# These are integration tests -- they require a local instance of the Scout server to run. # If you only have the Scout Agent gem, these tests will not run successfully. # # Scout internal note: See documentation in scout_sinatra for running tests. # $VERBOSE=nil require 'rubygems' gem "activerecord", "=2.2.2" # quick fix for now for the agent tests to continue to run when the rails 2.3 gem is present require "active_record" require "json" # the data format require "erb" # only for loading rails DB config for now require "logger" require 'newrelic_rpm' require "pty" require "expect" require 'test/unit' begin require 'pry' rescue LoadError # not using pry end # must be loaded after $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path( File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib' ) $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path( File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/..' ) require 'lib/scout' require 'mocha' SCOUT_PATH = '../scout' SINATRA_PATH = '../scout_sinatra' AGENT_DIR = File.expand_path( File.dirname(__FILE__) ) + '/working_dir/' PATH_TO_DATA_FILE = File.join AGENT_DIR, 'history.yml' AGENT_LOG = File.join AGENT_DIR, 'latest_run.log' PLUGINS_PROPERTIES = File.join AGENT_DIR, 'plugins.properties' PATH_TO_TEST_PLUGIN = File.expand_path( File.dirname(__FILE__) ) + '/plugins/temp_plugin.rb' # This is a super simple shim to provide the two methods we use in delayed_job's API: # some_ar_instance.delay.some_method, and some_ar_class.delay.some_class_method class ActiveRecord::Base def delay; self; end def self.delay; self; end end class ScoutTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup load_fixtures :accounts, :notification_groups, :environments, :clients, :plugins, :subscriptions, :plugin_metas, :roles, :plugin_templates clear_tables :plugin_activities, :ar_descriptors, :summaries, :clients_roles clear_working_dir Client.update_all "last_checkin='#{5.days.ago.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}'" # ensures that fields are created # Plugin.update_all "converted_at = '#{5.days.ago.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}'" # clear out RRD files Dir.glob(SCOUT_PATH+'/test/rrdbs/*.rrd').each { |f| File.unlink(f) } @client=Client.find_by_key 'key', :include=>:plugins @plugin=@client.plugins.first # avoid client limit issues assert @client.account.subscription.update_attribute(:clients,100) # roles-related @roles_account = Account.find_by_name "beta" @db_role=@roles_account.roles.find_by_name("db") @app_role=@roles_account.roles.find_by_name("app") @hostname = `hostname`.chomp end def test_should_checkin_during_interactive_install Client.update_all "last_checkin=null" Scout::Command::Install.new({:server => 'http://localhost:4567', :history => PATH_TO_DATA_FILE},[@client.key]).run assert_in_delta Time.now.utc.to_i, @client.reload.last_ping.to_i, 100 assert_in_delta Time.now.utc.to_i, @client.reload.last_checkin.to_i, 100 end def test_prompts_the_user_for_a_key_if_none_is_provided PTY.spawn("bin/scout -s http://localhost:4567 -d #{PATH_TO_DATA_FILE} install ") do | stdin, stdout, pid | begin stdin.expect("Enter the Key:", 3) do |response| assert_not_nil response, "Agent didn't print prompt for server key" stdout.puts @client.key # feed the agent the key res=stdin.read.lstrip end rescue Errno::EIO # don't care end end end def test_should_run_first_time assert_nil @client.last_ping scout(@client.key) assert_in_delta Time.now.utc.to_i, @client.reload.last_ping.to_i, 100 assert_in_delta Time.now.utc.to_i, @client.reload.last_checkin.to_i, 100 assert_equal 'ping_key', history['directives']['ping_key'] end def test_should_not_run_if_not_time_to_checkin # do an initial checkin...should work test_should_run_first_time prev_checkin = @client.reload.last_checkin sleep 2 scout(@client.key) # assert_equal prev_checkin, @client.reload.last_checkin end def test_should_run_when_forced # do an initial checkin...should work test_should_run_first_time prev_checkin = @client.reload.last_checkin sleep 2 clear_working_dir scout(@client.key,'-F') assert @client.reload.last_checkin > prev_checkin end # indirect way of assessing reuse: examining log def test_reuse_existing_plan test_should_run_first_time res=scout(@client.key) assert_match "Plan not modified",res end def test_should_write_log_on_checkin assert !File.exist?