regenerate: true
{% capture cache %}
{% comment %}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ~/assets/themes/j1/core/js/j1.js
# Liquid template to initialize J1 Theme Core functions
# Product/Info:
# https://jekyll.one
# Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams
# J1 Theme is licensed under the MIT License.
# For details, see: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1-template/blob/main/LICENSE.md
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test data:
# {{ liquid_var | debug }}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
{% endcomment %}
{% comment %} Liquid procedures
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% comment %} Set global settings
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% assign environment = site.environment %}
{% assign template_version = site.version %}
{% if site.permalink == 'none' %}
{% capture page_url %}{{ site.url }}.html{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% capture page_url %}{{ site.url }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% comment %} Process YML config data
================================================================================ {% endcomment %}
{% comment %} Set config files
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% assign blocks = site.data.blocks %}
{% assign modules = site.data.modules %}
{% assign template_config = site.data.j1_config %}
{% comment %} Set config data
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% assign banner_defaults = blocks.defaults.banner.defaults %}
{% assign banner_settings = blocks.banner.settings %}
{% assign panel_defaults = blocks.defaults.panel.defaults %}
{% assign panel_settings = blocks.panel.settings %}
{% assign footer_defaults = blocks.defaults.footer.defaults %}
{% assign footer_settings = blocks.footer.settings %}
{% assign toccer_defaults = modules.defaults.toccer.defaults %}
{% assign cookie_defaults = modules.defaults.cookies.defaults %}
{% assign cookie_settings = modules.cookies.settings %}
{% assign themer_defaults = modules.defaults.themer.defaults %}
{% assign themer_settings = modules.themer.settings %}
{% assign scroller_defaults = modules.defaults.scroller.defaults %}
{% assign scroller_settings = modules.scroller.settings %}
{% assign tracking_enabled = modules.analytics.enabled %}
{% assign tracking_id = modules.analytics.google.trackingID %}
{% assign authentication_defaults = modules.defaults.authentication.defaults %}
{% assign authentication_settings = modules.authentication.settings %}
{% comment %} Set config options
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% assign toccer_options = toccer_defaults | merge: toccer_settings %}
{% assign themer_options = themer_defaults| merge: themer_settings %}
{% assign cookie_options = cookie_defaults | merge: cookie_settings %}
{% assign footer_options = footer_defaults | merge: footer_settings %}
{% assign authentication_options = authentication_defaults | merge: authentication_settings %}
{% assign footer = 'active_footer' %}
{% assign footer_id = footer_options.active_footer %}
{% assign footer_data_path = footer_defaults.data_path %}
{% assign banner_data_path = banner_defaults.data_path %}
{% assign panel_data_path = panel_defaults.data_path %}
{% assign themer_enabled = modules.themer_options.enabled %}
{% assign themer_reloadPageOnChange = modules.themer_options.reloadPageOnChange %}
{% assign themer_hideOnReload = modules.themer_options.hideOnReload %}
{% comment %} Detect prod mode
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% assign production = false %}
{% if environment == 'prod' or environment == 'production' %}
{% assign production = true %}
{% endif %}
{% comment %} language detection
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% if site.language == "en" %}
{% assign language = "en" %}
{% elsif site.language == "de"%}
{% assign language = "de" %}
{% else %}
{% assign language = "en" %}
{% endif %}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ~/assets/themes/j1/adapter/js/j1_template.js
# JS Adapter for J1 Theme
# Product/Info:
# https://jekyll.one
# Copyright (C) 2023 Juergen Adams
# J1 Theme is licensed under the MIT License.
# For details, see: https://github.com/jekyll-one-org/j1-template/blob/main/LICENSE.md
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Adapter generated: {{site.time}}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ESLint shimming
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* eslint indent: "off" */
/* eslint quotes: "off" */
/* eslint semi: "off" */
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
'use strict';
var j1 = (function (options) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// globals
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// base page resources
var rePager = new RegExp('navigator|dateview|tagview|archive');
var environment = '{{environment}}';
var moduleOptions = {};
var j1_runtime_data = {};
var scrollerSettings = {};
var scrollerOptions = {};
var scrollerDefaults = {};
var _this = j1;;
var settings;
var json_data;
var ep;
var baseUrl;
var referrer;
var documentHeight;
var banner = [];
var scrollOffset;
var scrollOffsetCorrection;
// defaults for status information
var state = 'not_started';
var mode = 'not_detected';
var performance_monitors_enabled = ('{{template_config.monitor.performance_observer}}' === 'true') ? true: false;
// defaults for tracking providers
var tracking_enabled = ('{{tracking_enabled}}' === 'true') ? true: false;
var tracking_id = '{{tracking_id}}';
var tracking_id_valid = (tracking_id.includes('tracking-id')) ? false : true;
// defaults for comment providers
var comment_provider = '{{comment_provider}}';
var site_id = '{{site_id}}';
var checkCookies = {{cookie_options.checkCookies}};
var expireCookiesOnRequiredOnly = ('{{cookie_options.expireCookiesOnRequiredOnly}}' === 'true') ? true: false;
// animation on page load
var bodyAnimation = ('{{template_config.body.animation}}' === 'true') ? true: false;
var bodyAnimationType = '{{template_config.body.animation_type}}';
var bodyAnimationDuration = '{{template_config.body.animation_duration}}';
// defaults for dynamic pages
var timeoutScrollDynamicPages = '{{template_config.timeoutScrollDynamicPages}}';
var scrollDynamicPagesTopOnChange = '{{template_config.scrollDynamicPagesTopOnChange}}';
var pageGrowthRatio = 0; // ratio a dynamic page has grown in height
var pageBaseHeigth = 0; // base height of a dynamic page (not grown)
var staticPage = false; // defalt: false, but decided in ResizeObserver
var pageHeight;
var pageBaseHeight; // height of a page dynamic detected in ResizeObserver
var growthRatio = 0.00;
var previousGrowthRatio = 0.00;
var previousPageHeight;
var documentHeight;
// defaults for the cookie management
var current_user_data;
var current_page;
var previous_page;
var last_pager;
var last_pager_url;
var app_detected;
var user_session_detected;
var cookie_written;
// defaults for the template
var template_version;
var template_previous_version;
var template_version_changed;
// defaults for themes
var themeName;
var themeCss;
var cssExtension = (environment === 'production')
? '.min.css'
: '.css'
// defaults for data files
var colors_data_path = '{{template_config.colors_data_path}}';
var font_size_data_path = '{{template_config.font_size_data_path}}';
var runtime_data_path = '{{template_config.runtime_data_path}}';
var message_catalog_data_path = '{{template_config.message_catalog_data_path}}';
// Logger resources
var logger;
var logText;
// initial cookie settings
var cookie_names = {
'app_session': '{{template_config.cookies.app_session}}',
'user_session': '{{template_config.cookies.user_session}}',
'user_state': '{{template_config.cookies.user_state}}',
'user_consent': '{{template_config.cookies.user_consent}}',
'user_translate': '{{template_config.cookies.user_translate}}'
var user_consent = {};
var user_session = {
'mode': 'web',
'writer': 'j1.adapter',
'locale': navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage,
'user_name': '{{template_config.user.user_name}}',
'provider': '{{template_config.user.provider}}',
'provider_membership': '{{template_config.user.provider_membership}}',
'provider_permissions': 'public,{{template_config.user.provider_permissions}}',
'provider_site_url': '{{template_config.user.provider_site_url}}',
'provider_home_url': '{{template_config.user.provider_home_url}}',
'provider_blog_url': '{{template_config.user.provider_blog_url}}',
'provider_member_url': '{{template_config.user.provider_member_url}}',
'provider_privacy_url': '{{template_config.user.provider_privacy_url}}',
'requested_page': 'na',
'previous_page': 'na',
'last_pager': '/pages/public/blog/navigator/'
var user_state = {
'writer': 'j1.adapter',
'template_version': '{{template_version}}',
// for testing only
// 'template_version': 'undefined',
// 'template_version': '2022.4.4',
'theme_name': 'UnoLight',
'theme_css': '',
'theme_author': 'J1 Team',
'theme_version': '{{template_version}}',
'session_active': false,
'google_translate': 'disabled',
'translate_all_pages': true,
'translate_locale': navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage,
'last_session_ts': ''
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/359788/how-to-execute-a-javascript-function-when-i-have-its-name-as-a-string
function executeFunctionByName(functionName, context /*, args */) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
var namespaces = functionName.split('.');
var func = namespaces.pop();
for(var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) {
context = context[namespaces[i]];
return context[func].apply(context, args);
function isOdd(num) {
var test = (num % 2).toString();
return j1.stringToBoolean(test);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// main object
