- Return nil if we haven't found it if not job[1] then return nil end local data = { jid = job[1], klass = job[2], state = job[3], queue = job[4], worker = job[5] or '', tracked = redis.call( 'zscore', 'ql:tracked', self.jid) ~= false, priority = tonumber(job[6]), expires = tonumber(job[7]) or 0, retries = tonumber(job[8]), remaining = math.floor(tonumber(job[9])), data = job[10], tags = cjson.decode(job[11]), history = self:history(), failure = cjson.decode(job[12] or '{}'), spawned_from_jid = job[13], dependents = redis.call( 'smembers', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-dependents'), dependencies = redis.call( 'smembers', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-dependencies') } if #arg > 0 then -- This section could probably be optimized, but I wanted the interface -- in place first local response = {} for index, key in ipairs(arg) do table.insert(response, data[key]) end return response else return data end end -- Complete a job and optionally put it in another queue, either scheduled or -- to be considered waiting immediately. It can also optionally accept other -- jids on which this job will be considered dependent before it's considered -- valid. -- -- The variable-length arguments may be pairs of the form: -- -- ('next' , queue) : The queue to advance it to next -- ('delay' , delay) : The delay for the next queue -- ('depends', : Json of jobs it depends on in the new queue -- '["jid1", "jid2", ...]') --- function QlessJob:complete(now, worker, queue, data, ...) assert(worker, 'Complete(): Arg "worker" missing') assert(queue , 'Complete(): Arg "queue" missing') data = assert(cjson.decode(data), 'Complete(): Arg "data" missing or not JSON: ' .. tostring(data)) -- Read in all the optional parameters local options = {} for i = 1, #arg, 2 do options[arg[i]] = arg[i + 1] end -- Sanity check on optional args local nextq = options['next'] local delay = assert(tonumber(options['delay'] or 0)) local depends = assert(cjson.decode(options['depends'] or '[]'), 'Complete(): Arg "depends" not JSON: ' .. tostring(options['depends'])) -- Depends doesn't make sense without nextq if options['delay'] and nextq == nil then error('Complete(): "delay" cannot be used without a "next".') end -- Depends doesn't make sense without nextq if options['depends'] and nextq == nil then error('Complete(): "depends" cannot be used without a "next".') end -- The bin is midnight of the provided day -- 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400 local bin = now - (now % 86400) -- First things first, we should see if the worker still owns this job local lastworker, state, priority, retries, current_queue = unpack( redis.call('hmget', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'worker', 'state', 'priority', 'retries', 'queue')) if lastworker == false then error('Complete(): Job does not exist') elseif (state ~= 'running') then error('Complete(): Job is not currently running: ' .. state) elseif lastworker ~= worker then error('Complete(): Job has been handed out to another worker: ' .. tostring(lastworker)) elseif queue ~= current_queue then error('Complete(): Job running in another queue: ' .. tostring(current_queue)) end -- Now we can assume that the worker does own the job. We need to -- 1) Remove the job from the 'locks' from the old queue -- 2) Enqueue it in the next stage if necessary -- 3) Update the data -- 4) Mark the job as completed, remove the worker, remove expires, and -- update history self:history(now, 'done') if data then redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'data', cjson.encode(data)) end -- Remove the job from the previous queue local queue_obj = Qless.queue(queue) queue_obj.work.remove(self.jid) queue_obj.locks.remove(self.jid) queue_obj.scheduled.remove(self.jid) ---------------------------------------------------------- -- This is the massive stats update that we have to do ---------------------------------------------------------- -- This is how long we've been waiting to get popped -- local waiting = math.floor(now) - history[#history]['popped'] local time = tonumber( redis.call('hget', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'time') or now) local waiting = now - time Qless.queue(queue):stat(now, 'run', waiting) redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'time', string.format("%.20f", now)) -- Remove this job from the jobs that the worker that was running it has redis.call('zrem', 'ql:w:' .. worker .. ':jobs', self.jid) if redis.call('zscore', 'ql:tracked', self.jid) ~= false then Qless.publish('completed', self.jid) end if nextq then queue_obj = Qless.queue(nextq) -- Send a message out to log Qless.publish('log', cjson.encode({ jid = self.jid, event = 'advanced', queue = queue, to = nextq })) -- Enqueue the job self:history(now, 'put', {q = nextq}) -- We're going to make sure that this queue is in the -- set of known queues if redis.call('zscore', 'ql:queues', nextq) == false then redis.call('zadd', 'ql:queues', now, nextq) end redis.call('hmset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'state', 'waiting', 'worker', '', 'failure', '{}', 'queue', nextq, 'expires', 0, 'remaining', tonumber(retries)) if (delay > 0) and (#depends == 0) then queue_obj.scheduled.add(now + delay, self.jid) return 'scheduled' else -- These are the jids we legitimately have to wait on local count = 0 for i, j in ipairs(depends) do -- Make sure it's something other than 'nil' or complete. local state = redis.call('hget', QlessJob.ns .. j, 'state') if (state and state ~= 'complete') then count = count + 1 redis.call( 'sadd', QlessJob.ns .. j .. '-dependents',self.jid) redis.call( 'sadd', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-dependencies', j) end end if count > 0 then queue_obj.depends.add(now, self.jid) redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'state', 'depends') if delay > 0 then -- We've already put it in 'depends'. Now, we must just save the data -- for when it's scheduled queue_obj.depends.add(now, self.jid) redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'scheduled', now + delay) end return 'depends' else queue_obj.work.add(now, priority, self.jid) return 'waiting' end end else -- Send a message out to log Qless.publish('log', cjson.encode({ jid = self.jid, event = 'completed', queue = queue })) redis.call('hmset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'state', 'complete', 'worker', '', 'failure', '{}', 'queue', '', 'expires', 0, 'remaining', tonumber(retries)) -- Do the completion dance local count = Qless.config.get('jobs-history-count') local time = Qless.config.get('jobs-history') -- These are the default values count = tonumber(count or 50000) time = tonumber(time or 7 * 24 * 60 * 60) -- Schedule this job for destructination eventually redis.call('zadd', 'ql:completed', now, self.jid) -- Now look at the expired job data. First, based on the current time local jids = redis.call('zrangebyscore', 'ql:completed', 0, now - time) -- Any jobs that need to be expired... delete for index, jid in ipairs(jids) do local tags = cjson.decode( redis.call('hget', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'tags') or '{}') for i, tag in ipairs(tags) do redis.call('zrem', 'ql:t:' .. tag, jid) redis.call('zincrby', 'ql:tags', -1, tag) end redis.call('del', QlessJob.ns .. jid) redis.call('del', QlessJob.ns .. jid .. '-history') end -- And now remove those from the queued-for-cleanup queue redis.call('zremrangebyscore', 'ql:completed', 0, now - time) -- Now take the all by the most recent 'count' ids jids = redis.call('zrange', 'ql:completed', 0, (-1-count)) for index, jid in ipairs(jids) do local tags = cjson.decode( redis.call('hget', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'tags') or '{}') for i, tag in ipairs(tags) do redis.call('zrem', 'ql:t:' .. tag, jid) redis.call('zincrby', 'ql:tags', -1, tag) end redis.call('del', QlessJob.ns .. jid) redis.call('del', QlessJob.ns .. jid .. '-history') end