(AGENT_LOG) test_should_run_first_time assert File.exist?(AGENT_LOG) end def test_should_append_to_log_on_ping test_should_run_first_time assert File.exist?(AGENT_LOG) log_file_size=File.read(AGENT_LOG).size sleep 1 scout(@client.key) assert File.read(AGENT_LOG).size > log_file_size, "log should be longer after ping" end def test_should_reset_history_on_key_change test_should_run_first_time data=YAML::load(File.read(PATH_TO_DATA_FILE)) assert_equal @client.ping_key, data['directives']['ping_key'] assert_equal @client.key, data['last_client_key'] sleep 1 exec_scout('INVALIDKEY') data=YAML::load(File.read(PATH_TO_DATA_FILE)) assert_equal 'INVALIDKEY', data['last_client_key'] assert_nil data['directives'] end def test_should_use_name_option scout(@client.key,'--name=My New Server') assert_equal "My New Server", @client.reload.name end def test_should_not_change_name_when_not_provided name=@client.name scout(@client.key) assert_equal name, @client.reload.name end def test_should_get_plan_with_blank_history_file # Create a blank history file File.open(PATH_TO_DATA_FILE, 'w+') {|f| f.write('') } scout(@client.key) assert_in_delta Time.now.utc.to_i, @client.reload.last_ping.to_i, 100 assert_in_delta Time.now.utc.to_i, @client.reload.last_checkin.to_i, 100 end def test_should_generate_alert prev_alerts = Alert.count load_average = Plugin.find(1) # In the real world, the md5 is taken care of automatically, and private key signing takes place manually. # These extra steps are necessary because we have the Sinatra version of the models, not the Rails version. new_code="class MyPlugin < Scout::Plugin; def build_report; alert('yo'); end; end" load_average.meta.code = new_code load_average.meta.save load_average.signature=<42) end end EOC run_scout_test(code) do |res| assert ":fields=>{:answer=>42}", res end end def test_embedded_options_in_test_mode code=<<-EOC class StarterPlugin < Scout::Plugin OPTIONS=<<-EOS lunch: label: Lunch Time default: 12 EOS def build_report report(:lunch_is_at => option(:lunch)) end end EOC run_scout_test(code) do |res| assert_match ":fields=>{:lunch_is_at=>12}", res end end def test_command_line_options_in_test_mode code=<<-EOC class StarterPlugin < Scout::Plugin OPTIONS=<<-EOS lunch: label: Lunch Time default: 12 EOS def build_report report(:lunch_is_at => option(:lunch)) end end EOC run_scout_test(code, 'lunch=13') do |res| assert_match ':fields=>{:lunch_is_at=>"13"', res end end # Needed to ensure that malformed embedded options don't bork the agent in test mode def test_invalid_embedded_options_in_test_mode code=<<-EOC class StarterPlugin < Scout::Plugin OPTIONS=<<-EOS invalid yaml, oh noes! EOS def build_report report(:answer=>42) end end EOC run_scout_test(code) do |res| assert_match "Problem parsing option definition in the plugin code (ignoring and continuing)", res assert_match ":fields=>{:answer=>42}", res end end def test_plugin_properties code=<<-EOC class LookupTest < Scout::Plugin OPTIONS=<<-EOS foo: default: 0 EOS def build_report report :foo_value=>option(:foo), :url_value=>option(:url) end end EOC run_scout_test(code, 'foo=13') do |res| assert_match ':foo_value=>"13"', res end properties=<<-EOS # this is a properties file myfoo=99 mybar=100 myurl=http://foo.com?foo=bar EOS properties_path=File.join(AGENT_DIR,"plugins.properties") File.open(properties_path,"w") {|f| f.write properties} run_scout_test(code, 'foo=lookup:myfoo url=lookup:myurl') do |res| puts res assert_match ':foo_value=>"99"', res assert_match ':url_value=>"http://foo.com?foo=bar"', res end #cleanup File.unlink(properties_path) end def test_plugin_override override_path=File.join(AGENT_DIR,"#{@plugin.id}.rb") code=<<-EOC class OverrideTest < Scout::Plugin def build_report; report(:foo=>99);end end EOC File.open(override_path,"w"){|f|f.write(code)} scout(@client.key) report=YAML.load(@plugin.reload.last_report_raw.to_yaml) assert report["foo"].is_a?