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
return {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// init()
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
init: function (options) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default module settings
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
var settings = $.extend({
module_name: 'j1',
generated: '{{site.time}}'
}, options);
// create settings object from frontmatter options
var frontmatterOptions = options != null ? $.extend({}, options) : {};
// Load scroller module DEFAULTS|CONFIGs
scrollerDefaults = $.extend({}, {{scroller_defaults | replace: 'nil', 'null' | replace: '=>', ':' }});
scrollerSettings = $.extend({}, {{scroller_settings | replace: 'nil', 'null' | replace: '=>', ':' }});
scrollerOptions = $.extend(true, {}, scrollerDefaults, scrollerSettings);
// settings for dynamic pages
scrollDynamicPagesTopOnChange = frontmatterOptions.scrollDynamicPagesTopOnChange ? frontmatterOptions.scrollDynamicPagesTopOnChange : '{{template_config.scrollDynamicPagesTopOnChange}}';
scrollDynamicPagesTopOnChange = j1.stringToBoolean(scrollDynamicPagesTopOnChange);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Global variable settings
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.init');
var url = new liteURL(window.location.href);
var baseUrl = url.origin;
var hostname = url.hostname;
var domain = hostname.substring(hostname.lastIndexOf('.', hostname.lastIndexOf('.') - 1) + 1);
var secure = (url.protocol.includes('https')) ? true : false;
var date = new Date();
var timestamp_now = date.toISOString();
var curr_state = 'started';
var gaCookies = j1.findCookie('_ga');
var themerOptions = $.extend({}, {{themer_options | replace: '=>', ':' | replace: 'nil', '""' }});
// current template version
template_version = j1.getTemplateVersion();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// status settings
// save status into the adapter object for (later) global access
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
j1['xhrDataState'] = {};
j1['xhrDOMState'] = {};
j1['pageMonitor'] = {
eventNo: 0,
pageType: 'unknown',
pageBaseHeight: 0,
currentPageHeight: 0,
previousPageHeight: 0,
currentGrowthRatio: 0,
previousGrowthRatio: 0
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// initialize|load user cookies
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
user_session.created = timestamp_now;
user_session.timestamp = timestamp_now;
user_consent = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_consent);
user_session = j1.existsCookie(cookie_names.user_session)
? j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_session)
: cookie_written = j1.writeCookie({
name: cookie_names.user_session,
data: user_session,
secure: secure,
expires: 0
user_state = j1.existsCookie(cookie_names.user_state)
? j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_state)
: cookie_written = j1.writeCookie({
name: cookie_names.user_state,
data: user_state,
secure: secure,
expires: 365
if (typeof user_state.template_version == 'undefined') {
// add for compatibility reasons
template_version_changed = true;
user_state.template_version = template_version;
logger.warn('\n' + 'template_version not found, set value to: ' + template_version);
cookie_written = j1.writeCookie({
name: cookie_names.user_state,
data: user_state,
secure: secure,
expires: 365
} else if (user_state.template_version != template_version) {
// update for changed template version
template_previous_version = user_state.template_version;
template_version_changed = true;
user_state.template_version = template_version;
} else {
template_version_changed = false;
if (!user_consent.analysis || !user_consent.personalization) {
if (expireCookiesOnRequiredOnly) {
// expire permanent cookies to session
j1.expireCookie({ name: cookie_names.user_state });
j1.expireCookie({ name: cookie_names.user_consent });
j1.expireCookie({ name: cookie_names.user_translate });
logger.info('\n' + 'register monitors');
// detect middleware (mode 'app') and update user session cookie
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
if (user_session.mode === 'app') {
var url = new liteURL(window.location.href);
var ep_status = baseUrl + '/status' + '?page=' + window.location.pathname;
var detectTimeout = 50;
baseUrl = url.origin;
// See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3709597/wait-until-all-jquery-ajax-requests-are-done
$.when (
.then(function(data) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.init');
user_session = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_session);
user_session.mode = 'app';
user_session.requested_page = window.location.pathname;
user_session.timestamp = timestamp_now;
user_session = j1.mergeData(user_session, data);
logText = '\n' + 'mode detected: ' + user_session.mode;
logger.info('\n' + 'update user session cookie');
logger.debug('\n' + 'write to cookie : ' + cookie_names.user_session);
cookie_written = j1.writeCookie({
name: cookie_names.user_session,
data: user_session,
secure: secure,
expires: 0
logger.debug('\n' + 'state: ' + j1.getState());
var dependencies_met_page_displayed = setInterval (function () {
if (j1.getState() == 'finished') {
if (j1.authEnabled()) {
if (user_session.authenticated === 'true') {
// set signout
logger.info('\n' + 'show signout icon');
} else {
// set signin
logger.info('\n' + 'show signin icon');
logger.info('\n' + 'authentication detected as: ' + user_session.authenticated);
$('#quickLinksSignInOutButton').css('display', 'block');
logger.debug('\n' + 'met dependencies for: j1');
}, 10);
.catch(function(error) {
// jadams, 2018-08-31
// TODO: Check why a timeout is required
setTimeout (function() {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.init');
user_session = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_session);
user_session.mode = 'web';
user_session.requested_page = window.location.pathname;
user_session.timestamp = timestamp_now;
logText = '\n' + 'mode detected: ' + user_session.mode;
logger.debug('\n' + 'write to cookie : ' + cookie_names.user_session);
cookie_written = j1.writeCookie({
name: cookie_names.user_session,
data: user_session,
secure: secure,
expires: 0
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// load|initialize page resources for block elements
// NOTE: asynchronous calls should be rewitten to xhrData
// NOTE: Find $('#content').hide() conterpart in themer adapter
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
var dependencies_met_page_ready = setInterval (function (options) {
var pageState = $('#no_flicker').css("display");
var pageVisible = (pageState == 'block') ? true : false;
var atticFinished = (j1.adapter.attic.getState() == 'finished') ? true: false;
var banner_blocks = document.querySelectorAll('[id^="banner"]').length;
var panel_blocks = document.querySelectorAll('[id^="panel"]').length;
var footer_blocks = document.querySelectorAll('[id^="footer"]').length;
var banners_exits = (banner_blocks > 0) ? true : false;
var panels_exists = (panel_blocks > 0) ? true : false;
var footer_exists = (footer_blocks > 0) ? true : false;
var banner_state;
var panel_state;
var footer_state;
if (j1.getState() === 'finished' && pageVisible && atticFinished) {
logger.info('\n' + 'load block elements');
if (banners_exits) {j1.initBanner(settings);}
if (panels_exists) {j1.initPanel(settings)};
if (footer_exists) {j1.initFooter(settings);}
if (banner_blocks || panel_blocks) {
// pages having banners or panels
var dependencies_met_blocks_ready = setInterval (function (settings) {
if (footer_exists) {
footer_state = j1.getXhrDataState('#{{footer_id}}');
} else {
// pages w/o footer
footer_state = 'success';
// check bannern if HTML content loaded successfully
if (banners_exits) {
Object.entries(j1.xhrDataState).forEach(entry => {
const [key, value] = entry;
if (key.includes('banner')) {
banner_state = value;
} else {
// pages w/o banners
banner_state = 'success';
// check panels if HTML content loaded successfully
if (panels_exists) {
Object.entries(j1.xhrDataState).forEach(entry => {
const [key, value] = entry;
if (key.includes('panel')) {
panel_state = value;
} else {
// pages w/o panels
panel_state = 'success';
// show the content section for 'block content' to optimze CLS
if (banner_state == 'success' && panel_state == 'success' && footer_state == 'success') {
// show the content|footer
}, 10);
} else {
// pages w/o banners or panels
if (footer_exists) {
footer_state = j1.getXhrDataState('#{{footer_id}}');
} else {
// pages w/o footer
footer_state = 'success';
// show the content|footer
if ( footer_state == 'success') {
}, 10);
logger.debug('\n' + 'state: ' + j1.getState());
}, detectTimeout);
} else {
// web mode
state = 'started';
logger.debug('\n' + 'state: ' + state);
logger.info('\n' + 'page is being initialized');
state = 'started';
logger.debug('\n' + 'state: ' + state);
logger.info('\n' + 'page is being initialized');
if ( settings.scrollbar === 'false' ) {
logger.info('\n' + 'read user state from cookie');
user_session = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_session);
// process|update user state cookie
themeName = user_session.theme_name;
themeCss = user_session.theme_css;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Save last page access
// see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3528324/how-to-get-the-previous-url-in-javascript
// see: https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/API/Window/history
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
user_session.timestamp = timestamp_now;
referrer = new liteURL(document.referrer);
current_page = window.location.pathname;
user_session.requested_page = current_page;
user_session.previous_page = referrer.search === '' ?
