# Simple parser to go through productions without attempting evaluation module RDF::N3 module Parser START = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/grammar/n3#document' R_WHITESPACE = Regexp.compile('\A\s*(?:#.*$)?') R_MLSTRING = Regexp.compile("(\"\"\"[^\"\\\\]*(?:(?:\\\\.|\"(?!\"\"))[^\"\\\\]*)*\"\"\")") SINGLE_CHARACTER_SELECTORS = %{\t\r\n !\"#$\%&'()*.,+/;<=>?[\\]^`{|}~} NOT_QNAME_CHARS = SINGLE_CHARACTER_SELECTORS + "@" NOT_NAME_CHARS = NOT_QNAME_CHARS + ":" def error(str) raise RDF::ReaderError, "\n#{@line}\n#{'-' * @pos}^\nError on line #{@lineno} at offset #{@pos}: #{str}" end def parse(prod) todo_stack = [{:prod => prod, :terms => nil}] while !todo_stack.empty? pushed = false if todo_stack.last[:terms].nil? todo_stack.last[:terms] = [] tok = self.token #puts "parse tok: '#{tok}', prod #{todo_stack.last[:prod]}" # Got an opened production onStart(abbr(todo_stack.last[:prod])) break if tok.nil? cur_prod = todo_stack.last[:prod] prod_branch = @branches[cur_prod] error("No branches found for '#{abbr(cur_prod)}'") if prod_branch.nil? sequence = prod_branch[tok] if sequence.nil? dump_stack(todo_stack) if $verbose expected = prod_branch.values.uniq.map {|u| u.map {|v| abbr(v).inspect}.join(",")} error("Found '#{tok}' when parsing a #{abbr(cur_prod)}. expected #{expected.join(' | ')}") end #puts "sequence: #{sequence.inspect}" todo_stack.last[:terms] += sequence end #puts "parse: #{todo_stack.last.inspect}" while !todo_stack.last[:terms].to_a.empty? term = todo_stack.last[:terms].shift if term.is_a?(String) puts "parse term(string): #{term}" if $verbose word = buffer[0, term.length] if word == term onToken(term, word) consume(term.length) elsif '@' + word.chop == term && @keywords.include?(word.chop) onToken(term, word.chop) consume(term.length - 1) else error("Found '#{buffer[0, 10]}...'; #{term} expected") end elsif regexp = @regexps[term] if abbr(term) == 'string' && buffer[0, 3] == '"""' # Read until end of multi-line comment if this is the start of a multi-line comment until R_MLSTRING.match(buffer) begin next_line = @input.readline @line += next_line @lineno += 1 rescue EOFError => e error("EOF reached searching for end of multi-line comment") end end #puts "ml-str now #{buffer.dump}" end md = regexp.match(buffer) error("Token(#{abbr(term)}) '#{buffer[0, 10]}...' should match #{regexp}") unless md puts "parse term(#{abbr(term)}:regexp): #{term}, #{regexp}.match('#{buffer[0, 10]}...') => '#{md.inspect}'" if $verbose onToken(abbr(term), md.to_s) consume(md[0].length) else puts "parse term(push): #{term}" if $verbose todo_stack << {:prod => term, :terms => nil} pushed = true break end self.token end while !pushed && todo_stack.last[:terms].to_a.empty? todo_stack.pop self.onFinish end end while !todo_stack.empty? todo_stack.pop self.onFinish end end # Memoizer for get_token def token unless @memo.has_key?(@pos) tok = self.get_token @memo[@pos] = tok puts "token: '#{tok}'('#{buffer[0, 10]}...')" if buffer && $verbose end @memo[@pos] end def get_token whitespace return nil if buffer.nil? ch2 = buffer[0, 2] return ch2 if %w(=> <= ^^).include?(ch2) ch = buffer[0, 1] @keyword_mode = false if ch == '.' && @keyword_mode return ch if SINGLE_CHARACTER_SELECTORS.include?(ch) return ":" if ch == ":" return "0" if "+-0123456789".include?(ch) if ch == '@' return '@' if @pos > 0 && @line[@pos-1, 1] == '"' j = 0 j += 1 while buffer[j+1, 1] && !NOT_NAME_CHARS.include?(buffer[j+1, 1]) name = buffer[1, j] if name == 'keywords' @keywords = [] @keyword_mode = true end return '@' + name end j = 0 j += 1 while buffer[j, 1] && !NOT_QNAME_CHARS.include?(buffer[j, 1]) word = buffer[0, j] error("Tokenizer expected qname, found #{buffer[0, 10]}") unless word if @keyword_mode @keywords << word elsif @keywords.include?(word) if word == 'keywords' @keywords = [] @keyword_mode = true end return '@' + word.to_s # implicit keyword end 'a' end def whitespace while buffer && md = R_WHITESPACE.match(buffer) return unless md[0].length > 0 consume(md[0].length) #puts "ws: '#{md[0]}', pos=#{@pos}" end end def readline @line = @input.readline @lineno += 1 @line.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if @line.respond_to?(:force_encoding) # for Ruby 1.9+ puts "readline[#{@lineno}]: '#{@line}'" if $verbose @pos = 0 @line rescue EOFError => e @line, @pos = nil, 0 end # Return data from current off set to end of line def buffer @line[@pos, @line.length - @pos] unless @line.nil? end # Cause n characters of line to be consumed. Read new line while line is empty or until eof def consume(n) @memo = {} @pos += n readline while @line && @line.length <= @pos #puts "consume[#{n}]: '#{buffer}'" if $verbose end def abbr(prodURI) prodURI.to_s.split('#').last end def onStart(prod) $stdout.puts ' ' * @productions.length + prod @productions << prod end def onFinish prod = @productions.pop() $stdout.puts ' ' * @productions.length + '/' + prod end def onToken(prod, tok) $stdout.puts ' ' * @productions.length + "#{prod}(#{tok})" end def dump_stack(stack) STDERR.puts "\nstack trace:" stack.reverse.each do |se| STDERR.puts "#{se[:prod]}" STDERR.puts " " + case se[:terms] when nil then "nil" when [] then "empty" else se[:terms].join(",\n ") end end end def test(input, branches, regexps) # FIXME: for now, read in entire doc, eventually, process as stream @input = input.respond_to?(:read) ? (input.rewind; input) : StringIO.new(input.to_s) @lineno = 0 readline # Prime the pump $stdout ||= STDOUT @memo = {} @keyword_mode = false @keywords = %w(a is of this has) @productions = [] @branches = branches @regexps = regexps parse(START.to_sym) end end end