module PropertySets module ActiveRecordExtension module ClassMethods def property_set(association, &block) unless include?(PropertySets::ActiveRecordExtension::InstanceMethods) self.send(:include, PropertySets::ActiveRecordExtension::InstanceMethods) cattr_accessor :property_set_index self.property_set_index = [] end raise "Invalid association name, letters only" unless association.to_s =~ /[a-z]+/ self.property_set_index << association property_class = PropertySets.ensure_property_set_class(association, self) property_class.instance_eval(&block) has_many association, :class_name =>, :autosave => true, :dependent => :destroy do # Accepts a name value pair hash { :name => 'value', :pairs => true } and builds a property for each key def set(property_pairs, with_protection = false) property_pairs.keys.each do |name| record = lookup(name) if with_protection && record.protected? logger.warn("Someone tried to update the protected #{name} property to #{property_pairs[name]}") else send("#{name}=", property_pairs[name]) end end end def read_value_cast_for_property_set(type, value) return nil if value.nil? case type when :string value when :datetime Time.parse(value).in_time_zone when :float value.to_f when :integer value.to_i end end def write_value_cast_for_property_set(type, value) return nil if value.nil? case type when :datetime if value.is_a?(String) value else value.in_time_zone("UTC").to_s end else value.to_s end end property_class.keys.each do |key| raise "Invalid property key #{key}" if self.respond_to?(key) # Reports the coerced truth value of the property define_method "#{key}?" do lookup_or_default(key).true? end # Returns the value of the property define_method "#{key}" do read_value_cast_for_property_set(property_class.type(key), lookup(key).value) end # Assigns a new value to the property define_method "#{key}=" do |value| instance = lookup(key) instance.value = write_value_cast_for_property_set(property_class.type(key), value) end define_method "#{key}_record" do lookup(key) end define_method "protected?" do |arg| lookup(arg).protected? end define_method "enable" do |arg| send("#{arg}=", "1") end define_method "disable" do |arg| send("#{arg}=", "0") end # The finder method which returns the property if present, otherwise a new instance with defaults define_method "lookup" do |arg| instance = detect { |property| == arg.to_sym } instance ||= build(:name => arg.to_s, :value => property_class.default(arg)) instance.send("#{owner_class_sym}=", @owner) if @owner.new_record? instance end # This finder method returns the property if present, # otherwise a new instance with the default value. # It does not have the side effect of adding a new setting object. define_method 'lookup_or_default' do |arg| instance = detect { |property| == arg.to_sym } instance ||= => property_class.default(arg)) end end end end end module InstanceMethods def self.included(base) base.alias_method_chain :update_attributes, :property_sets base.alias_method_chain :update_attributes!, :property_sets end def update_attributes_with_property_sets(attributes) update_property_set_attributes(attributes) update_attributes_without_property_sets(attributes) end def update_attributes_with_property_sets!(attributes) update_property_set_attributes(attributes) update_attributes_without_property_sets!(attributes) end def update_property_set_attributes(attributes) if attributes && self.class.property_set_index.any? self.class.property_set_index.each do |property_set| if property_set_hash = attributes.delete(property_set) send(property_set).set(property_set_hash, true) end end end end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.extend PropertySets::ActiveRecordExtension::ClassMethods