require 'rubygems' require 'fileutils' require 'rake/rdoctask' $:.unshift 'lib' require 'caricature' desc "The default task is to run all the specs" task :default => [:clr_models, :spec] %w(bacon spec).each do |fw| gem_name = fw == "bacon" ? fw : "r#{fw}" desc "Runs all the #{gem_name} specs" task fw.to_sym do system "i#{fw} #{Dir.glob("spec/#{gem_name}/**/*_spec.rb").join(' ')}" end namespace fw.to_sym do desc "runs the #{gem_name} examples for the different classes" task :unit do specs = Dir.glob("spec/#{gem_name}/unit/**/*_spec.rb") system "i#{fw} #{specs.join(' ')}" end desc "runs the #{gem_name} integration examples" task :integration do specs = Dir.glob("spec/#{gem_name}/integration/**/*_spec.rb") system "i#{fw} #{specs.join(' ')}" end end end def csc system "gmcs" $? ? "csc" : "gmcs" end desc "Compiles the clr models" task :clr_models do Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) files = Dir.glob("spec/models/*.cs").join(' ') #.collect { |f| f.gsub(/\//, "\\") }.join(" ") system "#{csc} /noconfig /target:library /debug+ /debug:full /out:spec/bin/ClrModels.dll #{files}" end ############################################################################## # OPTIONS ############################################################################## PKG_NAME = 'caricature' PKG_VERSION = Caricature::VERSION AUTHORS = ['Ivan Porto Carrero'] EMAIL = "" HOMEPAGE = "" SUMMARY = "Caricature brings simple mocking to Ruby, DLR and CLR." # These are the common rdoc options that are shared between generation of # rdoc files using BOTH 'rake rdoc' and the installation by users of a # RubyGem version which builds rdoc's along with its installation. Any # rdoc options that are ONLY for developers running 'rake rdoc' should be # added in the 'Rake::RDocTask' block below. RDOC_OPTIONS = [ "--quiet", "--title", SUMMARY, "--main", "README.rdoc", "--line-numbers", "--format","darkfish" ] # Extra files outside of the lib dir that should be included with the rdocs. RDOC_FILES = (%w( README.rdoc)).sort # The full file list used for rdocs, tarballs, gems, and for generating the xmpp4r.gemspec. PKG_FILES = (%w( Rakefile caricature.gemspec ) + RDOC_FILES + Dir["{lib,spec}/**/*"]).sort # RDOC ####### do |rd| # which dir should rdoc files be installed in? rd.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc' # the full list of files to be included rd.rdoc_files.include(RDOC_FILES, "lib/**/*.rb") # the full list of options that are common between gem build # and 'rake rdoc' build of docs. rd.options = RDOC_OPTIONS # Devs Only : Uncomment to also document private methods in the rdocs # Please don't check this change in to the source repo. #rd.options << '--all' # Devs Only : Uncomment to generate dot (graphviz) diagrams along with rdocs. # This requires that graphiz (dot) be installed as a local binary and on your path. # See : # Please don't check this change in to the source repo as it introduces a binary dependency. #rd.options << '--diagram' #rd.options << '--fileboxes' end desc "Check syntax of all Ruby files." task :check_syntax do `find . -name "*.rb" |xargs -n1 ruby -c |grep -v "Syntax OK"` puts "* Done" end ############################################################################## # PACKAGING & INSTALLATION ############################################################################## # What files/dirs should 'rake clean' remove? #CLEAN.include ["*.gem", "pkg", "rdoc", "coverage"] begin require 'rake/gempackagetask' spec = do |s| = PKG_NAME s.version = PKG_VERSION s.authors = AUTHORS = EMAIL s.homepage = HOMEPAGE s.rubyforge_project = PKG_NAME s.summary = SUMMARY s.description = s.summary s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.require_path = 'lib' s.executables = [] s.files = PKG_FILES s.test_files = [] s.has_rdoc = true s.extra_rdoc_files = RDOC_FILES s.rdoc_options = RDOC_OPTIONS