(referrer.pathname === '' ? current_page : referrer.pathname) :
(user_session.previous_page === '' || user_session.previous_page === 'na'
? '/'
: user_session.previous_page
// calculate last 'pager' if any
if (rePager.test(user_session.previous_page)) {
last_pager = user_session.previous_page;
user_session.last_pager = last_pager;
} else {
last_pager = user_session.last_pager;
logger.info('\n' + 'update user session cookie');
logger.debug('\n' + 'write to cookie : ' + cookie_names.user_session);
cookie_written = j1.writeCookie({
name: cookie_names.user_session,
data: user_session,
secure: secure,
expires: 0
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// load|initialize page resources for block elements
// NOTE: asynchronous calls should be rewitten to xhrData
// NOTE: Find $('#content').hide() conterpart in themer adapter
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
var dependencies_met_page_ready = setInterval (function (options) {
var pageState = $('#no_flicker').css("display");
var pageVisible = (pageState == 'block') ? true : false;
var atticFinished = (j1.adapter.attic.getState() == 'finished') ? true: false;
var banner_blocks = document.querySelectorAll('[id^="banner"]').length;
var panel_blocks = document.querySelectorAll('[id^="panel"]').length;
var footer_blocks = document.querySelectorAll('[id^="footer"]').length;
var banners_exits = (banner_blocks > 0) ? true : false;
var panels_exists = (panel_blocks > 0) ? true : false;
var footer_exists = (footer_blocks > 0) ? true : false;
var banner_state;
var panel_state;
var footer_state;
if (j1.getState() === 'finished' && pageVisible && atticFinished) {
logger.info('\n' + 'load block elements');
if (banners_exits) {j1.initBanner(settings);}
if (panels_exists) {j1.initPanel(settings)};
if (footer_exists) {j1.initFooter(settings);}
if (banner_blocks || panel_blocks) {
// pages having banners or panels
var dependencies_met_blocks_ready = setInterval (function (settings) {
if (footer_exists) {
footer_state = j1.getXhrDataState('#{{footer_id}}');
} else {
// pages w/o footer
footer_state = 'success';
// check bannern if HTML content loaded successfully
if (banners_exits) {
Object.entries(j1.xhrDataState).forEach(entry => {
const [key, value] = entry;
if (key.includes('banner')) {
banner_state = value;
} else {
// pages w/o banners
banner_state = 'success';
// check panels if HTML content loaded successfully
if (panels_exists) {
Object.entries(j1.xhrDataState).forEach(entry => {
const [key, value] = entry;
if (key.includes('panel')) {
panel_state = value;
} else {
// pages w/o panels
panel_state = 'success';
// show the content section for 'block content' to optimze CLS
if (banner_state == 'success' && panel_state == 'success' && footer_state == 'success') {
// show the content|footer
}, 10);
} else {
// pages w/o banners or panels
if (footer_exists) {
footer_state = j1.getXhrDataState('#{{footer_id}}');
} else {
// pages w/o footer
footer_state = 'success';
// show the content|footer
if ( footer_state == 'success') {
}, 10);
state = 'running';
logger.debug('\n' + 'state: ' + state);
user_session.timestamp = timestamp_now;
logger.debug('\n' + 'write to cookie : ' + cookie_names.user_session);
cookie_written = j1.writeCookie({
name: cookie_names.user_session,
data: user_session,
secure: secure,
expires: 0
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// run additional helpers from j1.core
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// finalize current page
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// initBanner()
// AJAX fetcher to load and place all banner used for a page
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
initBanner: function (options) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.initBanner');
var banner = [];
var bannerOptions = [];
var mod = 'j1';
var logText;
{% comment %}
Closure to pass additional data (e.g. #banner_id) to AJAX load callback
See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/939032/jquery-pass-more-parameters-into-callback
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
var cb_load_closure = function(banner_id) {
return function ( responseTxt, statusTxt, xhr ) {
if ( statusTxt == 'success' ) {
// var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.adapter.xhrData');
logText = '\n' + 'loading banner completed on id: ' +banner_id;
j1.setXhrDataState(banner_id, statusTxt);
j1.setXhrDomState(banner_id, statusTxt);
logger.info('\n' + 'XHR data loaded in the DOM: ' + banner_id);
if ( statusTxt == 'error' ) {
logText = '\n' + 'loading banner failed on id: ' +banner_id+ ', error: ' + xhr.status + ': ' + xhr.statusText;
j1.setXhrDataState(banner_id, statusTxt);
j1.setXhrDomState(banner_id, statusTxt);
// Set|Log status
state = 'failed';
logger.error('\n' + 'state: ' + state);
{% comment %} Collect all banner id|s configured
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% for items in banner_settings %}
{% assign key = items[0] %}
{% assign value = items[1] %}
{% if key == 'divider' %} {% assign banner_config = value %} {% endif %}
{% if key == 'teaser' %} {% assign banner_config = value %} {% endif %}
{% if key == 'image' %} {% assign banner_config = value %} {% endif %}
{% if key == 'parallax' %} {% assign banner_config = value %} {% endif %}
{% if key == 'exception' %} {% assign banner_config = value %} {% endif %}
{% for items in banner_config %}
{% for banners in items %}
{% for banner in banners %}
{% for item in banner %}
{% assign key = item[0] %}
{% assign value = item[1] %}
{% if key and debug %} item:value {{key}}:{{value}} {% endif %}
{% if key == 'id' %} {% assign id = value %} {% endif %}
{% if key == 'enabled' %} {% assign enabled = value %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% if id and enabled %}
{% comment %} Register current banner
-------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %} {% comment %} END banners {% endcomment %}
{% comment %} Reset (Liquid) element variables
---------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% assign id = nil %}
{% assign enabled = nil %}
{% assign banner_config = nil %}
{% endfor %} {% comment %} END banner_config {% endcomment %}
{% endfor %} {% comment %} END banner_settings {% endcomment %}
{% comment %} REGISTER exceptions container
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% comment %} LOAD all banner registered
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
if ( banner.length ) {
for (var i in banner) {
var id = '#' + banner[i];
var selector = $(id);
if (selector.length) {
logText = '\n' + 'loading banner on id: ' +banner[i];
var banner_data_path = '{{banner_data_path}} ' + id + '_content';
selector.load(banner_data_path, cb_load_closure(id));
} else {
logText = '\n' + 'no banner found in site';
return false;
return true;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// initPanel()
// AJAX fetcher to load and place all panel used for a page
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
initPanel: function ( options ) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.initPanel');
var panel = [];
var mod = 'j1';
var logText;
{% comment %} Closure to pass additional data (e.g. panel_id) to AJAX load callback
See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/939032/jquery-pass-more-parameters-into-callback
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% comment %} NOTE
strategy for MutationObserver callbacks to monitor DOM changes
needs to be checked if multiple containers are changed in a row
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
var cb_load_closure = function(panel_id) {
return function ( responseTxt, statusTxt, xhr ) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.adapter.xhrData');
if ( statusTxt == 'success' ) {
logText = '\n' + 'loading panel completed on id: ' +panel_id;
j1.setXhrDataState(panel_id, statusTxt);
j1.setXhrDomState(panel_id, statusTxt);
logger.info('\n' + 'XHR data loaded in the DOM: ' + panel_id);
if ( statusTxt == 'error' ) {
logText = '\n' + 'loading panel failed on id: ' +panel_id+ ', error ' + xhr.status + ': ' + xhr.statusText;
j1.setXhrDataState(panel_id, statusTxt);
j1.setXhrDomState(panel_id, statusTxt);
// Set|Log status
state = 'error';
logger.error('\n' + 'state: ' + state);
{% comment %} Collect all panel id|s configured
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% for items in panel_settings %}
{% assign key = items[0] %}
{% assign value = items[1] %}
{% if key == 'intro' %} {% assign panel_config = value %} {% endif %}
{% if key == 'plan' %} {% assign panel_config = value %} {% endif %}
{% if key == 'service' %} {% assign panel_config = value %} {% endif %}
{% if key == 'step' %} {% assign panel_config = value %} {% endif %}
{% if key == 'news' %} {% assign panel_config = value %} {% endif %}
{% if key == 'exception' %} {% assign panel_config = value %} {% endif %}
{% for items in panel_config %}
{% for panels in items %}
{% for panel in panels %}
{% for item in panel %}
{% assign key = item[0] %}
{% assign value = item[1] %}
{% if key and debug %} item:value {{key}}:{{value}} {% endif %}
{% if key == 'id' %} {% assign id = value %} {% endif %}
{% if key == 'enabled' %} {% assign enabled = value %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% comment %} Register current panel
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% if id and enabled %}
{% endif %}
{% comment %} Reset (Liquid) element variables
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% assign id = nil %}
{% assign enabled = nil %}
{% assign panel_config = nil %}
{% endfor %} {% comment %} END panels {% endcomment %}
{% endfor %} {% comment %} END panel_config {% endcomment %}
{% endfor %} {% comment %} END panel_settings {% endcomment %}
if (panel.length) {
for (var i in panel) {
var id = '#' + panel[i];
var selector = $(id);
if ( selector.length ) {
logText = '\n' + 'loading panel on id: ' +panel[i];
var panel_data_path = '{{panel_data_path}} ' + id + '_content';
selector.load(panel_data_path, cb_load_closure(id));
} else {
logText = '\n' + 'no panel found in site';
return false;
return true;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// initFooter()
// AJAX fetcher to load and place the footer used for a page
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
initFooter: function ( options ) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.initFooter');
var mod = 'j1';
var logText;
logText = '\n' + 'loading footer started';
var cb_load_closure = function(footer_id) {
return function ( responseTxt, statusTxt, xhr ) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.adapter.xhrData');
if ( statusTxt == 'success' ) {
logText = '\n' + 'footer loaded successfully on id: ' + footer_id;
j1.setXhrDataState(footer_id, statusTxt);
j1.setXhrDomState(footer_id, statusTxt);
logger.info('\n' + 'XHR data loaded in the DOM: ' + footer_id);
logText = '\n' + 'initialization finished';
if ( statusTxt == 'error' ) {
logText = '\n' + 'loading footer failed on id: ' +footer_id+ ', error ' + xhr.status + ': ' + xhr.statusText;
j1.setXhrDataState(footer_id, statusTxt);
j1.setXhrDomState(footer_id, statusTxt);
// Set|Log status
state = 'failed';
logger.error('\n' + 'state: ' + state);
logText = '\n' + 'initialization finished';
var id = '#' + '{{footer_id}}';
var selector = $(id);
if (selector.length) {
var footer_data_path = '{{footer_data_path}} ' + id;
selector.load(footer_data_path, cb_load_closure(id));
} else {
logText = '\n' + 'data not loaded';
j1.setXhrDataState(id, 'not loaded');
j1.setXhrDomState(id, 'pending');
return false;
return true;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// finalizePage
// DISABLED: show the page after timeout of {{flickerTimeout}} ms
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE:
// jadams, 2019-08-21: for unknown reason, the user state data
// (read from cookie) seems not correct (or loaded too late).
