module Prodder # The list of default rake tasks which prodder will be removing or replacing. # @see databases.rake (currently at lib/active_record/railties/databases.rake) def self.obsoleted_rake_tasks [/^db:_dump$/, /^db:migrate:reset$/, /^db:drop$/, /^db:create$/, /^db:drop:all$/, /^db:create:all$/, /^db:migrate$/, /^db:migrate:up$/, /^db:migrate:down$/, /^db:rollback$/, /^db:forward$/, /^db:version$/, /^db:fixtures:.*$/, /^db:abort_if_pending_migrations$/, /^db:purge$/, /^db:purge:all$/, /^db:charset$/, /^db:collation$/, /^db:reset$/, /^db:schema:.*$/, /^db:seed$/, /^db:setup$/, /^db:structure:.*$/, /^db:test:.*$/, /^test:prepare$/ ] end end tasks = Rake.application.instance_variable_get :@tasks { |name| Prodder.obsoleted_rake_tasks.any? { |obsoleted| obsoleted.match(name) } }.each { |name| tasks.delete name } namespace :db do desc "Drop, recreate, reseed, remigrate the database" task :reset => ['db:drop', 'db:setup'] desc "Create the database, load db/structure.sql, db/seeds.sql, db/quality_checks.sql" task :setup => ['db:create', 'db:structure:load', 'db:seed', 'db:quality_check', 'db:permission', 'db:settings'] dependencies = [:load_config] if Rake::Task.task_defined?('rails_env') dependencies << :rails_env end namespace :migrate do task :up => [:environment].concat(dependencies) do version = ENV['VERSION'] ? ENV['VERSION'].to_i : nil raise 'VERSION is required' unless version as("migration_user", in: ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env) do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection((ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env).intern), ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths, version) end end task :down => [:environment].concat(dependencies) do version = ENV['VERSION'] ? ENV['VERSION'].to_i : nil raise 'VERSION is required - To go down one migration, run db:rollback' unless version as("migration_user", in: ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env) do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection((ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env).intern), ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths, version) end end end namespace :purge do task :all => dependencies do as("superuser") do ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.purge_all end end end desc "Empty the database from DATABASE_URL or config/database.yml for the current RAILS_ENV (use db:drop:all to drop all databases in the config). Without RAILS_ENV it defaults to purging the development and test databases." task :purge => dependencies do as("superuser", in: ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || [Rails.env, "test"]) do ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.purge_current end end desc "Retrieves the charset for the current environment's database" task :charset => [:environment].concat(dependencies) do as("migration_user", in: ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env) do puts ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.charset_current end end desc "Retrieves the collation for the current environment's database" task :collation => [:environment].concat(dependencies) do as("migration_user", in: ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env) do begin puts ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.collation_current rescue NoMethodError $stderr.puts 'Sorry, your database adapter is not supported yet. Feel free to submit a patch.' end end end desc 'Rolls the schema back to the previous version (specify steps w/ STEP=n).' task :rollback => [:environment].concat(dependencies) do step = ENV['STEP'] ? ENV['STEP'].to_i : 1 as("migration_user", in: ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env) do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection((ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env).intern) ActiveRecord::Migrator.rollback(ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths, step) end end desc 'Pushes the schema to the next version (specify steps w/ STEP=n).' task :forward => [:environment].concat(dependencies) do step = ENV['STEP'] ? ENV['STEP'].to_i : 1 as("migration_user", in: ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env) do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection((ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env).intern) ActiveRecord::Migrator.forward(ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths, step) end end desc 'Retrieves the current schema version number' task :version => [:environment].concat(dependencies) do as("migration_user", in: ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env) do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection((ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env).intern) puts "Current version: #{ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version}" end end task :abort_if_pending_migrations => [:environment].concat(dependencies) do as("migration_user", in: ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env) do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection((ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env).intern) pending_migrations = if pending_migrations.any? puts "You have #{pending_migrations.size} pending #{pending_migrations.size > 1 ? 