(Array) assert_equal 99, report["foo"].first File.delete(override_path) end def test_local_plugin plugin_count=@client.plugins.count local_path=File.join(AGENT_DIR,"my_local_plugin.rb") code=<<-EOC class LocalPluginTest < Scout::Plugin def build_report; report(:answer=>42);end end EOC File.open(local_path,"w"){|f|f.write(code)} output=scout(@client.key) assert_equal plugin_count+1, @client.reload.plugins.count, "there should be one additional plugin records -- created from the local plugin" File.delete(local_path) end def test_do_not_run_local_plugins_if_not_a_scout_plugin plugin_count=@client.plugins.count local_path=File.join(AGENT_DIR,"my_ruby_script.rb") code=<<-EOC puts 'yo!!!!!!' `touch #{AGENT_DIR}/created_file.txt` EOC File.open(local_path,"w"){|f|f.write(code)} output=scout(@client.key) assert !File.exist?("#{AGENT_DIR}/created_file.txt") assert_equal plugin_count, @client.reload.plugins.count assert output =~ /doesn't look like a Scout::Plugin/ File.delete(local_path) end # Streamer tests # includes two plugins of the same class def test_streamer_plugin_compilation mock_pusher do plugins=[] plugins << create_plugin(@client, "AclPlugin_1", PLUGIN_FIXTURES[:acl][:code], PLUGIN_FIXTURES[:acl][:sig]) plugins << create_plugin(@client, "XYZ Plugin", PLUGIN_FIXTURES[:xyz][:code], PLUGIN_FIXTURES[:xyz][:sig]) plugins << create_plugin(@client, "AclPlugin_2", PLUGIN_FIXTURES[:acl][:code], PLUGIN_FIXTURES[:acl][:sig]) scout(@client.key) # to write the initial history file. Sinatra MUST be running $continue_streaming = true # so the streamer will run once # for debugging, make last arg Logger.new(STDOUT) Scout::Streamer.new(PATH_TO_DATA_FILE,"bogus_streaming_key","a","b","c",[@client.plugins.first.id]+plugins.map(&:id),"blade",nil) end streams = Pusher::Channel.streamer_data # set by the mock_pusher call assert streams.is_a?(Array) assert_equal 1, streams.size res=streams.first assert res.is_a?(Hash) assert res[:plugins].is_a?(Array) assert_equal 4, res[:plugins].size assert_equal 2, res[:plugins][0][:fields][:load] assert_equal 1, res[:plugins][1][:fields][:value] assert_equal 2, res[:plugins][2][:fields][:value] assert_equal 1, res[:plugins][3][:fields][:value] end # the local plugin shouldn't report def test_streamer_with_local_plugin local_path=File.join(AGENT_DIR,"my_local_plugin.rb") code=<<-EOC class LocalPluginTest < Scout::Plugin def build_report; report(:answer=>42);end end EOC File.open(local_path,"w"){|f|f.write(code)} exec_scout(@client.key) mock_pusher do $continue_streaming = true # so the streamer will run once # for debugging, make last arg Logger.new(STDOUT) Scout::Streamer.new(PATH_TO_DATA_FILE,"bogus_streaming_key","a","b","c",[@client.plugins.first.id],"blade",nil) end streams = Pusher::Channel.streamer_data # set by the mock_pusher call assert streams.is_a?(Array) assert_equal 1, streams.size res=streams.first assert res.is_a?(Hash) assert res[:plugins].is_a?(Array) assert_equal 1, res[:plugins].size # this is NOT the local plugin, it's a regular plugin that's already there assert_equal 2, res[:plugins][0][:fields][:load] end # test streamer starting and stopping def test_streamer_process_management streamer_pid_file = File.join(AGENT_DIR, "scout_streamer.pid") File.unlink(streamer_pid_file) if File.exist?(streamer_pid_file) test_should_run_first_time assert !File.exist?(streamer_pid_file) assert @client.update_attribute(:streamer_command, "start,A0000000000123,a,b,c,1,3") exec_scout(@client.key) assert File.exist?(streamer_pid_file) process_id = File.read(streamer_pid_file).to_i assert process_running?(process_id) assert_nil @client.reload.streamer_command sleep 2 assert @client.update_attribute(:streamer_command, "stop") exec_scout(@client.key) assert !File.exist?