redis.call('zremrangebyrank', 'ql:completed', 0, (-1-count)) -- Alright, if this has any dependents, then we should go ahead -- and unstick those guys. for i, j in ipairs(redis.call( 'smembers', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-dependents')) do redis.call('srem', QlessJob.ns .. j .. '-dependencies', self.jid) if redis.call( 'scard', QlessJob.ns .. j .. '-dependencies') == 0 then local q, p, scheduled = unpack( redis.call('hmget', QlessJob.ns .. j, 'queue', 'priority', 'scheduled')) if q then local queue = Qless.queue(q) queue.depends.remove(j) if scheduled then queue.scheduled.add(scheduled, j) redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. j, 'state', 'scheduled') redis.call('hdel', QlessJob.ns .. j, 'scheduled') else queue.work.add(now, p, j) redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. j, 'state', 'waiting') end end end end -- Delete our dependents key redis.call('del', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-dependents') return 'complete' end end -- Fail(now, worker, group, message, [data]) -- ------------------------------------------------- -- Mark the particular job as failed, with the provided group, and a more -- specific message. By `group`, we mean some phrase that might be one of -- several categorical modes of failure. The `message` is something more -- job-specific, like perhaps a traceback. -- -- This method should __not__ be used to note that a job has been dropped or -- has failed in a transient way. This method __should__ be used to note that -- a job has something really wrong with it that must be remedied. -- -- The motivation behind the `group` is so that similar errors can be grouped -- together. Optionally, updated data can be provided for the job. A job in -- any state can be marked as failed. If it has been given to a worker as a -- job, then its subsequent requests to heartbeat or complete that job will -- fail. Failed jobs are kept until they are canceled or completed. -- -- __Returns__ the id of the failed job if successful, or `False` on failure. -- -- Args: -- 1) jid -- 2) worker -- 3) group -- 4) message -- 5) the current time -- 6) [data] function QlessJob:fail(now, worker, group, message, data) local worker = assert(worker , 'Fail(): Arg "worker" missing') local group = assert(group , 'Fail(): Arg "group" missing') local message = assert(message , 'Fail(): Arg "message" missing') -- The bin is midnight of the provided day -- 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400 local bin = now - (now % 86400) if data then data = cjson.decode(data) end -- First things first, we should get the history local queue, state, oldworker = unpack(redis.call( 'hmget', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'queue', 'state', 'worker')) -- If the job has been completed, we cannot fail it if not state then error('Fail(): Job does not exist') elseif state ~= 'running' then error('Fail(): Job not currently running: ' .. state) elseif worker ~= oldworker then error('Fail(): Job running with another worker: ' .. oldworker) end -- Send out a log message Qless.publish('log', cjson.encode({ jid = self.jid, event = 'failed', worker = worker, group = group, message = message })) if redis.call('zscore', 'ql:tracked', self.jid) ~= false then Qless.publish('failed', self.jid) end -- Remove this job from the jobs that the worker that was running it has redis.call('zrem', 'ql:w:' .. worker .. ':jobs', self.jid) -- Now, take the element of the history for which our provided worker is -- the worker, and update 'failed' self:history(now, 'failed', {worker = worker, group = group}) -- Increment the number of failures for that queue for the -- given day. redis.call('hincrby', 'ql:s:stats:' .. bin .. ':' .. queue, 'failures', 1) redis.call('hincrby', 'ql:s:stats:' .. bin .. ':' .. queue, 'failed' , 1) -- Now remove the instance from the schedule, and work queues for the -- queue it's in local queue_obj = Qless.queue(queue) queue_obj.work.remove(self.jid) queue_obj.locks.remove(self.jid) queue_obj.scheduled.remove(self.jid) -- The reason that this appears here is that the above will fail if the -- job doesn't exist if data then redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'data', cjson.encode(data)) end redis.call('hmset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'state', 'failed', 'worker', '', 'expires', '', 'failure', cjson.encode({ ['group'] = group, ['message'] = message, ['when'] = math.floor(now), ['worker'] = worker })) -- Add this group of failure to the list of failures redis.call('sadd', 'ql:failures', group) -- And add this particular instance to the failed groups redis.call('lpush', 'ql:f:' .. group, self.jid) -- Here is where we'd intcrement stats about the particular stage -- and possibly the workers return self.jid end -- retry(now, queue, worker, [delay, [group, [message]]]) -- ------------------------------------------ -- This script accepts jid, queue, worker and delay for retrying a job. This -- is similar in functionality to `put`, except that this counts against the -- retries a job has for a stage. -- -- Throws an exception if: -- - the worker is not the worker with a lock on the job -- - the job is not actually running -- -- Otherwise, it returns the number of retries remaining. If the allowed -- retries have been exhausted, then it is automatically failed, and a negative -- number is returned. -- -- If a group and message is provided, then if the retries are exhausted, then -- the provided group and message will be used in place of the default -- messaging about retries in the particular queue being exhausted function QlessJob:retry(now, queue, worker, delay, group, message) assert(queue , 'Retry(): Arg "queue" missing') assert(worker, 'Retry(): Arg "worker" missing') delay = assert(tonumber(delay or 0), 'Retry(): Arg "delay" not a number: ' .. tostring(delay)) -- Let's see what the old priority, and tags were local oldqueue, state, retries, oldworker, priority, failure = unpack( redis.call('hmget', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'queue', 'state', 'retries', 'worker', 'priority', 'failure')) -- If this isn't the worker that owns if oldworker == false then error('Retry(): Job does not exist') elseif state ~= 'running' then error('Retry(): Job is not currently running: ' .. state) elseif oldworker ~= worker then error('Retry(): Job has been given to another worker: ' .. oldworker) end -- For each of these, decrement their retries. If any of them -- have exhausted their retries, then we should mark them as -- failed. local remaining = tonumber(redis.call( 'hincrby', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'remaining', -1)) redis.call('hdel', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'grace') -- Remove it from the locks key of the old queue Qless.queue(oldqueue).locks.remove(self.jid) -- Remove this job from the worker that was previously working it redis.call('zrem', 'ql:w:' .. worker .. ':jobs', self.jid) if remaining < 0 then -- Now remove the instance from the schedule, and work queues for the -- queue it's in local group = group or 'failed-retries-' .. queue self:history(now, 'failed', {['group'] = group}) redis.call('hmset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'state', 'failed', 'worker', '', 'expires', '') -- If the failure has not already been set, then set it if group ~= nil and message ~= nil then redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'failure', cjson.encode({ ['group'] = group, ['message'] = message, ['when'] = math.floor(now), ['worker'] = worker }) ) else redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'failure', cjson.encode({ ['group'] = group, ['message'] = 'Job exhausted retries in queue "' .. oldqueue .. '"', ['when'] = now, ['worker'] = unpack(self:data('worker')) })) end -- Add this type of failure to the list of failures redis.call('sadd', 'ql:failures', group) -- And add this particular instance to the failed types redis.call('lpush', 