{"version":3,"file":"blacklight.js","sources":["../../../javascript/blacklight/checkbox_submit.js","../../../javascript/blacklight/bookmark_toggle.js","../../../javascript/blacklight/button_focus.js","../../../javascript/blacklight/modal.js","../../../javascript/blacklight/search_context.js","../../../javascript/blacklight/core.js","../../../javascript/blacklight/index.js"],"sourcesContent":["/* Converts a \"toggle\" form, with single submit button to add/remove\n something, like used for Bookmarks, into an AJAXy checkbox instead.\n Apply to a form. Does require certain assumption about the form:\n 1) The same form 'action' href must be used for both ADD and REMOVE\n actions, with the different being the hidden input name=\"_method\"\n being set to \"put\" or \"delete\" -- that's the Rails method to pretend\n to be doing a certain HTTP verb. So same URL, PUT to add, DELETE\n to remove. This plugin assumes that.\n Plus, the form this is applied to should provide a data-doc-id\n attribute (HTML5-style doc-*) that contains the id/primary key\n of the object in question -- used by plugin for a unique value for\n DOM id's.\n Uses HTML for a checkbox compatible with Bootstrap 4.\n new CheckboxSubmit(document.querySelector('form.something')).render()\n*/\nexport default class CheckboxSubmit {\n constructor(form) {\n this.form = form\n }\n\n clicked(evt) {\n this.spanTarget.innerHTML = this.form.getAttribute('data-inprogress')\n this.labelTarget.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');\n this.checkboxTarget.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');\n fetch(this.formTarget.getAttribute('action'), {\n body: new FormData(this.formTarget),\n method: this.formTarget.getAttribute('method').toUpperCase(),\n headers: {\n 'Accept': 'application/json',\n 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',\n 'X-CSRF-Token': document.querySelector('meta[name=csrf-token]')?.content\n }\n }).then((response) => {\n if (response.ok) return response.json();\n return Promise.reject('response was not ok')\n }).then((json) => {\n this.labelTarget.removeAttribute('disabled')\n this.checkboxTarget.removeAttribute('disabled')\n this.updateStateFor(!this.checked)\n this.bookmarksCounter().forEach(counter => {\n counter.innerHTML = json.bookmarks.count;\n });\n }).catch((error) => {\n this.handleError(error)\n })\n }\n\n get checked() {\n return (this.form.querySelectorAll('input[name=_method][value=delete]').length != 0)\n }\n\n get formTarget() {\n return this.form\n }\n\n get labelTarget() {\n return this.form.querySelector('[data-checkboxsubmit-target=\"label\"]')\n }\n\n get checkboxTarget() {\n return this.form.querySelector('[data-checkboxsubmit-target=\"checkbox\"]')\n }\n\n get spanTarget() {\n return this.form.querySelector('[data-checkboxsubmit-target=\"span\"]')\n }\n\n bookmarksCounter() {\n return document.querySelectorAll('[data-role=\"bookmark-counter\"]')\n }\n\n handleError() {\n alert(\"Unable to save the bookmark at this time.\")\n }\n\n updateStateFor(state) {\n this.checkboxTarget.checked = state\n\n if (state) {\n this.labelTarget.classList.add('checked')\n //Set the Rails hidden field that fakes an HTTP verb\n //properly for current state action.\n this.formTarget.querySelector('input[name=_method]').value = 'delete'\n this.spanTarget.innerHTML = this.form.getAttribute('data-present')\n } else {\n this.labelTarget.classList.remove('checked')\n this.formTarget.querySelector('input[name=_method]').value = 'put'\n this.spanTarget.innerHTML = this.form.getAttribute('data-absent')\n }\n }\n}\n","import CheckboxSubmit from 'blacklight/checkbox_submit'\n\nconst BookmarkToggle = (e) => {\n if (e.target.matches('[data-checkboxsubmit-target=\"checkbox\"]')) {\n const form = e.target.closest('form')\n if (form) new CheckboxSubmit(form).clicked(e);\n }\n};\n\ndocument.addEventListener('click', BookmarkToggle);\n\nexport default BookmarkToggle\n","const ButtonFocus = (e) => {\n // Button clicks should change focus. As of 10/3/19, Firefox for Mac and\n // Safari both do not set focus to a button on button click.\n // See https://zellwk.com/blog/inconsistent-button-behavior/ for background information\n if (e.target.matches('[data-toggle=\"collapse\"]') || e.target.matches('[data-bs-toggle=\"collapse\"]')) {\n e.target.focus()\n }\n}\n\ndocument.addEventListener('click', ButtonFocus)\n\nexport default ButtonFocus\n","/*\n The blacklight modal plugin can display some interactions inside a Bootstrap\n modal window, including some multi-page interactions.\n\n It supports unobtrusive Javascript, where a link or form that would have caused\n a new page load is changed to display it's results inside a modal dialog,\n by this plugin. The plugin assumes there is a Bootstrap modal div\n on the page with id #blacklight-modal to use as the modal -- the standard Blacklight\n layout provides this.\n\n To make a link or form have their results display inside a modal, add\n `data-blacklight-modal=\"trigger\"` to the link or form. (Note, form itself not submit input)\n With Rails link_to helper, you'd do that like:\n\n link_to something, link, data: { blacklight_modal: \"trigger\" }\n\n The results of the link href or form submit will be displayed inside\n a modal -- they should include the proper HTML markup for a bootstrap modal's\n contents. Also, you ordinarily won't want the Rails template with wrapping\n navigational elements to be used. The Rails controller could suppress\n the layout when a JS AJAX request is detected, OR the response\n can include a `
Some message
\n <%= link_to \"This result will still be within modal\", some_link, data: { blacklight_modal: \"preserve\" } %>\nExpected a successful response from the server, but got an error