require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../vcr/vcr_setup" require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../spec_helper" require 'securerandom' include Hawkular::Inventory include Hawkular::Operations # examples for operations, it uses the websocket communication module Hawkular::Operations::RSpec HOST = 'localhost:8080' describe 'Operation/Websocket connection', vcr: { decode_compressed_response: true } do let(:example) do |e| e end it 'should be established' do WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [HOST] end WebSocketVCR.record(example, self) do client = HOST, wait_time: ? 1.5 : 2, credentials: { username: 'jdoe', password: 'password' }, options: { tenant: 'hawkular' }) ws = expect(ws).not_to be nil expect( be true end end it 'should be established via entrypoint' do WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [''] end WebSocketVCR.record(example, self) do ep = '', port: 8080).to_s client = ep, wait_time: ? 1.5 : 0, credentials: { username: 'jdoe', password: 'password' }, options: { tenant: 'hawkular' }) ws = expect(ws).not_to be nil expect( be true end end it 'should run into error callback' do WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [HOST] end WebSocketVCR.record(example, self) do client = HOST, wait_time: ? 1.5 : 2, credentials: { username: 'jdoe', password: 'password' }, options: { tenant: 'hawkular' }) noop = { operationName: 'noop', resourcePath: '/bla' } client.invoke_generic_operation(noop) do |on| on.success do |_data| fail 'This should have failed' end on.failure do |error| puts 'error callback was correctly called, reason: ' + error.to_s end end end end it 'should run into error callback because bad hash parameters' do WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [HOST] end WebSocketVCR.record(example, self) do client = HOST, wait_time: ? 1.5 : 2, credentials: { username: 'jdoe', password: 'password' }, options: { tenant: 'hawkular' }) noop = { operationName: 'noop' } client.invoke_generic_operation(noop) do |on| on.success do |_data| fail 'This should have failed' end on.failure do |_error| end end end end it 'should bail with hash property error because no callback at all' do WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [HOST] end WebSocketVCR.record(example, self) do client = HOST, wait_time: ? 1.5 : 2, credentials: { username: 'jdoe', password: 'password' }, options: { tenant: 'hawkular' }) noop = { operationName: 'noop' } expect { client.invoke_generic_operation(noop) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'You need to specify error callback') end end it 'should bail with hash property error because no error-callback ' do WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [HOST] end WebSocketVCR.record(example, self) do client = HOST, wait_time: ? 1.5 : 2, credentials: { username: 'jdoe', password: 'password' }, options: { tenant: 'hawkular' }) noop = { operationName: 'noop' } expect do client.invoke_generic_operation(noop) do |on| on.success do |_data| fail 'This should have failed' end end raise_error(ArgumentError, 'You need to specify error callback') end end it 'should bail with no host' do WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [HOST] end WebSocketVCR.record(example, self) do begin wait_time: ? 1.5 : 2, credentials: { username: 'jdoe', password: 'password' }, options: { tenant: 'hawkular' }) rescue puts 'We got an exception and this is good' else fail 'Should have failed as no host was given' end end end end describe 'Operation/Operation', :websocket, vcr: { decode_compressed_response: true } do before(:all) do VCR.use_cassette('Operation/Helpers/get_tenant', decode_compressed_response: true) do @creds = { username: 'jdoe', password: 'password' } ::RSpec::Mocks.with_temporary_scope do mock_inventory_client options = { tenant: 'hawkular' } @inventory_client = InventoryClient.create(entrypoint: HOST, credentials: @creds, options: options) end inventory_client = @inventory_client remove_instance_variable(:@inventory_client) @tenant_id = inventory_client.get_tenant VCR.use_cassette('Operation/Helpers/get_feed', decode_compressed_response: true) do @feed_id = inventory_client.list_feeds[0] end @random_uuid = 'random' end end before(:each) do |ex| unless ex.metadata[:skip_open] @client = 'http://localhost:8080', credentials: @creds, wait_time: ? 