module Alchemy # This helper contains methods to render the +essence+ from an +Element+ +Content+. # # Essences have two kinds of partials. An +editor+ and a +view+ partial. # # They both resist in +'app/views/alchemy/essences'+ # # The partials are suffixed with the type of part. # # == Example: # # For an EssenceText # # The view partial is: # # +_essence_text_view.html.erb+ # # The editor partial is: # # +_essence_text_editor.html.erb+ # # == Usage: # # For front end web development you should mostly use the +render_essence_view_by_name+ helper. # # And the +render_essence_editor_by_name+ helper for Alchemy backend views. # module EssencesHelper # Renders the +Essence+ view partial from +Element+ by name. # # Pass the name of the +Content+ from +Element+ as second argument. # # == Example: # # This renders the +Content+ named "intro" from element. # # <%= render_essence_view_by_name(element, "intro") %> # def render_essence_view_by_name(element, name, options = {}, html_options = {}) if element.blank? warning('Element is nil') return "" end content = element.content_by_name(name) render_essence_view(content, options, html_options) end # Renders the +Essence+ view partial from given +Element+ and +Essence+ type. # # Pass the type of +Essence+ you want to render from +element+ as second argument. # # By default the first essence gets rendered. You may pass a different position value as third argument. # # == Example: # # This renders the first +Content+ with type of +EssencePicture+ from element. # # <%= render_essence_view_by_type(element, "EssencePicture", 1, {:image_size => "120x80", :crop => true}) %> # def render_essence_view_by_type(element, type, position = 1, options = {}, html_options = {}) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("Used deprecated render_essence_view_by_type helper. It will be removed in Alchemy v3.0. You can use render_essence_view_by_name instead.") if element.blank? warning('Element is nil') return "" end if position == 1 content = element.content_by_type(type) else content = element.contents.find_by_essence_type_and_position(Alchemy::Content.normalize_essence_type(type), position) end render_essence_view(content, options, html_options) end # Renders the +Esssence+ partial for given +Content+. # # The helper renders the view partial as default. # # Pass +:editor+ as second argument to render the editor partial # # == Options: # # You can pass a options Hash to each type of essence partial as third argument. # # This Hash is available as +options+ local variable. # # :for_view => {} # :for_editor => {} # def render_essence(content, part = :view, options = {}, html_options = {}) options = {:for_view => {}, :for_editor => {}}.update(options) if content.nil? return part == :view ? "" : warning('Content is nil', _t(:content_not_found)) elsif content.essence.nil? return part == :view ? "" : warning('Essence is nil', _t(:content_essence_not_found)) end render( :partial => "alchemy/essences/#{content.essence_partial_name}_#{part.to_s}", :locals => { :content => content, :options => options["for_#{part}".to_sym], :html_options => html_options } ) end # Renders the +Esssence+ view partial for given +Content+. # # == Options: # # :image_size => "111x93" # Used by EssencePicture to render the image via RMagick to that size. [Default nil] # :date_format => "Am %d. %m. %Y, um %H:%Mh" # Especially for EssenceDate. See Rubys Date.strftime for date formatting options. [Default nil] # :show_caption => false # Pass Boolean to show/hide the caption of an EssencePicture. [Default true] # :disable_link => true # You can surpress the link of an EssencePicture. Default false # def render_essence_view(content, options = {}, html_options = {}) render_essence(content, :view, {:for_view => options}, html_options) end # Renders a essence picture # def render_essence_picture_view(content, options, html_options) options = {:show_caption => true, :disable_link => false}.update(options) return if content.essence.picture.blank? if content.essence.caption.present? && options[:show_caption] caption = content_tag(:figcaption, content.essence.caption, :id => "#{dom_id(content.essence.picture)}_caption", :class => "image_caption") end img_tag = image_tag( show_alchemy_picture_path(content.essence.picture, options.merge( :size => options.delete(:image_size), :crop_from => options[:crop] && !content.essence.crop_from.blank? ? content.essence.crop_from : nil, :crop_size => options[:crop] && !content.essence.crop_size.blank? ? content.essence.crop_size : nil ).delete_if { |k, v| v.blank? || k.to_sym == :show_caption || k.to_sym == :disable_link } ), { :alt => (content.essence.alt_tag.blank? ? nil : content.essence.alt_tag), :title => (content.essence.title.blank? ? nil : content.essence.title), :class => (caption || content.essence.css_class.blank? ? nil : content.essence.css_class) }.merge(caption ? {} : html_options) ) output = caption ? img_tag + caption : img_tag if && !options[:disable_link] output = link_to(url_for(, { :title => content.essence.link_title.blank? ? nil : content.essence.link_title, :target => (content.essence.link_target == "blank" ? "_blank" : nil), 'data-link-target' => content.essence.link_target.blank? ? nil : content.essence.link_target }) do output end end if caption content_tag(:figure, output, {class: content.essence.css_class.blank? ? nil : content.essence.css_class}.merge(html_options)) else output end end end end