'ql:f:' .. group, self.jid) -- Increment the count of the failed jobs local bin = now - (now % 86400) redis.call('hincrby', 'ql:s:stats:' .. bin .. ':' .. queue, 'failures', 1) redis.call('hincrby', 'ql:s:stats:' .. bin .. ':' .. queue, 'failed' , 1) else -- Put it in the queue again with a delay. Like put() local queue_obj = Qless.queue(queue) if delay > 0 then queue_obj.scheduled.add(now + delay, self.jid) redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'state', 'scheduled') else queue_obj.work.add(now, priority, self.jid) redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'state', 'waiting') end -- If a group and a message was provided, then we should save it if group ~= nil and message ~= nil then redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'failure', cjson.encode({ ['group'] = group, ['message'] = message, ['when'] = math.floor(now), ['worker'] = worker }) ) end end return math.floor(remaining) end -- Depends(jid, 'on', [jid, [jid, [...]]] -- Depends(jid, 'off', [jid, [jid, [...]]]) -- Depends(jid, 'off', 'all') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add or remove dependencies a job has. If 'on' is provided, the provided -- jids are added as dependencies. If 'off' and 'all' are provided, then all -- the current dependencies are removed. If 'off' is provided and the next -- argument is not 'all', then those jids are removed as dependencies. -- -- If a job is not already in the 'depends' state, then this call will return -- false. Otherwise, it will return true function QlessJob:depends(now, command, ...) assert(command, 'Depends(): Arg "command" missing') local state = redis.call('hget', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'state') if state ~= 'depends' then error('Depends(): Job ' .. self.jid .. ' not in the depends state: ' .. tostring(state)) end if command == 'on' then -- These are the jids we legitimately have to wait on for i, j in ipairs(arg) do -- Make sure it's something other than 'nil' or complete. local state = redis.call('hget', QlessJob.ns .. j, 'state') if (state and state ~= 'complete') then redis.call( 'sadd', QlessJob.ns .. j .. '-dependents' , self.jid) redis.call( 'sadd', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-dependencies', j) end end return true elseif command == 'off' then if arg[1] == 'all' then for i, j in ipairs(redis.call( 'smembers', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-dependencies')) do redis.call('srem', QlessJob.ns .. j .. '-dependents', self.jid) end redis.call('del', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-dependencies') local q, p = unpack(redis.call( 'hmget', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'queue', 'priority')) if q then local queue_obj = Qless.queue(q) queue_obj.depends.remove(self.jid) queue_obj.work.add(now, p, self.jid) redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'state', 'waiting') end else for i, j in ipairs(arg) do redis.call('srem', QlessJob.ns .. j .. '-dependents', self.jid) redis.call( 'srem', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-dependencies', j) if redis.call('scard', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-dependencies') == 0 then local q, p = unpack(redis.call( 'hmget', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'queue', 'priority')) if q then local queue_obj = Qless.queue(q) queue_obj.depends.remove(self.jid) queue_obj.work.add(now, p, self.jid) redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'state', 'waiting') end end end end return true else error('Depends(): Argument "command" must be "on" or "off"') end end -- Heartbeat ------------ -- Renew this worker's lock on this job. Throws an exception if: -- - the job's been given to another worker -- - the job's been completed -- - the job's been canceled -- - the job's not running function QlessJob:heartbeat(now, worker, data) assert(worker, 'Heatbeat(): Arg "worker" missing') -- We should find the heartbeat interval for this queue -- heartbeat. First, though, we need to find the queue -- this particular job is in local queue = redis.call('hget', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'queue') or '' local expires = now + tonumber( Qless.config.get(queue .. '-heartbeat') or Qless.config.get('heartbeat', 60)) if data then data = cjson.decode(data) end -- First, let's see if the worker still owns this job, and there is a -- worker local job_worker, state = unpack( redis.call('hmget', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'worker', 'state')) if job_worker == false then -- This means the job doesn't exist error('Heartbeat(): Job does not exist') elseif state ~= 'running' then error('Heartbeat(): Job not currently running: ' .. state) elseif job_worker ~= worker or #job_worker == 0 then error('Heartbeat(): Job given out to another worker: ' .. job_worker) else -- Otherwise, optionally update the user data, and the heartbeat if data then -- I don't know if this is wise, but I'm decoding and encoding -- the user data to hopefully ensure its sanity redis.call('hmset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'expires', expires, 'worker', worker, 'data', cjson.encode(data)) else redis.call('hmset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'expires', expires, 'worker', worker) end -- Update hwen this job was last updated on that worker -- Add this job to the list of jobs handled by this worker redis.call('zadd', 'ql:w:' .. worker .. ':jobs', expires, self.jid) -- And now we should just update the locks local queue = Qless.queue( redis.call('hget', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'queue')) queue.locks.add(expires, self.jid) return expires end end -- Priority -- -------- -- Update the priority of this job. If the job doesn't exist, throws an -- exception function QlessJob:priority(priority) priority = assert(tonumber(priority), 'Priority(): Arg "priority" missing or not a number: ' .. tostring(priority)) -- Get the queue the job is currently in, if any local queue = redis.call('hget', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'queue') if queue == nil then -- If the job doesn't exist, throw an error error('Priority(): Job ' .. self.jid .. ' does not exist') elseif queue == '' then -- Just adjust the priority redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'priority', priority) return priority else -- Adjust the priority and see if it's a candidate for updating -- its priority in the queue it's currently in local queue_obj = Qless.queue(queue) if queue_obj.work.score(self.jid) then queue_obj.work.add(0, priority, self.jid) end redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'priority', priority) return priority end end -- Update the jobs' attributes with the provided dictionary function QlessJob:update(data) local tmp = {} for k, v in pairs(data) do table.insert(tmp, k) table.insert(tmp, v) end redis.call('hmset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, unpack(tmp)) end -- Times out the job now rather than when its lock is normally set to expire function QlessJob:timeout(now) local queue_name, state, worker = unpack(redis.call('hmget', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'queue', 'state', 'worker')) if queue_name == nil then error('Timeout(): Job does not exist') elseif state ~= 'running' then error('Timeout(): Job ' .. self.jid .. ' not running') else -- Time out the job self:history(now, 'timed-out') local queue = Qless.queue(queue_name) queue.locks.remove(self.jid) queue.work.add(now, math.huge, self.jid) redis.call('hmset', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'state', 'stalled', 'expires', 0) local encoded = cjson.encode({ jid = self.jid, event = 'lock_lost', worker = worker }) Qless.publish('w:' .. worker, encoded) Qless.publish('log', encoded) return queue_name end end -- Return whether or not this job exists function QlessJob:exists() return redis.call('exists', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid) == 1 end -- Get