// To make correct data sure for APP mode, a status request is done
// to load the current state from the middleware (skipped in WEB mode)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
finalizePage: function (options) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.adapter.finalizePage');
// var flickerTimeout = {{template_config.flicker_timeout}};
var url = new liteURL(window.location.href);
var baseUrl = url.origin;
var secure = (url.protocol.includes('https')) ? true : false;
var ep_status = baseUrl + '/status' + '?page=' + window.location.pathname;
var user_session = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_session);
var user_state = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_state);
var user_consent = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_consent);
var user_translate = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_translate);
var current_url = new liteURL(window.location.href);
var providerPermissions = {};
var provider;
var previous_page;
var appDetected;
var categoryAllowed;
// provider APIs require user consent
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
var meta_analytics = $('meta[name=analytics]').attr('content');
var analytics = (meta_analytics === 'true') ? true: false;
var meta_comments = $('meta[name=comments]').attr('content');
var comments = (meta_comments === 'true') ? true: false;
var meta_advertising = $('meta[name=advertising]').attr('content');
var advertising = (meta_advertising === 'true') ? true: false;
var meta_youtube = $('meta[name=youtube]').attr('content');
var youtube = (meta_youtube === 'true') ? true: false;
var meta_vimeo = $('meta[name=vimeo]').attr('content');
var vimeo = (meta_vimeo === 'true') ? true: false;
// personalized content require user consent
var meta_personalization = $('meta[name=personalization]').attr('content');
var personalization = (meta_personalization === 'true') ? true: false;
const cb = (list) => {
list.getEntries().forEach(entry => {
// if personalized content detected, page requires user consent
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
if (personalization && !user_consent.personalization) {
// redirect to error page: blocked content
window.location.href = '/444.html';
logger.info('\n' + 'finalize page');
logText= '\n' + 'loading page partials: started';
if (j1.appDetected()) {
// app mode
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
logger.info('\n' + 'mode detected: app');
$.when ($.ajax(ep_status))
.then(function(data) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.finalizePage');
user_session = j1.mergeData(user_session, data);
user_session.current_page = current_url.pathname;
logger.debug('\n' + 'write to cookie : ' + cookie_names.user_session);
cookie_written = j1.writeCookie({
name: cookie_names.user_session,
data: user_session,
secure: secure,
expires: 0
providerPermissions = user_session.provider_permissions;
categoryAllowed = providerPermissions.includes(user_session.page_permission);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// check protected pages (applies for APP only)
// make sure that protected pages are ALWAYS checked for permissions
if (
j1.authEnabled() &&
user_session.page_permission !== 'public' &&
categoryAllowed === false
// redirect to middleware|page_authentication
if (data.authenticated === 'true') {
var ep_post_authentication = baseUrl + '/post_authentication';
window.location.href = ep_post_authentication;
} else if (j1.authEnabled()) {
var ep_page_validation = baseUrl + '/page_validation?page=' + window.location.pathname;
window.location.href = ep_page_validation;
return false;
// enable (body) animation on page load if enabled
if (bodyAnimation) {
var body_animation_fadein = '';
// display the page loaded is managed by module "themer"
// $('#no_flicker').css('display', 'block');
// $('#no_flicker').show();
// jadams, 2021-12-06: Check if access to cookies for this site failed.
// Possibly, a third-party domain or an attacker tries to access it.
if (checkCookies) {
var j1Cookies = j1.findCookie('j1');
if (!j1.existsCookie(cookie_names.user_state)) {
logger.error('\n' + 'Access to cookie failed or cookie not found: ' + cookie_names.user_state);
logger.info('\n' + 'j1 cookies found:' + j1Cookies.length);
// redirect to error page: blocked content
window.location.href = '/446.html';
} else {
logger.info('\n' + 'j1 cookies found:' + j1Cookies.length);
// manage Dropcaps if translation is enabled|disabled
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (user_translate.translationEnabled) {
logger.info('\n' + 'translation enabled: ' + user_translate.translationEnabled);
logger.debug('\n' + 'skipped processing of dropcaps');
} else {
// initialize dropcaps
logger.info('\n' + 'post processing: createDropCap');
// TODO: should MOVED to Cookiebar ???
// show|hide cookie icon
if (j1.existsCookie(cookie_names.user_consent)) {
// Display cookie icon
logText = '\n' + 'show cookie icon';
$('#quickLinksCookieButton').css('display', 'block');
} else {
logText = '\n' + 'hide cookie icon';
// Display cookie icon
$('#quickLinksCookieButton').css('display', 'none');
// TODO: should MOVED to ControlCenter Adapter ???
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// show cc icon (currently NOT supported)
// $('#quickLinksControlCenterButton').css('display', 'block');
if (j1.authEnabled()) {
if (user_session.authenticated === 'true') {
// set signout
logger.info('\n' + 'show signout icon');
} else {
// set signin
logger.info('\n' + 'show signin icon');
logger.info('\n' + 'authentication detected as: ' + user_session.authenticated);
$('#quickLinksSignInOutButton').css('display', 'block');
// TODO: should MOVED to Themer ???
// jadams, 2021-07-25: hide|show themes menu on cookie consent
// (analysis|personalization) settings. BootSwatch is a 3rd party
// is using e.g GA. Because NO control is possible on 3rd parties,
// for GDPR compliance, themes feature may disabled on
// privacy settings
if (!user_consent.personalization) {
logger.debug('\n' + 'disable themes feature because of privacy settings');
logger.debug('\n' + 'personalization not allowed, privacy settings for personalization: ' + user_consent.personalization);
} else {
// detect if a loaded page has been chenged
if (user_session.previous_page !== user_session.current_page) {
logText = '\n' + 'page change detected';
logText = '\n' + 'previous page: ' + user_session.previous_page;
logText = '\n' + 'current page: ' + user_session.current_page;
// update sidebar for changed theme data
logger.info('\n' + 'update sidebar');
user_state = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_state);
current_user_data = j1.mergeData(user_session, user_state);
// initiate smooth scroller if page is ready and visible
var dependencies_met_page_ready = setInterval (function (options) {
var pageState = $('#no_flicker').css("display");
var pageVisible = (pageState == 'block') ? true: false;
if ( j1.getState() === 'finished' && pageVisible ) {
setTimeout (function() {
// scroll to an anchor in current page if given in URL
}, {{template_config.page_on_load_timeout}});
}, 10);
// set|log status
state = 'finished';
logText = '\n' + 'state: ' + state;
logText = '\n' + 'page finalized successfully';
} else {
// web mode
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
logger.info('\n' + 'state: finished');
logger.info('\n' + 'page initialization: finished');
// enable (body) animation on page load if enabled
if (bodyAnimation) {
var body_animation_fadein = '';
// display the page loaded is managed by module "themer"
// $('#no_flicker').css('display', 'block');
// $('#no_flicker').show();
// jadams, 2021-12-06: Check if access to cookies for this site failed.
// Possibly, a third-party domain or an attacker tries to access it.
if (checkCookies) {
var j1Cookies = j1.findCookie('j1');
if (!j1.existsCookie(cookie_names.user_state)) {
logger.error('\n' + 'Access to cookie failed or cookie not found: ' + cookie_names.user_state);
logger.info('\n' + 'j1 cookies found:' + j1Cookies.length);
// redirect to error page: blocked content
window.location.href = '/446.html';
} else {
logger.info('\n' + 'j1 cookies found:' + j1Cookies.length);
// jadams, 2021-11-19: test code for 'tapTarget' of 'materializeCss'
// See:
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49422111/opening-tap-target-in-materialize-css-for-2-seconds
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// $('#features').tapTarget();
// $('#features').click(function(e) {
// logger.info('\n' + 'call default action');
// $('#features').tapTarget('open');
// });
// jadams, 2021-11-19: additional code for accordions (collapsible)
// used e.g for the 'SERVICE Panel'
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add minus icon for collapse element which is open by default
// Highlight open collapsed element
$(".card-header .btn").click(function(){
// manage Dropcaps if translation is enabled|disabled
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if (user_translate.translationEnabled) {
logger.info('\n' + 'translation enabled: ' + user_translate.translationEnabled);
logger.debug('\n' + 'skipped processing of dropcaps');
} else {
// initialize dropcaps
logger.info('\n' + 'post processing: createDropCap');
logger.info('\n' + 'mode detected: web');
logger.info('\n' + 'hide signin icon');
$('#quickLinksSignInOutButton').css('display', 'none');
user_session.current_page = current_url.pathname;
logger.debug('\n' + 'write to cookie : ' + cookie_names.user_session);
cookie_written = j1.writeCookie({
name: cookie_names.user_session,
data: user_session,
secure: secure,
expires: 0
// TODO: should MOVED to ControlCenter Adapter ???
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// show cc icon (currently NOT supported)
// $('#quickLinksControlCenterButton').css('display', 'block');
// TODO: should MOVED to Cookiebar ???
// show|hide cookie icon
if (j1.existsCookie(cookie_names.user_consent)) {
// Display cookie icon
logText = '\n' + 'show cookie icon';
$('#quickLinksCookieButton').css('display', 'block');
} else {
logText = '\n' + 'hide cookie icon';
// Display cookie icon
$('#quickLinksCookieButton').css('display', 'none');
// TODO: should MOVED to Themer ???
