require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet_spec/compiler' require 'matchers/resource' describe 'the new function' do include PuppetSpec::Compiler include Matchers::Resource it 'yields converted value if given a block' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x ='42') |$x| { $x+2 } notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource('Notify[Integer, 44]') end it 'produces undef if given an undef value and type accepts it' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x = Optional[Integer].new(undef) notify { "one${x}word": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource('Notify[oneword]') end it 'errors if given undef and type does not accept the value' do expect{compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x = notify { "one${x}word": } MANIFEST )}.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /expects an Integer value, got Undef/) end it 'errors if converted value is not assignable to the type' do expect{compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x = Integer[1,5].new('42') notify { "one${x}word": } MANIFEST )}.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /expects an Integer\[1, 5\] value, got Integer\[42, 42\]/) end context 'when invoked on NotUndef' do it 'produces an instance of the NotUndef nested type' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x = NotUndef[Integer].new(42) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource('Notify[Integer, 42]') end it 'produces the given value when there is no type specified' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x = notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource('Notify[Integer, 42]') end end context 'when invoked on an Integer' do it 'produces 42 when given the integer 42' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x = notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource('Notify[Integer, 42]') end it 'produces 3 when given the float 3.1415' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x = notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource('Notify[Integer, 3]') end it 'produces 0 from false' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x = notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource('Notify[Integer, 0]') end it 'produces 1 from true' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x = notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource('Notify[Integer, 1]') end it "produces an absolute value when third argument is 'true'" do expect(eval_and_collect_notices(<<-MANIFEST notice(, 10, true)) MANIFEST )).to eql(['42']) end it "does not produce an absolute value when third argument is 'false'" do expect(eval_and_collect_notices(<<-MANIFEST notice(, 10, false)) MANIFEST )).to eql(['-42']) end it "produces an absolute value from hash {from => val, abs => true}" do expect(eval_and_collect_notices(<<-MANIFEST notice({from => -42, abs => true})) MANIFEST )).to eql(['42']) end it "does not produce an absolute value from hash {from => val, abs => false}" do expect(eval_and_collect_notices(<<-MANIFEST notice({from => -42, abs => false})) MANIFEST )).to eql(['-42']) end context 'when prefixed by a sign' do { '+1' => 1, '-1' => -1, '+ 1' => 1, '- 1' => -1, '+0x10' => 16, '+ 0x10' => 16, '-0x10' => -16, '- 0x10' => -16 }.each do |str, result| it "produces #{result} from the string '#{str}'" do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x ="#{str}") notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource("Notify[Integer, #{result}]") end end end context "when radix is not set it uses default and" do { "10" => 10, "010" => 8, "0x10" => 16, "0X10" => 16, '0B111' => 7, '0b111' => 7 }.each do |str, result| it "produces #{result} from the string '#{str}'" do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x ="#{str}") notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource("Notify[Integer, #{result}]") end end end context "when radix is explicitly set to 'default' it" do { "10" => 10, "010" => 8, "0x10" => 16, "0X10" => 16, '0B111' => 7, '0b111' => 7 }.each do |str, result| it "produces #{result} from the string '#{str}'" do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x ="#{str}", default) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource("Notify[Integer, #{result}]") end end end context "when radix is explicitly set to '2' it" do { "10" => 2, "010" => 2, "00010" => 2, '0B111' => 7, '0b111' => 7, '+0B111' => 7, '-0b111' => -7, '+ 0B111'=> 7, '- 0b111'=> -7 }.each do |str, result| it "produces #{result} from the string '#{str}'" do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x ="#{str}", 2) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource("Notify[Integer, #{result}]") end end { '0x10' => :error, '0X10' => :error, '+0X10' => :error, '-0X10' => :error, '+ 0X10'=> :error, '- 0X10'=> :error }.each do |str, result| it "errors when given the non binary value compliant string '#{str}'" do expect{compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x ="#{str}", 2) MANIFEST )}.