1.5 : 0) @ws = end end around(:each) do |ex| if ex.metadata[:websocket] WebSocketVCR.configure do |c| c.hook_uris = [HOST] end WebSocketVCR.record(ex, self) do end else end end after(:each) do |ex| unless ex.metadata[:skip_close] @client.close_connection! @client = nil @ws = nil end end it 'Add JDBC driver should add the driver' do wf_server_resource_id = 'Local~~' driver_name = 'CreatedByRubyDriver' + @random_uuid driver_bits = IO.binread("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../resources/driver.jar") wf_path = @tenant_id, feed_id: @feed_id, resource_ids: [wf_server_resource_id]).to_s actual_data = {} @client.add_jdbc_driver(resource_path: wf_path, driver_jar_name: 'driver.jar', driver_name: driver_name, module_name: '' + @random_uuid, # jboss module driver_class: 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver', binary_content: driver_bits) do |on| on.success do |data| actual_data[:data] = data end on.failure do |error| actual_data[:data] = {} puts 'error callback was called, reason: ' + error.to_s end end actual_data = wait_for actual_data expect(actual_data['status']).to eq('OK') expect(actual_data['message']).to start_with('Added JDBC Driver') expect(actual_data['driverName']).to eq(driver_name) end it 'Restart should be performed and eventually respond with success' do wf_server_resource_id = 'Local~~' alerts_war_resource_id = 'Local~%2Fdeployment%3Dhawkular-alerts-actions-email.war' path = @tenant_id, feed_id: @feed_id, resource_ids: [wf_server_resource_id, alerts_war_resource_id]) restart = { resource_path: path.to_s, deployment_name: 'hawkular-alerts-actions-email.war' } actual_data = {} @client.restart_deployment(restart) do |on| on.success do |data| actual_data[:data] = data end on.failure do |error| actual_data[:data] = {} puts 'error callback was called, reason: ' + error.to_s end end # expectations don't work from callbacks so waiting for the results via blocking helper `wait_for` actual_data = wait_for actual_data expect(actual_data['status']).to eq('OK') expect(actual_data['resourcePath']).to eq(path.up.to_s) expect(actual_data['message']).to start_with('Performed [Restart Deployment] on') end it 'Restart should not be performed if resource path is wrong' do wf_server_resource_id = 'Unknown~~' wrong_war_resource_id = 'Unknown~%2Fdeployment%3Dnon-existent.war' path = @tenant_id, feed_id: @feed_id, resource_ids: [wf_server_resource_id, wrong_war_resource_id]) restart = { resource_path: path.to_s, deployment_name: 'non-existent.war' } actual_data = {} @client.restart_deployment(restart) do |on| on.success do |_| actual_data[:data] = { error: 'the operation should have failed' } end on.failure do |error| actual_data[:data] = { error: error } end end actual_data = wait_for actual_data expect(actual_data[:error]).to start_with('Cannot restart application: unknown resource') end it 'Disable should be performed and eventually respond with success' do wf_server_resource_id = 'Local~~' alerts_war_resource_id = 'Local~%2Fdeployment%3Dhawkular-alerts-actions-email.war' path = @tenant_id, feed_id: @feed_id, resource_ids: [wf_server_resource_id, alerts_war_resource_id]) disable = { resource_path: path.to_s, deployment_name: 'hawkular-alerts-actions-email.war' } actual_data = {} @client.disable_deployment(disable) do |on| on.success do |data| actual_data[:data] = data end on.failure do |error| actual_data[:data] = {} puts 'error callback was called, reason: ' + error.to_s end end actual_data = wait_for actual_data expect(actual_data['status']).to eq('OK') expect(actual_data['message']).to start_with('Performed [Undeploy] on') end it 'Add datasource should be doable' do wf_server_resource_id = 'Local~~' wf_path = @tenant_id, feed_id: @feed_id, resource_ids: [wf_server_resource_id]).to_s payload = { # compulsory fields resourcePath: wf_path, xaDatasource: false, datasourceName: 'CreatedByRubyDS' + @random_uuid, jndiName: 'java:jboss/datasources/CreatedByRubyDS' + @random_uuid, driverName: 'h2', # this is probably a bug (driver class should be already defined in driver) driverClass: 'org.h2.Driver', connectionUrl: 'dbc:h2:mem:ruby;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE', # optional datasourceProperties: { someKey: 'someValue' }, userName: 'sa', password: 'sa', securityDomain: 'other' # xaDataSourceClass: 'clazz' for xa DS } actual_data = {} @client.add_datasource(payload) do |on| on.success do |data| actual_data[:data] = data end on.failure do |error| actual_data[:data] = { 'status' => 'ERROR' } puts 'error callback was called, reason: ' + error.to_s end end actual_data = wait_for actual_data expect(actual_data['status']).to eq('OK') expect(actual_data['message']).to start_with('Added Datasource') expect(actual_data['xaDatasource']).to be_falsey expect(actual_data['datasourceName']).to eq(payload[:datasourceName]) expect(actual_data['resourcePath']).to eq(payload[:resourcePath]) end it 'should not be possible to perform on closed client', skip_open: true, skip_close: true do @client.close_connection! unless @client.nil? # open the connection operations_client = 'http://localhost:8080', credentials: @creds) restart = { resource_path: '/t;t1/f;whatever/r;something', deployment_name: 'something.war' } # close the connection operations_client.close_connection! expect do operations_client.restart_deployment(restart) raise_error(RuntimeError, /Handshake with server has not been done./) end it 'Restart can be run multiple times in parallel' do wf_server_resource_id = 'Local~~' alerts_war_resource_id = 