--- data: class RPG::System: variables: - - g Item - g New Item - intro - g Call Map Event - g Text - g New Map - g New Map X - g New Map Y - g New Map OX - g New Map OY - glen intro state - alula state - bulb reget state - prophet state - mel state - clover counter - plight elevator state - deck dialogue - demo glitch - safe code - glen intro state - temp1 - temp2 - temp3 - temp4 - mm light 1 - mm light 2 - mm light 3 - mm light 4 - mm light 5 - 'mm #correct' - mm correct 1 - mm correct 2 - mm correct 3 - mm correct 4 - mm correct 5 - mm tries left - lens slot 1 - lens slot 2 - lens slot 3 - lens slot 4 - lens puzzle state - lens ground 1 - lens ground 2 - lens ground 3 - lens ground 4 - "~GEORGE~" - cafe state - g Call Map NPC - '' - remote no 1 - remote no 2 - remote no 3 - remote no 4 - start PC password - password in - pw no 1 - pw no 2 - pw no 3 - pw no 4 - remote no order - NUMBER OF SAVES - corn quest - shatter walk - "===RUE STATE===" - number of photos - gFollower ID - '' - '' - '' - '' - library book description - TV static type - door - robomaid - BEGIN PERMA VARS - times game cleared - times talked to Rue - '' - R - G - B - '' - Closed game amount - Items combined - Items picked up - Npcs talked to - Worlds Ended - Worlds Saved - Persistance - Niko deaths - Cats pet - Rowbots saved - Pancakes consumed - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - END PERMA VARS - cdown seconds 1 - cdown seconds 2 - cdown minutes 1 - cdown minutes 2 - cdown hours 1 - cdown hours 2 - cdown days 1 - cdown days 2 - cdown days 3 - cdown days 4 - ending choice - mines slot1 - mines slot2 - mines slot3 - mines slot4 - mines slot5 - mines slot6 - unreal state - blink - mod variables start - facing - blockpos - code - in - move - x - "y" - fire - moves - code - items fed - times spoken - timer - tower room number - alula state2 - pan1 - '' - random jumble - '' - dustDirX - dustDirY - kcard - ggles - sponge - map - bottle fill - '' - menderbot options - Menderbot Elevator Dialogues - Menderbot Wander Dialogue Flags - CHAR VARS HERE - Niko suspicion - Niko knowledge - Niko denial - Niko acceptance - Niko stress - Niko unstability - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - Static FX Intensity - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - CHAR VARS HERE - times through elevator - aircat - DARK LIGHT VARS - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - DARK LIGHT VARS - weird - code - index - sun timer - crystal - idle_time - idle_timer - selector - direction - pitch - area - current floor - going to - mb_side - '' - '' - vibrate timer - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - prev - patternNum - '' - '' - fname - mapid - sicktimer - blue en - windowX - windowY - mapselect - keycheck - save file# - PERMA VARS - Dark light best - Dark light worst - Darker light best - Darker light worst - Dark light runs - Darker light runs - Dark light runs failed - Darker light runs failed - '' - Closed game amount - Items combined - Items picked up - Npcs spoken to - Worlds ended - Worlds saved - Niko deaths - Cats pet - Rowbots saved - Pancakes consumed - '' - '' - '' - '' - PERMA VARS - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' cancel_se: class RPG::AudioFile: volume: 80 name: menu_cancel pitch: 100 magic_number: 145626 battle_end_me: class RPG::AudioFile: volume: 100 name: '' pitch: 100 escape_se: class RPG::AudioFile: volume: 80 name: '' pitch: 100 gameover_name: '' shop_se: class RPG::AudioFile: volume: 80 name: '' pitch: 100 start_map_id: 1 switches: - - USE ITEM - remote get - alcohol get - branch get - fire lit - key get - basement unlocked - lightbulb get - TEXT - DEBUG [DEPRECATED] - outdoor transition - maize given light - ramquest active - ramquest finished - DBG Add Alula - pixel puzzle solved - corn get - talked to gatekeeper - name signed - knows about god - DEMO [DEPRECATED] - temp1 - temp2 - temp3 - 'TRUE' - blue intro cg - generator on - commune door unlock - terminator - magnets get - examine the button - plight quest - mess on ground - elevator door open - plight in elevator - elevator closed - mark1 - mark2 - mark3 - SHOW INSTRUCTIONS - demo glitch - elevator code puzzle - film cleared - WRONG NAME - has gasmask - has gloves - force balcony - rowbot is cleaned - safe is open - door boards off - had dream 1 - talked to silver - chess - gasmask text - glitch 1 - glitch 2 - glitch 3 - elevator running - mm puzzle solved - talked to mm bot - blue box open - card quest active - met kip - kip gave card - niko knows kip/silver - librarian is pleased - george has the book - george is done translating - warm room - photo quest - tower E door unlock - tried to go past desk - knows about vendors - hungry for pancakes - robot followers - ate pancakes - robot escort 1 - water pill sample given - roomba - NAME IS NIKO - NAME IS LIKE NIKO - NAME IS SWEAR - niko explored mineshaft - niko left mineshaft - silver unlocked mineshaft - niko wearing gasmask - niko needs soil - niko received soil - NAME IS MOM/DAD - NAME IS GROSS - name entry is password - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - LOCK CAMERA TO MAP - NO SAVING - LOCK CAMERA - FOOTSPLASH ON - SCREENSHAKE - final elevator ride over - BLACK CREDITS - leaving george room with die - elevator is going up - saw glen intro - showed guardian kernel - rue vision - scroll comment glen - NO FOOTSTEPS - niko in minecart - '' - '' - ed hallway 1 - ed hallway 2 - ed hallway 3 - ed hallway 4 - ed hallway 5 - ed hallway 6 - time for tick - countdown is off - DISABLE FULLSCREEN - Documents are Red - '' - tried to trade sun - tried to trade t-shirt - tried to trade dye - tried to trade journal - tried to trade feather - tried to trade corn - tried to trade amber - tried to trade water - reset ram puzzle once - read fauna book - read phosphor book - read prophet book - read sketch book - read clover book - read prophetbot book - read dice book - closed game once - talked to george once - niko in backhall cart - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - PERMAFLAGS START HERE - Beat the game once - Smashed bulb once - Saved world once - Talked to Rue first time - know Rue's name - picked memory at title - you are fucked 2? - '' - Beat Solstice - broken phopshor - '' - '' - '' - load code - '' - '' - '' - '' - you are fucked - '' - '' - DONT USE - DONT USE - PERMAFLAGS END HERE - knows generator - chess time with silver - start pc password accepted - input number colored - cliffs glitch - time for dream 1 - heard calamus on bridge - time for dream 2 - had dream 2 - alula talks about eyes - time for dream 3 - had dream 3 - time for dream 4 - had dream 4 - time for dream X - Ed made bed appear - Ed turned PC off - time for dream 5 - magpie trade - made pipe - closed game once - had dream 5 - CHECKPOINT SAVE - silver backstory - lamplighter lens - bye prophetbot - KEY1 IN BOX1 - KEY2 IN BOX2 - KEY3 IN BOX3 - KEY1 IN BIGBOX - KEY2 IN BIGBOX - KEY3 IN BIGBOX - made minecart appear - niko gave minecart hint - silver has seen minecart - silver is in server room - tracking map solved - got disk from proto - got backup disk - entity asks to turn around - abandoned mine quest - mines terminal turned on - proto mem restored - silver saw proto - mines glitch 1 - mines glitch 2 - mines glitch 3 - mines glitches appeared - pushed mines terminal - niko in cart in backhall - left behind silver - left behind proto - proto glitch 1 - proto glitch 2 - proto glitch 3 - proto waits - proto glitch 4 - proto glitch 5 - proto glitch 6 - proto glitch 7 - proto glitch 8 - proto glitch 9 - proto glitch 10 - met birdsibs in birdhall - made boat appear - birbs saw boat - bird-boat-cgs-done - niko in boat - birbs at graveyard - GLEN ROBOTS ARE OFF - plane quest started - maize made bridges - gave cedric mbox - gave cedric battery - cedric is fixing - 'cfg: always sprint' - 'cfg: colorblind mode' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - mines vision happen - magpie gave mbox - plane glitch 1 - plane glitch 2 - plane glitch 3 - need plight for elevator - plight is following niko - plight in locked room - plight in locked elevator - tower-vator glitch 1 - tower-vator glitch 2 - tower-vator glitch 3 - tower-vator glitch 4 - tower-vator glitch 5 - plight is stuck/ded - ground2 glitch 1 - ground2 glitch 2 - ground2 glitch 3 - saw cedric run to factory - niko speech at library - rue is following niko - rue been in locked room - obs glitch 1 - obs glitch 2 - obs glitch 3 - rue gave