// jadams, 2021-07-25: hide|show themes menu on cookie consent
// (analysis|personalization) settings. BootSwatch is a 3rd party
// is using e.g GA. Because NO control is possible on 3rd parties,
// for GDPR compliance, themes feature may disabled on
// privacy settings
if (!user_consent.personalization) {
logger.debug('\n' + 'disable themes feature because of privacy settings');
logger.debug('\n' + 'personalization not allowed, privacy settings for personalization: ' + user_consent.personalization);
} else {
// detect if a loaded page has been chenged
if (user_session.previous_page !== user_session.current_page) {
logText = '\n' + 'page change detected';
logText = '\n' + 'previous page: ' + user_session.previous_page;
logText = '\n' + 'current page: ' + user_session.current_page;
// update sidebar for changed theme data
logger.info('\n' + 'update sidebar');
user_state = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_state);
if (template_version_changed) {
if (typeof template_previous_version == 'undefined') template_previous_version = 'na';
logger.warn('\n' + 'template version detected as changed');
logger.warn('\n' + 'template version previous|current: ' + template_previous_version + '|' + template_version);
// Update the user_state cookie
// TODO: replace theme_version by template_version as they
// are alwas the same
// disable: user_state.theme_version = template_version;
user_state.template_version = template_version;
cookie_written = j1.writeCookie({
name: cookie_names.user_state,
data: user_state,
secure: secure,
expires: 365
logger.warn('\n' + 'template version updated to: ' + template_version);
} else {
logger.info('\n' + 'template version detected: ' + user_state.template_version);
// set current user data
current_user_data = j1.mergeData(user_session, user_state);
// initiate smooth scroller if page is ready and visible
var dependencies_met_page_ready = setInterval (function (options) {
var pageState = $('#no_flicker').css("display");
var pageVisible = (pageState == 'block') ? true: false;
if ( j1.getState() === 'finished' && pageVisible ) {
setTimeout (function() {
// scroll to an anchor in current page if given in URL
}, {{template_config.page_on_load_timeout}});
}, 10);
// set|log status
state = 'finished';
logText = '\n' + 'state: ' + state;
logText = '\n' + 'page finalized successfully';
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper functions
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// mergeData()
// merge two objects (properties) and returns the resulting object
// see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43109229/merge-default-options-containing-object-with-json-object
// TODO: Improve comment, give synopsis and example
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
mergeData: function () {
var a = [].slice.call(arguments), o = a.shift();
for(var i=0,l=a.length; i)
// specified by xhr_container_id, xhr_data_path (options)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
loadHTML: function (options, mod, status) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.adapter.loadHTML');
var selector = $('#' + options.xhr_container_id);
var state = status;
var observer_options = {
attributes: false,
childList: true,
characterData: false,
subtree: true
var observer;
var logText;
var cb_load_closure = function(mod, id) {
return function (responseTxt, statusTxt, xhr) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.adapter.loadHTML');
if ( statusTxt === 'success' ) {
j1.setXhrDataState(id, statusTxt);
j1.setXhrDomState(id, 'pending');
logText = '\n' + 'data loaded successfully on id: ' +id;
state = true;
if ( statusTxt === 'error' ) {
// jadams, 2020-07-21: to be checked why id could be UNDEFINED
if (typeof(id) != "undefined") {
state = 'failed';
logger.info('\n' + 'set state for ' +mod+ ' to: ' + state);
// jadams, 2020-07-21: intermediate state should DISABLED
// executeFunctionByName(mod + '.setState', window, state);
j1.setXhrDataState(id, statusTxt);
j1.setXhrDomState(id, 'pending');
logText = '\n' + 'loading data failed on id: ' +id+ ', error ' + xhr.status + ': ' + xhr.statusText;
state = false;
// see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20420577/detect-added-element-to-dom-with-mutation-observer
var html_data_path = options.xhr_data_path + ' #' + options.xhr_data_element;
var id = '#' + options.xhr_container_id;
var container = '#' + options.xhr_container_id + '_container';
var $selector = $(id);
// NOTE: Unclear why some pages (e.g. about/site) affected (fam button).
// All pages should have FRONTMATTER defaults (by _config.yml) setting
// all relevant defaults.
// failsafe - prevent XHR load errors
if (options.xhr_data_element !== '') {
logger.info('\n' + 'XHR data element found: ' + options.xhr_data_element);
} else {
logger.debug('\n' + 'no XHR data element found, loading data aborted');
if ( $selector.length ) {
$selector.load( html_data_path, cb_load_closure( mod, id ) );
var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver;
var xhrObserver = new MutationObserver (mutationHandler);
var obsConfig = {
childList: true,
characterData: false,
attributes: false,
subtree: false };
xhrObserver.observe(this, obsConfig);
function mutationHandler (mutationRecords) {
mutationRecords.forEach ( function (mutation) {
if (mutation.addedNodes.length) {
logger.info('\n' + 'XHR data loaded in the DOM: ' + id);
j1.setXhrDomState(id, 'success');
} else {
// jadams, 2020-07-21: To be clarified why a id is "undefined"
// failsafe - prevent XHR load errors
if (id != '#undefined') {
logText = '\n' + 'data not loaded on id:' + id;
j1.setXhrDataState(id, 'not loaded');
j1.setXhrDomState(id, 'not loaded');
// Set processing state to 'finished' to complete module load
state = 'finished';
logger.debug('\n' + 'state: ' + state);
// jadams, 2020-07-21: intermediate state should DISABLED
// executeFunctionByName(mod + '.setState', window, state);
state = false;
return state;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// loadJS()
// Load JS data asychronously using jQuery (XHR)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
loadJS: function (options, mod, status) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.adapter.loadJS');
var state = status;
var logText;
var cb_load_closure = function(mod, id) {
return function (responseTxt, statusTxt, xhr) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.adapter.loadJS');
if ( statusTxt === 'success' ) {
j1.setXhrDataState(id, statusTxt);
logText = '\n' + 'data loaded successfully for: ' +id;
state = true;
if ( statusTxt === 'error' ) {
state = 'failed';
logger.info('\n' + 'set state for ' +mod+ ' to: ' + state);
j1.setXhrDataState(id, statusTxt);
logText = '\n' + 'loading data failed for: ' +id+ ', error ' + xhr.status + ': ' + xhr.statusText;
state = false;
url: options.xhr_data_path,
dataType: 'script',
success: cb_load_closure(mod, options.xhr_data_element)
return state;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// removeRessource (Vanilla JS)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
removeRessource: function (filename, filetype) {
// determine element type to create nodelist from
var targetelement=(filetype=="js")? "script" : (filetype=="css")? "link" : "none"
// determine corresponding attribute to test for
var targetattr=(filetype=="js")? "src" : (filetype=="css")? "href" : "none"
var allsuspects=document.getElementsByTagName(targetelement)
// search backwards within nodelist for matching elements to remove
// remove element by calling parentNode.removeChild()
for (var i=allsuspects.length; i>=0; i--) {
if (allsuspects[i] && allsuspects[i].getAttribute(targetattr)!=null && allsuspects[i].getAttribute(targetattr).indexOf(filename)!=-1)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// subdomain()
// Returns true|false if a subdomain is used for a given URL
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
subdomain: function (url) {
// See: https://snipplr.com/view/5449/check-if-a-url-contains-a-subdomain
url = url.replace(new RegExp(/^\s+/),""); // START
url = url.replace(new RegExp(/\s+$/),""); // END
url = url.replace(new RegExp(/\\/g),"/");
// IF THERE, REMOVES 'http://', 'https://' or 'ftp://' FROM THE START
url = url.replace(new RegExp(/^http\:\/\/|^https\:\/\/|^ftp\:\/\//i),"");
url = url.replace(new RegExp(/^www\./i),"");
url = url.replace(new RegExp(/\/(.*)/),"");
// REMOVES '.??.??' OR '.???.??' FROM END - e.g. '.CO.UK', '.COM.AU'
if (url.match(new RegExp(/\.[a-z]{2,3}\.[a-z]{2}$/i))) {
url = url.replace(new RegExp(/\.[a-z]{2,3}\.[a-z]{2}$/i),"");
// REMOVES '.??' or '.???' or '.????' FROM END - e.g. '.US', '.COM', '.INFO'
} else if (url.match(new RegExp(/\.[a-z]{2,4}$/i))) {
url = url.replace(new RegExp(/\.[a-z]{2,4}$/i),"");
var isSubDomain = (url.match(new RegExp(/\./g))) ? true : false;
}, // END subdomain
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// readCookie (Vanilla JS)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
readCookie: function (name) {
var data;
var data_json;
var cookieExists = j1.existsCookie(name);
if (cookieExists) {
data_json = window.atob(Cookies.get(name));
data = JSON.parse(data_json);
if (data) {
return data;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// writeCookie (Cookie lib)
// Write 'data' to a cookie 'name'. If not exists, the cookie gets
// created. Returns 'true' if cookie was written, otherwise 'false'.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE:
// https://web.dev/samesite-cookies-explained/
// https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite
// https://www.smarketer.de/blog/chrome-update-80-cookies/
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SESSION Cookies:
// NOT putting an EXPIRES part in will create a session cookie.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// REMOVING Cookies: Cookies get removed immediately, if the expires
// part points to a PAST date (e.g. 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC).
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MAX-AGE Cookies: To leave cookies for a specific time, set the expires
// part into a FUTUTE date. FOR GDPR compliance, MAX-AGE is 365 days.
// TODO: Change attribute "Secure" to true, if HTTPS is used.
// Checks and config changes are to be done.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO: Handling of attribute "SameSite".
// Config to use this attribute should be configurable
// (what config file?).
// Disabled use for now in general.
// The SameSite attribute of the Set-Cookie HTTP response header
// allows you to declare if your cookie should be restricted to a
// first-party or same-site context. Cookies with SameSite=None
// must now also specify the Secure attribute (they require a secure
// context/HTTPS).
