require 'time'
require 'thread'
require 'ddtrace/utils'
require 'ddtrace/ext/errors'
module Datadog
# Represents a logical unit of work in the system. Each trace consists of one or more spans.
# Each span consists of a start time and a duration. For example, a span can describe the time
# spent on a distributed call on a separate machine, or the time spent in a small component
# within a larger operation. Spans can be nested within each other, and in those instances
# will have a parent-child relationship.
class Span
# The max value for a \Span identifier.
# Span and trace identifiers should be strictly positive and strictly inferior to this limit.
# Limited to 63-bit positive integers, as some other languages might be limited to this,
# and IDs need to be easy to port across various languages and platforms.
MAX_ID = 2**63
attr_accessor :name, :service, :resource, :span_type,
:start_time, :end_time,
:span_id, :trace_id, :parent_id,
:status, :sampled,
:tracer, :context
attr_reader :parent
# Create a new span linked to the given tracer. Call the \Tracer method start_span()
# and then finish() once the tracer operation is over.
# * +service+: the service name for this span
# * +resource+: the resource this span refers, or +name+ if it's missing
# * +span_type+: the type of the span (such as +http+, +db+ and so on)
# * +parent_id+: the identifier of the parent span
# * +trace_id+: the identifier of the root span for this trace
# * +context+: the context of the span
def initialize(tracer, name, options = {})
@tracer = tracer
@name = name
@service = options.fetch(:service, nil)
@resource = options.fetch(:resource, name)
@span_type = options.fetch(:span_type, nil)
@span_id = Datadog::Utils.next_id
@parent_id = options.fetch(:parent_id, 0)
@trace_id = options.fetch(:trace_id, Datadog::Utils.next_id)
@context = options.fetch(:context, nil)
@meta = {}
@metrics = {}
@status = 0
@parent = nil
@sampled = true
@start_time = nil # set by Tracer.start_span
@end_time = nil # set by Span.finish
# Set the given key / value tag pair on the span. Keys and values
# must be strings. A valid example is:
# span.set_tag('http.method', request.method)
def set_tag(key, value)
@meta[key] = value.to_s
rescue StandardError => e
Datadog::Tracer.log.debug("Unable to set the tag #{key}, ignoring it. Caused by: #{e}")
# Return the tag with the given key, nil if it doesn't exist.
def get_tag(key)
# This method sets a tag with a floating point value for the given key. It acts
# like `set_tag()` and it simply add a tag without further processing.
def set_metric(key, value)
# enforce that the value is a floating point number
value = Float(value)
@metrics[key] = value
rescue StandardError => e
Datadog::Tracer.log.debug("Unable to set the metric #{key}, ignoring it. Caused by: #{e}")
# Return the metric with the given key, nil if it doesn't exist.
def get_metric(key)
# Mark the span with the given error.
def set_error(e)
e = Error.build_from(e)
@status = Ext::Errors::STATUS
set_tag(Ext::Errors::TYPE, e.type) unless e.type.empty?
set_tag(Ext::Errors::MSG, e.message) unless e.message.empty?
set_tag(Ext::Errors::STACK, e.backtrace) unless e.backtrace.empty?
# Mark the span finished at the current time and submit it.
def finish(finish_time = nil)
# A span should not be finished twice. Note that this is not thread-safe,
# finish is called from multiple threads, a given span might be finished
# several times. Again, one should not do this, so this test is more a
# fallback to avoid very bad things and protect you in most common cases.
return if finished?
# Provide a default start_time if unset, but this should have been set by start_span.
# Using now here causes 0-duration spans, still, this is expected, as we never
# explicitely say when it started.
@start_time ||=
@end_time = finish_time.nil? ? : finish_time # finish this
# Finish does not really do anything if the span is not bound to a tracer and a context.
return self if @tracer.nil? || @context.nil?
# spans without a service would be dropped, so here we provide a default.
# This should really never happen with integrations in contrib, as a default
# service is always set. It's only for custom instrumentation.
@service ||= @tracer.default_service unless @tracer.nil?
rescue StandardError => e
Datadog::Tracer.log.debug("error recording finished trace: #{e}")
# Return whether the span is finished or not.
def finished?
# Return a string representation of the span.
def to_s
# DEPRECATED: remove this function in the next release, replaced by ``parent=``
def set_parent(parent)
self.parent = parent
# Set this span's parent, inheriting any properties not explicitly set.
# If the parent is nil, set the span zero values.
def parent=(parent)
@parent = parent
if parent.nil?
@trace_id = @span_id
@parent_id = 0
@trace_id = parent.trace_id
@parent_id = parent.span_id
@service ||= parent.service
@sampled = parent.sampled
# Return the hash representation of the current span.
def to_hash
h = {
span_id: @span_id,
parent_id: @parent_id,
trace_id: @trace_id,
name: @name,
service: @service,
resource: @resource,
type: @span_type,
meta: @meta,
metrics: @metrics,
error: @status
if !@start_time.nil? && !@end_time.nil?
h[:start] = (@start_time.to_f * 1e9).to_i
h[:duration] = ((@end_time - @start_time) * 1e9).to_i
# Return a human readable version of the span
def pretty_print(q)
start_time = (@start_time.to_f * 1e9).to_i rescue '-'
end_time = (@end_time.to_f * 1e9).to_i rescue '-'
duration = ((@end_time - @start_time) * 1e9).to_i rescue 0 0 do
q.text "Name: #{@name}\n"
q.text "Span ID: #{@span_id}\n"
q.text "Parent ID: #{@parent_id}\n"
q.text "Trace ID: #{@trace_id}\n"
q.text "Type: #{@span_type}\n"
q.text "Service: #{@service}\n"
q.text "Resource: #{@resource}\n"
q.text "Error: #{@status}\n"
q.text "Start: #{start_time}\n"
q.text "End: #{end_time}\n"
q.text "Duration: #{duration}\n", 'Tags: [', "]\n") do
q.seplist @meta.each do |key, value|
q.text "#{key} => #{value}"
end, 'Metrics: [', ']') do
q.seplist @metrics.each do |key, value|
q.text "#{key} => #{value}"