module Match class Runner attr_accessor :changes_to_commit def run(params) FastlaneCore::PrintTable.print_values(config: params, hide_keys: [:workspace], title: "Summary for match #{Match::VERSION}") params[:workspace] = GitHelper.clone(params[:git_url], params[:shallow_clone], skip_docs: params[:skip_docs], branch: params[:git_branch]) spaceship =[:username]) unless params[:readonly] # Verify the App ID (as we don't want 'match' to fail at a later point) spaceship.bundle_identifier_exists(params) if spaceship # Certificate cert_id = certificate(params: params) spaceship.certificate_exists(params, cert_id) if spaceship # Provisioning Profile uuid = profile(params: params, certificate_id: cert_id) spaceship.profile_exists(params, uuid) if spaceship # Done if self.changes_to_commit and !params[:readonly] message = GitHelper.generate_commit_message(params) GitHelper.commit_changes(params[:workspace], message, params[:git_url], params[:git_branch]) end TablePrinter.print_summary(params, uuid) UI.success "All required keys, certificates and provisioning profiles are installed 🙌".green rescue Spaceship::Client::UnexpectedResponse, Spaceship::Client::InvalidUserCredentialsError, Spaceship::Client::NoUserCredentialsError => ex UI.error("An error occured while verifying your certificates and profiles with the Apple Developer Portal.") UI.error("If you already have your certificates stored in git, you can run `match` in readonly mode") UI.error("to just install the certificates and profiles without accessing the Dev Portal.") UI.error("To do so, just pass `readonly: true` to your match call.") raise ex ensure GitHelper.clear_changes end def certificate(params: nil) cert_type = :distribution cert_type = :development if params[:type] == "development" cert_type = :enterprise if Match.enterprise? && params[:type] == "enterprise" certs = Dir[File.join(params[:workspace], "certs", cert_type.to_s, "*.cer")] keys = Dir[File.join(params[:workspace], "certs", cert_type.to_s, "*.p12")] if certs.count == 0 or keys.count == 0 UI.important "Couldn't find a valid code signing identity in the git repo for #{cert_type}... creating one for you now" UI.crash!("No code signing identity found and can not create a new one because you enabled `readonly`") if params[:readonly] cert_path = Generator.generate_certificate(params, cert_type) self.changes_to_commit = true else cert_path = certs.last UI.message "Installing certificate..." if FastlaneCore::CertChecker.installed?(cert_path) UI.verbose "Certificate '#{File.basename(cert_path)}' is already installed on this machine" else Utils.import(cert_path, params[:keychain_name]) end # Import the private key # there seems to be no good way to check if it's already installed - so just install it Utils.import(keys.last, params[:keychain_name]) end return File.basename(cert_path).gsub(".cer", "") # Certificate ID end def profile(params: nil, certificate_id: nil) prov_type = params[:type].to_sym profile_name = [Match::Generator.profile_type_name(prov_type), params[:app_identifier]].join("_").gsub("*", '\*') # this is important, as it shouldn't be a wildcard profiles = Dir[File.join(params[:workspace], "profiles", prov_type.to_s, "#{profile_name}.mobileprovision")] # Install the provisioning profiles profile = profiles.last if params[:force_for_new_devices] && !params[:readonly] params[:force] = device_count_different?(profile: profile) unless params[:force] end if profile.nil? or params[:force] UI.user_error!("No matching provisioning profiles found and can not create a new one because you enabled `readonly`") if params[:readonly] profile = Generator.generate_provisioning_profile(params: params, prov_type: prov_type, certificate_id: certificate_id) self.changes_to_commit = true end FastlaneCore::ProvisioningProfile.install(profile) parsed = FastlaneCore::ProvisioningProfile.parse(profile) uuid = parsed["UUID"] Utils.fill_environment(params, uuid) return uuid end def device_count_different?(profile: nil) if profile parsed = FastlaneCore::ProvisioningProfile.parse(profile) uuid = parsed["UUID"] portal_profile = Spaceship.provisioning_profile.all.detect { |i| i.uuid == uuid } if portal_profile profile_device_count = portal_profile.devices.count portal_device_count = Spaceship.device.all.count return portal_device_count != profile_device_count end end return false end end end