or append to history function QlessJob:history(now, what, item) -- First, check if there's an old-style history, and update it if there is local history = redis.call('hget', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'history') if history then history = cjson.decode(history) for i, value in ipairs(history) do redis.call('rpush', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-history', cjson.encode({math.floor(value.put), 'put', {q = value.q}})) -- If there's any popped time if value.popped then redis.call('rpush', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-history', cjson.encode({math.floor(value.popped), 'popped', {worker = value.worker}})) end -- If there's any failure if value.failed then redis.call('rpush', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-history', cjson.encode( {math.floor(value.failed), 'failed', nil})) end -- If it was completed if value.done then redis.call('rpush', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-history', cjson.encode( {math.floor(value.done), 'done', nil})) end end -- With all this ported forward, delete the old-style history redis.call('hdel', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid, 'history') end -- Now to the meat of the function if what == nil then -- Get the history local response = {} for i, value in ipairs(redis.call('lrange', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-history', 0, -1)) do value = cjson.decode(value) local dict = value[3] or {} dict['when'] = value[1] dict['what'] = value[2] table.insert(response, dict) end return response else -- Append to the history. If the length of the history should be limited, -- then we'll truncate it. local count = tonumber(Qless.config.get('max-job-history', 100)) if count > 0 then -- We'll always keep the first item around local obj = redis.call('lpop', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-history') redis.call('ltrim', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-history', -count + 2, -1) if obj ~= nil then redis.call('lpush', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-history', obj) end end return redis.call('rpush', QlessJob.ns .. self.jid .. '-history', cjson.encode({math.floor(now), what, item})) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Queue class ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Return a queue object function Qless.queue(name) assert(name, 'Queue(): no queue name provided') local queue = {} setmetatable(queue, QlessQueue) queue.name = name -- Access to our work queue.work = { peek = function(count) if count == 0 then return {} end local jids = {} for index, jid in ipairs(redis.call( 'zrevrange', queue:prefix('work'), 0, count - 1)) do table.insert(jids, jid) end return jids end, remove = function(...) if #arg > 0 then return redis.call('zrem', queue:prefix('work'), unpack(arg)) end end, add = function(now, priority, jid) return redis.call('zadd', queue:prefix('work'), priority - (now / 10000000000), jid) end, score = function(jid) return redis.call('zscore', queue:prefix('work'), jid) end, length = function() return redis.call('zcard', queue:prefix('work')) end } -- Access to our locks queue.locks = { expired = function(now, offset, count) return redis.call('zrangebyscore', queue:prefix('locks'), -math.huge, now, 'LIMIT', offset, count) end, peek = function(now, offset, count) return redis.call('zrangebyscore', queue:prefix('locks'), now, math.huge, 'LIMIT', offset, count) end, add = function(expires, jid) redis.call('zadd', queue:prefix('locks'), expires, jid) end, remove = function(...) if #arg > 0 then return redis.call('zrem', queue:prefix('locks'), unpack(arg)) end end, running = function(now) return redis.call('zcount', queue:prefix('locks'), now, math.huge) end, length = function(now) -- If a 'now' is provided, we're interested in how many are before -- that time if now then return redis.call('zcount', queue:prefix('locks'), 0, now) else return redis.call('zcard', queue:prefix('locks')) end end } -- Access to our dependent jobs queue.depends = { peek = function(now, offset, count) return redis.call('zrange', queue:prefix('depends'), offset, offset + count - 1) end, add = function(now, jid) redis.call('zadd', queue:prefix('depends'), now, jid) end, remove = function(...) if #arg > 0 then return redis.call('zrem', queue:prefix('depends'), unpack(arg)) end end, length = function() return redis.call('zcard', queue:prefix('depends')) end } -- Access to our scheduled jobs queue.scheduled = { peek = function(now, offset, count) return redis.call('zrange', queue:prefix('scheduled'), offset, offset + count - 1) end, ready = function(now, offset, count) return redis.call('zrangebyscore', queue:prefix('scheduled'), 0, now, 'LIMIT', offset, count) end, add = function(when, jid) redis.call('zadd', queue:prefix('scheduled'), when, jid) end, remove = function(...) if #arg > 0 then return redis.call('zrem', queue:prefix('scheduled'), unpack(arg)) end end, length = function() return redis.call('zcard', queue:prefix('scheduled')) end } -- Access to our recurring jobs queue.recurring = { peek = function(now, offset, count) return redis.call('zrangebyscore', queue:prefix('recur'), 0, now, 'LIMIT', offset, count) end, ready = function(now, offset, count) end, add = function(when, jid) redis.call('zadd', queue:prefix('recur'), when, jid) end, remove = function(...) if #arg > 0 then return redis.call('zrem', queue:prefix('recur'), unpack(arg)) end end, update = function(increment, jid) redis.call('zincrby', queue:prefix('recur'), increment, jid) end, score = function(jid) return redis.call('zscore', queue:prefix('recur'), jid) end, length = function() return redis.call('zcard', queue:prefix('recur')) end } return queue end -- Return the prefix for this particular queue function QlessQueue:prefix(group) if group then return QlessQueue.ns..self.name..'-'..group else return QlessQueue.ns..self.name end end -- Stats(now, date) -- --------------------- -- Return the current statistics for a given queue on a given date. The -- results are returned are a JSON blob: -- -- -- { -- # These are unimplemented as of yet -- 'failed': 3, -- 'retries': 5, -- 'wait' : { -- 'total' : ..., -- 'mean' : ..., -- 'variance' : ..., -- 'histogram': [ -- ... -- ] -- }, 'run': { -- 'total' : ..., -- 'mean' : ..., -- 'variance' : ..., -- 'histogram': [ -- ... -- ] -- } -- } -- -- The histogram's data points are at the second resolution for the first -- minute, the minute resolution for the first hour, the 15-minute resolution -- for the first day, the hour resolution for the first 3 days, and then at -- the day resolution from there on out. The `histogram` key is a list of -- those values. function QlessQueue:stats(now, date) date = assert(tonumber(date), 'Stats(): Arg "date" missing or not a number: '.. (date or 'nil')) -- The bin is midnight of the provided day -- 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400 local bin = date - (date % 86400) -- This a table of all the keys we want to use in order to produce a histogram local histokeys = { 's0','s1','s2','s3','s4','s5','s6','s7','s8','s9','s10','s11','s12','s13','s14','s15','s16','s17','s18','s19','s20','s21','s22','s23','s24','s25','s26','s27','s28','s29','s30','s31','s32','s33','s34','s35','s36','s37','s38','s39','s40','s41','s42','s43','s44','s45','s46','s47','s48','s49','s50','s51','s52','s53','s54','s55','s56','s57','s58','s59', 'm1','m2','m3','m4','m5','m6','m7','m8','m9','m10','m11','m12','m13','m14','m15','m16','m17','m18','m19','m20','m21','m22','m23','m24','m25','m26','m27','m28','m29','m30','m31','m32','m33','m34','m35','m36','m37','m38','m39','m40','m41','m42','m43','m44','m45','m46','m47','m48','m49','m50','m51','m52','m53','m54','m55','m56','m57','m58','m59', 'h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6','h7','h8','h9','h10','h11','h12','h13','h14','h15','h16','h17','h18','h19','h20','h21','h22','h23', 'd1','d2','d3','d4','d5','d6' } local mkstats = function(name, bin, queue) -- The