require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' describe Admin::Muck::UsersController do render_views it { should require_login :index, :get } it { should require_login :inactive, :get } it { should require_login :inactive_emails, :get } it { should require_login :activate_all, :post } it { should require_login :search, :post } it { should require_login :edit, :get } it { should require_login :update, :post } it { should require_login :destroy, :delete } describe "logged in not admin" do before(:each) do @user = Factory(:user) activate_authlogic login_as @user end it { should require_role 'admin', :index, :get } it { should require_role 'admin', :inactive, :get } it { should require_role 'admin', :inactive_emails, :get } it { should require_role 'admin', :activate_all, :post } it { should require_role 'admin', :search, :post } it { should require_role 'admin', :edit, :get } it { should require_role 'admin', :update, :post } it { should require_role 'admin', :destroy, :delete } end describe "logged in as admin" do before(:each) do @user = Factory(:user) @admin = Factory(:user) @admin_role = Factory(:role, :rolename => 'administrator') @admin.roles << @admin_role activate_authlogic login_as @admin end describe "GET index" do describe "html" do before(:each) do get :index end it { should respond_with :success } it { should render_template :index } end describe "csv" do before(:each) do get :index, :format => 'csv' end it { should respond_with :success } it { should render_template :index } end end describe "GET show" do describe "html" do before(:each) do @user = Factory(:user) get :show, :id => @user.to_param end it { should respond_with :success } it { should render_template :show } end end describe "GET inactive" do before(:each) do get :inactive end it { should respond_with :success } it { should render_template :inactive } end describe "search" do before(:all) do @user = Factory(:user, :first_name => 'john', :last_name => 'smith', :email => '') end describe 'html' do describe 'empty search' do before(:each) do post :search end it { should respond_with :success } it { should render_template :index } end describe 'search first name' do before(:each) do post :search, :query => 'john' end it { should respond_with :success } it { should render_template :index } it { response.body.should include('john') } end describe 'search last name' do before(:each) do post :search, :query => 'smith' end it { should respond_with :success } it { should render_template :index } it { response.body.should include('john') } end describe 'search email' do before(:each) do post :search, :query => '' end it { should respond_with :success } it { should render_template :index } it { response.body.should include('john') } end end describe 'js' do describe 'empty search' do before(:each) do post :search, :format => 'js' end it { should respond_with :success } it { should render_template :table } end describe 'search first name' do before(:each) do post :search, :query => 'john', :format => 'js' end it { should respond_with :success } it { should render_template 'admin/users/_table' } it { response.body.should include('john') } end describe 'search last name' do before(:each) do post :search, :query => 'smith', :format => 'js' end it { should respond_with :success } it { should render_template 'admin/users/_table' } it { response.body.should include('john') } end describe 'search email' do before(:each) do post :search, :query => '', :format => 'js' end it { should respond_with :success } it { should render_template 'admin/users/_table' } it { response.body.should include('john') } end end end # describe "search" do # before(:each) do # @user = Factory(:user, :first_name => 'john', :last_name => 'smith', :email => '') # end # it "should find john" do # User.where(:first_name => 'john').all.should include(@user) # end # it "should find smith" do # User.where(:last_name => 'smith').all.should include(@user) # end # it "should find" do # User.where(:email => '').all.should include(@user) # end # end describe "GET edit" do before(:each) do get :edit, :id => @user.to_param end it { should respond_with :success } it { should render_template :edit } end describe "PUT to update" do before(:each) do put :update, :id => @user.to_param, :user => { :email => '' }, :format => 'js' end it { should respond_with :success } it "should not have errors" do assigns(:user).errors.should be_empty end end describe "fail on PUT to update" do before(:each) do put :update, :id => @user.to_param, :user => { :email => nil }, :format => 'js' end it { should respond_with :success } it "should have errors on access code's 'email' field" do assigns(:user).errors[:email].should_not be_empty end end describe "PUT to update - deactivate user" do before(:each) do put :update, :id => @user.to_param, :deactivate => true, :format => 'js' end it { should respond_with :success } it "should deactivate the user" do User.find(@user.to_param).should_not be_active end end describe "PUT to update - activate user" do before(:each) do put :update, :id => @user.to_param, :activate => true, :format => 'js' end it { should respond_with :success } it "should activate the user" do User.find(@user.to_param).should be_active end end describe "PUT to update - update roles" do before(:each) do @new_role = Factory(:role) put :update, :id => @user.to_param, :update_roles => true, :user => { :role_ids => [ ] }, :format => 'js' end it { should respond_with :success } it "should give user the new role" do User.find(@user.to_param).has_role?(@new_role.rolename).should be_true end end describe "PUT to update - remove all roles" do before(:each) do put :update, :id => @user.to_param, :update_roles => true, :format => 'js' end it { should respond_with :success } it "should remove the user from all roles" do User.find(@user.to_param).roles.should be_empty end end describe 'on DELETE to :destroy' do before(:each) do @user = Factory(:user) delete :destroy, {:id => @user.to_param} end it {should redirect_to(admin_users_path)} end end end