module ForemanTasks require 'parse-cron' class RecurringLogic < ApplicationRecord include Authorizable belongs_to :task_group belongs_to :triggering has_many :tasks, :through => :task_group has_many :task_groups, -> { distinct }, :through => :tasks scoped_search :on => :id, :complete_value => false, :validator => ScopedSearch::Validators::INTEGER scoped_search :on => :max_iteration, :complete_value => false, :rename => :iteration_limit scoped_search :on => :iteration, :complete_value => false scoped_search :on => :cron_line, :complete_value => true scoped_search :on => :state, :complete_value => true before_create do end def self.allowed_states %w[active disabled finished cancelled failed] end def enabled=(value) task = tasks.find_by(:state => :scheduled) if task, !value, next_occurrence_time) if value task.update!(:start_at => next_occurrence_time) if task.start_at < update(:state => 'active') else update(:state => 'disabled') end else raise RecurringLogicCancelledException end end def enabled? state != 'disabled' end def disabled? !enabled? end def start(action_class, *args) start_after(action_class,, *args) end def start_after(action_class, time, *args) self.state = 'active' save! trigger_repeat_after(time, action_class, *args) end def trigger_repeat_after(time, action_class, *args) return if cancelled? if can_continue?(time) self.iteration += 1 save! ::ForemanTasks.delay action_class, generate_delay_options(time), *args else self.state = 'finished' save! nil end end def trigger_repeat(action_class, *args) trigger_repeat_after(, action_class, *args) end def cancel self.state = 'cancelled' save! end def next_occurrence_time(time = @parser ||=, # is not inclusive of the start_time hence stepping back one run to include checking start_time for the first run. before_next = return before_next if before_next >= time && tasks.count == 0 end def generate_delay_options(time =, options = {}) { :start_at => next_occurrence_time(time), :start_before => options['start_before'], :recurring_logic_id => id, :frozen => disabled? } end def valid?(*_) cron_line.present? && valid_cronline? && !state.nil? || can_start? end def valid_cronline? !!next_occurrence_time rescue ArgumentError => _ false end def can_start?(time = (end_time.nil? || next_occurrence_time(time) < end_time) && (max_iteration.nil? || iteration < max_iteration) end def can_continue?(time = %w[active disabled].include?(state) && can_start?(time) end def finished? state == 'finished' end def cancelled? state == 'cancelled' end def done? %w[cancelled finished].include?(state) end def humanized_state case state when 'active' N_('Active') when 'cancelled' N_('Cancelled') when 'finished' N_('Finished') when 'disabled' N_('Disabled') else N_('N/A') end end def self.assemble_cronline(hash) hash.values_at(:minutes, :hours, :days, :months, :days_of_week) .map { |value| value.nil? || value.blank? ? '*' : value } .join(' ') end def self.new_from_cronline(cronline) new.tap do |logic| logic.cron_line = cronline logic.task_group = end end def self.new_from_triggering(triggering) cronline = if triggering.input_type == :cronline triggering.cronline else ::ForemanTasks::RecurringLogic.assemble_cronline(cronline_hash(triggering.input_type, triggering.time, triggering.days, triggering.days_of_week)) end ::ForemanTasks::RecurringLogic.new_from_cronline(cronline).tap do |manager| manager.end_time = triggering.end_time if triggering.end_time_limited.present? manager.max_iteration = triggering.max_iteration if triggering.max_iteration.present? manager.triggering = triggering end end def self.cronline_hash(recurring_type, time_hash, days, days_of_week_hash) hash = Hash[[:years, :months, :days, :hours, :minutes].zip(time_hash.values)] days_of_week = { |_key, value| value == '1' }.keys.join(',') hash.update :days_of_week => days_of_week, :days => days allowed_keys = case recurring_type when :monthly [:minutes, :hours, :days] when :weekly [:minutes, :hours, :days_of_week] when :daily [:minutes, :hours] when :hourly [:minutes] end { |key, _| allowed_keys.include? key } end end end