require "relaton/element_finder" module Relaton class Bibcollection extend Relaton::ElementFinder ATTRIBS = %i[title items doctype author].freeze attr_accessor *ATTRIBS # @param options [Hash] def initialize(options) ATTRIBS.each do |k| value = options[k] || options[k.to_s] send("#{k}=", value) end reduce_items end # arbitrary number, must sort after all bib items def doc_number 9999999 end # Add a dcoument to the collection # @param item [RelatonBib::BibliographicItem] def <<(item) items << new_bib_item_class(item) end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # @param source [Nokogiri::XML::Element] def self.from_xml(source) title = find_text("./relaton-collection/title", source) author = find_text( "./relaton-collection/contributor[role/@type='author']/organization/"\ "name", source ) items = find_xpath("./relaton-collection/relation", source)&.map do |item| bibdata = find("./bibdata|./bibitem", item) klass = bibdata ? Bibdata : Bibcollection klass.from_xml(bibdata || item) end new(title: title, author: author, items: items) end # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # @param opts [Hash] # @return [String] XML def to_xml(opts = {}) items.sort_by! &:doc_number collection_type = if doctype "type=\"#{doctype}\"" else 'xmlns=""' end ret = "<relaton-collection #{collection_type}>" ret += "<title>#{title}</title>" if title if author ret += "<contributor><role type='author'/><organization><name>"\ "#{author}</name></organization></contributor>" end unless items.empty? items.each do |item| ret += "<relation type='partOf'>" ret += item.to_xml(opts) ret += "</relation>\n" end end ret += "</relaton-collection>\n" end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # @param item [Hash, RelatonBib::BibliographicItem, Relatin::Bibdata, # Relaton::Bibcollection] # @return [Relaton::Bibdata, Relaton::Bibcollection] def new_bib_item_class(item) if item.is_a?(Hash) if item["items"] else bibitem = ::Relaton::Cli::YAMLConvertor.convert_single_file item bibitem end elsif item.is_a?(Relaton::Bibdata) || item.is_a?(Relaton::Bibcollection) item else end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength def items_flattened items.sort_by! &:doc_number items.reduce([]) do |acc, item| acc << if item.is_a? ::Relaton::Bibcollection item.items_flattened else item end end end def to_yaml to_h.to_yaml end def to_h items.sort_by! &:doc_number a = ATTRIBS.reduce({}) do |acc, k| acc[k.to_s] = send(k) acc end a["items"] = a["items"].map(&:to_h) { "root" => a } end private def reduce_items self.items = (items || []).reduce([]) do |acc, item| acc << if item.is_a?(Bibcollection) || item.is_a?(Bibdata) item else new_bib_item_class(item) end end end end end