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /invalid value/) end end end context "when radix is explicitly set to '8' it" do { "10" => 8, "010" => 8, "00010" => 8, '+00010' => 8, '-00010' => -8, '+ 00010'=> 8, '- 00010'=> -8, }.each do |str, result| it "produces #{result} from the string '#{str}'" do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x ="#{str}", 8) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource("Notify[Integer, #{result}]") end end { "0x10" => :error, '0X10' => :error, '0B10' => :error, '0b10' => :error, '+0b10' => :error, '-0b10' => :error, '+ 0b10'=> :error, '- 0b10'=> :error, }.each do |str, result| it "errors when given the non octal value compliant string '#{str}'" do expect{compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x ="#{str}", 8) MANIFEST )}.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /invalid value/) end end end context "when radix is explicitly set to '16' it" do { "10" => 16, "010" => 16, "00010" => 16, "0x10" => 16, "0X10" => 16, "0b1" => 16*11+1, "0B1" => 16*11+1, '+0B1' => 16*11+1, '-0B1' => -16*11-1, '+ 0B1' => 16*11+1, '- 0B1' => -16*11-1, }.each do |str, result| it "produces #{result} from the string '#{str}'" do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x ="#{str}", 16) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource("Notify[Integer, #{result}]") end end { '0XGG' => :error, '+0XGG' => :error, '-0XGG' => :error, '+ 0XGG'=> :error, '- 0XGG'=> :error, }.each do |str, result| it "errors when given the non octal value compliant string '#{str}'" do expect{compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x ="#{str}", 8) MANIFEST )}.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /invalid value/) end end end context "when radix is explicitly set to '10' it" do { "10" => 10, "010" => 10, "00010" => 10, }.each do |str, result| it "produces #{result} from the string '#{str}'" do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x ="#{str}", 10) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource("Notify[Integer, #{result}]") end end { '0X10' => :error, '0b10' => :error, '0B10' => :error, }.each do |str, result| it "errors when given the non octal value compliant string '#{str}'" do expect{compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x ="#{str}", 10) MANIFEST )}.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /invalid value/) end end end context "input can be given in long form " do { {'from' => "10", 'radix' => 2} => 2, {'from' => "10", 'radix' => 8} => 8, {'from' => "10", 'radix' => 10} => 10, {'from' => "10", 'radix' => 16} => 16, {'from' => "10", 'radix' => :default} => 10, }.each do |options, result| it "produces #{result} from the long form '#{options}'" do src = <<-"MANIFEST" $x ={options.to_s.gsub(/:/, '')}) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST expect(compile_to_catalog(src)).to have_resource("Notify[Integer, #{result}]") end end end context 'errors when' do it 'radix is wrong and when given directly' do expect{compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x ='10', 3) MANIFEST )}.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /rejected: parameter 'radix'/m) end it 'radix is wrong and when given in long form' do expect{compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x ={from =>'10', radix=>3}) MANIFEST )}.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /rejected: parameter 'hash_args' entry 'radix'/m) end it 'value is not numeric and given directly' do expect{compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x ='eleven', 10) MANIFEST )}.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /invalid value/) end it 'value is not numeric and given in long form' do expect{compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x ={from => 'eleven', radix => 10}) MANIFEST )}.