class Artifactory::Cleaner::Controller
Artifactory Cleaner Logic Controller
The Artifactory::Cleaner::Controller class provides logic central to Artifactory Cleaner. Artifactory::Cleaner::Controller manages the Artifactory API client, performs searches, discovers artifacts, and more. It is capable of executing tasks in a multi-threaded fashion, making multiple requests to the Artifactory server in parallel.
- ProcessingQueues
Struct to contain the processing queues used internally within the controller
The controller contains two Queues which are used for multi-threaded processing of artifacts. The :incoming queue is fed tasks to be done, which Artifactory::Cleaner::DiscoveryWorker instances pop from, process, and push the results back into the :outgoing queue. The Artifactory::Cleaner::Controller will then pop from the outgoing queue and send the results back to the caller
Public Class Methods
Initialize and configure a new Artifactory::Cleaner::Controller Params:
Hash of configuration for the Artifactory client. Used as a splat for a call to
# File lib/artifactory/cleaner/controller.rb, line 26 def initialize(artifactory_config) @artifactory_client = client =**artifactory_config) @verbose = false initialize_queues @workers = [] @num_workers = 6 end
Public Instance Methods
Download a copy of an artifact to the local filesystem prior to deletion
Given an Artifactory::Resource::Artifact `artifact`, download the artifact to the local filesystem directory specified by the `path` param
*Note:* Downloading an artifact will update the artifact's last_downloaded date so it may no longer match the same search criteria it originally die (if last_downlaoded was used to discover this artifact)
This method is meant to be used prior to calling `delete_artifact`
# File lib/artifactory/cleaner/controller.rb, line 346 def archive_artifact(artifact, path) debuglog "[DEBUG] downloading #{artifact} (#{artifact.uri}) to #{path}" timing = Benchmark.measure do end debuglog "[DEBUG] #{artifact.uri} #{Util.filesize artifact.size} downloaded in #{timing.real.round(2)} seconds (#{Util.filesize(artifact.size/timing.real)})/s" end
Search for an artifact by its usage
@example Search for all repositories with the given usage statistics
Artifact.usage_search( notUsedSince: 1388534400000, createdBefore: 1388534400000, )
@example Search for all artifacts with the given usage statistics in a repo
Artifact.usage_search( notUsedSince: 1388534400000, createdBefore: 1388534400000, repos: 'libs-release-local', )
@param [Hash] options
the list of options to search with
@option options [Artifactory::Client] :client
the client object to make the request with
@option options [Long] :notUsedSince
the last downloaded cutoff date of the artifact to search for (millis since epoch)
@option options [Long] :createdBefore
the creation cutoff date of the artifact to search for (millis since epoch)
@option options [String, Array<String>] :repos
the list of repos to search
@return [Array<Resource::Artifact>]
a list of artifacts that match the query
# File lib/artifactory/cleaner/controller.rb, line 173 def artifact_usage_search(from: nil, to: nil, repos: nil, threads: 4) to = if to.nil? params = { dateFields: 'created,lastModified,lastDownloaded', from: from.is_a?(Time) ? from.to_i * 1000 : from.to_i, to: to.is_a?(Time) ? to.to_i * 1000 : to.to_i } repos = repos.compact.join(",") unless repos.nil? params[:repos] = repos unless repos.nil? result = nil debuglog("[DEBUG] Making Artifactory request /api/search/dates for #{params.inspect}") timing = {} timing[:search] = Benchmark.measure do begin result = @artifactory_client.get("/api/search/dates", params) rescue Artifactory::Error::HTTPError => err if err.code == 404 debuglog " HTTP 404 Not Found fetching: /api/search/dates -- assuming no assets for this date range" result = [] #Pry::rescued(err) if defined?