(streamer_pid_file) sleep 2 # give process time to shut down assert !process_running?(process_id) assert_nil @client.reload.streamer_command end # Unfortunately, the Scout::Streamer::MAX_DURATION needs to be set in another process, # so even Scout::Streamer.const_set :MAX_DURATION, 0 doesn't work # The only way to test this is to 1) open up streamer.rb and change MAX_DURATION=0, 2) uncomment this test, 3, run this test # #def test_streamer_removes_process_id_after_shutting_down # streamer_pid_file = File.join(AGENT_DIR, "scout_streamer.pid") # File.unlink(streamer_pid_file) if File.exist?(streamer_pid_file) # test_should_run_first_time # assert !File.exist?(streamer_pid_file) # # assert @client.update_attribute(:streamer_command, "start,A0000000000123,a,b,c,1,3") # exec_scout(@client.key) # assert File.exist?(streamer_pid_file) # process_id = File.read(streamer_pid_file).to_i # assert process_running?(process_id) # # sleep 2 # # assert !process_running?(process_id) # assert !File.exist?(streamer_pid_file) #end def test_streamer_with_memory mock_pusher(3) do plugin = create_plugin(@client, "memory plugin", PLUGIN_FIXTURES[:memory][:code], PLUGIN_FIXTURES[:memory][:sig]) exec_scout(@client.key) #puts YAML.load(File.read(PATH_TO_DATA_FILE))['memory'].to_yaml # for debugging, make last arg Logger.new(STDOUT) Scout::Streamer.new(PATH_TO_DATA_FILE,"bogus_streaming_key","a","b","c",[plugin.id],"blade",nil) end streams = Pusher::Channel.streamer_data # set by the mock_pusher call assert streams.is_a?(Array) assert_equal 3, streams.size res=streams.last assert_equal 3, res[:plugins][0][:fields][:v], "after the two streamer runs, this plugin should report v=3 -- it increments each run" end def test_new_plugin_instance_every_streamer_run mock_pusher(2) do plugin = create_plugin(@client, "caching plugin", PLUGIN_FIXTURES[:caching][:code], PLUGIN_FIXTURES[:caching][:sig]) exec_scout(@client.key) # for debugging, make last arg Logger.new(STDOUT) Scout::Streamer.new(PATH_TO_DATA_FILE,"bogus_streaming_key","a","b","c",[plugin.id],"blade",nil) end streams = Pusher::Channel.streamer_data # set by the mock_pusher call assert streams.is_a?(Array) assert_equal 2, streams.size # the plugin sets :v to be the current time, and caches it in a class variable. we're checking that they are NOT equal assert_in_delta Time.now.to_i, streams.last[:plugins][0][:fields][:v], 5, "should be within a few seconds of now" assert_in_delta Time.now.to_i, streams.first[:plugins][0][:fields][:v], 5, "should be within a few seconds of now" assert_not_equal streams.first[:plugins][0][:fields][:v], streams.last[:plugins][0][:fields][:v] end # Roles related def test_roles_enabled_account scout(@roles_account.key) client=@roles_account.clients.last assert_equal @hostname, client.hostname assert_equal 0, client.plugins.count, "the all servers role should have 0 plugins" assert_equal 1, client.roles.count assert_equal @roles_account.primary_role, client.roles.first end def test_specify_role scout(@roles_account.key, "-rapp") client=@roles_account.clients.last assert_equal @hostname, client.hostname assert_equal 2, client.plugins.count assert_equal 2, client.roles.count end def test_change_roles_on_existing_server # first checkin exec_scout(@roles_account.key, "-rapp") client=@roles_account.clients.last assert_equal @hostname, client.hostname assert_equal 2, client.roles.count assert_equal 2, client.plugins.count client.plugins.each do |plugin| assert @app_role.plugin_templates.include?(plugin.plugin_template), "#{plugin} should be included in the app role" end # second checkin - add a role exec_scout(@roles_account.key, "-rapp,db --force") client=@roles_account.clients.last assert_equal 3, client.roles.count assert_equal 4, client.plugins.count # 3rd checkin - remove a role exec_scout(@roles_account.key, "-rdb --force") client=@roles_account.clients.last assert_equal 2, client.roles.count assert_equal 2, client.plugins.count client.plugins.each do |plugin| assert @db_role.plugin_templates.include?