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /invalid value/) end end end context 'when invoked on Numeric' do { 42 => "Notify[Integer, 42]", 42.3 => "Notify[Float, 42.3]", "42.0" => "Notify[Float, 42.0]", "+42.0" => "Notify[Float, 42.0]", "-42.0" => "Notify[Float, -42.0]", "+ 42.0" => "Notify[Float, 42.0]", "- 42.0" => "Notify[Float, -42.0]", "42.3" => "Notify[Float, 42.3]", "0x10" => "Notify[Integer, 16]", "010" => "Notify[Integer, 8]", "0.10" => "Notify[Float, 0.1]", "0b10" => "Notify[Integer, 2]", false => "Notify[Integer, 0]", true => "Notify[Integer, 1]", }.each do |input, result| it "produces #{result} when given the value #{input.inspect}" do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x ={input.inspect}) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource(result) end end it "produces a result when long from hash {from => val} is used" do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x ={from=>'42'}) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource('Notify[Integer, 42]') end it "produces an absolute value when second argument is 'true'" do expect(eval_and_collect_notices(<<-MANIFEST notice(, true)) MANIFEST )).to eql(['42.3']) end it "does not produce an absolute value when second argument is 'false'" do expect(eval_and_collect_notices(<<-MANIFEST notice(, false)) MANIFEST )).to eql(['-42.3']) end it "produces an absolute value from hash {from => val, abs => true}" do expect(eval_and_collect_notices(<<-MANIFEST notice({from => -42.3, abs => true})) MANIFEST )).to eql(['42.3']) end it "does not produce an absolute value from hash {from => val, abs => false}" do expect(eval_and_collect_notices(<<-MANIFEST notice({from => -42.3, abs => false})) MANIFEST )).to eql(['-42.3']) end end context 'when invoked on Float' do { 42 => "Notify[Float, 42.0]", 42.3 => "Notify[Float, 42.3]", "42.0" => "Notify[Float, 42.0]", "+42.0" => "Notify[Float, 42.0]", "-42.0" => "Notify[Float, -42.0]", "+ 42.0" => "Notify[Float, 42.0]", "- 42.0" => "Notify[Float, -42.0]", "42.3" => "Notify[Float, 42.3]", "0x10" => "Notify[Float, 16.0]", "010" => "Notify[Float, 10.0]", "0.10" => "Notify[Float, 0.1]", false => "Notify[Float, 0.0]", true => "Notify[Float, 1.0]", '0b10' => "Notify[Float, 2.0]", '0B10' => "Notify[Float, 2.0]", }.each do |input, result| it "produces #{result} when given the value #{input.inspect}" do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x ={input.inspect}) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource(result) end end it "produces a result when long from hash {from => val} is used" do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x ={from=>42}) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource('Notify[Float, 42.0]') end it "produces an absolute value when second argument is 'true'" do expect(eval_and_collect_notices(<<-MANIFEST notice(, true)) MANIFEST )).to eql(['42.3']) end it "does not produce an absolute value when second argument is 'false'" do expect(eval_and_collect_notices(<<-MANIFEST notice(, false)) MANIFEST )).to eql(['-42.3']) end it "produces an absolute value from hash {from => val, abs => true}" do expect(eval_and_collect_notices(<<-MANIFEST notice({from => -42.3, abs => true})) MANIFEST )).to eql(['42.3']) end it "does not produce an absolute value from hash {from => val, abs => false}" do expect(eval_and_collect_notices(<<-MANIFEST notice({from => -42.3, abs => false})) MANIFEST )).to eql(['-42.3']) end end context 'when invoked on Boolean' do { true => 'Notify[Boolean, true]', false => 'Notify[Boolean, false]', 0 => 'Notify[Boolean, false]', 1 => 'Notify[Boolean, true]', 0.0 => 'Notify[Boolean, false]', 1.0 => 'Notify[Boolean, true]', 'true' => 'Notify[Boolean, true]', 'TrUe' => 'Notify[Boolean, true]', 'yes' => 'Notify[Boolean, true]', 'YeS' => 'Notify[Boolean, true]', 'y' => 'Notify[Boolean, true]', 'Y' => 'Notify[Boolean, true]', 'false' => 'Notify[Boolean, false]', 'no' => 'Notify[Boolean, false]', 'n' => 'Notify[Boolean, false]', 'FalSE' => 'Notify[Boolean, false]', 'nO' => 'Notify[Boolean, false]', 'N' => 'Notify[Boolean, false]', }.each do |input, result| it "produces #{result} when given the value #{input.inspect}" do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x ={input.inspect}) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource(result) end end it "errors when given an non boolean representation like the string 'hello'" do expect{compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x ='hello') MANIFEST )}.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /cannot be converted to Boolean/) end it "does not convert an undef (as may be expected, but is handled as every other undef)" do expect{compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x = MANIFEST )}.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /expects a Boolean value, got Undef/) end end context 'when invoked on Array' do { [] => 'Notify[Array[Unit], []]', [true] => 'Notify[Array[Boolean], [true]]', {'a'=>true, 'b' => false} => 'Notify[Array[Array[Scalar]], [[a, true], [b, false]]]', 'abc' => 'Notify[Array[String[1, 1]], [a, b, c]]', 3 => 'Notify[Array[Integer], [0, 1, 2]]', }.each do |input, result| it "produces #{result} when given the value #{input.inspect} and wrap is not given" do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x ={input.inspect}) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource(result) end end { true => /cannot be converted to Array/, 42.3 => /cannot be converted to Array/, }.each do |input, error_match| it "errors when given an non convertible #{input.inspect} when wrap is not given" do expect{compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x ={input.inspect}) MANIFEST )}.