results we'll be sending back local results = {} local key = 'ql:s:' .. name .. ':' .. bin .. ':' .. queue local count, mean, vk = unpack(redis.call('hmget', key, 'total', 'mean', 'vk')) count = tonumber(count) or 0 mean = tonumber(mean) or 0 vk = tonumber(vk) results.count = count or 0 results.mean = mean or 0 results.histogram = {} if not count then results.std = 0 else if count > 1 then results.std = math.sqrt(vk / (count - 1)) else results.std = 0 end end local histogram = redis.call('hmget', key, unpack(histokeys)) for i=1,#histokeys do table.insert(results.histogram, tonumber(histogram[i]) or 0) end return results end local retries, failed, failures = unpack(redis.call('hmget', 'ql:s:stats:' .. bin .. ':' .. self.name, 'retries', 'failed', 'failures')) return { retries = tonumber(retries or 0), failed = tonumber(failed or 0), failures = tonumber(failures or 0), wait = mkstats('wait', bin, self.name), run = mkstats('run' , bin, self.name) } end -- Peek ------- -- Examine the next jobs that would be popped from the queue without actually -- popping them. function QlessQueue:peek(now, count) count = assert(tonumber(count), 'Peek(): Arg "count" missing or not a number: ' .. tostring(count)) -- These are the ids that we're going to return. We'll begin with any jobs -- that have lost their locks local jids = self.locks.expired(now, 0, count) -- If we still need jobs in order to meet demand, then we should -- look for all the recurring jobs that need jobs run self:check_recurring(now, count - #jids) -- Now we've checked __all__ the locks for this queue the could -- have expired, and are no more than the number requested. If -- we still need values in order to meet the demand, then we -- should check if any scheduled items, and if so, we should -- insert them to ensure correctness when pulling off the next -- unit of work. self:check_scheduled(now, count - #jids) -- With these in place, we can expand this list of jids based on the work -- queue itself and the priorities therein table.extend(jids, self.work.peek(count - #jids)) return jids end -- Return true if this queue is paused function QlessQueue:paused() return redis.call('sismember', 'ql:paused_queues', self.name) == 1 end -- Pause this queue -- -- Note: long term, we have discussed adding a rate-limiting -- feature to qless-core, which would be more flexible and -- could be used for pausing (i.e. pause = set the rate to 0). -- For now, this is far simpler, but we should rewrite this -- in terms of the rate limiting feature if/when that is added. function QlessQueue.pause(now, ...) redis.call('sadd', 'ql:paused_queues', unpack(arg)) end -- Unpause this queue function QlessQueue.unpause(...) redis.call('srem', 'ql:paused_queues', unpack(arg)) end -- Checks for expired locks, scheduled and recurring jobs, returning any -- jobs that are ready to be processes function QlessQueue:pop(now, worker, count) assert(worker, 'Pop(): Arg "worker" missing') count = assert(tonumber(count), 'Pop(): Arg "count" missing or not a number: ' .. tostring(count)) -- We should find the heartbeat interval for this queue heartbeat local expires = now + tonumber( Qless.config.get(self.name .. '-heartbeat') or Qless.config.get('heartbeat', 60)) -- If this queue is paused, then return no jobs if self:paused() then return {} end -- Make sure we this worker to the list of seen workers redis.call('zadd', 'ql:workers', now, worker) -- Check our max concurrency, and limit the count local max_concurrency = tonumber( Qless.config.get(self.name .. '-max-concurrency', 0)) if max_concurrency > 0 then -- Allow at most max_concurrency - #running local allowed = math.max(0, max_concurrency - self.locks.running(now)) count = math.min(allowed, count) if count == 0 then return {} end end local jids = self:invalidate_locks(now, count) -- Now we've checked __all__ the locks for this queue the could -- have expired, and are no more than the number requested. -- If we still need jobs in order to meet demand, then we should -- look for all the recurring jobs that need jobs run self:check_recurring(now, count - #jids) -- If we still need values in order to meet the demand, then we -- should check if any scheduled items, and if so, we should -- insert them to ensure correctness when pulling off the next -- unit of work. self:check_scheduled(now, count - #jids) -- With these in place, we can expand this list of jids based on the work -- queue itself and the priorities therein table.extend(jids, self.work.peek(count - #jids)) local state for index, jid in ipairs(jids) do local job = Qless.job(jid) state = unpack(job:data('state')) job:history(now, 'popped', {worker = worker}) -- Update the wait time statistics local time = tonumber( redis.call('hget', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'time') or now) local waiting = now - time self:stat(now, 'wait', waiting) redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'time', string.format("%.20f", now)) -- Add this job to the list of jobs handled by this worker redis.call('zadd', 'ql:w:' .. worker .. ':jobs', expires, jid) -- Update the jobs data, and add its locks, and return the job job:update({ worker = worker, expires = expires, state = 'running' }) self.locks.add(expires, jid) local tracked = redis.call('zscore', 'ql:tracked', jid) ~= false if tracked then Qless.publish('popped', jid) end end -- If we are returning any jobs, then we should remove them from the work -- queue self.work.remove(unpack(jids)) return jids end -- Update the stats for this queue function QlessQueue:stat(now, stat, val) -- The bin is midnight of the provided day local bin = now - (now % 86400) local key = 'ql:s:' .. stat .. ':' .. bin .. ':' .. self.name -- Get the current data local count, mean, vk = unpack( redis.call('hmget', key, 'total', 'mean', 'vk')) -- If there isn't any data there presently, then we must initialize it count = count or 0 if count == 0 then mean = val vk = 0 count = 1 else count = count + 1 local oldmean = mean mean = mean + (val - mean) / count vk = vk + (val - mean) * (val - oldmean) end -- Now, update the histogram -- - `s1`, `s2`, ..., -- second-resolution histogram counts -- - `m1`, `m2`, ..., -- minute-resolution -- - `h1`, `h2`, ..., -- hour-resolution -- - `d1`, `d2`, ..., -- day-resolution val = math.floor(val) if val < 60 then -- seconds redis.call('hincrby', key, 's' .. val, 1) elseif val < 3600 then -- minutes redis.call('hincrby', key, 'm' .. math.floor(val / 60), 1) elseif val < 86400 then -- hours redis.call('hincrby', key, 'h' .. math.floor(val / 3600), 1) else -- days redis.call('hincrby', key, 'd' .. math.floor(val / 86400), 1) end redis.call('hmset', key, 'total', count, 'mean', mean, 'vk', vk) end -- Put(now, jid, klass, data, delay, -- [priority, p], -- [tags, t], -- [retries, r], -- [depends, '[...]']) -- ----------------------- -- Insert a job into the queue with the given priority, tags, delay, klass and -- data. function QlessQueue:put(now, worker, jid, klass, raw_data, delay, ...) assert(jid , 'Put(): Arg "jid" missing') assert(klass, 'Put(): Arg "klass" missing') local data = assert(cjson.decode(raw_data), 'Put(): Arg "data" missing or not JSON: ' .. tostring(raw_data)) delay = assert(tonumber(delay), 'Put(): Arg "delay" not a number: ' .. tostring(delay)) -- Read in all the optional parameters. All of these must come in pairs, so -- if we have an odd number of extra args, raise an error if #arg % 2 == 1 then error('Odd number of additional args: ' .. tostring(arg)) end local options = {} for i = 1, #arg, 2 do options[arg[i]] = arg[i + 1] end -- Let's see what the old priority and tags were local job = Qless.job(jid) local priority, tags, oldqueue, state, failure, retries, oldworker = unpack(redis.call('hmget', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'priority', 'tags', 'queue', 'state', 'failure', 'retries', 'worker')) -- If there are old tags, then we should remove the tags this job has if tags then Qless.tag(now, 