'Local~%2Fdeployment%3Dhawkular-alerts-actions-email.war' console_war_resource_id = 'Local~%2Fdeployment%3Dhawkular-console.war' path1 = @tenant_id, feed_id: @feed_id, resource_ids: [wf_server_resource_id, alerts_war_resource_id]) path2 = @tenant_id, feed_id: @feed_id, resource_ids: [wf_server_resource_id, console_war_resource_id]) restart1 = { resource_path: path1.to_s, deployment_name: 'hawkular-alerts-actions-email.war' } restart2 = { resource_path: path2.to_s, deployment_name: 'hawkular-console.war' } # run the first operation w/o registering the callback @client.restart_deployment(restart1) actual_data = {} # run the 2nd operation with 2 callback blocks (the happy path and the less happy path) @client.restart_deployment(restart2) do |on| on.success do |data| actual_data[:data] = data end on.failure do |error| actual_data[:data] = {} puts 'error callback was called, reason: ' + error.to_s end end actual_data = wait_for actual_data expect(actual_data['status']).to eq('OK') expect(actual_data['resourcePath']).to eq(path2.up.to_s) expect(actual_data['message']).to start_with('Performed [Restart Deployment] on') end it 'Add deployment should be doable' do wf_server_resource_id = 'Local~~' app_name = 'sample.war' war_file = IO.binread("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../resources/#{app_name}") wf_path = @tenant_id, feed_id: @feed_id, resource_ids: [wf_server_resource_id]).to_s actual_data = {} @client.add_deployment(resource_path: wf_path, destination_file_name: app_name, binary_content: war_file) do |on| on.success do |data| actual_data[:data] = data end on.failure do |error| actual_data[:data] = {} puts 'error callback was called, reason: ' + error.to_s end end actual_data = wait_for actual_data expect(actual_data['status']).to eq('OK') expect(actual_data['message']).to start_with('Performed [Deploy] on') expect(actual_data['destinationFileName']).to eq(app_name) expect(actual_data['resourcePath']).to eq(wf_path) end it 'Undeploy deployment should be performed and eventually respond with success' do wf_server_resource_id = 'Local~~' sample_app_resource_id = 'Local~%2Fdeployment=sample.war' path = @tenant_id, feed_id: @feed_id, resource_ids: [wf_server_resource_id, sample_app_resource_id]) undeploy = { resource_path: path.to_s, deployment_name: 'sample.war' } actual_data = {} @client.undeploy(undeploy) do |on| on.success do |data| actual_data[:data] = data end on.failure do |error| actual_data[:data] = { 'status' => 'ERROR' } puts 'error callback was called, reason: ' + error.to_s end end actual_data = wait_for actual_data expect(actual_data['status']).to eq('OK') expect(actual_data['message']).to start_with('Performed [Undeploy] on') end it 'Remove datasource should be performed and eventually respond with success' do wf_server_resource_id = 'Local~~' datasource_resource_id = 'Local~%2Fsubsystem%3Ddatasources%2Fdata-source%3DCreatedByRubyDS' + @random_uuid path = @tenant_id, feed_id: @feed_id, resource_ids: [wf_server_resource_id, datasource_resource_id]) operation = { resourcePath: path.to_s } actual_data = {} @client.invoke_specific_operation(operation, 'RemoveDatasource') do |on| on.success do |data| actual_data[:data] = data end on.failure do |error| actual_data[:data] = {} puts 'error callback was called, reason: ' + error.to_s end end actual_data = wait_for actual_data expect(actual_data['status']).to eq('OK') expect(actual_data['message']).to start_with('Performed [Remove] on') expect(actual_data['serverRefreshIndicator']).to eq('RELOAD-REQUIRED') end it 'Remove JDBC driver should be performed and eventually respond with success' do wf_server_resource_id = 'Local~~' driver_resource_id = 'Local~%2Fsubsystem%3Ddatasources%2Fjdbc-driver%3DCreatedByRubyDriver' + @random_uuid path = @tenant_id, feed_id: @feed_id, resource_ids: [wf_server_resource_id, driver_resource_id]).to_s actual_data = {} @client.invoke_specific_operation({ resourcePath: path }, 'RemoveJdbcDriver') do |on| on.success do |data| actual_data[:data] = data end on.failure do |error| actual_data[:data] = {} puts 'error callback was called, reason: ' + error.to_s end end actual_data = wait_for actual_data expect(actual_data['status']).to eq('OK') expect(actual_data['resourcePath']).to eq(path) expect(actual_data['message']).to start_with('Performed [Remove] on a [JDBC Driver]') end xit 'Export JDR should retrieve the zip file with the report' do wf_server_resource_id = 'Local~~' path = @tenant_id, feed_id: @feed_id, resource_ids: [wf_server_resource_id]).to_s actual_data = {} @client.export_jdr(path) do |on| on.success do |data| actual_data[:data] = data end on.failure do |error| actual_data[:data] = {} puts 'error callback was called, reason: ' + error.to_s end end actual_data = wait_for actual_data expect(actual_data['status']).to eq('OK') expect(actual_data['resourcePath']).to eq(path) expect(actual_data['message']).to start_with('Performed [Export JDR] on') expect(actual_data['fileName']).to start_with('jdr_') end end end