'migrations:' : 'migration:'}" pending_migrations.each do |pending_migration| puts ' %4d %s' % [pending_migration.version,] end abort %{Run `rake db:migrate` to update your database then try again.} end end end namespace :drop do task :all => dependencies do as("superuser") do ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.drop_all end end end desc "Drops the database from DATABASE_URL or config/database.yml for the current RAILS_ENV (use db:drop:all to drop all databases in the config). Without RAILS_ENV, it defaults to dropping the development and test databases." task :drop => dependencies do as("superuser", in: ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || [Rails.env, "test"]) do ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.drop_current end end desc 'Creates the database from DATABASE_URL or config/database.yml for the current RAILS_ENV (use db:create:all to create all databases in the config). Without RAILS_ENV, it defaults to creating the development and test databases.' task :create => dependencies do environments = nil if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] environments = Array(ENV['RAILS_ENV']) else environments = [Rails.env, "test"] end as("superuser", in: environments) do ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.create_current ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.each do |env, config| if environments.include?(env) && config["migration_user"] && config['database'] `psql --no-psqlrc --command "ALTER DATABASE #{config['database']} OWNER TO #{config['migration_user']}" #{Shellwords.escape(config['database'])}` end end end end namespace :create do task :all => dependencies do as("superuser") do ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.create_all ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.each do |env, config| if config["migration_user"] && config['database'] `psql --no-psqlrc --command "ALTER DATABASE #{config['database']} OWNER TO #{config['migration_user']}" #{Shellwords.escape(config['database'])}` end end end end end desc "Migrate the database (options: VERSION=x, VERBOSE=false, SCOPE=blog)." task :migrate => [:environment].concat(dependencies) do as("migration_user", in: ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env) do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection((ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env).intern) ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.migrate end end namespace :structure do desc "Load db/structure.sql into the current environment's database" task :load => dependencies do config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env] config["username"] = config["superuser"] if config["superuser"] && File.exist?('db/permissions.sql') set_psql_env config puts "Loading db/structure.sql into database '#{config['database']}'" `psql --no-psqlrc -f db/structure.sql #{Shellwords.escape(config['database'])}` raise 'Error loading db/structure.sql' if $?.exitstatus != 0 end end desc "Load initial seeds from db/seeds.sql" task :seed => dependencies do if File.exist?('db/seeds.sql') config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env] config["username"] = config["superuser"] if config["superuser"] && File.exist?('db/permissions.sql') set_psql_env config puts "Loading db/seeds.sql into database '#{config['database']}'" `psql --no-psqlrc -f db/seeds.sql #{Shellwords.escape(config['database'])}` raise 'Error loading db/seeds.sql' if $?.exitstatus != 0 else puts 'db/seeds.sql not found: no seeds to load.' end end desc "Load quality_checks (indexes, triggers, foreign keys) from db/quality_checks.sql" task :quality_check => dependencies do if File.exist?('db/quality_checks.sql') config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env] config["username"] = config["superuser"] if config["superuser"] && File.exist?('db/permissions.sql') set_psql_env config puts "Loading db/quality_checks.sql into database '#{config['database']}'" `psql --no-psqlrc -f db/quality_checks.sql #{Shellwords.escape(config['database'])}` raise 'Error loading db/quality_checks.sql' if $?.exitstatus != 0 else puts 'db/quality_checks.sql not found: no quality_checks to load.' end end desc "Load permissions (DB object level access control, group role memberships) from db/permissions.sql" task :permission => dependencies do if File.exist?('db/permissions.sql') config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env] config["username"] = config["superuser"] if config["superuser"] set_psql_env config puts "Loading db/permissions.sql into database '#{config['database']}'" disconnect ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection((ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env).intern) is_super = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(<<-SQL).first['is_super'] select 1 as is_super from pg_roles where rolname = '#{config['username']}' and rolsuper SQL unless is_super puts "Restoring permissions as config/database.yml non-superuser: #{config['username']}, expect errors, or rerun after granting superuser" end `psql --no-psqlrc -f db/permissions.sql #{Shellwords.escape(config['database'])}` raise 'Error loading db/permissions.sql' if $?.exitstatus != 0 else puts 'db/permissions.sql not found: no permissions to load.' end end desc "Load database settings" task :settings => dependencies do config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env] config["username"] = config["superuser"] if config["superuser"] && File.exist?