Core_Ext ======== This project adds some new methods to the core ruby classes ## Array ###map_to_hash map returning a hash with the original array for keys ```ruby array = %w(a ab) arrays.map_to_hash { |val| val.length } { 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2 } ``` ### chain_map applies map in a chain ```ruby array = [ :a, :long_name, :sym ] array.chain_map(:to_s, :size, :to_s) [ '1', '9', '3' ] ``` ```ruby array = [ :a, :long_name, :sym ] array.chain_map(:to_s, :size) { |v| "final: #{v}" } [ 'final: 1', 'final: 9', 'final: 3' ] ``` ### as_hash Creates a hash from the array using the argumen array as keys ```ruby [1, 2, 3].as_hash %w(a b c) ``` returns ```ruby { 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3 } } ``` ## Hash ###map_to_hash map returning a hash with the original keys ```ruby hash = { a: 1, b: 2 } hash.map_to_hash { |k, v| "#{k}_#{v}" } { a: "a_1", b: "b_2" } ``` ### chain_fetch Applies fetch in a chain ```ruby { a: { b: { c: { d: 10 } } } }.chain_fetch(:a, :b, :c, :d) 10 ``` ```ruby h = { a: { b: { c: { d: 10 } } } } h.chain_fetch(:a, :x, :y, :z) { |key, missed_keys| "returned #{key}" } 'returned x' ``` ###squash Squash a deep hash into a simple level hash ```ruby { a: { b:1 } }.squash ``` returns ```ruby { 'a.b' => 1 } ``` ### to_deep_hash Changes a hash spliting keys into inner hashs ```ruby { 'a.b' => 1 }.to_deep_hash ``` returns ```ruby { 'a' => { 'b' => 1 } } ``` ### camelize_keys Change the keys camelizing them ```ruby { ca_b: 1 }.camelize_keys ``` returns ```ruby { CaB: 1 } ``` ### change_keys Change the array keys using a block ```ruby { ca_b: 1 }.change_keys { |k| k.to_s.upcase } ``` returns ```ruby { 'CA_B' => 1 } ``` ### change_values Change the values of the array ```ruby { a: 1 }.change_keys { |v| (v+1).to_s } ``` returns ```ruby { a: '2' } ``` ### prepend_to_keys Change each keys prepending an string ```ruby { key: 1 }.prepend_to_keys 'scope:' ``` returns ```ruby { :'scope:key' => 1 } ``` ### append_to_keys Change each keys appending an string ```ruby { key: 1 }.append_to_keys 's' ``` returns ```ruby { keys: 1 } ``` ### sort_keys Sort the hash usig the keys ```ruby { b:1, a:2 }.sort_keys ``` returns ```ruby { a:2, b:1 } ``` ## Enumerable ## clean! CLeans empty values from a hash ```ruby { a: 1, b: [], c: nil, d: {}, e: '', f: { b: [], c: nil, d: {}, e: '' } }.clean! ``` returns ```ruby {} ```