== Contributing
I value any contribution to mime-types you can provide: a bug report, a feature
request, or code contributions.
There are a few guidelines for contributing to mime-types:
* Code changes *will* *not* be accepted without tests. The test suite is
written with {Minitest}[https://github.com/seattlerb/minitest].
* Match my coding style.
* Use a thoughtfully-named topic branch that contains your change. Rebase your
commits into logical chunks as necessary.
* Use {quality commit messages}[http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html].
* Do not change the version number; when your patch is accepted and a release
is made, the version will be updated at that point.
* Submit a GitHub pull request with your changes.
* New or changed behaviours require new or updated documentation.
=== Adding or Modifying MIME Types
The mime-types registry is loaded from encoded files in +data+. These are not
editable and cannot be compared meaningfully in a pull request; pull requests
that include changes to these files will require amendment to revert these
New or modified MIME types should be edited in the appropriate YAML file under
+type-lists+. The format is as shown below for the +application/xml+ MIME type
in +type-lists/application.yml+.
- !ruby/object:MIME::Type
content-type: application/xml
encoding: 8bit
- xml
- xsl
- RFC3023
xrefs: !ruby/hash:MIME::Types::Container
- rfc3023
registered: true
There are other fields that can be added, matching the fields discussed in the
documentation for MIME::Type. Pull requests for MIME types should just contain
the changes to the YAML files for the new or modified MIME types; I will
convert the YAML files to JSON prior to a new release. I would rather not have
to verify that the JSON matches the YAML changes, which is why it is not
necessary to convert for the pull request.
If you are making a change for a private fork, use rake
convert:yaml:json to convert the YAML to JSON, or rake
convert:yaml:columnar to convert it to the new columnar format.
==== Updating Types from the IANA or Apache Lists
If you are maintaining a private fork and wish to update your copy of the MIME
types registry used by this gem, you can do this with the rake tasks:
$ rake mime:iana
$ rake mime:apache
Both of these require
{Nokogiri}[http://www.nokogiri.org/tutorials/installing_nokogiri.html], which
is not installed by default. Install it in the usual way for your Ruby.
=== Test Dependencies
mime-types uses Ryan Davis’s {Hoe}[https://github.com/seattlerb/hoe] to manage
the release process, and it adds a number of rake tasks. You will mostly be
interested in:
$ rake
which runs the tests the same way that:
$ rake test
$ rake travis
will do.
To assist with the installation of the development dependencies for mime-types,
I have provided the simplest possible Gemfile pointing to the (generated)
+mime-types.gemspec+ file. This will permit you to do:
$ bundle install
to get the development dependencies. If you aleady have +hoe+ installed, you
can accomplish the same thing with:
$ rake newb
This task will install any missing dependencies, run the tests/specs, and
generate the RDoc.
You can run tests with code coverage analysis by running:
$ rake test:coverage
=== Benchmarks
mime-types offers several benchmark tasks to measure different measures of
There is a repeated load test, measuring how long it takes to start and load
mime-types with its full registry. By default, it runs fifty loops and uses the
built-in benchmark library.
$ rake benchmark:load
There are two allocation tracing benchmarks (for normal and columnar loads).
These can only be run on Ruby 2.1 or better and requires the
{allocation_tracer}[https://github.com/ko1/allocation_tracer] gem (not
installed by default).
$ rake benchmark:allocations
$ rake benchmark:allocations:columnar
There are two loaded object count benchmarks (for normal and columnar loads).
These use ObjectSpace.count_objects.
$ rake benchmark:objects
$ rake benchmark:objects:columnar
=== Workflow
Here's the most direct way to get your work merged into the project:
* Fork the project.
* Clone down your fork (git clone git://github.com//ruby-mime-types.git).
* Create a topic branch to contain your change (git checkout -b my\_awesome\_feature).
* Hack away, add tests. Not necessarily in that order.
* Make sure everything still passes by running +rake+.
* If necessary, rebase your commits into logical chunks, without errors.
* Push the branch up (git push origin my\_awesome\_feature).
* Create a pull request against mime-types/ruby-mime-types and describe what
your change does and the why you think it should be merged.
=== Contributors
* Austin Ziegler created mime-types.
Thanks to everyone else who has contributed to mime-types:
* Aaron Patterson
* Aggelos Avgerinos
* Andre Pankratz
* Andy Brody
* Arnaud Meuret
* Brandon Galbraith
* Chris Gat
* David Genord
* Eric Marden
* Garret Alfert
* Godfrey Chan
* Greg Brockman
* Hans de Graaff
* Henrik Hodne
* Jeremy Evans
* Juanito Fatas
* Łukasz Śliwa
* Keerthi Siva
* Ken Ip
* Martin d'Allens
* Mauricio Linhares
* nycvotes-dev
* Postmodern
* Richard Hirner
* Richard Hurt
* Richard Schneeman
* Tibor Szolár
* Todd Carrico