(plugin.plugin_template), "#{plugin} should be included in the db role" end end def test_hostname_override hostname_override="app1.production.foobar.com" scout(@roles_account.key, "--hostname", hostname_override) client=@roles_account.clients.last assert_equal hostname_override, client.hostname end def test_environment_argument_with_new_client staging = @roles_account.environments.find_by_name("staging") scout(@roles_account.key, "--environment", staging.name) @client = @roles_account.clients.last assert_equal staging, @client.environment end def test_environment_argument_with_existing_client test_environment_argument_with_new_client File.unlink(File.join(AGENT_DIR,"scout_client_pid.txt")) # needed because the "scout" test method leaves the PID file around production = @roles_account.environments.find_by_name("production") scout(@roles_account.key, "--environment", production.name, "--force") @client.reload assert_equal production, @client.environment end def test_create_cron_script Scout::Environment.stubs(:rvm?).returns(true) Scout::Environment.stubs(:bundler?).returns(true) install = Scout::Command::Install.new({:history => PATH_TO_DATA_FILE},{}) install.send(:create_cron_script, @client.key) cron_script = File.join(AGENT_DIR, 'scout_cron.sh') assert File.exist?(cron_script) assert File.executable?(cron_script) File.delete(cron_script) end def test_generate_rvm_bundler_cron_command Scout::Environment.stubs(:rvm?).returns(true) Scout::Environment.stubs(:bundler?).returns(true) install = Scout::Command::Install.new({},{}) cron_command = install.send(:cron_command, @client.key) assert cron_command.include?('scout_cron.sh') end def test_generate_non_rvm_bundler_cron_command Scout::Environment.stubs(:rvm?).returns(false) Scout::Environment.stubs(:bundler?).returns(false) install = Scout::Command::Install.new({},{}) cron_command = install.send(:cron_command, @client.key) # in the actual implementation, this will match "scout key" assert_match /scout_test.rb key$/, cron_command end ###################### ### Helper Methods ### ###################### # Runs the scout executable with the given +key+ and +opts+ string (ex: '-F'). def exec_scout(key, opts = nil, print_output=false) opts = "" unless opts cmd= "bin/scout #{key} -s http://localhost:4567 -d #{PATH_TO_DATA_FILE} #{opts} 2>&1" puts "command: #{cmd}" if print_output output=`#{cmd}` puts output if print_output output end # Runs the scout command with the given +key+ and options. Returns output from the latest run. # Example: scout(KEY,'-F', '-v', '-l', 'debug'). # # Notes: # * This runs Scout in the test process - it means exit handlers and spawning processes (for streaming) can't # be tested with this. Instead, use #exec_scout, which runs the executable. # * It's preferred to use this method vs. #exec_scout when possible as exceptions are properly raised when running # scout in the process, making debugging easier. # * The option handling is different in this method vs. #exec_scout: it takes an Array of options as Scout::Command.dispatch # uses ARGV. def scout(args, *opts) args = Array(args) args += ['-s','http://localhost:4567'] args += ['-d', PATH_TO_DATA_FILE] args += opts if opts.any? # args += ['-v', '-l', 'debug'] # if you want to debug Scout::Command.dispatch(args) File.read(AGENT_LOG) if File.exist?(AGENT_LOG) end # Removes all files from the working directory. Needed as +at_exit+ isn't called when running the agent # in our test process via #scout. def clear_working_dir Dir.glob(AGENT_DIR+'/*').each { |f| File.unlink(f) } end # you can use this, but you have to create the plugin file and clean up afterwards. # Or, you can use the blog version below def scout_test(path_to_test_plugin, opts = String.new) `bin/scout test #{path_to_test_plugin} -d #{PATH_TO_DATA_FILE} #{opts} -v -ldebug` end # The preferred way to test the agent in test mode. This creates a plugin file with the code you provide, # runs the agent in test mode, and cleans up the file. def run_scout_test(code,opts=String.new) File.open(PATH_TO_TEST_PLUGIN,"w") do |file| file.write(code) end yield scout_test(PATH_TO_TEST_PLUGIN, opts) ensure File.unlink(PATH_TO_TEST_PLUGIN) end def history YAML.load(File.read(PATH_TO_DATA_FILE)) end def process_running?