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
writeCookie: function (options /*name, data, [path, expires, domain, samesite, http_only, secure]*/) {
var date = new Date();
var timestamp_now = date.toISOString();
var url = new liteURL(window.location.href);
var baseUrl = url.origin;;
var hostname = url.hostname;
var auto_domain = hostname.substring(hostname.lastIndexOf('.', hostname.lastIndexOf('.') - 1) + 1);
var auto_secure = (url.protocol.includes('https')) ? true : false;
var stringifiedAttributes = '';
var cookie_data = {};
var data_json;
var data_encoded;
var defaults = {
path: '{{cookie_options.path}}',
expires: '{{cookie_options.expires}}',
domain: ('{{cookie_options.domain}}' === 'false') ? false : '{{cookie_options.domain}}',
samesite: '{{cookie_options.same_site}}',
http_only: ('{{cookie_options.http_only}}' === 'true'),
secure: ('{{cookie_options.secure}}' === 'false') ? false : '{{cookie_options.secure}}'
var settings = $.extend(defaults, options);
// Failsafe: if 'None' is given for samesite in non-secure environments
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
if (settings.samesite == 'None' && !settings.secure) {
settings.samesite = 'Lax';
cookie_data.timestamp = timestamp_now;
if (j1.existsCookie(settings.name)) {
cookie_data = j1.readCookie(settings.name);
cookie_data = j1.mergeData(cookie_data, settings.data);
data_json = JSON.stringify( cookie_data );
data_encoded = window.btoa(data_json);
} else {
cookie_data = settings.data;
data_json = JSON.stringify(settings.data);
data_encoded = window.btoa(data_json);
// collect the cookie attributes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'Path=' + settings.path;
if (settings.expires > 0) {
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (settings.expires * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'Expires=' + date.toUTCString();
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'SameSite=' + settings.samesite;
// set domain used by cookies
if (settings.domain) {
if (settings.domain == 'auto') {
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'Domain=' + auto_domain;
} else {
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'Domain=' + settings.domain;
// set secure attribute
if (settings.secure) {
if (settings.secure == 'auto') {
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'Secure=' + auto_secure;
} else {
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'Secure=' + settings.secure;
// write the cookie
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
document.cookie = settings.name + '=' + data_encoded + stringifiedAttributes;
if (j1.existsCookie(settings.name)) {
return cookie_data;
} else {
return false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// findCookie (Vanilla JS)
// Search for cookies (by name) in the page header that matches a given
// (name) string. A cookie name can be given as full name, like 'j1.user.state',
// or as a partial like 'j1'
// Returns all names found as an array.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52287989/javascript-cookie-remove-or-delete-with-regex-regular-expression
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
findCookie: function (name) {
var rCookie=[];
document.cookie.replace(new RegExp(name + '[^= ]*', 'g'), function(a){ rCookie.push(a.trim()); });
return rCookie;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// removeCookie (Vanilla JS)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
removeCookie: function (options /*name, [path, domain]*/) {
var url = new liteURL(window.location.href);
var baseUrl = url.origin;;
var hostname = url.hostname;
var auto_domain = hostname.substring(hostname.lastIndexOf('.', hostname.lastIndexOf('.') - 1) + 1);
var auto_secure = (url.protocol.includes('https')) ? true : false;
var stringifiedAttributes = '';
var defaults = {
path: '{{cookie_options.path}}',
expires: 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC', // clear cookies by settting the expiry date in the PAST
domain: ('{{cookie_options.domain}}' === 'false') ? false : '{{cookie_options.domain}}',
samesite: '{{cookie_options.same_site}}',
http_only: ('{{cookie_options.http_only}}' === 'true'),
secure: ('{{cookie_options.secure}}' === 'false') ? false : '{{cookie_options.secure}}'
var settings = $.extend(defaults, options);
// collect the cookie attributes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'Path=' + settings.path;
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'SameSite=' + settings.samesite;
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'Expires=' + settings.expires;
// set domain used by cookies
if (settings.domain) {
if (settings.domain == 'auto') {
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'Domain=' + auto_domain;
} else if (typeof settings.domain == 'string') {
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'Domain=' + settings.domain;
// set secure attribute
if (settings.secure) {
if (settings.secure == 'auto') {
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'Secure=' + auto_secure;
} else {
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'Secure=' + settings.secure;
// clear|remove the cookie if exists
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
if (j1.findCookie(settings.name)) {
document.cookie = settings.name + '=;' + stringifiedAttributes;
return true;
} else {
return false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// expireCookie (Vanilla JS)
// Expires given cookies by name except cookies set to httpOnly. For all
// cookies the expiry date is REMOVED. This results in cookies are set
// to 'session' for the expiry date. All session cookies are deleted
// automatically by the browser if the last session (browser tab|window)
// is closed.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// expireCookie() returns 'true' if cookie is set successfully
// (to session), otherwise 'false' (e.g. NOT found)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE:
// See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/179355/clearing-all-cookies-with-javascript
// NOTE:
// There is NO way you could get a trace of Path, Domain and other
// attributes of cookies as they are only read by browsers and NOT shown
// to JavaScript. For that reason, attributes needs to be set explicitly
// to already KNOWN values.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
expireCookie: function (options /*name [,path, samesite, secure]*/) {
var url = new liteURL(window.location.href);
var baseUrl = url.origin;;
var hostname = url.hostname;
var auto_domain = hostname.substring(hostname.lastIndexOf('.', hostname.lastIndexOf('.') - 1) + 1);
var auto_secure = (url.protocol.includes('https')) ? true : false;
var stringifiedAttributes = '';
var defaults = {
path: '{{cookie_options.path}}',
expires: '{{cookie_options.expires}}',
domain: ('{{cookie_options.domain}}' === 'false') ? false : '{{cookie_options.domain}}',
samesite: '{{cookie_options.same_site}}',
http_only: ('{{cookie_options.http_only}}' === 'true'),
secure: ('{{cookie_options.secure}}' === 'false') ? false : '{{cookie_options.secure}}'
var settings = $.extend(defaults, options);
// collect the cookie attributes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'Path=' + settings.path;
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'SameSite=' + settings.samesite;
// set domain used by cookies
if (settings.domain) {
if (settings.domain == 'auto') {
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'Domain=' + auto_domain;
} else if (typeof settings.domain == 'string') {
if (settings.domain !== 'false') {
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'Domain=' + settings.domain;
// set secure attribute
if (settings.secure) {
if (settings.secure == 'auto') {
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'Secure=' + auto_secure;
} else {
stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'Secure=' + settings.secure;
var dc = document.cookie; // all cookies in page
var end = dc.length; // default to end of the string
var prefix = settings.name + '='; // search string for the cookie name given
var begin = dc.indexOf('; ' + prefix);
var content = '';
// collect the cookie content
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// found, and not in the first position
if (begin !== -1) {
// exclude the "; "
begin += 2;
} else {
// see if cookie is in first position
begin = dc.indexOf(prefix);
// not found at all or found as a portion of another cookie name
if (begin === -1 || begin !== 0 ) return false;
// if ";" is found somewhere after the prefix position then "end" is
// that position, otherwise it defaults to the end of the string
if (dc.indexOf(';', begin) !== -1) {
end = dc.indexOf(';', begin);
// write the cookie content, expire to session
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
content = decodeURI(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end) ).replace(/"/g, '');
document.cookie = settings.name + '=' + content + stringifiedAttributes;
return true;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// existsCookie (Vanilla JS)
// returns true if a cookie of given name exists
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
existsCookie: function (name) {
var dc = document.cookie;
var prefix = name + '=';
var begin = dc.indexOf('; ' + prefix);
var end = dc.length; // default to end of the string
var cookieExists = false;
var cookieContent = '';
// collect the cookie content
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// found, and not in first position
if (begin !== -1) {
// exclude the "; "
begin += 2;
} else {
//see if cookie is in first position
begin = dc.indexOf(prefix);
// not found at all or found as a portion of another cookie name
if (begin === -1 || begin !== 0 ) return false;
// if ";" is found somewhere after the prefix position then "end" is
// that position, otherwise it defaults to the end of the string
if (dc.indexOf(';', begin) !== -1) {
end = dc.indexOf(';', begin);
// check if the cookie exists
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
cookieContent = decodeURI(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end) ).replace(/"/g, '');
cookieExists = cookieContent.length ? true : false;
return cookieExists;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Resolve MACROs
// See:
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5376431/wildcards-in-jquery-selectors
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16400072/jquery-each-only-affects-last-element
// https://dzone.com/articles/why-does-javascript-loop-only-use-last-value
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/179713/how-to-change-the-href-for-a-hyperlink-using-jquery
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5223/length-of-a-javascript-object
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
resolveMacros: function (user_data) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.resolveMacros');
var sidebarLoaded = setInterval(function() {
if ($('#sidebar_mmenu').length) {
if (Object.keys(user_data).length) {
$('[id^=macro-]').each(function() {
$('#macro-provider').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $html = $this.html();
$this.html($html.replace('??provider', user_data.provider));
this.href = this.href.replace(/.*\/??provider-site-url/, user_data.provider_site_url);
$('#macro-user-name').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $html = $this.html();
$this.html($html.replace('??user-name', user_data.user_name));
this.href = this.href.replace(/.*\/??provider_member_url/, user_data.provider_member_url);
$('#macro-provider-permissions').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $html = $this.html();
$this.html($html.replace('??provider-permissions', user_data.provider_permissions));
this.href = this.href.replace(/.*\/??provider_member_url/, user_data.provider_member_url);