('db/permissions.sql') set_psql_env config puts "Loading db/settings.sql into database '#{config['database']}'" disconnect ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection((ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env).intern) is_super = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(<<-SQL).first['is_super'] select 1 as is_super from pg_roles where rolname = '#{config['username']}' and rolsuper SQL unless is_super puts "Restoring settings as config/database.yml non-superuser: #{config['username']}, expect errors, or rerun after granting superuser" end `psql --no-psqlrc -f db/settings.sql #{Shellwords.escape(config['database'])}` raise 'Error loading db/settings.sql' if $?.exitstatus != 0 end # Empty this, we don't want db:migrate writing structure.sql any more. task :_dump do end # Ugh. cucumber.rake, installed by the cucumber generator, always uses a task dependency # on db:test:prepare. rspec.rake, contained within rspec-rails, uses either db:test:prepare # or db:test:clone_structure, depending on what schema_format you declare. # # Gut and redefine both. namespace :test do task :prepare do begin orig_env_var, orig_rails_var = ENV['RAILS_ENV'], Rails.env Rails.env = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'test' Rake::Task['db:reset'].invoke Rake::Task['db:migrate'].invoke ensure ENV['RAILS_ENV'], Rails.env = orig_env_var, orig_rails_var end end # What rspec calls as a prereq to :spec task :clone_structure => :prepare end # Exposed as a global method in Rails 3.x, but moved to a private method in Rails 4. # We should instead be registering our own `seed_loader`, which would obviate a lot # of this hackery to support Rails 4. if !defined?(set_psql_env) def set_psql_env(config) ENV['PGHOST'] = config['host'] if config['host'] ENV['PGPORT'] = config['port'].to_s if config['port'] ENV['PGPASSWORD'] = config['password'].to_s if config['password'] ENV['PGUSER'] = config['username'].to_s if config['username'] end end #adding to the Rails hackery if !defined?(ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.migrate) module ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks def migrate verbose = ENV["VERBOSE"] ? ENV["VERBOSE"] == "true" : true version = ENV["VERSION"] ? ENV["VERSION"].to_i : nil scope = ENV['SCOPE'] verbose_was, ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose, verbose ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate(ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths, version) do |migration| scope.blank? || scope == migration.scope end ensure ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = verbose_was end end end if !defined?(ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.purge_all) module ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks def purge_all each_local_configuration { |configuration| purge configuration } end end end if !defined?(ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.purge_current) module ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks def purge_current(environment = env) each_current_configuration(environment) { |configuration| purge configuration } ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(environment.to_sym) end end end def as(user, opts = {}, &block) if File.exist?('db/permissions.sql') config, config_was = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.deep_dup, ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.deep_dup in_env = Array(opts[:in]) || config.keys if config.all? { |env, config_hash| in_env.include?(env) ? config_hash[user] : true } disconnect config.each { |env, config_hash| config_hash["username"] = config_hash[user] if in_env.include?(env) } ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = config end else puts "No permissions file (db/permissions.sql) found, running everything in context of user" end yield ensure ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = config_was if config_was in_env.each { |env| ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(env.intern) } if in_env end def disconnect if ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool && ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.connections.size > 0 ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.disconnect! end rescue ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished end end namespace :test do task :prepare => [ 'db:test:prepare' ] end # Yes, I really want migrations to run against the test DB. Rake::Task['db:migrate'].actions.unshift(proc { ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || Rails.env]) })