'remove', jid, unpack(cjson.decode(tags))) end -- Sanity check on optional args retries = assert(tonumber(options['retries'] or retries or 5) , 'Put(): Arg "retries" not a number: ' .. tostring(options['retries'])) tags = assert(cjson.decode(options['tags'] or tags or '[]' ), 'Put(): Arg "tags" not JSON' .. tostring(options['tags'])) priority = assert(tonumber(options['priority'] or priority or 0), 'Put(): Arg "priority" not a number' .. tostring(options['priority'])) local depends = assert(cjson.decode(options['depends'] or '[]') , 'Put(): Arg "depends" not JSON: ' .. tostring(options['depends'])) -- If the job has old dependencies, determine which dependencies are -- in the new dependencies but not in the old ones, and which are in the -- old ones but not in the new if #depends > 0 then -- This makes it easier to check if it's in the new list local new = {} for _, d in ipairs(depends) do new[d] = 1 end -- Now find what's in the original, but not the new local original = redis.call( 'smembers', QlessJob.ns .. jid .. '-dependencies') for _, dep in pairs(original) do if new[dep] == nil then -- Remove k as a dependency redis.call('srem', QlessJob.ns .. dep .. '-dependents' , jid) redis.call('srem', QlessJob.ns .. jid .. '-dependencies', dep) end end end -- Send out a log message Qless.publish('log', cjson.encode({ jid = jid, event = 'put', queue = self.name })) -- Update the history to include this new change job:history(now, 'put', {q = self.name}) -- If this item was previously in another queue, then we should remove it from there if oldqueue then local queue_obj = Qless.queue(oldqueue) queue_obj.work.remove(jid) queue_obj.locks.remove(jid) queue_obj.depends.remove(jid) queue_obj.scheduled.remove(jid) end -- If this had previously been given out to a worker, make sure to remove it -- from that worker's jobs if oldworker and oldworker ~= '' then redis.call('zrem', 'ql:w:' .. oldworker .. ':jobs', jid) -- If it's a different worker that's putting this job, send a notification -- to the last owner of the job if oldworker ~= worker then -- We need to inform whatever worker had that job local encoded = cjson.encode({ jid = jid, event = 'lock_lost', worker = oldworker }) Qless.publish('w:' .. oldworker, encoded) Qless.publish('log', encoded) end end -- If the job was previously in the 'completed' state, then we should -- remove it from being enqueued for destructination if state == 'complete' then redis.call('zrem', 'ql:completed', jid) end -- Add this job to the list of jobs tagged with whatever tags were supplied for i, tag in ipairs(tags) do redis.call('zadd', 'ql:t:' .. tag, now, jid) redis.call('zincrby', 'ql:tags', 1, tag) end -- If we're in the failed state, remove all of our data if state == 'failed' then failure = cjson.decode(failure) -- We need to make this remove it from the failed queues redis.call('lrem', 'ql:f:' .. failure.group, 0, jid) if redis.call('llen', 'ql:f:' .. failure.group) == 0 then redis.call('srem', 'ql:failures', failure.group) end -- The bin is midnight of the provided day -- 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400 local bin = failure.when - (failure.when % 86400) -- We also need to decrement the stats about the queue on -- the day that this failure actually happened. redis.call('hincrby', 'ql:s:stats:' .. bin .. ':' .. self.name, 'failed' , -1) end -- First, let's save its data redis.call('hmset', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'jid' , jid, 'klass' , klass, 'data' , raw_data, 'priority' , priority, 'tags' , cjson.encode(tags), 'state' , ((delay > 0) and 'scheduled') or 'waiting', 'worker' , '', 'expires' , 0, 'queue' , self.name, 'retries' , retries, 'remaining', retries, 'time' , string.format("%.20f", now)) -- These are the jids we legitimately have to wait on for i, j in ipairs(depends) do -- Make sure it's something other than 'nil' or complete. local state = redis.call('hget', QlessJob.ns .. j, 'state') if (state and state ~= 'complete') then redis.call('sadd', QlessJob.ns .. j .. '-dependents' , jid) redis.call('sadd', QlessJob.ns .. jid .. '-dependencies', j) end end -- Now, if a delay was provided, and if it's in the future, -- then we'll have to schedule it. Otherwise, we're just -- going to add it to the work queue. if delay > 0 then if redis.call('scard', QlessJob.ns .. jid .. '-dependencies') > 0 then -- We've already put it in 'depends'. Now, we must just save the data -- for when it's scheduled self.depends.add(now, jid) redis.call('hmset', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'state', 'depends', 'scheduled', now + delay) else self.scheduled.add(now + delay, jid) end else if redis.call('scard', QlessJob.ns .. jid .. '-dependencies') > 0 then self.depends.add(now, jid) redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'state', 'depends') else self.work.add(now, priority, jid) end end -- Lastly, we're going to make sure that this item is in the -- set of known queues. We should keep this sorted by the -- order in which we saw each of these queues if redis.call('zscore', 'ql:queues', self.name) == false then redis.call('zadd', 'ql:queues', now, self.name) end if redis.call('zscore', 'ql:tracked', jid) ~= false then Qless.publish('put', jid) end return jid end -- Move `count` jobs out of the failed state and into this queue function QlessQueue:unfail(now, group, count) assert(group, 'Unfail(): Arg "group" missing') count = assert(tonumber(count or 25), 'Unfail(): Arg "count" not a number: ' .. tostring(count)) -- Get up to that many jobs, and we'll put them in the appropriate queue local jids = redis.call('lrange', 'ql:f:' .. group, -count, -1) -- And now set each job's state, and put it into the appropriate queue local toinsert = {} for index, jid in ipairs(jids) do local job = Qless.job(jid) local data = job:data() job:history(now, 'put', {q = self.name}) redis.call('hmset', QlessJob.ns .. data.jid, 'state' , 'waiting', 'worker' , '', 'expires' , 0, 'queue' , self.name, 'remaining', data.retries or 5) self.work.add(now, data.priority, data.jid) end -- Remove these jobs from the failed state redis.call('ltrim', 'ql:f:' .. group, 0, -count - 1) if (redis.call('llen', 'ql:f:' .. group) == 0) then redis.call('srem', 'ql:failures', group) end return #jids end -- Recur a job of type klass in this queue function QlessQueue:recur(now, jid, klass, raw_data, spec, ...) assert(jid , 'RecurringJob On(): Arg "jid" missing') assert(klass, 'RecurringJob On(): Arg "klass" missing') assert(spec , 'RecurringJob On(): Arg "spec" missing') local data = assert(cjson.decode(raw_data), 'RecurringJob On(): Arg "data" not JSON: ' .. tostring(raw_data)) -- At some point in the future, we may have different types of recurring -- jobs, but for the time being, we only have 'interval'-type jobs if spec == 'interval' then local interval = assert(tonumber(arg[1]), 'Recur(): Arg "interval" not a number: ' .. tostring(arg[1])) local offset = assert(tonumber(arg[2]), 'Recur(): Arg "offset" not a number: ' .. tostring(arg[2])) if interval <= 0 then error('Recur(): Arg "interval" must be greater than 0') end -- Read in all the optional parameters. All of these must come in -- pairs, so if we have an odd number of extra args, raise an error if #arg % 2 == 1 then error('Odd number of additional args: ' .. tostring(arg)) end -- Read in all the optional parameters local options = {} for i = 3, #arg, 2 do options[arg[i]] = arg[i + 1] end options.tags = assert(cjson.decode(options.tags or '{}'), 'Recur(): Arg "tags" must be JSON string array: ' .. tostring( options.tags)) options.priority = assert(tonumber(options.priority or 0), 'Recur(): Arg "priority" not a number: ' .. tostring( options.priority)) options.retries = assert(tonumber(options.retries or 0), 'Recur(): Arg "retries" not a number: ' .. tostring( options.retries)) options.backlog = assert(tonumber(options.backlog or 0), 'Recur(): Arg "backlog" not a number: ' .. tostring( options.backlog)) local count, old_queue = unpack(redis.call('hmget', 'ql:r:' .. jid, 'count', 'queue')) count = count or 0 -- If it has previously been in another queue, then we should remove -- some information about it if old_queue then Qless.queue(old_queue).recurring.remove(jid) end -- Do some insertions redis.call('hmset', 'ql:r:' .. jid, 'jid' , jid, 'klass' , klass, 'data' , raw_data, 'priority', options.priority, 'tags' , cjson.encode(options.tags or {}), 'state' , 'recur', 'queue' , self.name, 'type' , 'interval', -- How many jobs we've spawned from this 'count' , count, 'interval', interval, 'retries' , options.retries, 'backlog' , options.backlog) -- Now, we should schedule the next run of the job self.recurring.add(now + offset, jid) -- Lastly, we're going to make sure that this item is in the -- set of known queues. We should keep this sorted by the -- order in which we saw each of these queues if redis.call('zscore', 'ql:queues', self.name) == false then redis.call('zadd', 'ql:queues', now, self.name) end return jid else error('Recur(): schedule type "' .. tostring(spec) .. '" unknown') end end -- Return the length of the queue function QlessQueue:length() return self.locks.length() + self.work.length() + self.scheduled.length() end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Housekeeping methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instantiate any recurring jobs that are ready function QlessQueue:check_recurring(now, count) -- This is how many jobs we've moved so far local moved = 0 -- These are the recurring jobs that need work local r = self.recurring.peek(now, 0, count) for index, jid in ipairs(r) do -- For each of the jids that need jobs scheduled, first -- get the last time each of them was run, and then increment -- it by its interval. While this time is less than now, -- we need to keep putting jobs on the queue local klass, data, priority, tags, retries, interval, backlog = unpack( redis.call('hmget', 'ql:r:' .. jid, 'klass', 'data', 'priority', 'tags', 'retries', 'interval', 'backlog')) local _tags = cjson.decode(tags) local score = math.floor(tonumber(self.recurring.score(jid))) interval = tonumber(interval) -- If the backlog is set for this job, then see if it's been a long -- time since the last pop backlog = tonumber(backlog or 0) if backlog ~= 0 then -- Check how many jobs we could concievably generate local num = ((now - score) / interval) if num > backlog then -- Update the score score = score + ( math.ceil(num - backlog) * interval ) end end -- We're saving this value so that in the history, we can accurately -- reflect when the job would normally have been scheduled while (score <= now) and (moved < count) do local count = redis.call('hincrby', 'ql:r:' .. jid, 'count', 1) moved = moved + 1 local child_jid = jid .. '-' .. count -- Add this job to the list of jobs tagged with whatever tags were -- supplied for i, tag in ipairs(_tags) do redis.call('zadd', 'ql:t:' .. tag, now, child_jid) redis.call('zincrby', 'ql:tags', 1, tag) end -- First, let's save its data redis.call('hmset', QlessJob.ns .. child_jid, 'jid' , child_jid, 'klass' , klass, 'data' , data, 'priority' , priority, 'tags' , tags, 'state' , 'waiting', 'worker' , '', 'expires' , 0, 'queue' , self.name, 'retries' , retries, 'remaining' , retries, 'time' , string.format("%.20f", score), 'spawned_from_jid', jid) Qless.job(child_jid):history(score, 'put', {q = self.name}) -- Now, if a delay was provided, and if it's in the future, -- then we'll have to schedule it. Otherwise, we're just -- going to add it to the work queue. self.work.add(score, priority, child_jid) score = score + interval self.recurring.add(score, jid) end end end -- Check for any jobs that have been scheduled, and shovel them onto -- the work queue. Returns nothing, but afterwards, up to `count` -- scheduled jobs will be moved into the work queue function QlessQueue:check_scheduled(now, count) -- zadd is a list of arguments that we'll be able to use to -- insert into the work queue local scheduled = self.scheduled.ready(now, 0, count) for index, jid in ipairs(scheduled) do -- With these in hand, we'll have to go out and find the -- priorities of these jobs, and then we'll insert them -- into the work queue and then when that's complete, we'll -- remove them from the scheduled queue local priority = tonumber( redis.call('hget', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'priority') or 0) self.work.add(now, priority, jid) self.scheduled.remove(jid) -- We should also update them to have the state 'waiting' -- instead of 'scheduled' redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'state', 'waiting') end end -- Check for and invalidate any locks that have been lost. Returns the -- list of jids that have been invalidated function QlessQueue:invalidate_locks(now, count) local jids = {} -- Iterate through all the expired locks and add them to the list -- of keys that we'll return for index, jid in ipairs(self.locks.expired(now, 0, count)) do -- Remove this job from the jobs that the worker that was running it -- has local worker, failure = unpack( redis.call('hmget', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'worker', 'failure')) redis.call('zrem', 'ql:w:' .. worker .. ':jobs', jid) -- We'll provide a grace period after jobs time out for them to give -- some indication of the failure mode. After that time, however, we'll -- consider the worker dust in the wind local grace_period = tonumber(Qless.config.get('grace-period')) -- Whether or not we've already sent a coutesy message local courtesy_sent = tonumber( redis.call('hget', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'grace') or 0) -- If the remaining value is an odd multiple of 0.5, then we'll assume -- that we're just sending the message. Otherwise, it's time to -- actually hand out the work to another worker local send_message = (courtesy_sent ~= 1) local invalidate = not send_message -- If the grace period has been disabled, then we'll do both. if grace_period <= 0 then send_message = true invalidate = true end if send_message then -- This is where we supply a courtesy message and give the worker -- time to provide a failure message if redis.call('zscore', 'ql:tracked', jid) ~= false then Qless.publish('stalled', jid) end Qless.job(jid):history(now, 'timed-out') redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'grace', 1) -- Send a message to let the worker know that its lost its lock on -- the job local encoded = cjson.encode({ jid = jid, event = 'lock_lost', worker = worker }) Qless.publish('w:' .. worker, encoded) Qless.publish('log', encoded) self.locks.add(now + grace_period, jid) -- If we got any expired locks, then we should increment the -- number of retries for this stage for this bin. The bin is -- midnight of the provided day local bin = now - (now % 86400) redis.call('hincrby', 'ql:s:stats:' .. bin .. ':' .. self.name, 'retries', 1) end if invalidate then -- Unset the grace period attribute so that next time we'll send -- the grace period redis.call('hdel', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'grace', 0) -- See how many remaining retries the job has local remaining = tonumber(redis.call( 'hincrby', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'remaining', -1)) -- This is where we actually have to time out the work if remaining < 0 then -- Now remove the instance from the schedule, and work queues -- for the queue it's in self.work.remove(jid) self.locks.remove(jid) self.scheduled.remove(jid) local group = 'failed-retries-' .. Qless.job(jid):data()['queue'] local job = Qless.job(jid) job:history(now, 'failed', {group = group}) redis.call('hmset', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'state', 'failed', 'worker', '', 'expires', '') -- If the failure has not already been set, then set it redis.call('hset', QlessJob.ns .. jid, 'failure', cjson.encode({ ['group'] = group, ['message'] = 'Job exhausted retries in queue "' .. self.name .. '"', ['when'] = now, ['worker'] = unpack(job:data('worker')) })) -- Add this type of failure to the list of failures redis.call('sadd', 'ql:failures', group) -- And add this particular instance to the failed types redis.call('lpush', 'ql:f:' .. group, jid) if redis.call('zscore', 'ql:tracked', jid) ~= false then Qless.publish('failed', jid) end Qless.publish('log', cjson.encode({ jid = jid, event = 'failed', group = group, worker = worker, message = 'Job exhausted retries in queue "' .. self.name .. '"' })) -- Increment the count of the failed jobs local bin = now - (now % 86400) redis.call('hincrby', 'ql:s:stats:' .. bin .. ':' .. self.name, 'failures', 1) redis.call('hincrby', 'ql:s:stats:' .. bin .. ':' .. self.name, 'failed' , 1) else table.insert(jids, jid) end end end return jids end -- Forget the provided queues. As in, remove them from the list of known queues function QlessQueue.deregister(...) redis.call('zrem', Qless.ns .. 