(Pry::rescue) else STDERR.puts "HTTP Error while performing an artifact usage search: #{err}" STDERR.puts err.full_message STDERR.puts "Parameters were: #{params.inspect}" STDERR.puts "Caused by #{err.cause.full_message}" if err.cause Pry::rescued(err) if defined?(Pry::rescue) end end end debuglog("[DEBUG] Got #{result["results"].length} results from search in #{timing[:search].real} seconds") unless result.nil? or result.empty? timing[:fetch] = Benchmark.measure do if threads > 1 unless result.nil? or result.empty? result = discover_artifacts_from_search(result["results"], threads: threads) end else unless result.nil? or result.empty? result = result["results"].map do |artifact| a = nil retries = 10 while a.nil? and retries > 0 begin retries -= 1 a = Artifactory::Cleaner::DiscoveredArtifact.from_url(artifact["uri"], client: @artifactory_client) a.last_downloaded = Time.parse(artifact["lastDownloaded"]) unless artifact["lastDownloaded"].to_s.empty? rescue Net::OpenTimeout, Artifactory::Error::ConnectionError => err STDERR.puts "[WARN] Connection Failure attempting to reach Artifactory API: #{err}" debuglog " Parameters were: #{params.inspect}" debuglog " Caused by #{err.cause.full_message}" if err.cause STDERR.puts " Retrying in 10 seconds" if retries sleep 10 rescue Artifactory::Error::HTTPError => err if err.code == 404 STDERR.puts "[WARN] HTTP 404 Not Found fetching: #{artifact["uri"]}" retries = 0 else retries = min(retries, 1) STDERR.puts "[ERROR] HTTP Error while fetching an artifact from a usage search: #{err}" debuglog err.full_message debuglog " Artifact was: #{artifact.inspect}" debuglog " Parameters were: #{params.inspect}" debuglog " Caused by #{err.cause.full_message}" if err.cause Pry::rescued(err) if defined?(Pry::rescue) STDERR.puts " Will retry download once" if retries end end end a end end result.compact! end end debuglog("[DEBUG][Perfdata] Artifactory request /api/search/dates timing: #{timing[:search]}") debuglog("[DEBUG][Perfdata] Fetching artifacts timing: #{timing[:fetch]}") total_time = timing.values.reduce(0) {|s,t| s + t.real} debuglog("[DEBUG] #{result.length} artifacts fetched in #{total_time.round 2} seconds") result end
# File lib/artifactory/cleaner/controller.rb, line 289 def bucketize_artifacts(from: nil, to: nil, increment: 30 * 24 * 3600, repos: nil, buckets: nil, threads: 4) buckets = unless buckets.is_a? ArtifactBucketCollection with_discovered_artifacts(from: from, to: to, repos: repos, increment: increment, threads: threads) do |artifact| buckets << artifact end buckets end
Given a Artifactory::Cleaner::ArtifactBucketCollection, return a String summarizing the contents
TODO: This really should be a method on Artifactory::Cleaner::ArtifactBucketCollection
# File lib/artifactory/cleaner/controller.rb, line 301 def bucketized_artifact_report(buckets) total_size = 0 total_count = 0 lines = do |bucket| total_size += bucket.filesize total_count += bucket.length "#{bucket.length} artifacts between #{bucket.min} and #{bucket.max} days, totaling #{Artifactory::Cleaner::Util::filesize bucket.filesize}" end lines << "Total: #{Artifactory::Cleaner::Util::filesize total_size} across #{total_count} artifacts" end
Deprecated, do not use
# File lib/artifactory/cleaner/controller.rb, line 370 def catagorize_old_assets(days) buckets = { 730 => {count: 0, size: 0}, 365 => {count: 0, size: 0}, 180 => {count: 0, size: 0}, 90 => {count: 0, size: 0}, 30 => {count: 0, size: 0}, } discover_repos @repos[:local].each_pair do |id,repo| begin pkgs = 0 purgable = 0 timings = do |bm| debuglog "Searching Repo #{id}:" old_packages = nil'api call') { old_packages = @artifactory_client.artifact_usage_search( notUsedSince: ( - 24 * 3600 * days) * 1000, createdBefore: ( - 24 * 3600 * days) * 1000, repos: id ) } debuglog " Artifactory search returned #{old_packages.length} assets