## Global Git Ignore # OS X garbage files .DS_Store .AppleDouble .LSOverride Icon # Thumbnails ._* # Files that might appear on external disk .Spotlight-V100 .Trashes # Vim garbage files .*.sw[a-z] *.un~ Session.vim .netrwhist # It's better to unpack these files and commit the raw source because # git has its own built in compression methods. *.7z *.jar *.rar *.zip *.gz *.bzip *.bz2 *.xz *.lzma # Images and packing-only formats *.iso *.tar # Packages *.dmg *.xpi *.gem *.egg *.deb *.rpm # Mercurial repos /.hg/* */.hg/* .hgignore # Ignore bundler config .bundle # Ignore the default SQLite database. db/*.sqlite3 # Ignore all logfiles and tempfiles. log/*.log tmp # Sensitive configuration config/*.yml # Rails files *.rbc *.sassc .sass-cache capybara-*.html .rspec vendor/gems log/* tmp/* db/*.sqlite3 public/system/* coverage/ spec/tmp/* # Environment configuration .env rerun.txt pickle-email-*.html # Ruby files *.gem *.rbc .bundle .config coverage InstalledFiles lib/bundler/man pkg rdoc spec/reports test/tmp test/version_tmp tmp # Binstubs bin/ # YARD artifacts .yardoc _yardoc doc/ bin/