require: - rubocop-rspec RSpec: Enabled: false # Checks that around blocks actually run the test. # Would be a shame if the test would be green simply because it is not called. RSpec/AroundBlock: Enabled: true # Be what? Not nil? Present? Truthy? RSpec/Be: Enabled: true # The be matcher compares by identity while the eq matcher compares using ==. # Booleans and nil can be compared by identity and therefore the be matcher is # preferable as it is a more strict test. RSpec/BeEq: Enabled: true # The be matcher compares by identity while the eq matcher compares using ==. # Booleans and nil can be compared by identity and therefore the be matcher is # preferable as it is a more strict test. RSpec/BeEql: Enabled: true # Prefer `.to be_nil` to `.to be(nil)`. RSpec/BeNil: Enabled: true # Avoid `before(:all)`, prefer `before(:each)` within a group. RSpec/BeforeAfterAll: Enabled: true # Avoid `.to change(...).by(0)`, prefer `not_to change` and `.to not_change` (for composite). RSpec/ChangeByZero: Enabled: true # Expect expectations in all tests. # If it's just expecting it to not raise, wrap it in `expect do ... end.not_to raise`. RSpec/EmptyExampleGroup: Enabled: true # Don't allow empty hooks. RSpec/EmptyHook: Enabled: true # Separate groups. RSpec/EmptyLineAfterExampleGroup: Enabled: true # Separate `let`s from tests. RSpec/EmptyLineAfterFinalLet: Enabled: true # Separate hooks from tests. RSpec/EmptyLineAfterHook: Enabled: true # Don't allow specs without description. RSpec/ExampleWithoutDescription: Enabled: true # Checks for common mistakes in example descriptions. RSpec/ExampleWording: Enabled: true # Trim descriptions. RSpec/ExcessiveDocstringSpacing: Enabled: true # Do stdout expectations right. RSpec/ExpectOutput: Enabled: true # Enforces spec file naming convention. RSpec/FilePath: Enabled: true # Don't forget focussed tests (expecially useful for the CI to fail). RSpec/Focus: Enabled: true AutoCorrect: false # Checks for before/around/after hooks that come after an example. RSpec/HooksBeforeExamples: Enabled: true # Don't expect something to be itself. RSpec/IdenticalEqualityAssertion: Enabled: true # Explicitly declare `it` blocks. RSpec/ImplicitBlockExpectation: Enabled: true # Prevent instance variable usage in specs. RSpec/InstanceVariable: Enabled: true # Check that all matcher is used instead of iterating over an array. RSpec/IteratedExpectation: Enabled: true # Checks that no class, module, or constant is declared. # Constants, including classes and modules, when declared in a block scope, # are defined in global namespace, and leak between examples. # Prevents class re-opening, leading to unpredictable side effects. RSpec/LeakyConstantDeclaration: Enabled: true # Force `let`s to be before tests. RSpec/LetBeforeExamples: Enabled: true # Force groups to have descriptions or symbol. RSpec/MissingExampleGroupArgument: Enabled: true # Files should have only one root `describe` block. RSpec/MultipleDescribes: Enabled: true # Checks if an example group defines subject multiple times. RSpec/MultipleSubjects: Enabled: true # Checks if an example contains any expectation. RSpec/NoExpectationExample: Enabled: false # considered, but gives false positives when expectations are inside of a re-used function # Prefer `expect(...).not_to` to `expect(...).to_not`. RSpec/NotToNot: Enabled: true # Prevent setting the same `let` block more than once. RSpec/OverwritingSetup: Enabled: true # Prevent useless `around` hooks. RSpec/RedundantAround: Enabled: true # Prevent duplicate description. RSpec/RepeatedDescription: Enabled: true # Prevent duplicate example (test). RSpec/RepeatedExample: Enabled: true # Detects duplicate in example group body. RSpec/RepeatedExampleGroupBody: Enabled: true # Detects duplicate in example group description. RSpec/RepeatedExampleGroupDescription: Enabled: true # Check for repeated include of shared examples. RSpec/RepeatedIncludeExample: Enabled: true # Keep `let` blocks together. RSpec/ScatteredLet: Enabled: true # Keep `setup` blocks (ex: group `before`) together. RSpec/ScatteredSetup: Enabled: true # Checks for proper shared_context and shared_examples usage. RSpec/SharedContext: Enabled: true # Enforces use of string to titleize shared examples. RSpec/SharedExamples: Enabled: true # Checks that chains of messages contain more than one element. RSpec/SingleArgumentMessageChain: Enabled: true # Skip either the whole example of not at all. RSpec/SkipBlockInsideExample: Enabled: true # Be specific about what exception/error is expected. RSpec/UnspecifiedException: Enabled: true # Use symbols for `let` and `subject` names. RSpec/VariableDefinition: Enabled: true # Avoid empty expectation. RSpec/VoidExpect: Enabled: true # Use proper `yield` stub syntax. RSpec/Yield: Enabled: true