(pid) begin Process.getpgid( pid ) true rescue Errno::ESRCH false end end # Establishes AR connection def self.connect_ar # ActiveRecord configuration begin $LOAD_PATH << File.join(SCOUT_PATH,'app/models') # get an ActiveRecord connection db_config_path=File.join(SCOUT_PATH,'config/database.yml') db_config=YAML.load(ERB.new(File.read(db_config_path)).result) db_hash=db_config['test'] # Store the full class name (including module namespace) in STI type column # For triggers - before, just the class name and not the module name was stored,resulting in errors in the Rails # app. ActiveRecord::Base.store_full_sti_class = true ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(db_hash) # scout models and local models require SCOUT_PATH + '/lib/enum.rb' require SINATRA_PATH + '/app/models/ar_models.rb' ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone = :utc puts "Established connection to Scout database :-)" puts " #{Account.count} accounts there (sanity check)" end end # ghetto fixture support def load_fixtures(*table_names) clear_tables(*table_names) table_names.each do |table_name| path = "#{SCOUT_PATH}/test/fixtures/#{table_name}.yml" model_name = ActiveSupport::Inflector.classify table_name model_class = ActiveRecord.const_get(model_name) data = YAML.load_file(path) data.each do |key, value_hash| model_instance = model_class.new model_instance.id = key.hash if !value_hash.has_key?(:id) # accounting for named foreign keys in fixtures, part 1 value_hash.each_pair do |k,v| if model_instance.respond_to?(k+"_id") # accounting for named foreign keys in fixtures, part 2 model_instance.send "#{k}_id=",v.hash else model_instance.send "#{k}=",v end end model_instance.save end end end def clear_tables(*tables) tables.each do |table| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("truncate table #{table}") end end # see scout's rake plugin:sign task to create the signature def create_plugin(client,name, code, signature) p=client.plugins.create(:name=>name) PluginMeta.create(:plugin=>p) p.reload.meta.code=code p.code_md5_signature=Digest::MD5.hexdigest(code) p.signature=signature p.save p.meta.save puts "There was a problem creating '#{name}' plugin: #{p.errors.inspect}" if p.errors.any? p end # this with a block to mock the pusher call. You can access the streamer data through the Pusher::Channel.streamer_data # Must be called with a code block def mock_pusher(num_runs=1) # redefine the trigger! method, so the streamer doesn't loop indefinitely. We can't just mock it, because # we need to set the $continue_streaming=false $num_runs_for_mock_pusher=num_runs Pusher::Channel.module_eval do alias orig_trigger! trigger! def self.streamer_data;@@streamer_data;end # for getting the data back out def trigger!(event_name, data, socket=nil) @num_run_for_tests = @num_run_for_tests ? @num_run_for_tests+1 : 1 # puts "in mock pusher trigger! This is run #{@num_run_for_tests} of #{$num_runs_for_mock_pusher}" @@streamer_data_temp ||= Array.new @@streamer_data_temp << data if @num_run_for_tests >= $num_runs_for_mock_pusher Scout::Streamer.continue_streaming=false @num_run_for_tests=nil @@streamer_data = @@streamer_data_temp.clone @@streamer_data_temp = nil end end end yield # must be called with a block Pusher::Channel.module_eval do alias trigger! orig_trigger! end end # Use these to create plugins as needed PLUGIN_FIXTURES={ :acl=>{:code=>"class AclPlugin < Scout::Plugin;def build_report; report(:value=>1);end;end", :sig=><{:code=>"class XYZPlugin < Scout::Plugin;def build_report; report(:value=>2);end;end", :sig=><{:code=>"class MemoryPlugin < Scout::Plugin;def build_report; v=memory(:v)||0; report(:v=>v);remember(:v,v+1);end;end", :sig=><{:code=>"class CachingPlugin < Scout::Plugin;def build_report; @v||= Time.now.to_i; report(:v=>@v);end;end", :sig=><