older than #{days}..."'loop') { old_packages.each_with_index do |pkg,i| pkgs += 1 uri = URI(pkg.uri) purgable += pkg.size # Calculate the age of this package in days and increment the bucket it belongs in age = ( - pkg.last_modified)/(3600*24) if (bucket = buckets.keys.find {|v| age >= v }) buckets[bucket][:count] += 1 buckets[bucket][:size] += pkg.size end debuglog " ##{i}: #{File.basename(uri.path)} #{Util.filesize pkg.size} Created #{pkg.created} Modified #{pkg.last_modified}" end } end debuglog "Found #{pkgs} assets from #{id} older than #{days} days totaling #{Util.filesize purgable} in #{timings.reduce {|sum, t| sum + t.real}} seconds" rescue => ex STDERR.puts "Caught an exception trying to handle repo #{id}: #{ex}" STDERR.puts ex.full_message STDERR.puts "Caused by #{ex.cause.full_message}" if ex.cause end end buckets.each_pair do |age,bucket| debuglog "#{bucket[:count]} packages older than #{age} days, totaling #{Util.filesize bucket[:size]}" end buckets end
Delete an artifact from the Artifactory server
Given an Artifactory::Resource::Artifact `artifact`, delete it from the Artifactory server. **This is a destructive operation – use with caution!**
Consider using `archive_artifact` first to save artifacts locally
This function writes to the remote Artifactory server (specifically it makes a delete call)
# File lib/artifactory/cleaner/controller.rb, line 363 def delete_artifact(artifact) debuglog "[DEBUG] DELETE Artifact #{artifact} at #{artifact.uri}!" artifact.delete end
Given a list of Artifacts, fetch information about them and return a list of Artifactory::Cleaner::DiscoveredArtifact instances
This is a helper function for artifact_usage_search
TODO: Document format of the `artifact_list` parameter
This method may throw network errors from the underlying Artifactory client
This method is multi-threaded and will spawn workers in order to make multiple concurrent HTTP connections to the Artifactory API. The number of threads can be tuned with the +`threads`+ parameter. Be careful not to cause excessive load on the Artifactory API!
# File lib/artifactory/cleaner/controller.rb, line 96 def discover_artifacts_from_search(artifact_list, threads: 4) result = [] timing = {} #kill_threads @num_workers = threads timing[:enqueue] = Benchmark.measure do artifact_list.each {|a| queue_discovery_of_artifact a} end timing[:dequeue] = Benchmark.measure do until @discovery_queues.incoming.empty? and @discovery_queues.outgoing.empty? and not @workers.any? &:working? begin item = @discovery_queues.outgoing.pop if item.kind_of? Artifactory::Resource::Artifact result << item #debuglog "[DEBUG] Discovered #{item} from a child thread" elsif item.kind_of? Error STDERR.puts "[ERROR] Error from artifact fetch: #{item}" STDERR.puts item.full_message STDERR.puts "Caused by #{item.cause.full_message}" if item.cause elsif !artifact.nil? STDERR.puts "[ERROR] Got #{item} back from the discovery queue, expected an Artifactory::Resource::Artifact" end rescue => processing_ex STDERR.puts "[ERROR] Caught an exception when processing from the outgoing discovery queue: #{processing_ex}" STDERR.puts processing_ex.full_message STDERR.puts "Caused by #{processing_ex.cause.full_message}" if processing_ex.cause end end end begin kill_threads rescue => ex STDERR.puts "[ERROR] Caught an exception when killing threads: #{ex}" STDERR.puts ex.full_message STDERR.puts "Caused by #{ex.cause.full_message}" if ex.cause end debuglog("[DEBUG][Perfdata] Enqueue URLs for workers to discover: #{timing[:enqueue]}") debuglog("[DEBUG][Perfdata] Dequeue found Artifacts from workers: #{timing[:dequeue]}") total_time = timing.values.reduce(0) {|s,t| s + t.real} debuglog("[DEBUG] #{result.length} artifacts fetched in #{total_time.round 2} seconds") result end
Return an ordered structure of repositories from the Artifactory server.