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, error_match) end end { [] => 'Notify[Array[Unit], []]', [true] => 'Notify[Array[Boolean], [true]]', {'a'=>true} => 'Notify[Array[Hash[String, Boolean]], [{a => true}]]', 'hello' => 'Notify[Array[String], [hello]]', true => 'Notify[Array[Boolean], [true]]', 42 => 'Notify[Array[Integer], [42]]', }.each do |input, result| it "produces #{result} when given the value #{input.inspect} and wrap is given" do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x ={input.inspect}, true) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource(result) end end it 'produces an array of byte integer values when given a Binary' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x ='ABC', '%s')) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource('Notify[Array[Integer], [65, 66, 67]]') end it 'wraps a binary when given extra argument true' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x = Array[Any].new(Binary('ABC', '%s'), true) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource('Notify[Array[Binary], [QUJD]]') end end context 'when invoked on Tuple' do { 'abc' => 'Notify[Array[String[1, 1]], [a, b, c]]', 3 => 'Notify[Array[Integer], [0, 1, 2]]', }.each do |input, result| it "produces #{result} when given the value #{input.inspect} and wrap is not given" do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x = Tuple[Any,3].new(#{input.inspect}) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource(result) end end it "errors when tuple requirements are not met" do expect{compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x = Tuple[Integer,6].new(3) MANIFEST )}.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /expects size to be at least 6, got 3/) end end context 'when invoked on Hash' do { {} => 'Notify[Hash[0, 0], {}]', [] => 'Notify[Hash[0, 0], {}]', {'a'=>true} => 'Notify[Hash[String, Boolean], {a => true}]', [1,2,3,4] => 'Notify[Hash[Integer, Integer], {1 => 2, 3 => 4}]', [[1,2],[3,4]] => 'Notify[Hash[Integer, Integer], {1 => 2, 3 => 4}]', 'abcd' => 'Notify[Hash[String[1, 1], String[1, 1]], {a => b, c => d}]', 4 => 'Notify[Hash[Integer, Integer], {0 => 1, 2 => 3}]', }.each do |input, result| it "produces #{result} when given the value #{input.inspect}" do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x ={input.inspect}) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource(result) end end { true => /cannot be converted to Hash/, [1,2,3] => /odd number of arguments for Hash/, }.each do |input, error_match| it "errors when given an non convertible #{input.inspect}" do expect{compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x ={input.inspect}) MANIFEST )}.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, error_match) end end end context 'when invoked on Struct' do { {'a' => 2} => 'Notify[Struct[{\'a\' => Integer[2, 2]}], {a => 2}]', }.each do |input, result| it "produces #{result} when given the value #{input.inspect}" do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x = Struct[{a => Integer[2]}].new(#{input.inspect}) notify { "${type($x)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource(result) end end it "errors when tuple requirements are not met" do expect{compile_to_catalog(<<-"MANIFEST" $x = Struct[{a => Integer[2]}].new({a => 0}) MANIFEST )}.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /entry 'a' expects an Integer\[2, default\]/) end end context 'when invoked on String' do { {} => 'Notify[String, {}]', [] => 'Notify[String, []]', {'a'=>true} => "Notify[String, {'a' => true}]", [1,2,3,4] => 'Notify[String, [1, 2, 3, 4]]', [[1,2],[3,4]] => 'Notify[String, [[1, 2], [3, 4]]]', 'abcd' => 'Notify[String, abcd]', 4 => 'Notify[String, 4]', }.each do |input, result| it "produces #{result} when given the value #{input.inspect}" do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST $x ={input.inspect}) notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource(result) end end end context 'when invoked on a type alias' do it 'delegates the new to the aliased type' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-MANIFEST type X = Boolean $x ='yes') notify { "${type($x, generalized)}, $x": } MANIFEST )).to have_resource('Notify[Boolean, true]') end end end