'queues', unpack(arg)) end -- Return information about a particular queue, or all queues -- [ -- { -- 'name': 'testing', -- 'stalled': 2, -- 'waiting': 5, -- 'running': 5, -- 'scheduled': 10, -- 'depends': 5, -- 'recurring': 0 -- }, { -- ... -- } -- ] function QlessQueue.counts(now, name) if name then local queue = Qless.queue(name) local stalled = queue.locks.length(now) -- Check for any scheduled jobs that need to be moved queue:check_scheduled(now, queue.scheduled.length()) return { name = name, waiting = queue.work.length(), stalled = stalled, running = queue.locks.length() - stalled, scheduled = queue.scheduled.length(), depends = queue.depends.length(), recurring = queue.recurring.length(), paused = queue:paused() } else local queues = redis.call('zrange', 'ql:queues', 0, -1) local response = {} for index, qname in ipairs(queues) do table.insert(response, QlessQueue.counts(now, qname)) end return response end end -- Get all the attributes of this particular job function QlessRecurringJob:data() local job = redis.call( 'hmget', 'ql:r:' .. self.jid, 'jid', 'klass', 'state', 'queue', 'priority', 'interval', 'retries', 'count', 'data', 'tags', 'backlog') if not job[1] then return nil end return { jid = job[1], klass = job[2], state = job[3], queue = job[4], priority = tonumber(job[5]), interval = tonumber(job[6]), retries = tonumber(job[7]), count = tonumber(job[8]), data = job[9], tags = cjson.decode(job[10]), backlog = tonumber(job[11] or 0) } end -- Update the recurring job data. Key can be: -- - priority -- - interval -- - retries -- - data -- - klass -- - queue -- - backlog function QlessRecurringJob:update(now, ...) local options = {} -- Make sure that the job exists if redis.call('exists', 'ql:r:' .. self.jid) ~= 0 then for i = 1, #arg, 2 do local key = arg[i] local value = arg[i+1] assert(value, 'No value provided for ' .. tostring(key)) if key == 'priority' or key == 'interval' or key == 'retries' then value = assert(tonumber(value), 'Recur(): Arg "' .. key .. '" must be a number: ' .. tostring(value)) -- If the command is 'interval', then we need to update the -- time when it should next be scheduled if key == 'interval' then local queue, interval = unpack(redis.call('hmget', 'ql:r:' .. self.jid, 'queue', 'interval')) Qless.queue(queue).recurring.update( value - tonumber(interval), self.jid) end redis.call('hset', 'ql:r:' .. self.jid, key, value) elseif key == 'data' then assert(cjson.decode(value), 'Recur(): Arg "data" is not JSON-encoded: ' .. tostring(value)) redis.call('hset', 'ql:r:' .. self.jid, 'data', value) elseif key == 'klass' then redis.call('hset', 'ql:r:' .. self.jid, 'klass', value) elseif key == 'queue' then local queue_obj = Qless.queue( redis.call('hget', 'ql:r:' .. self.jid, 'queue')) local score = queue_obj.recurring.score(self.jid) queue_obj.recurring.remove(self.jid) Qless.queue(value).recurring.add(score, self.jid) redis.call('hset', 'ql:r:' .. self.jid, 'queue', value) -- If we don't already know about the queue, learn about it if redis.call('zscore', 'ql:queues', value) == false then redis.call('zadd', 'ql:queues', now, value) end elseif key == 'backlog' then value = assert(tonumber(value), 'Recur(): Arg "backlog" not a number: ' .. tostring(value)) redis.call('hset', 'ql:r:' .. self.jid, 'backlog', value) else error('Recur(): Unrecognized option "' .. key .. '"') end end return true else error('Recur(): No recurring job ' .. self.jid) end end -- Tags this recurring job with the provided tags function QlessRecurringJob:tag(...) local tags = redis.call('hget', 'ql:r:' .. self.jid, 'tags') -- If the job has been canceled / deleted, then return false if tags then -- Decode the json blob, convert to dictionary tags = cjson.decode(tags) local _tags = {} for i,v in ipairs(tags) do _tags[v] = true end -- Otherwise, add the job to the sorted set with that tags for i=1,#arg do if _tags[arg[i]] == nil then table.insert(tags, arg[i]) end end tags = cjson.encode(tags) redis.call('hset', 'ql:r:' .. self.jid, 'tags', tags) return tags else error('Tag(): Job ' .. self.jid .. ' does not exist') end end -- Removes a tag from the recurring job function QlessRecurringJob:untag(...) -- Get the existing tags local tags = redis.call('hget', 'ql:r:' .. self.jid, 'tags') -- If the job has been canceled / deleted, then return false if tags then -- Decode the json blob, convert to dictionary tags = cjson.decode(tags) local _tags = {} -- Make a hash for i,v in ipairs(tags) do _tags[v] = true end -- Delete these from the hash for i = 1,#arg do _tags[arg[i]] = nil end -- Back into a list local results = {} for i, tag in ipairs(tags) do if _tags[tag] then table.insert(results, tag) end end -- json encode them, set, and return tags = cjson.encode(results) redis.call('hset', 'ql:r:' .. self.jid, 'tags', tags) return tags else error('Untag(): Job ' .. self.jid .. ' does not exist') end end -- Stop further occurrences of this job function QlessRecurringJob:unrecur() -- First, find out what queue it was attached to local queue = redis.call('hget', 'ql:r:' .. self.jid, 'queue') if queue then -- Now, delete it from the queue it was attached to, and delete the -- thing itself Qless.queue(queue).recurring.remove(self.jid) redis.call('del', 'ql:r:' .. self.jid) return true else return true end end -- Deregisters these workers from the list of known workers function QlessWorker.deregister(...) redis.call('zrem', 'ql:workers', unpack(arg)) end -- Provide data about all the workers, or if a specific worker is provided, -- then which jobs that worker is responsible for. If no worker is provided, -- expect a response of the form: -- -- [ -- # This is sorted by the recency of activity from that worker -- { -- 'name' : 'hostname1-pid1', -- 'jobs' : 20, -- 'stalled': 0 -- }, { -- ... -- } -- ] -- -- If a worker id is provided, then expect a response of the form: -- -- { -- 'jobs': [ -- jid1, -- jid2, -- ... -- ], 'stalled': [ -- jid1, -- ... -- ] -- } -- function QlessWorker.counts(now, worker) -- Clean up all the workers' job lists if they're too old. This is -- determined by the `max-worker-age` configuration, defaulting to the -- last day. Seems like a 'reasonable' default local interval = tonumber(Qless.config.get('max-worker-age', 86400)) local workers = redis.call('zrangebyscore', 'ql:workers', 0, now - interval) for index, worker in ipairs(workers) do redis.call('del', 'ql:w:' .. worker .. ':jobs') end -- And now remove them from the list of known workers redis.call('zremrangebyscore', 'ql:workers', 0, now - interval) if worker then return { jobs = redis.call('zrevrangebyscore', 'ql:w:' .. worker .. ':jobs', now + 8640000, now), stalled = redis.call('zrevrangebyscore', 'ql:w:' .. worker .. ':jobs', now, 0) } else local response = {} local workers = redis.call('zrevrange', 'ql:workers', 0, -1) for index, worker in ipairs(workers) do table.insert(response, { name = worker, jobs = redis.call('zcount', 'ql:w:' .. worker .. ':jobs', now, now + 8640000), stalled = redis.call('zcount', 'ql:w:' .. worker .. ':jobs', 0, now) }) end return response end end