$('#macro-provider-membership').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $html = $this.html();
$this.html($html.replace('??provider-membership', user_data.provider_membership));
this.href = this.href.replace(/.*\/??provider_member_url/, user_data.provider_member_url);
$('#macro-cookie-state').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $html = $this.html();
$this.html($html.replace('??cookie-state', user_data.cookies_accepted));
this.href = this.href.replace(/.*\/??provider_privacy_url/, user_data.provider_privacy_url);
$('#macro-theme-name').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $html = $this.html();
$this.html($html.replace('??theme-name', user_data.theme_name));
$('#macro-theme-author').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $html = $this.html();
$this.html($html.replace('??theme-author', user_data.theme_author));
this.href = this.href.replace(/.*\/??theme-author-url/, user_data.theme_author_url);
$('#macro-theme-version').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $html = $this.html();
$this.html($html.replace('??theme-version', user_data.template_version));
logger.debug('\n' + 'met dependencies for: sidebarLoaded');
return true;
} else {
logger.error('\n' + 'no user data provided');
return false;
}, 10);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Update MACROs
// Update the values, NOT the placeholders
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
updateMacros: function (user_data) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.updateMacros');
var sidebarLoaded = setInterval(function() {
if ($('#sidebar_mmenu').length) {
if (Object.keys(user_data).length) {
$('[id^=macro-]').each(function() {
$('#macro-provider').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $html = $this.html();
$this.html($html.replace(/Provider:.*/, 'Provider: ' + user_data.provider));
$('#macro-provider').attr('href', user_data.provider_site_url);
$('#macro-user-name').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $html = $this.html();
$this.html($html.replace(/User:.*/, 'User: ' + user_data.user_name));
$('#macro-user-name').attr('href', user_data.provider_member_url);
$('#macro-provider-permissions').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $html = $this.html();
// $this.html($html.replace(/public|protected|private|blocked/, user_data.provider_permissions));
$this.html($html.replace(/public.*|protected.*|private.*|blocked.*/, user_data.provider_permissions));
$('#macro-provider-permissions').attr('href', user_data.provider_member_url);
$('#macro-provider-membership').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $html = $this.html();
$this.html($html.replace(/guest|member/, user_data.provider_membership));
$('#macro-provider-membership').attr('href', user_data.provider_member_url);
$('#macro-cookie-state').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $html = $this.html();
$this.html($html.replace(/accepted|declined|pending/, user_data.cookies_accepted));
$('#macro-cookie-state').attr('href', user_data.provider_privacy_url);
logger.debug('\n' + 'met dependencies for: sidebarLoaded');
return true;
} else {
logger.error('\n' + 'no user data provided');
return false;
}, 10);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// getMessage
// Get a log message from the log message catalog object
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
getMessage: function (level, message, property) {
var message = j1.messages[level][message]['message'][property];
return message;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// logger
// Log a message
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
logger: function (logger, level, message) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger(logger);
return true;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Send message
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sendMessage: function ( sender, receiver, message ) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.sendMessage');
// var json_message = JSON.stringify(message, undefined, 2); // multiline
var json_message = JSON.stringify(message);
if ( receiver === 'j1' ) {
logText = '\n' + 'send message from ' + sender + ' to' + receiver + ': ' + json_message;
executeFunctionByName('j1' + '.messageHandler', window, sender, message);
} else {
logText = '\n' + 'send message from ' + sender + ' to ' + receiver + ': ' + json_message;
//executeFunctionByName('j1.' + receiver + '.messageHandler', window, sender, message)
executeFunctionByName(receiver + '.messageHandler', window, sender, message);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// messageHandler: MessageHandler for J1 CookieConsent module
// Manage messages send from other J1 modules
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
messageHandler: function ( sender, message ) {
// var json_message = JSON.stringify(message, undefined, 2); // multiline
var json_message = JSON.stringify(message);
logText = '\n' + 'received message from ' + sender + ': ' + json_message;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Process commands|actions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( message.type === 'command' && message.action === 'module_initialized' ) {
logger.info('\n' + message.text);
// Place handling of other command|action here
return true;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// getStyleValue:
// Returns the value of a style from a css class definition
// example: j1.getStyleValue('uno-primary', 'background-color')
getStyleValue: function (className, style) {
var elementId = 'test-' + className,
testElement = document.getElementById(elementId),
if (testElement === null) {
testElement = document.createElement('div');
testElement.className = className;
testElement.style.display = 'none';
val = $(testElement).css(style);
return val;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// getStyleSheetLoaded:
// NOTE:
// EXAMPLE: getStyleSheetLoaded('bootstrap');
getStyleSheetLoaded: function (styleSheet) {
// var styleSheet = styleSheetName.toLowerCase() + '.css';
var sheets = document.styleSheets, stylesheet = sheets[(sheets.length - 1)];
// find CSS file 'styleSheetName' in document
for(var i in document.styleSheets) {
if(sheets[i].href && sheets[i].href.indexOf(styleSheet) > -1) {
return true;;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the names of cookies used for J1 Theme
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
getCookieNames: function () {
return cookie_names;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set dynamic styles
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// setCss: function () {
// var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.setCss');
// var bg_primary = j1.getStyleValue('bg-primary', 'background-color');
// var bg_secondary = j1.getStyleValue('bg-secondary', 'background-color');
// logger.info('\n' + 'set color scheme for selected theme');
// // globals
// // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// $('head').append('');
// // mdi icons
// // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// $('head').append('');
// $('head').append('');
// $('head').append('');
// $('head').append('');
// // asciidoc
// // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// var admonitionblock_note_color = bg_primary;
// var admonitionblock_tip_color = j1.getStyleValue('btn-success', 'background-color');
// var admonitionblock_important_color = j1.getStyleValue('btn-info', 'background-color');
// var admonitionblock_warning_color = j1.getStyleValue('icon-warning', 'color');
// var admonitionblock_caution_color = j1.getStyleValue('btn-danger', 'background-color');
// $('head').append('');
// $('head').append('');
// $('head').append('');
// $('head').append('');
// $('head').append('');
// // bs base styles (2020-09-20: diabled. Taken for BS CSS code)
// // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// // $('head').append('');
// // bs tool tips
// // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// // $('head').append('');
// // $('head').append('');
// // $('head').append('');
// // $('head').append('');
// // $('head').append('');
// // asciidoc results viewer
// // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// $('head').append('');
// // extended modals
// // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// // var tabs_pills_link_color_active = j1.setColorData('md_blue'); // j1.getStyleValue('btn-info', 'background-color');
// // var tabs_pills_link_color_hover = j1.setColorData('md_gray_300'); // j1.getStyleValue('btn-secondary', 'background-color');
// // var tabs_pills_link_color_active = 'md-blue';
// // var tabs_pills_link_color_hover = 'md-gray-300';
// // nav module
// // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// // $('head').append('');
// // $('head').append('');
// return true;
// },
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// setState()
// Set the current (processing) state of the module
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
setState: function (stat) {
state = stat;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// getState()
// Returns the current (processing) state of the module
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
getState: function () {
return state;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// setXhrDataState()
// Set the final (loading) state of an element (partial) loaded via Xhr
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
setXhrDataState: function (obj, stat) {
j1.xhrDataState[obj] = stat;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// getXhrDataState()
// Returns the final (loading) state of an element (partial) loaded via Xhr
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
getXhrDataState: function (obj) {
return j1.xhrDataState[obj];
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// setXhrDomState()
// Set the state of an element loaded via Xhr that is
// successfully added to the DOM
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
setXhrDomState: function (obj, stat) {
j1.xhrDOMState[obj] = stat;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// getXhrDataState()
// Returns the state of an element loaded via Xhr that is
// successfully added to the DOM
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
getXhrDOMState: function (obj) {
return j1.xhrDOMState[obj];
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// setMode()
// Set the current mode of the site (web|app)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMode: function (mod) {
mode = mod;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// getMode()
// Returns the current mode of the site (web|app)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
getMode: function () {
return mode;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// checkUserAgent()
// Returns the name (UA) of the web browser
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
checkUserAgent: function () {
if (navigator.userAgent.search(ua_name) >= 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// generateId()
// Generate a unique (thread) id used by the logger
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
generateId: function (length) {
var result = '';
var characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
var charactersLength = characters.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength));
return result;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// getTrue()
// Returns always true (for testing purposes)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
getTrue: function () {
return true;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// getFalse()
// Returns always false (for testing purposes)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
getFalse: function () {
return false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// goHome()
