require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe Relaton::Db do let!(:db) {"testcache", "testcache2") } before :each do system "rm testcache testcache2" end it "rejects an illegal reference prefix" do expect { db.fetch("XYZ XYZ", nil, {}) }.to output(/does not have a recognised prefix/).to_stderr testcache = "testcache" testcache.transaction do expect(testcache.roots.size).to eq 0 end testcache = "testcache2" testcache.transaction do expect(testcache.roots.size).to eq 0 end end it "gets an ISO reference and caches it" do stub_bib Isobib::IsoBibliography bib = db.fetch("ISO 19115-1", nil, {}) expect(bib).to be_instance_of IsoBibItem::IsoBibliographicItem expect(bib.to_xml).to include "" expect(File.exist?("testcache")).to be true expect(File.exist?("testcache2")).to be true testcache = "testcache" testcache.transaction true do expect(testcache["ISO 19115-1"]["bib"].to_xml).to include "" end testcache = "testcache2" testcache.transaction do expect(testcache["ISO 19115-1"]["bib"].to_xml).to include "" end end it "deals with a non-existant ISO reference" do stub_bib Isobib::IsoBibliography bib = db.fetch("ISO 111111119115-1", nil, {}) expect(bib).to be_nil expect(File.exist?("testcache")).to be true expect(File.exist?("testcache2")).to be true testcache = "testcache" testcache.transaction do expect(testcache["ISO 111111119115-1"]["fetched"].to_s).to eq expect(testcache["ISO 111111119115-1"]["bib"]).to eq "not_found" end testcache = "testcache2" testcache.transaction do expect(testcache["ISO 111111119115-1"]["fetched"].to_s).to eq expect(testcache["ISO 111111119115-1"]["bib"]).to eq "not_found" end end it "list all elements as a serialization" do stub_bib Isobib::IsoBibliography, 2 db.fetch "ISO 19115-1", nil, {} db.fetch "ISO 19115-2", nil, {} file = "spec/support/list_entries.xml" File.write file, db.to_xml unless File.exist? file expect(db.to_xml).to eq file end it "save/load entry" do db.save_entry "test key", value: "test value" expect(db.load_entry("test key")[:value]).to eq "test value" expect(db.load_entry("not existed key")).to be_nil end it "get GB reference and cache it" do stub_bib Gbbib::GbBibliography bib = db.fetch "GB Standard GB/T 20223", "2006", {} expect(bib).to be_instance_of Gbbib::GbBibliographicItem expect(bib.to_xml).to include "" expect(File.exist?("testcache")).to be true expect(File.exist?("testcache2")).to be true testcache = "testcache" testcache.transaction true do expect(testcache["GB Standard GB/T 20223:2006"]["bib"].to_xml).to include "" end testcache = "testcache2" testcache.transaction do expect(testcache["GB Standard GB/T 20223:2006"]["bib"].to_xml).to include "" end end it "get RFC reference and cache it" do stub_bib RfcBib::RfcBibliography bib = db.fetch "RFC 8341", nil, {} expect(bib).to be_instance_of IsoBibItem::BibliographicItem expect(bib.to_xml).to include "" expect(File.exist?("testcache")).to be true expect(File.exist?("testcache2")).to be true testcache = "testcache" testcache.transaction true do expect(testcache["RFC 8341"]["bib"].to_xml).to include "" end testcache = "testcache2" testcache.transaction do expect(testcache["RFC 8341"]["bib"].to_xml).to include "" end end private # @param count [Integer] number of stubbing def stub_bib(bib_type, count = 1) expect(bib_type).to receive(:get).and_wrap_original do |m, *args| get_resp m, *args end.exactly(count).times end def get_resp(method, *args) expect_args args file = "spec/support/" + args[0].downcase.gsub(/[\/\s-]/, "_") file += "_#{args[1]}" if args[1] store = file store.transaction do store[:resp] =*args) unless store.root? :resp store[:resp] end end def expect_args(args) expect(args.size).to eq 3 expect(args[0]).to be_instance_of String expect(args[1]).to be_instance_of(NilClass).or be_instance_of String expect(args[2]).to be_instance_of Hash end end