This method will query Artifactory and fetch information about all available repositories. The result returned is a Hash with three keys, one for each repo type: `:local`, `:remote` and `:virtual` Under each of these keys is a hash mapping repo keys to their Artifactory::Resource::Repository objects
This method may raise network errors from the underlying Artifactory client
This method is not multi-threaded
# File lib/artifactory/cleaner/controller.rb, line 57 def discover_repos timing = {} @repos = { local: {}, remote: {}, virtual: {}, } i = 0 timing[:loop] = Benchmark.measure do @artifactory_client.repository_all.each do |repo| debuglog "[DEBUG] Found #{repo.package_type} repo: #{repo.key}" if repo.rclass == 'remote' && repo.url debuglog " +-> repo #{repo.key} is a mirror of remote at #{repo.url}" @repos[:remote][repo.key] = repo elsif repo.rclass == 'virtual' && repo.repositories debuglog " +-> repo #{repo.key} is a virtual repo containing: #{repo.repositories.join ', '}" @repos[:remote][repo.key] = repo else @repos[:local][repo.key] = repo end i += 1 end end debuglog("[DEBUG][Perfdata] Fetched #{i} repos; timing: #{timing[:loop]}") @repos end
Enable or disable verbose mode (see #verbose?) When verbose mode is enabled, the controller will print debugging and status information to STDERR
# File lib/artifactory/cleaner/controller.rb, line 43 def verbose=(val) @verbose = !!val end
Is verbose output enabled? If so, the controller will print debugging and status information to STDERR
# File lib/artifactory/cleaner/controller.rb, line 36 def verbose? @verbose end
Iterator method for an artifact search
the `with_discovered_artifacts` method is used to iterate over artifacts from a search which potentially covers a large period of time. This method will break the period up into small chunks of time defined by the `increment` argument (defaulting to 30 days) and will perform multiple searches to avoid large searches which may time out or overload the Artifactory server.
Pass a block and the block will be called with every Artifactory::Cleaner::DiscoveredArtifact that is found
This method is not mult-threaded however it calls #artifact_usage_search which is multi-threaded; number of threads is controlled by the `threads` argument
This method calls #artifact_usage_search which may raise network exceptions
Time instance for the start date of the search
Time instance for the end date of the search; defaults to
Optional array of repository names to search within; searches all repositories if omitted
Integer number of seconds to chunk the search period into, defaults to 30 days
Number of threads to use to fetch artifacts; defayult is 4 (passed to #artifact_usage_search)
# File lib/artifactory/cleaner/controller.rb, line 277 def with_discovered_artifacts(from: nil, to: nil, repos: nil, increment: 30 * 24 * 3600, threads: 4) chunk_end = to || while chunk_end > from chunk_start = chunk_end - increment chunk_start = from if chunk_start < from artifact_usage_search(from: chunk_start, to: chunk_end, repos: repos, threads: threads).each do |pkg| yield pkg end chunk_end = chunk_start end end
Return a YAML representation of a module Artifactory::Cleaner::DiscoveredArtifact
Provide a Artifactory::Cleaner::DiscoveredArtifact and this method will return a String containing a YAML representation of the properties of the DiscoveredArtifact. If the `indent` parameter is provided, then a YAML fragment will be returned, indented by `indent` spaces. This allows for “streaming” a list of Artifact YAML to an IOStream
# File lib/artifactory/cleaner/controller.rb, line 319 def yaml_format(artifact, indent = 0) properties = [:uri, :last_downloaded, :repo, :created, :last_modified, :last_updated, :download_uri, :mime_type, :size, :checksums ] result = YAML.dump(properties.each_with_object({}) {|prop,export| export[prop] = artifact.send(prop) }) if indent i = 0 result.each_line.reduce('') do |str,line| if (i += 1) > 2 str + (' ' * indent) + line elsif i == 2 str + line else str end end end end