s.required_ruby_version = ">= 1.8.4" s.add_dependency 'uuidtools', ">= 2.0.0" end do |pkg| pkg.gem_spec = spec pkg.need_tar = true pkg.need_zip = true end namespace :gem do desc "Run :package and install the .gem locally" task :install => [:update_gemspec, :package] do sh %{sudo gem install --local pkg/#{PKG_NAME}-#{PKG_VERSION}.gem} end desc "Like gem:install but without ri or rdocs" task :install_fast => [:update_gemspec, :package] do sh %{sudo gem install --local pkg/#{PKG_NAME}-#{PKG_VERSION}.gem --no-rdoc --no-ri} end desc "Run :clean and uninstall the .gem" task :uninstall => :clean do sh %{sudo gem uninstall #{PKG_NAME}} end # Thanks to the Merb project for this code. desc "Update Github Gemspec" task :update_gemspec do skip_fields = %w(new_platform original_platform date) result = "# WARNING : RAKE AUTO-GENERATED FILE. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT!\n" result << "# RUN : 'rake gem:update_gemspec'\n\n" result << " do |s|\n" spec.instance_variables.sort.each do |ivar| value = spec.instance_variable_get(ivar) name = ivar.to_s.split("@").last next if skip_fields.include?(name) || value.nil? || value == "" || (value.respond_to?(:empty?) && value.empty?) if name == "dependencies" value.each do |d| dep, *ver = d.to_s.split(" ") result << " s.add_dependency #{dep.inspect}, #{ver.join(" ").inspect.gsub(/[()]/, "")}\n" end else case value when Array value = name != "files" ? value.inspect : value.sort.uniq.inspect.split(",").join(",\n") when String, Fixnum, true, false value = value.inspect else value = value.to_s.inspect end result << " s.#{name} = #{value}\n" end end result << "end", "#{}.gemspec"), "w"){|f| f << result} end end # namespace :gem # also keep the gemspec up to date each time we package a tarball or gem task :package => ['gem:update_gemspec'] task :gem => ['gem:update_gemspec'] rescue LoadError puts <= 2.0.0'], ['newgem', '>= 1.5.2']] # end # # require 'newgem/tasks' # Dir['tasks/**/*.rake'].each { |t| load t } # TODO - want other tests/tasks run by default? Add them to the list # remove_task :default # task :default => [:spec, :features] # file_list = Dir.glob("lib/**/*.rb") # desc "Create RDoc documentation" # file 'doc/index.html' => file_list do # puts "######## Creating RDoc documentation" # system "rdoc --title 'Caricature isolation framework documentation' -m README README.markdown lib/" # end # # desc "An alias for creating the RDoc documentation" # task :rdoc do # Rake::Task['doc/index.html'].invoke # end # begin # # do |gemspec| # = "caricature" # gemspec.summary = "Caricature - Bringing simple mocking to the DLR" # = "" # gemspec.homepage = "" # gemspec.description = "This project aims to make interop between IronRuby objects and .NET objects easier. The idea is that it integrates nicely with bacon and later rspec and that it transparently lets you mock ironruby ojbects as well as CLR objects/interfaces. Caricature handles interfaces, interface inheritance, CLR objects, CLR object instances, Ruby classes and instances of Ruby classes." # gemspec.authors = ["Ivan Porto Carrero"] # gemspec.rubyforge_project = 'caricature' # This line would be new # end # rescue LoadError # puts "Jeweler not available. Install it with: sudo gem install technicalpickles-jeweler -s" # end # begin require 'rake/contrib/sshpublisher' namespace :rubyforge do desc "Release gem and RDoc documentation to RubyForge" task :release => ["rubyforge:release:gem", 'rubyforge:release:docs'] namespace :release do desc "Publish RDoc to RubyForge." task :docs => [:rdoc] do config = YAML.load('~/.rubyforge/user-config.yml')) ) host = "#{config['username']}" remote_dir = "/var/www/gforge-projects/caricature/" local_dir = 'doc', remote_dir, local_dir).upload end end end rescue LoadError puts "Rake SshDirPublisher is unavailable or your rubyforge environment is not configured." end