$VERBOSE=nil # Don't care about world writable dir warnings and the like require 'pathname' if File.exist? File.expand_path("../Gemfile", Pathname.new(__FILE__).realpath) require 'rubygems' require 'bundler/setup' else # If running on windows, can't use Origen helpers 'till we load it... if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'i386-mingw32' `where origen`.split("\n").find do |match| match =~ /(.*)\\bin\\origen$/ end origen_top = $1.gsub("\\", "/") else origen_top = `which origen`.strip.sub("/bin/origen", "") end $LOAD_PATH.unshift "#{origen_top}/lib" end require "origen" require "rspec/legacy_formatters" require "#{Origen.top}/spec/format/origen_formatter" if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.0.0' require "byebug" else require 'debugger' end require 'pry' def load_target(target="default") Origen.target.switch_to target Origen.target.load! end RSpec.configure do |config| config.formatter = OrigenFormatter # rspec-expectations config goes here. You can use an alternate # assertion/expectation library such as wrong or the stdlib/minitest # assertions if you prefer. config.expect_with :rspec do |expectations| # Enable only the newer, non-monkey-patching expect syntax. # For more details, see: # - http://myronmars.to/n/dev-blog/2012/06/rspecs-new-expectation-syntax expectations.syntax = :should end end $VERBOSE=nil # Don't care about world writable dir warnings and the like require 'pathname' if File.exist? File.expand_path("../Gemfile", Pathname.new(__FILE__).realpath) require 'rubygems' require 'bundler/setup' else # If running on windows, can't use Origen helpers 'till we load it... if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'i386-mingw32' `where origen`.split("\n").find do |match| match =~ /(.*)\\bin\\origen$/ end origen_top = $1.gsub("\\", "/") else origen_top = `which origen`.strip.sub("/bin/origen", "") end $LOAD_PATH.unshift "#{origen_top}/lib" end require "origen" require "rspec/legacy_formatters" require "#{Origen.top}/spec/format/origen_formatter" if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.0.0' require "byebug" else require 'debugger' end require 'pry' def load_target(target="default") Origen.target.switch_to target Origen.target.load! end RSpec.configure do |config| config.formatter = OrigenFormatter # rspec-expectations config goes here. You can use an alternate # assertion/expectation library such as wrong or the stdlib/minitest # assertions if you prefer. config.expect_with :rspec do |expectations| # Enable only the newer, non-monkey-patching expect syntax. # For more details, see: # - http://myronmars.to/n/dev-blog/2012/06/rspecs-new-expectation-syntax expectations.syntax = :should end end