// Redirect current page to the browser homepage
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
goHome: function () {
// most browsers
if (typeof window.home == 'function') {
} else if (document.all) {
// for IE
window.location.href = 'about:home';
} else {
window.location.href = 'about:blank';
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// goBack()
// Redirect current page to last visited page (referrer)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
goBack: function () {
// where visitor has come from
window.location.href = document.referrer;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// scrollToAnchor()
// Scroll to an anchor in current page if given in URL
// TODO: Find a better solution for 'dynamic' pages to detect
// the content if fully loaded instead using a timeout
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
scrollToAnchor: function () {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.adapter.scrollToAnchor');
var scrollOffset;
var dependencies_met_page_displayed = setInterval (function () {
var pageState = $('#no_flicker').css("display");
var pageVisible = (pageState == 'block') ? true: false;
if (j1.getState() == 'finished' && j1['pageMonitor'].pageType !== 'unknown' && pageVisible) {
// TODO: Check why a timeout is required to run the smmoth scroller (j1.scrollTo)
if (j1['pageMonitor'].pageType == 'static') {
setTimeout (function() {
logger.debug('\n' + 'Scroller: Scroll static page');
scrollOffsetCorrection = scrollerOptions.smoothscroll.offsetCorrection;
scrollOffset = j1.getScrollOffset(scrollOffsetCorrection);
}, {{template_config.timeoutScrollStaticPages}} );
} else if (j1['pageMonitor'].pageType == 'dynamic') {
setTimeout (function() {
scrollOffsetCorrection = scrollerOptions.smoothscroll.offsetCorrection;
scrollOffset = j1.getScrollOffset(scrollOffsetCorrection);
logger.debug('\n' + 'Scroller: Scroll dynamic page on timeout');
}, {{template_config.timeoutScrollDynamicPages}} );
} else {
// failsave fallback
setTimeout (function() {
logger.debug('\n' + 'Scroller: Scroll page of unknown type');
scrollOffsetCorrection = scrollerOptions.smoothscroll.offsetCorrection;
scrollOffset = j1.getScrollOffset(scrollOffsetCorrection);
}, {{template_config.page_on_load_timeout}} );
}, 10);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// stringToBoolean()
// convert a string to boolean
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
stringToBoolean: function (string) {
switch(string.toLowerCase().trim()) {
case "true":
case "yes":
case "1":
return true;
case "false":
case "no":
case "0":
case null:
return false;
return Boolean(string);
}, // END stringToBoolean
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// registerLazyLoadCss()
// CSS loader to speed up inital rendering
// Requires the following config serrings:
// src: the 'location' of the CSS file
// selector: the 'selector' that triggers the observer
// rootMargin: the 'margin' before the load is trigged
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
registerLazyLoadCss: function () {
console.log('register CSS files for lazy loading');
// load MDI Light CSS
'src': '/assets/themes/j1/core/css/icon-fonts/mdil.min.css',
'selector': '.mdil',
'rootMargin': '150px 0px'
// load MDI Regular CSS
'src': '/assets/themes/j1/core/css/icon-fonts/mdi.min.css',
'selector': '.mdi',
'rootMargin': '150px 0px'
// load FA CSS
'src': '/assets/themes/j1/core/css/icon-fonts/fontawesome.min.css',
'selector': '.fa',
'rootMargin': '150px 0px'
// load rTable CSS
'src': '/assets/themes/j1/modules/rtable/css/theme/uno/rtable.min.css',
'selector': '.rtable',
'rootMargin': '150px 0px'
// load CountryFlags CSS
'src': '/assets/themes/j1/core/country-flags/css/theme/uno.min.css',
'selector': '.flag-icon',
'rootMargin': '150px 0px'
}, // END registerLazyLoadCss
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// registerMonitors()
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
registerMonitors: function () {
var cls;
var lcp
var cumulated_cls = 0;
var cumulated_lcp = 0;
const development = ('{{environment}}'.includes('prod')) ? false : true;
// PerformanceObserver to monitor the 'LCP' of a page load
// see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/LargestContentfulPaint
const performanceObserverLCP = new PerformanceObserver((entryList) => {
const entries = entryList.getEntries();
// logger API used for deveöopment only
if (development) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('PerformanceObserver');
// Use the latest LCP candidate
const lastEntry = entries[entries.length - 1];
var lastEntryText = JSON.stringify(lastEntry, null, 2);
cumulated_lcp += lastEntry.renderTime;
var lcp_full = cumulated_lcp/1000;
lcp = lcp_full.toFixed(3);
var url = lastEntry.url;
var pathname = url.replace( /^[a-zA-Z]{3,5}\:\/{2}[a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+\//, '' );
if (development && lastEntry.url != '') {
logger.debug('\n' + 'Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), url:', pathname);
} else {
console.debug(`Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), url: ${pathname}`);
if (development) {
if (lcp > 2.5) {
logger.warn('\n' + 'Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), cumulated:', lcp);
} else {
logger.info('\n' + 'Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), cumulated:', lcp);
} else {
if (lcp > 2.5) {
console.warn(`Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), cumulated: ${lcp}`);
} else {
console.debug(`Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), cumulated: ${lcp}`);
}); // END performanceObserverLCP
// PerformanceObserver to monitor the 'CLS' of a page load
const performanceObserverCLS = new PerformanceObserver(entryList => {
var entries = entryList.getEntries() || [];
// logger API used for deveöopment only
if (development) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('PerformanceObserver');
entries.forEach(entry => {
if (entry.sources) {
// omit entries likely caused by user input
if (!entry.hadRecentInput) {
// cumulate values
cumulated_cls += entry.value;
cls = cumulated_cls.toFixed(3);
for (const {node, currentRect, previousRect} of entry.sources) {
var hasProperty = node.hasOwnProperty('firstElementChild');
if (hasProperty == null) {
hasProperty = false;
if (hasProperty) {
var id = '';
try {
id = node.firstElementChild.id;
catch(err) {
id = 'missing';
if (development && id !== 'missing' && id !== '' && cls > 0.01) {
if (cls > 0.1) {
logger.warn('\n' + 'Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), entry id: ', id);
logger.warn('\n' + 'Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): ', cls);
} else {
logger.info('\n' + 'Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), entry id: ', id);
logger.info('\n' + 'Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): ', cls);
} // END if typeof
} // END for
} // END if entry.sources
}); // END forEach entry
}); // END performanceObserverCLS
// ResizeObserver to monitor the changes on page height (dynamic pages)
// see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14866775/detect-document-height-change
const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
var scrollOffsetCorrection = scrollerOptions.smoothscroll.offsetCorrection;
const body = document.body,
html = document.documentElement,
scrollOffset = j1.getScrollOffset(scrollOffsetCorrection);
// logger API used for deveöopment only
if (development) {
var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('ResizeObserver');
// get the page height from the DOM
var documentHeight = Math.max (
j1['pageMonitor'].eventNo += 1;
// skip first Observer event
if (j1['pageMonitor'].eventNo == 2) {
// Set initial data from second event
j1['pageMonitor'].pageBaseHeight = document.body.scrollHeight;
j1['pageMonitor'].currentPageHeight = document.body.scrollHeight;
j1['pageMonitor'].previousPageHeight = document.body.scrollHeight;
j1['pageMonitor'].previousGrowthRatio = 0.00;
pageBaseHeight = document.body.scrollHeight;
previousGrowthRatio = 100;
growthRatio = 0.00;
} else {
// collect 'pageHeight' from 'entries'
for (const entry of entries) {
pageBaseHeight = j1['pageMonitor'].pageBaseHeight;
if (pageBaseHeight > 0) {
// get the page height (rounded to int) from observer
pageHeight = Math.round(entry.contentRect.height);
j1['pageMonitor'].currentPageHeight = pageHeight;
// total growth ratio
pageGrowthRatio = pageHeight / pageBaseHeight * 100;
pageGrowthRatio = pageGrowthRatio.toFixed(2);
j1['pageMonitor'].currentGrowthRatio = pageGrowthRatio;
growthRatio = ((pageGrowthRatio / previousGrowthRatio) - 1) * 100;
growthRatio = growthRatio.toFixed(2);
j1['pageMonitor'].growthRatio = growthRatio;
} // END for entries
// detect the 'page type'
if (growthRatio >= 5) {
j1['pageMonitor'].pageType = 'dynamic';
if (development) {
logger.debug('\n' + 'growthRatio: ' + j1['pageMonitor'].growthRatio + '%');
logger.debug('\n' + 'page detected as: dynamic');
} else {
// set the page type to 'static' if low growth detected
if (typeof j1['pageMonitor'].growthRatio != 'undefined' && j1['pageMonitor'].growthRatio > 0) {
j1['pageMonitor'].pageType = 'static';
if (development) {
logger.debug('\n' + 'growthRatio: ' + j1['pageMonitor'].growthRatio + '%');
logger.debug('\n' + 'page detected as: static');
} // END if growthRatio
} // END if j1['pageMonitor']
}); // END resizeObserver
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// run all observers for page monitoring
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
if (performance_monitors_enabled) {
// monitor 'LCP'
type: 'largest-contentful-paint',
buffered: true
// monitor 'CLS'
type: 'layout-shift',
buffered: true
} // END if 'performance_monitors'
// monitor 'GROWTH'
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// final updates before browser page|tab
// see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3888902/detect-browser-or-tab-closing
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function (event) {
var cookie_names = j1.getCookieNames();
var date = new Date();
var timestamp_now = date.toISOString();
var user_state = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_state);
var user_consent = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_consent);
var url = new liteURL(window.location.href);
var secure = (url.protocol.includes('https')) ? true : false;
var ep_status;
var url;
var baseUrl;
// final update of the user state cookie
user_state.session_active = false;
user_state.last_session_ts = timestamp_now;
if (!user_consent.analysis || !user_consent.personalization) {
cookie_written = j1.writeCookie({
name: cookie_names.user_state,
data: user_state,
secure: secure,
expires: 0
} else {
cookie_written = j1.writeCookie({
name: cookie_names.user_state,
data: user_state,
secure: secure,
expires: 365
}); // END beforeunload
// initialize event handler for window/history/back on
window.onkeyup = function (event) {
if (event.keyCode == 27) window.history.back();
$("a[href*='#']:not([href='#'])").click(function() {
if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') && location.hostname == this.hostname) {
var target = $(this.hash);
target = target.length ? target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) +']');
if (target.length) {
var scrollOffsetCorrection = scrollerOptions.smoothscroll.offsetCorrectionLocal;
var offset = target.offset().top + scrollOffsetCorrection;
scrollTop: offset
}, 1000);
return false;
} // END registerMonitors
}) (j1, window);
{% comment %} NOTE: Unexpected token: punc (;) errors if compressed
{% if production %}
{{ cache | minifyJS }}
{% else %}
{{ cache | strip_empty_lines }}
{% endif %}
{% assign cache = nil %}
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %}
{% endcapture %}
{% if production %}
{{ cache | strip_empty_lines }}
{% else %}
{{ cache | strip_empty_lines }}
{% endif %}
{% assign cache = nil %}