obsdeck talk - cedric and proto join - c&p in locked room - solved box+key puzzle - study door has appeared - talked to trio in study - enc glitch 1 - enc glitch 2 - enc glitch 3 - enc glitch 4 - enc glitch 5 - enc glitch 6 - enc glitch 7 - enc glitch 8 - enc glitch 9 - enc glitch 10 - encounter over - rue said goodbye - niko killed first square - niko killed second square - silver talked in credits - used pw on cd door - talked to ed post enc - NOT DEAD - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - glen generator bot - gate is squared - silver glitches - rowbot glitch - talk to guardian - '' - study doorgone - spoke to pengplush - pshot encounter done - used transponder - inserted keycard - menu_disable - '' - '' - walkunrestrict - keycard in other door - '' - '' - '' - '' - compute - '' - '' - '' - ambience - sqs be gone 1 - sqs be gone 2 - sqs be gone 3 - sqs be gone 4 - sqs be gone 5 - sqs be gone 6 - sqs be gone 7 - sqs be gone 8 - sqs be gone 9 - sqs be gone 10 - MOD SWITCHES START HERE - been through elevator once - opened locked door - made battery - sound played - going out - raining - '' - mb something switch - read sleeping journal - read note - menderbot ran away - freeze player - debug - '' - decap all done - power - collapse1 - left - out-puzzle - from8 - from10 - ignore debug - right - syringe in robobox - '' - ow - '' - un-rusted - '' - menderbot_off - knows rust - box - gas - open - ran with scissors - haveccdream - disbale thate - invlock - keycard_taken - cut_over - circle - speak2engineer - batterystl in - instructions in - pcb in - rbt moved - haddccdream - ccdream - fadein - '' - going up - going down - funky music - coming out of elevator - elevate - left - '' - nout time - mines convo - '' - can enter mines - saw mines flashback - what computer mines - niko saw mines - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - darker light - dark light - actual lock - sun - '' - '' - Static FX - Static Ring Mode - '' - nikosick - para - fed syringe - fed case - fed phosphor - '' - door_open - num_set - task_prevent - '' - smoke - cg_blu - cg-blue - batteryout - needsamber - '' - paralell sun - sun timer - intro - '' - HELP WHAT DOES THIS DO - '' - noclip - logged in - what was this for - '' - what is this for - Janeberru's switch - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - '' - animation enable - reset - menderbot-crush-started - menderbot-dead - menderbot-saved - hascarjack - menderbot-saw-crush - stop timer - hide text - menderbot in ev - mb on lighthouse - lighting - menderbot-event-done - '' - finale glitch - menderbot-lighthouse-dialogue - small generator - Need Menderbot For Gas - Menderbot Waiting For Gas - TWO cleaned gas mess - Greeted By Menderbot - '' - dream conversation with mom - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' - '' decision_se: class RPG::AudioFile: volume: 80 name: menu_decision pitch: 100 words: class RPG::System::Words: str: '' armor3: '' gold: '' sp: '' mdef: '' int: '' skill: '' armor2: '' hp: '' pdef: '' equip: '' agi: '' attack: '' armor1: '' atk: '' item: '' dex: '' armor4: '' weapon: '' guard: '' battle_bgm: class RPG::AudioFile: volume: 100 name: '' pitch: 100 battle_start_se: class RPG::AudioFile: volume: 80 name: '' pitch: 100 edit_map_id: 346 title_name: normal equip_se: class RPG::AudioFile: volume: 80 name: '' pitch: 100 test_troop_id: 1 elements: - '' - '' cursor_se: class RPG::AudioFile: volume: 80 name: menu_cursor pitch: 100 enemy_collapse_se: class RPG::AudioFile: volume: 80 name: '' pitch: 100 title_bgm: class RPG::AudioFile: volume: 100 name: MyBurdenIsLight pitch: 100 load_se: class RPG::AudioFile: volume: 80 name: fw_choice pitch: 50 start_y: 13 battler_hue: 0 windowskin_name: normal buzzer_se: class RPG::AudioFile: volume: 80 name: menu_buzzer pitch: 100 test_battlers: - armor2_id: 0 weapon_id: 0 armor1_id: 0 level: 1 actor_id: 1 armor4_id: 0 armor3_id: 0 party_members: [] gameover_me: class RPG::AudioFile: volume: 100 name: '' pitch: 100 actor_collapse_se: class RPG::AudioFile: volume: 80 name: '' pitch: 100 battleback_name: 003-Forest01 battle_transition: '' save_se: class RPG::AudioFile: volume: 100 name: fw_cancel pitch: 50 start_x: 15 battler_name: 001-Fighter01 version: '1.3'